January Week003

Letter Hh
Word Wall:
1. Ask review questions to give out tickets.
2. Display new Word wall Words: “” and “ ” and “ ”.
3. Explain this week we will be working with the letter Hh. Review the letter Hh with Starfall..
4. Move to the Kid Grid and write Naming Words: Nouns on the whiteboard. Ask students the four types
of nouns, make four boxes, and write some examples in each (try for Hh words).
5. Return to seats to make an Ll circle map. Pass out the circle map sheet. Work together to fill in a
person, place, animal, and thing that start with the letter LL. Illustrate each.
6. Color, cut, and glue lion parts.
7. Practice new song “Don’t Throw Your Junk In my back Yard” with motions. Pointing out different
nouns that are being thrown.
1. Ask Questions to give out tickets. Word Wall Words and noun types.
2. Move to the Kid Grid and Review /l/ sound and shape
3. Read Hippo Lemonade. Ask author and illustrator, mention characters, picture walk the book, book is
non-fiction. Read Preview on the back cover.
4. Return to seats and make a TLC lion craft. Glue words to the bottom to make a sentence.
“A lion can run fast.” Or “A baby lion is a cub.”
5. Practice new song “Don’t Throw Your Junk In my back Yard” with motions. Point out different nouns
that are being thrown.
1. Ask Questions to give out tickets. Word Wall Words and noun types.
2. Review /l/ sound and shape. Have a student come up to demonstrate the Hh sound and shape.
3. Read Heads are for hats. Ask author and illustrator, mention characters, picture walk the book, book
is non-fiction. Read Preview on the back cover.
4. Open Journals. Write the Name, Date, and Title (My Wish). “x” to skip a line.
5. Write “I have a wish. I want ___________________.”
6. Circulate the room and underwrite where necessary. (Target is 50% of students corrected.) Prompt
those who think they are finished to add more details or another sentence about books.
7. Practice new song “Don’t Throw Your Junk In my back Yard” with motions. Point out different nouns
that are being thrown.
1. Ask Questions to give out tickets. Word Wall Words and noun types.
2. Review /l/ sound and shape. Ask class for some Ll words and give out tickets.
3. View The Red Lemon on youtube. Have students try to predict the rhymes from the reading and
4. Complete a Lemon/Lime Ven Diagram together. Using the Promethean board. Test if the lemon or
lime sinks or floats. Smell it. Feel it.
5 Practice new song “Don’t Throw Your Junk In my back Yard” with motions. Point out different nouns
that are being thrown.
1. Ask Questions to give out tickets. Word Wall Words and noun types.
2. Explain the rules for the snowball fight. Must stay in one spot and cannot run around the room.
3. Pass out white paper. Have each student copy one word wall word on the paper.
4. Review rules again and explain you may be asked to sit down if you are not following directions.
5. Have each person open their “snowball” and read the word out loud.
6. Use the journal sheet to fill in the word wall word. Write a sentence and illustration using that word.
(Target is 50% to 75% of students corrected.)
7. If time have students share sentences, sing “Don’t Throw Your Junk In my back Yard”, and have
weekly drawing.
Day001: Singing Walrus worksheet and video for the letter Ii. Letter Ll Worksheet.
Day002: Repeat Day 001
Day003: Starfall website and worksheet for letter Ll.
Day 004: Repeat Day 003
Day 005: Letter craft, Picture card game, match upper to lower case, alphabet sort.
Day001-004: Rainbow Roll, Popcorn Words, Independent Star Fall, Write Stamp Find Sentence,
Computers, Starfall Read Story together, CVC Promethean
Day 005: