Startup Labs Vinyl Cutter Reference Guide Load desired piece of


Startup Labs

Vinyl Cutter Reference Guide

1. Load desired piece of vinyl into the cutter. a. Piece must be covering the eye located approx. a foot from the right side.

2. Make sure all three wheels are located on the vinyl. a. They must be placed over the wheels on the bottom of the vinyl piece. These wheels can be located by the dashes on the metal bar that is in line with the cutting head. b. They are then locked by pulling up on the plastic tab in the back

3. Next, push the down button on the display to move from “roll” to “piece.” Then press


4. When the display shows the dimensions of the paper you inserted, this is the amount of workspace you should create in CorelDraw to work with.

5. Open up CorelDraw and create a new project with the dimensions listed on the vinyl cutter.

6. On the toolbar on the right side, select the “A” symbol to bring up the text creator. Write the desired text and then size to the largest size possible that stays within the workspace.

7. On the toolbar on the right side, select the pointer symbol to exit text creation, and then right click your text. Near the top of the popup menu, select “Convert to Curves.” This removes any potential sizing issues when transferring to the cutter.

8. Save your docum ent as “[Your last name]_vinyl_test”

9. Click print, and select “Roland GX-400” in the printer menu.

10. Select Preferences, and in the cutting area section click “Get From Machine.” Select


11. If at this point you are unsure if the picture will print correctly, remove the needle from the cutting head and print it as a dry run.

12. Then select “Print” to send the job to the cutter.

13. Once the job is completed, unlock the wheels and remove the sticker sheet.

14. With an Exacto knife, carefully remove all of the excess sticker from around the actual sticker you created. Be sure if the sticker is starting to peel up that you push it back down with a light brush of your finger.

15. Once the actual sticker is all that remains, lay the sticker sheet on the table and then cut off a piece of transfer paper the approximate size of your sticker (excess is okay).

16. Holding the transfer paper sticky side down, bend the paper so there is a sag in the middle. Very slowly and carefully lay this sag in the middle of the sticker, and then slowly smooth out the transfer paper over the rest of the sticker sheet. Then, using a card or another flat edge, smooth the transfer paper even more over the sticker to remove any bubbles or wrinkles.

17. To remove the sticker, peel the sticker and transfer paper away from the sticker sheet, press the sticker onto your surface, and then peel away the transfer paper.
