Organic Food Project Objective: Students will develop an educated opinion regarding growing organic food vs. traditional growing methods such as the topic discussed Integrated Pest Management. The student will also develop a deep understanding of IPM so that they can make an educated decision whether or not it is worth it to buy organic food. Directions: Students will use the internet to research the benefits and disadvantages of organically grown crops vs. crops grown with traditional methods (using chemicals). Students will create a newspaper article using a Newsletter Template on Microsoft Word to create an opinion article that might be featured in a local newspaper. The newspaper article will include the following things… Your opinion if it is worth it to buy organic food 3 Pluses for organic food 3 negatives for organically grown food Pesticide allowances for foods in the US. Organic food is Main principles of Integrated pest managment Guidelines organically grown food needs to be grown with Examples of negative effects of pesticides on humans Examples of negative effects of pesticides on the environment Picture Newspaper name Article name You will be graded on the following criteria… Neatness Grammar Your project must include the above items Your project must look like a real newspaper article Your project must have pictures