Promoting the Context and Value of Nursing in the North West Project Report - Phase 1 Supplementary Paper - Revised Outline Proposals Presented by: The Symmetric Partnership Date: June 2013 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. PHASE 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 3 3. RESOURCES................................................................................................................................. 4 4. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................ 4 PROJECT 1 - INSPIRING CULTURAL CHANGE THROUGH LEADERSHIP AND TRAINING - PROJECT SPONSOR, COLIN DUGDALE .................................................................... 5 PROJECT 2 - DEVELOPING OPTIONS FOR GUIDED REFLECTIVE PRACTICE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY AND CONSISTENCY OF THE NURSING OFFER - PROJECT SPONSOR, MICHAEL MCCOURT ........................................................................................................ 6 PROJECT 3 - IMPROVING PHYSICAL HEALTH CARE FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND LEARNING DISABILITY SERVICE USERS - PROJECT SPONSOR, GAIL BRIERS .................... 7 PROJECT 4 - DEVELOPING COMMON PRINCIPLES TO GUIDE NURSE STAFFING LEVELS AND SKILL MIX - PROJECT SPONSOR, ANDY ROACH .................................................. 8 Page 2 of 8 1. Introduction 1.1. The 9 Mental Health and Learning Disability Trusts in the North West of England have been working collaboratively to improve the quality and reputation of their Nursing services. The Directors of Nursing network agreed a statement of intent and secured funding to support the process. A Project Board has now been established to oversee the development and implementation of individual projects. 1.2. At its first meeting on 13th May 2013, the Board agreed 4 key areas for development work, together with project sponsors. In summary, these are as follows; Project Area Project Board Sponsor a) Inspiring cultural change through leadership and training Colin Dugdale b) Developing options for guided reflective practice to improve the quality and consistency of the nursing offer c) Improving physical health care for Mental Health and Learning Disability service users d) Developing common principles to guide nurse staffing levels and skill mix Michael McCourt Gail Briers Andy Roach 2. Phase 2 2.1. This paper provides revised outline proposals for each project area, based on discussions at the Board meeting. Project Sponsors are now responsible for taking these forward into Phase 2 of the project - for setting up task and finish groups and, with those groups, commissioning any external support required. A first task for the groups in June/July 2013 will be to build on the outline proposal and agree a detailed set of terms of reference for the project area, together with an action plan and project costing. 2.2. Michael McCourt will continue to play a coordinating role for the whole project. He and Heather Tierney-Moore as Project Board Chair, will sign off the detailed proposals for each project area, on behalf of the whole Board to enable projects to start in July. 2.3. The overall project plan, previously circulated with the Board papers, remains as the guide through the next phase of this work and, as indicated in it, the next meeting of the Board will be set up for October. Page 3 of 8 3. Resources 3.1. A summary of the provisional costs is set out below, revised from the initial Phase 1 Project Report; Phase 2 Developments 1 2 3 4 Inspiring culture change Guided reflective practice Improving physical health care Nurse staffing levels and staffing mix 5 Project management Total Provisional Cost 2013/14 2014/15 Total £50,000 £40,000 £50,000 £40,000 £50,000 £20,000 £20,000 £40,000 £200,000 £95,000 £295,000 £25,000 £100,000 £40,000 £75,000 £40,000 Funding available £358,000 Balance available £63,000 3.2. This includes an element for ongoing project management costs throughout Phase 2 to support the Project Sponsors. Michael McCourt will agree these arrangements separately in the context of his role as coordinator for the whole Project. 3.3. As indicated, subject to tender and any further revisions to the brief, this suggests a provisional surplus of £63,000 against the overall funding available. 4. Conclusions 4.1. The work for Phase 2 is now set out in a format that can be built on by the 4 Task and Finish groups, and monitored through the Project Board. Provisional budget costs indicate that these developments are affordable within the funding secured by the DoNs network. Clearly, the position needs to be reviewed, through the Project Board, once the work has been specified in more detail by the Task and Finish groups and the results of ant external tendering decisions known. 4.2. This now completes the work scheduled for the Symmetric Partnership in Phase 1 of the project. We have enjoyed working with the DoNs network and with the newly formed Project Board. We wish everyone every success in Phase 2 and look forward to working with you again. Page 4 of 8 PROJECT 1 - Inspiring cultural change through leadership and training – Project Sponsor, Colin Dugdale Context A critical element of the changes described in ‘Compassion in Practice’ and the second ‘Francis’ report will be about ensuring the right context and organisation culture to enable ‘care’ and ‘compassion’ to become the norm. However, if change in nursing services is to be effective, it will need to be nurse led. This in turn means that nurses need to be empowered to deliver that change. One approach would be to identify ‘Nurse Champions’ who, following further training and development, would lead local change programmes. Outputs and working method The key outputs will be; 1. The identification of ‘Nurse Champions’ across the North West to help design and then lead the process of change 2. A ‘Nurse Champions’ training programme, run across the North West 3. A broader programme of cultural change, to enable nurses to focus better on ‘Care’ and demonstrate ‘Compassion’ in practice - led locally by the Nurse Champions 4. Measurable improvements in ‘Care’ and ‘Compassion’ across nursing services Work will be progressed via an agreed task and finish group. It is anticipated that the group will need to commission specialist nurse consultancy support to progress the work; and that the group will want to link with the Leadership Academy nationally, both to seek additional guidance and to promote the work being done. As with all of the project areas, the Task and Finish group will need to take account of the extent of existing initiatives already underway within each of the Trusts. This will enable Trusts to select appropriate elements of the programmes available, avoiding any local duplication. Resources Subject to tender, a provisional budget of £100k is suggested. The main costs will be that of the external consultancy. The working assumption is that other costs will be covered by Trusts themselves – such as the costs of staging local events or any cover required for staff to attend sessions. Timescale The preparation of a specification, tendering and selection of a consultant will take up to 4 months. The design of the programme itself is likely to take a further 4 months, followed by an implementation period, which is likely to be around 8 months. So, provisional completion of the work would be in the Autumn of 2014. Page 5 of 8 PROJECT 2 - Developing options for guided reflective practice to improve the quality and consistency of the nursing offer Project Sponsor – Michael McCourt Context Against the background of broader cultural change described in Project 1, how can sustainable improvements to the quality and consistency of day-today nursing practice be secured? In the past, the process of Clinical Supervision has been used to help drive up standards. However, it’s use has been neither consistent or widespread. This may be for reasons of poor local organisation, or because people have got out of the habit, or a lack of resource. So, how can the process be re-imagined for the current context?. This project area will focus on options for developing guided, reflective practice in nursing, which can be delivered in a cost-effective way. Outputs and working method The key outputs will be; 1. An overall framework for guided reflective practice to be adopted across the North West. 2. A provisional action plan to guide further implementation across the North West, together with an assessment of resource implications Work will be progressed in conjunction with an agreed task and finish group. The group may need to commission external research as part of the work and/or second appropriately qualified staff to undertake some elements of the brief. Resources A provisional budget of £40k is suggested. This will support research, project management and expenses incurred in running the task and finish group itself. Timescale It is anticipated that this work could be delivered within a reasonably short timeframe – say 4 to 6 months. Page 6 of 8 PROJECT 3 - Improving physical health care for Mental Health and Learning Disability service users Project Sponsor – Gail Briers Context Growth in the number of people with Long Term Conditions is seen as one of the major challenges facing the NHS, both now and for the foreseeable future. Clearly, people using Mental Health services are increasingly presenting with a number of co-morbidities and Directors of Nursing are concerned about the quality of physical health care available from the Mental Health services. In addition, people with SMI often experience health inequalities when it comes to accessing physical health lifestyle services. Whilst the latter is being reviewed as part of a separate project, work here will focus on looking at developing the most effective strategies to ensure service users have access to appropriate care and support from Mental Health nurses. The aim is to develop capacity and capability, whilst avoiding any reduction in core mental health competence. Outputs and working method The key outputs will be; 1. Peer-reviewed standards on the care to be available from mental health services for users with the more common LTCs (such as diabetes, asthma and heart disease) 2. An outline training programme, which can then be implemented by local Trusts according to need 3. A provisional action plan to guide further implementation, together with an assessment of resource implications The project will build on the work already done by 5BP and will be progressed in conjunction with an agreed task and finish group. Membership could extend in this case to colleagues from the Acute hospital sector and a local HEI as required. The group will commission external research as part of the work and/or second appropriately qualified staff to undertake some elements of the brief. Resources A provisional budget of £75k is suggested. This will support research, project management and expenses incurred in running the task and finish group itself. Timescale Whilst there are several strands to this development work, they can be commissioned in parallel so it would be feasible to complete work within a 12month period. Page 7 of 8 PROJECT 4 - Developing common principles to guide nurse staffing levels and skill mix Project sponsor – Andy Roach Context In the past, provider Trusts have faced the challenge of responding to Commissioner requests to develop new services without having suitable reference costs. The advent of Payment by Results and the adoption of Care Clusters may help but specific guidance on the nursing components would be helpful. Whilst the Mental Health NSF did contain information on staffing levels, this has been seen by Directors of Nursing as being too prescriptive. As an alternative to a set of formulae, a set of principles would be developed and would be available for use across the whole network. Outputs and working method The key outputs will be; 1. A set of principles to guide future nurse staffing levels and skill mix across the North West, set against the (relevant) Care Clusters currently being used for Payment by Results in mental Health services 2. A provisional action plan to guide further implementation, together with an assessment of resource implications The project will build on the work already done by Cumbria and will be progressed in conjunction with an agreed task and finish group. The group may need to commission external research as part of the work and/or second appropriately qualified staff to undertake some elements of the brief. Resources A provisional budget of £40k is suggested. This will support research, project management and expenses incurred in running the task and finish group itself. Timescale It is anticipated that this work could be delivered within a reasonably short timeframe – say 4 to 6 months. Page 8 of 8