319 Use of Non-Classroom Spaces for Instructional Display

Use of Non-Classroom Spaces for
Instructional Displays
Date Effective:
September 3, 2014
Use of Non-Classroom Spaces for Instructional Displays
1. Instructors may use non-classroom spaces, including outdoor spaces, for instructional
2. Holding a regular instructional day outside does not fall under this procedure.
Instructor must obtain approval from his/her direct supervisor and Dean before using nonclassroom space for instructional displays by completing the form attached to this
1. Submit the form to the direct supervisor and discuss any possible unintended
effects of the instructional use of non-classroom space.
2. After obtaining the direct supervisor’s approval, submit the form to the Dean of the
instructor’s division for final approval. Address any questions the Dean may have at
this time.
3. After obtaining the Dean’s approval, one copy is filed with the Instructor and one
with the Department Chair; a third copy is sent to the Assistant Chief of Police or
1. Instructional use of non-classroom space must be consistent with the legal and
necessary functions of the College and for purposes consistent with College policy.
2. The Instructor is responsible to ensure the College building and lawn in its
immediate vicinity is protected from damage or maltreatment. In the event College
property is damaged, lost, or stolen as a result of this activity, the Instructor shall
pay the same.
3. No College furniture or apparatus may be removed or displaced by the Instructor
without permission from the Business Manager, Facilities and Operations or their
designee. The Instructor must return all items to their proper place before leaving
the space.
4. If any materials, signage and/or student work are left in the designated space after
the regularly scheduled class time, appropriately worded signage should accompany
what is left. Signage should include the following statement:
“This display is part of __(course name and section number)
. It will be removed
on _(planned date of removal)
. Please address concerns to (instructor name).”
Include instructor contact information.
5. If all materials are removed at the end of the regularly scheduled instructional
period, additional signage is not necessary.
Pursuant to Board policy, Chapter 300, Policy 319, supports and encourages the
appropriate use of College resources.
Definitions: All spaces other than classrooms or laboratories assigned for regular
instruction are defined as non-classroom spaces. Instructors are defined as full-time and
adjunct instructors actively teaching a course at the time of instructional use of nonclassroom space.
Owner: Business & Finance/Administrative Services
Use of Non-Classroom Spaces for Instructional Display Request Form