Supplementary material to “Anatomical predictors of post stroke aphasia recovery” by Forkel et al. Individual dissections dorsal view left-lateral view right-lateral view dorsal view 01 09 02 02 10 03 12 04 13 05 15 06 17 07 18 08 19 left-lateral view right-lateral view Hierarchical regression analysis - power calculation A sensitivity analysis was conducted using the software package, G*Power β can be considered as the probability of failing to detect a genuine difference (type II error). Hence, 1–β is the ability of a test to detect an effect of a particular size. This value is referred to as power. Effect size is the standardised measure of the magnitude of an observed effect. Different measures can be used to estimate power and/or effect size. For regression analyses Cohen’s π 2 is advisable. According to Cohen the probability of failing to detect a given effect should be at least 0.20, meaning that the corresponding power should be at least 1–β=1–.20=.80 (i.e. 80% chance of detecting an effect if one genuinely exists; Cohen, 1990). By convention, for multiple and multiple partial correlations and regressions, effect sizes (π 2) of 0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 are considered small, medium, and large, respectively (Cohen, 1992). The results of the sensitivity analysis demonstrated that this study was able to detect an effect size (π 2) of 1.14 with a power of 1–β =.80 given its sample size of n=16 and a specified α of 0.05. In other words, this is the minimum effect size to which the test was sufficiently sensitive. The effect size for regression models can be calculated with the equation (Cohen, 1992): π 2 π = 1 − π 2 2 Applied to our data, the effect size of our three-predictor model independent was f2=0.388 (R2 was 0.28) and effect size of the four-predictor model independent was f2=3 (R2 was 0.75). With the added layer of complexity in two-level hierarchical regression models the above equation needs to be adjusted to account for subsequent models. The effect size for hierarchical regressions can be calculated using the equation: π2 = 2 π π΄π΅ − π π΄2 2 1 − π π΄π΅ where π π΄2 is the explained variance of the first-stage 2 three-predictor model and π π΄π΅ is the variance explained by the second-level four-predictor model. From this we can conclude that the three-predictor model has an effect size of π 2 =0.388 (R2 was 0.28) and the four-predictor model has an effect size of π 2 =3 (R2 was 0.75). Both effect sizes can be considered as large effects. This two-level hierarchical regression model (i.e. a stepwise analysis of the three-and four-predictor model) has an effect size of π 2 =1.88. This effect size is larger than the critical value ( π 2=1.14) determined in the previous sensitivity analysis and we could therefor assume that this analysis is sufficiently powered to detect a genuine effect with at least an 80% chance. Internal Validity of Regression Model When calculating the expected data to compare to the observed data, the regression equation was applied where patients’ longitudinal aphasia severity can be estimated from socio-anatomical predictors based on the following regression equation: π¦ =∝ +π½1π π₯1π + π½2π π₯2π + π½3π π₯3π + π½4π π₯4π + βπ Where y is the value of the dependent variable, α represents the constant of the model, β is the coefficient of the predictor variable, i represents the observation, x1-4 is the predictors (here: age, sex, lesion size, and right long segment index size), andε represents the error associated with the model. How apt the model fits the data can be appreciated when comparing the observed and the expected recovery (mean 94.72, SD 1.69) (Table 1 and Figure 1). The model would predict that eight patients should have recovered above an AQ of 93.8 (observed, three patients recovered). Figure 1 Scatterplot between observed and expected Aphasia severity at six months based on our model. Table 1 Comparison of observed and expected aphasia severity (AQ). AQ expected from model is calculating the expected values from within the model. Patient ID 1 2 3 4 AQ observed 95.2 96.2 81.4 91.9 AQ expected from model 93.2 109.9 94.5 99.8 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 17 18 19 73.3 87.9 73.5 87.2 81 83.1 69.7 95.6 89.2 81.1 92.2 92.3 87.4 89.5 88.3 94.5 99.7 90.8 91.9 101.2 99.1 81.2 97.1 97.7 Thrombolysis – power calculation A power calculation revealed that the critical t-value of t=1.654 would be reached for a one-sided independent t-test with an effect size of 0.5, and a significance level of α=0.05 with a sample size of 176 participants (88 in each group). Further inference on the influence of thrombolysis can therefore not be undertaken within this study.