Organic Paddy: Experiment in Wayanad 75 Kg as against 40 kg from 6.18 cents of land Organic Paddy cultivation through System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method has been promoted as part of the implementation of FARM project in Wayanad. This has been tested on a trial basis in the plots of the Tribal Community of Arikkalam Colony of Padinjarathara Gram Panchayat, Kalpatta Block of Vythiri Taluk of Wayanad District, Kerala. This colony is inhibited by 24 tribal families of Kuruchiya community.. The tribals here used to practice conventional method of farming with farm yard manure and cow dung as the manure. In order to find out the difference in expenditure and income, the testing was done through the control plot system in both conventional and SRI method. The testing done on rain fed organic paddy cultivation as against the conventional method boosted the confidence of the people in this area and is planning to practice the same in the future The lead farmers were trained by FARM_Wayanad and Caritas India personnel on various aspects of organic paddy cultivation. All the methods were systematically followed with the guidance of Ms. Sheela V, the Community Facilitator of FARM project in Wayanad for Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS). The testing was done in the control plots of two areas of 25 meter (82.5 feet) length and 10 meter (33 feet) width which is equal to 2722 square feet. Hence the paddy cultivation was done in 6.18 cents of land. Both the methods were experimented in-order to show the difference in the cost of cultivation and the production. The organic paddy cultivation yielded 75 kilogram of paddy from 6.18 cents of land. The same in the conventional method was 40 kilogram of paddy from the same area of 6.18 cents. The use of organic manure and growth promoters improved the fertility of the soil, which was visible as there was plenty of earthworm casting on the field. The presence of plenty of earthworms in the soil improved the moisture, air space, and fertility of the soil, which was contributing to the healthy growth of each plant and hence the production. It has been done through the application of growth promoters like “Jeevamruth”, “NPK Organic” and “Fish Tonic”. During harvesting, it was found that all the plants were fallen to the ground in the conventional method and not even a single plant fell in the case of organic paddy cultivation method. Cost Benefit analysis of both conventional organic and SRI in 6.18 cents of land Particulars Land preparation Bed Preparation, Seed & transplantation Weeding Fertilizing Harvesting Thrashing Total Expense Yield from 6.18 cents Rate per 1 kilogram of paddy Amount received Net profit from 6.18 cents Difference in income from 6.18 land Conventional Organic SRI 150 50 75 Cow dung : 70 150 50 150 Jeevamruth: Rs. 20 Fish Amino acid: Rs. 30 NPK Organic: Rs. 30 Pest Repellents : 00 50 115 595 75 kilogram Rs. 17 75 x 14 = 1275 1275-595 = Rs. 680 100 115 560 40 kilogram Rs. 17 40 x 14 = 680 680-560= Rs. 120 Rs. 560 The cost benefit analysis shows that there is a net profit on Rs. 680 as against Rs. 120 from the conventional method and the difference in profit from 6.18 cents of land is Rs. 560. This variation motivated farmers in the area to follow SRI method in the future. Land leveling has been done well with strong field bunds on all the sides. Vegetables are cultivated on one side of the field and medicinal plants and Mary gold are cultivated on the other side which has helped to control pest to some extent. In addition pest repellents have been made with different leaves and cow urine. Seed selection has been done by putting a fresh egg in salt water and the bed for seedling was filled with mud, sand and compost. Transplantation was done after 15 days and the distance between plants was 25 centimeters. Seed selection method: Selection of the best seeds will help in the better germination, healthy growth and better grains. The following steps were adopted in selecting best seeds: A fresh egg is added to the vessel containing plain water. The egg has gone down to the water settling it on the bottom Salt was added to the water till the egg comes up Removed the egg and put the paddy seeds into the salt solution. Selected the seeds that settled down and discarded the floating seeds. The selected seeds were rinsed well in fresh water and soaked in starter solution for an hour for better germination. This helped to select the best seeds with an ideal weight of nearly 20 mg/seed. Method of making growth promoters: JEEVAMRUTH Ingredients Quantity Cow dung 1 Kilogram Cow Urine 1 Liter Jaggary 200 Milligram Horse gram powder 100 milligram Water 10 liters Method of making: Mix well all the above ingredients in a vessel and keep it for 5 days. After 5 days add 10 times water in it and apply to the soil. NPK ORGANIC Ingredients Quantity Cow dung 100 Milligram Neem cake (powdered) 100 Milligram Groundnut cake (Powdered) 200 Milligram Ash 100 Milligram Born powder 200 milligram Water 15 liters Method of making: Mix well all the above ingredients in a vessel and keep it for 4 days. After 5 days add 20 times water and apply to the soil. FISH AMINO ACID Ingredients Quantity Fish (Blue/Black coloured) 1 Kilogram Jaggery 1 Kiligram Method of making: Mix well the above ingredients in a vessel and keep it for 10 days. After 10 days add 10 times water and apply to the soil. Pest Prevention: In order to control pest attack, the following methods were done: Cultivation of Mary Gold plants on the field bunds Sticking the braches of trees as bird perch Applying Pest Repellent made out of green leaves which are bitter, bad small, the leaves producing sap and cow urine. PEST REPELLENT Ingredients Quantity Leaves (Bitter, Bad Smell, having 1 Kilogram sap) Cow Urine 1 Kiligram Method of making: Mix well the above ingredients in a vessel and keep it for 10 days. After 10 days add 10 times water and spay on the plants. Regular spray during the flowering time is beneficial.