PDF - AFT Local 1839

Local 1839 Executive Council Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2015
Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Calathes at 3:00pm
Present: William Calathes, Rubina Vohra, Bill Craven, Ira Thor, Sarah Harnick, Althea Hall,
David Chiabi, Ivan Steinberg, Debra Jencks, Ann Kottner, Niloofar Mina, Queen Gibson.
Introductory Remarks – Statewide Negotiations
President Calathes discussed upcoming statewide negotiations and informed EC that there were
two preparatory meetings on state-level with fulltime, part-time and librarians’ negotiations team
and two preparatory meeting with adjunct faculty negotiations team respectively. He indicated
that the team for the statewide full-time, part-time and librarians’ negotiations will include
himself, Barbara Hildner, Rubina Vohra and Queen Gibson. The state wide adjunct faculty
negotiations team will include himself, Barbara Hildner, Debra Jenks and Niloofar Mina. Three
members from each local are allowed, so our Local will identify three for each team and have
one alternate.
Local Negotiations
Chairperson Summer Compensation:
President Calathes informed EC that the Local had assisted in the organization of Chairpersons
who met to discuss a number of pressing issues. He also informed EC that the Local put in a
Demand to Negotiate for Chairperson Summer Compensation and that the Local is awaiting an
administrative response to have a date established.
Library Range Changes:
EC was informed that Barbara Hildner and Queen Gibson have led library range change
negotiations. They have worked directly with a Librarians Committee for specific input. The
administration presented the Local with a counterproposal. Queen Gibson informed EC that they
have been attempting to secure a date from administration to resume negotiations.
Additional Compensation for Promotions and Range Change Committees:
The number of range changes and promotions has increased; therefore the work of the respective
committees has increased - without additional compensation. Negotiations have been underway
to increase said compensation.
Business School Move to Harborside:
The move of the Business School to Harborside has presented some problems in regards to
offices, parking, and transportation. President Calathes, Barbara Hildner and Rubina Vohra have
met with the administration to discuss these concerns, and will continue to do so until the
problems are resolved.
Sarah Harnick indicated that Dr. Henderson was on record that there would be shuttles back and
forth from Harborside to the main campus. Apparently, however, administration has reneged on
Ivan Steinberg indicated that there might be an opportunity to push the administration to work
with the developer to obtain subsidized parking for faculty. Commercial garage on-site does not
have room for everyone.
Faculty Evaluations:
President Calathes informed EC that the administration will be implementing procedures around
five-year faculty evaluations. These evaluations will begin with all online courses in the
upcoming fall semester. The procedures regarding these evaluations are negotiable. A demand
to negotiate these procedures has been given to the administration.
Shuttle Transportation:
Niloofar Mina asked if the Local could negotiate more frequent shuttles to Journal Square and
the light rail. Barbara Hildner agreed that the Local could perhaps negotiate an extra shuttle after
evening classes. It appears, though, that the administration is not willing to spend money for
extra shuttle.
Residence Hall Employees
Sarah Harnick informed EC that there will be new residence hall managers in the fall. Union
maintenance members want to know who will be doing the cleaning in the new residence halls
and whether they will be unionized employees. Many on the EC expressed concerns that this
might be a step in union busting.
Health and Safety Issues:
Departments will be moving out of the Science Building on May 18th. Biology, Physics, and
Chemistry Departments have met with project manager, but as of now, Psychology Department
has not.
All updates on moves and health and safety issues will be written by James Adams and reviewed
and released by Aaron Aska and President Henderson. Sarah Harnick will be writing a full report
and will distribute to all. Sarah Harnick, who is retiring, requested that an EC member take her
place on the university Health and Safety Committee, which meets the last Friday of every
month. President Calathes agreed to attend if someone else is not available.
Niloofar Mina expressed concerns that the new music building might not have enough offices for
Adjunct Faculty Issues:
Adjunct Faculty Relief Fund
Discussion regarding the need for the union to establish a relief fund for adjunct faculty
members. There was some discussion proposing that the Local use some of its funds to establish
such a fund to help those who have lost their jobs at the last minute. Consensus was reached that
such a relief fund could not be established for a number of reasons including issues surrounding
scale, qualifications, need for specifics and structure, and problems of defining need. EC agreed,
however, to look into possible models (e.g., Precaricorps).
Adjunct Faculty Senate Inclusion
EC consensus was reached that AF Senate representation would more fully democratize that
body. Consensus was also reached regarding an active union campaign in support of adjunct
faculty Senate inclusion. President Calathes indicated that Dr. Henderson supports this. EC
members agreed that individual senators should to be lobbied. EC also agreed to find other
models at other colleges where AF are included and examine NJCU feasibility. EC also agreed to
put this consensus into a poster and to post it around campus..
Open House:
The proposed action at the Open House did not receive EC consensus. Debra Jenks, however,
suggested EC compile a list of events at which we can hold actions. Informational leafleting “off
site” may occur during that Open House day.
Community Actions:
Bus Stop: Tabled until next meeting.
A. Harry Moore:
EC unanimous in its support of negotiating contract survey to get the same kinds of benefits for
AHM members (death in the family & personal days) as others in secondary schools.
Office Move:
This move will occur possibly on May 12. Fire alarm system not in yet and must be inspected
and approved.
Submit materials to Allison Thornton for website inclusion.
Professional Staff Issues:
Compensation Time
Staff working weekends needs to have compensation time worked into the contract. Supervisor
should be arranging schedule so members have an alternate day off in the week.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.