Creation Myth Project Purpose: Students should understand not only the story or myth but also recognize commonalities among the myths from various cultures. Additionally, students should be able to identify and explain what type(s) of creation myth they have researched. There are six types of creation myth: (1) ex nihilo (2) creation from chaos (3) world parent (4) emergence (Earth mother) (5) Earth diver (6) world egg. Keep in mind some cultures use a combination of some of these types. The student should be able to recognize this and explain which elements of the myth fit which of the six types. Task: 1. In pairs, students are to research the creation myth of one culture. Cultures will be chosen on a first come basis. 2. Research must include the use of at least one print material (i.e. books) as well as reliable electronic research. You may use the electronic databases on INFOhio or general web searches. Wikipedia IS NOT an acceptable source. 3. A bibliography of sources must be submitted in MLA format. A minimum of four sources is required. Refer to Purdue's On-Line Writing Lab (OWL) for assistance OR me. 4. Each pair will develop a visual project to explain its creation myth. a. The visual must include text (summaries, bullet points, etc.) and graphics. b. All text should be typed and large enough to be comfortably read. c. All graphics must be given credit (where did you find it?) d. Visuals may be a poster, PowerPoint, Prezi, pamphlet, BlendSpace, or other creative idea (see me for a discussion about your original idea). 5. Each pair will share their research and, in essence, teach its myth to the class. 6. Both members of the pair MUST take part in the presentation (lesson). 7. Individual expectations: each student is expected to take notes during others' presentations. Note: your second notebook tab should be Creation Myths. All notes, handouts, research artifacts (including any from the Earth-goddess mini-project) should be behind this tab. Your notebook will be assessed at a later date. 8. See the rubric for grading standards. Rubric Category Research (25 points) Bibliography (25 points) Visual (30 points) Presentation (30 points) Content (50 points) Column Total: Final grade: Excellent Thorough, reliable sources, clear understanding of myth. Formatted completely correctly; exceeds expectation for sources. Clear, well -conceived and laid out; includes graphics that are clear and appropriate (in nature and size); text is typed and proofread for grammar and spelling. Clearly planned, rehearsed, both presenters participate, information is clearly given; students are able to answer reasonable questions from audience. Sarcasm and off topic comments are non-existent. Culture is identified; main characters are identified; all essential details are included; type(s) of myth identified; comparisons to other myths may be present are clear and accurate. Points: ______/160 Proficient Adequate but could be enhanced with further research; reliable sources; basic understanding of myth. Few (1 -3) formatting errors; meets source expectations. Neat, orderly lay out; graphics are present but are difficult to see (fuzzy, too small); graphics inappropriate in nature; 1 - 4 grammar or spelling errors. Planning is evident; flow of delivery is jagged; information is given with lapses in continuity. Students are unable to respond to some reasonable questioning; Sarcasm or digressions are present. Culture is identified; some additionally characters or digressive stories incorporated; type(s) of myth mentioned but not clearly developed; comparisons to other myths may be present but are unclear or inaccurate Developing Minimal research; sources lack reliable; some misconceptions or confusion in understanding of myth. Excessive (4+) formatting errors; does not source expectations. Disorganized; graphics are unclear or unrelated to topic; graphics are inappropriate (in nature or size); excessive (5+) grammar/spelling errors Disorganized; unrehearsed, delivery lacks continuity. Unable to respond to reasonable questions; Sarcasm and off topic comments are prevalent. Culture incorrectly identified; characters are not clearly identified and there are many digressions; type(s) of myth not identified; any comparisons to other myths are confusing, inaccurate or inappropriate. Percentage:______% Letter grade: ________