EE4214 Group X Project Report: Title Finger-Finger Revolution Contents 1. Objective 2. Project Area 3. Hardware 4. System Overview 5. Flow Chart 6. Stress Test 7. Group Members 8. Gantt Chart 9. Task Criticality 10. Activation Modes 11. Constraints 12. Periodic Task Scheduling Analysis 13. Timing Diagram 14. State Transition Diagram 15. Context Diagrams (Level 0, 1, 2) Objective The objective of the project is to realize an interactive rhythm-and-hand gesture game platform using real-time embedded operating system and some electronic hardware components. The Player will perform hand gestures through an array of IR sensors according to visual and musical cues produced by the system. The Player starts the game by swiping his fingers over the IR inputs. When the game starts, background music is played and scrolling symbols will then be shown on the LCD. The Player responds to the corresponding symbols by swiping his hand through a series of IR sensor (labelled accordingly with various symbols). A game lasts for 15 seconds, at the end of the game the number of correct hits will be displayed Project Area The uCsimm board will provide the following real-time functions for the interactive rhythmand-hand gesture game their priorities are listed starting from highest priority. 1) Gesture Detection: The IR sensors are polled for inputs at periodic intervals. 2) Musical Tones: A background music consisting of tones will be played throughout the game play of 15 seconds. 3) Visual Display: The LCD is updated periodically to reflect the symbols scrolling across. The character is dropped from the screen when the input corresponding to the character is correctly input or when the character reaches the other end of the screen and is not activated. 4) Scoring System: A counter is updated whenever the player activates the correct input sensors. 5) Game Timer: The game timer is based on the real time clock which will keep track of 15 seconds of game play. The game play will automatically halt once 15 seconds is up. Hardware LED / Display Sound Buzzer uCSimm Array of IR Sensors Ethernet Bus Centralized Database LED/Actuators: Actuators such as LCD and LED is used to output information to the Player of Finger-Finger Revolution like selecting difficulty level to play, view high score. During the game, a list of scrolling characters (1 to 4) will appear on the LCD. Sound Buzzer: Piezo buzzer is used to play background music. Array of IR Sensors: The array of IR sensors is used to gather input from the Player for various functions like selecting of difficulty levels and also during in game as a Player swipes his hand through the IR sensors to register a move. Hardware Specifications 1) Voltage Regulator Schematic diagram Actual circuit To power up the circuitries used in our project, we made use of the IC 7805 to regulate an input voltage of 7.5v to 5v. The output voltage of the regulator is consistent and has an output current limit of 1A, which is sufficient for our usage. The addition of two capacitors serves to remove any noise present in the power source. 2) IR Circuit Schematic Diagram Actual Circuit The IR circuit consists of two parts, the Transmitter and the Receiver. The Transmitter circuit is straight forward, consisting of an IR transmitter and a current limiting 100 Ohm resistor. For the Receiver, since the IR Receiver output is analogue and for our usage we need a digital input, we designed an Analogue to Digital circuit to convert the signal to digital. A NPN transistor is used to realize this by being in a switch configuration. When the IR receiver isn’t receiving any IR light, it will ‘turn off’ the NPN transistor, thus creating a ‘high’ 5v signal at the output to the digital input port. On the contrary, when the IR receiver receives sufficient IR light, it will ‘turn on’ the NPN transistor, thus creating a ‘low’ 0v signal at the output to the digital input port. To sum it up, the logic table at the output of the IR circuit is as such: Finger Detection Logic level at output Detected (no IR light received) 5v or ‘High’ Not Detected (IR light received) 0v or ‘Low’ 3) Buzzer High Pass Filter Schematic Diagram Actual Circuit When we first made use of the PWM0 port pin to output a tone to the buzzer, we realized that there’s a consistent humming sound even though the PWM0 is at logic 0. After checking the pin with a voltmeter, we discovered that there is a constant 0.3v output despite it being at logic 0. Since the buzzer we used is digital by nature, the constant 0.3v must have been the culprit in causing the humming sound. To solve the problem we made use of a High Pass Filter circuit to remove the 0.3v constant (DC) voltage at the PWM0 output. The formula to calculate the cutoff frequency of the filter is as such: With the 100nF capacitor and 100k Ohm resistor, the high pass filter’s cutoff frequency is 15.9 Hz. This means that it will not filter away any audible output since the human audible range is between 20Hz to 20KHz. 4) LCD Connection Schematic Diagram The LCD module is connected to the controller’s I/O ports as shown above. Since we are using the 4 bit data mode, LCD pins DB0 to DB3 will not be connected. System Overview Flow Chart Stress Test Ensures Finger-Finger Revolution has it background music play without pauses or skipped notes while the uCsimm board gathers input from the 4 pairs of IR sensors and keeping the LCD updated with characters (arrow directions) as per the difficulty mode selected. Beeps corresponding to correct or wrong moves made by user will have to be played within a certain time period after the Player input has been performed. Group Members Matric No. Name Email U075601H U075595W U075603E U075593X U075589W U075608M ANG JIT HWEE CHOO JIA WEI GAVIN TEO TECK WEE NAH GUO YUAN NG WEE LIAT ONG JUNJIE Gantt chart Aug 2009 ID Task Name Start Finish Sep 2009 Oct 2009 Nov 2009 Duration 16/8 23/8 1 Brain Storm /Finalize Project Proposal 17/8/2009 4/9/2009 3w 2 Read up relevant sections of the RTAI Manual 17/8/2009 11/9/2009 4w 3 Playing of Music 4/9/2009 18/9/2009 2.2w 4 LCD Display 4/9/2009 18/9/2009 2.2w 5 IR sensors detection 4/9/2009 18/9/2009 2.2w 6 System Integration 21/9/2009 5/10/2009 2.2w 7 Intensive Testing and fine tunning 5/10/2009 16/10/2009 2w 8 Documenting/Preparation for Demostation 19/10/2009 30/10/2009 2w 30/8 6/9 13/9 20/9 27/9 4/10 11/10 18/10 25/10 1/11 8/11 Task Criticality Firm RT Tasks: 1. UpdateMove task A delay in updating the LCD with the visual cues required to notify the User to activate the correct IR inputs will affect game-play negatively. 2. PWM task A delay in playing of a musical note or skipping the note altogether will be noticeable by the user and impact the game-play experience negatively. 3. LCD task LCD task is responsible for low-level I/O for the on-screen display of all visual elements of the game platform. Any missing characters on-screen due to the task being skipped or delayed can impact the game play experience negatively. 4. IR task As the user will take a finite amount of time to respond to the visual cues by swiping his/her hand at the IR sensors, an occasional miss of a deadline to poll the IR sensors is acceptable. Soft RT Tasks: 1. UpdateScore task The task of incrementing the score after a user correctly activated the IR input according to the visual cue can have its deadline missed occasionally, as long as the task completes before the game ends, when 15 seconds has elapsed before the correct score is displayed. 2. UpdateTime task A typical game lasts 15 seconds, and this is kept track of using RTAI internal timers in the background. The UpdateTime task displays the value of the internal timer at the LCD. An occasional delay or skip in the update of the on-screen timer is acceptable as long as the internal timer keeps good time and the game is stopped once 15 seconds has elapsed. Activation Modes Time Driven (Periodic) Tasks: 1. UpdateTime task The game time counter depends on the periodic nanosecond-resolution tick of the RTAI internal timer for accurate time keeping and is updated once every second. This information is then reflected on the LCD in the form of a countdown sequence. 2. PWM task The music playback is dependent on periodic delays between each note to achieve the desired tempo. This tempo changes with the difficulty level of the game. 3. LCD task The LCD is updated with the number of seconds elapsed since the game is started, and the visual cues indicating to the user which IR input to be activated scrolls from left to right at fixed periods according to the difficulty of the game selected. 4. IR task The system polls the IR sensors at regular intervals to check for user input and sense input information to the CalScore task for evaluation and score computation. Constraints Timing Constraints: Activation: 1. UpdateTime task The game timer makes use of the RTAI internal timer with a nanosecond-resolution tick to increment a counter that counts up to give a 1 s period. The UpdateTime task runs at 1000 ms intervals and completes within 20 ms. 2. PWM task A musical note is played at 500 ms intervals and the playback of a note completes within 20 ms. 3. LCD task The LCD task provides the I/O service for updating of the time elapsed and next visual cue at 250 ms intervals. The LCD task output each character within 10 ms. 4. IR task As the User will take a finite amount of time to respond to the visual cue and thus activate the corresponding IR sensor, the IR inputs are polled at 250 ms intervals. The readings of all 4 IR sensors are completed within 10 ms. 5. UpdateMove task The UpdateMove task scrolls the visual cues at 250 ms intervals and completes within 20 ms. 6. CalScore task The CalScore task takes in user input values read by IR task and evaluates the input, incrementing a score counter if the input matches that as indicated on the LCD at 250 ms. The task completes within 20 ms. Precedence (In order): 1. IR task 2. CalScore task The IR task will have to first obtain user inputs by polling the IR sensors and converting the inputs to binary sequences for evaluation by the CalScore task. If the input matches the visual cue on the LCD, a score counter is incremented by the CalScore task. Resource Constraints and Inter-Process Communication: 1. Mailbox Message Passing The visual cue instructions are sent from the UpdateMove task to the LCD task via a mailbox, which is also shared with the IR task. The IR task passes user input information to the CalScore task for evaluation and score computation. Binary semaphores are used to ensure mutual exclusion when writing to the mailbox. 2. Controller-to-PWM FIFO The Controller reads a pre-defined sequence of musical notes and sends it to the PWM for playback via the dedicated Controller-to-PWM FIFO. Binary semaphores are used to ensure mutual exclusive access to this resource shared between the Controller and the PWM task. Periodic Task Scheduling Analysis The application consists of a fixed set of periodic tasks with known periods, and these tasks are completely independent of each other. All tasks have deadlines equal to their period, and their fixed worst-case execution time (wcet) is known beforehand. All of the system’s overheads, including context switching time, are ignored during the analysis. Task Frequency (f) Period (Ti) Computational Time (Ci) Priority (P)* Utilization (Ui) PWM 8 Hz 500 ms 20 ms 6 0.04 LCD 4 Hz 250 ms 10 ms 1 0.04 IR 4 Hz 250 ms 10 ms 2 0.04 CalScore 4 Hz 250 ms 20 ms 3 0.08 UpdateMove 4 Hz 250 ms 20 ms 4 0.08 UpdateTime 1 Hz 1000 ms 20 ms 5 0.02 *Lower integer values for higher priorities, according to RTAI programming convention Greatest Common Divisor (Minor Cycle) = 250 ms Lowest Common Multiple (Major Cycle) = 1000 ms Obtaining the Processor Utilization Factor: πΆπ UP = ∑ππ= 1 ππ = 0.300 Up ≤ 1 Hence, schedulability depends on the scheduling algorithm. Computing the Utilization Least Upper Bound (1973, Liu and Layland): UlubRM = n(21/n - 1) = 0.735 In another case, for large n, n → ∞: Ulub → ln 2 ≈ 0.693 Since Up ≤Ulub in both cases, the task set is schedulable with RMA. Additionally, computing the Hyperbolic Bound (2000, Bini et al.): π ∏(ππ + 1) = 1.34 ≤ 2 π=1 Thus the set of 6 periodic tasks is schedulable with RMA. As an additional note, the context switching time as reported by the uCsimm at boot is rated at 26158 ns. Timing Diagram State Transition Diagram Context Diagrams Level 0: Level 1: Level 2, Part 1: Level 2, Part 2: Conclusion This project has allowed the team to learn and experience Real-Time designing and programming, such as • Designing timing diagram and data flow diagrams, • Scheduling tasks, • Assigning priorities, • Implementing inter-process communications by means of RTAI. There are improvements to be made if more time is given, such as implementing multi-player mode through an inter-networking process.