Hillsboro School District Secondary Talented and Gifted (TAG) Instructional Plan Course: AP Calculus Teacher: Scholl Date: 9/24/2015 Semester: 1 & 2 GUIDELINES Board policy IGBB states that all required written course statements shall identify the academic instructional programs and strategies used to address the levels of learning and the accelerated rates of learning for the TAG students. Classroom instruction is based on assessment data, and modifications should be documented in lesson plans and gradebooks. STEP 1: PRE-ASSESSMENTS TO DETERMINE LEVEL AND RATE OF LEARNING The following assessments will be used to determine placement: A minimum of three pieces of evidence must be gathered. One must represent State and District assessment data Others will pre-assess existing knowledge and skills specific to the course and must be given within the first three weeks of the course The results (percent, grade, percentile, specific observation…) will be documented. (See reverse side for assessment options to determine level.) PRE-ASSESSMENTS: 1. State/District Assessment data 2. Recommendation to take AP Calculus course by previous math teacher and successful completion of a pre-calculus course. 3. An algebra and pre-calculus pretest will be given the first week of the course to determine level of instruction needed. STEP II: DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Describe what and how differentiation will take place in this course. (See reverse side for differentiation options.) AP Calculus is the highest-level mathematics course taught in our school. The rate of learning and concept material is both challenging and abstract. Students are learning advanced math content that equates to the first and second courses of college calculus. Students are expected to have mastered the mathematics content in the Common Core standards as well as Precalculus. Mastering of Precalculus equates to passing Math 111 (College Algebra) and Math 112 (Trigonometry) in the Oregon University System. The curriculum for AP Calculus closely matches the Math 251 and Math 252 Calculus courses taught in the Oregon University System, and uses a college textbook. During instruction and assignments, students are consistently asked to apply and extend the class material to new concepts. Hillsboro School District Secondary Talented and Gifted (TAG) Instructional Plan STEP III: POST-ASSESSMENT Align with State and District requirements. Students will be assessed based on their rate and level in completing regular class assignments, tiered assignments, and projects. Detailed expectations and rubrics are provided for assignments and projects. There will regular mathematics papers as well focused on Calculus content. Students will have a formal cumulative assessment at the end of each semester. Assessment will also be done by the AP Calculus exam administered in May of each year.