Robertson County Board of Education Special Board Meeting Minutes June 16, 2015 6:30 pm Present: Board Members –John Burns-Chair, Angie Knarr, Marsha Jones-vice, Lauren Hughes, Superintendent/Board Secretary – David Murray, Treasurer – Tracy Teegarden, Others – Jim Hamm-KDE, employees-Holly Linville, DPP, Frank Gifford, Ann Grause, Steven Tuel, Rodney Massey, Sanford Holbrook-Future Superintendent; community-Fritz Grause Meeting was called to order by Chairman- Dr. John Burns at 6:30. All members present except District 3-Vacancy due to resignation of board member. APPROVAL OF AGENDA BOARD ITEM 061615-1 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the agenda. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVAL OF SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 30, 2015; MAY 13, 2015; MAY 15, 2015; MAY 20, 2015; MAY 26, 2015; JUNE 2, 2015 AND REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 18, 2015 BOARD ITEM 061615-2 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the April 30, 2015; May 13, 2015; May 15, 2015; May 20, 2015; May 26, 2015; June 2, 2015 special board meeting minutes and May 18, 2015 regular board meeting minutes. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVAL OF PROPERTY, LIABILITY, AND FLEET INSURANCE WITH LIBERTY MUTUAL AT $42,542 (INCLUDING COVERAGE ON VOCATIONAL BUILDING). WORKER`S COMPENSATION WITH LIBERTY MUTUAL AT $15,526 (SAME AS PRESENTED LAST MONTH). BOARD ITEM 061615-3 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to approve property, liability, and fleet insurance with Liberty Mutual at $42,542 with coverage on Deming Vocational building. Also worker`s compensation with Liberty Mutual at $15, 526. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE CLAIMS AND FINANCE OFFICER`S REPORT-Tracy Teegarden BOARD ITEM 061615-4 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the finance report given by finance officer-Tracy Teegarden. VOTE: 4-0 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the June Claims. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE PAY DATE SCHEDULE 2015-2016 BOARD ITEM 061615-5 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to approve the pay date schedule for 2015-2016 school year. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE BOND OF DEPOSITORY 2015-2016 WITH CITIZENS DEPOSIT BANK PENAL SUM $1,607,461.66 BOARD ITEM 061615-6 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the bond of depository 2015-2016 with Citizens Deposit Bank penal sum $1,607,461.56. VOTE: 4-0 FIDELITY BONDS 2015-2016 THROUGH LIBERTY MUTUAL AT $100,000 PER KDE ON THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES: SANFORD HOLBROOK, TRACY TEEGARDEN, SHERRY MYERS, VERONICA MCCONNELL, JAMES JOHNSON, AND ANN GRAUSE BOARD ITEM 061615-7 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to approve fidelity bonds through Liberty Mutual at $100,000 on following employees: Sanford Holbrook, Tracy Teegarden, Sherry Myers, Veronical McConnell, James Johnson, and Ann Grause. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVAL OF UPDATED CHECK SIGNER`S LETTER TO CITIZENS DEPOSIT BANK EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015 BOARD ITEM 061615-8 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the updated check signer`s letter to Citizens Deposit Bank effective July 1, 2015. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE AMENDED 2014-2015 CALENDAR BOARD ITEM 061615-9 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to approve the amended 20142015 school calendar. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE SANFORD HOLBROOK AS BOARD SECRETARY FOR 2015-2016 AS OF JULY 1, 2015 BOARD ITEM 061615-10 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve Sanford Holbrook as board secretary for 2015-2016 effective July 1, 2015 VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE EXTRA DUTY POSITION AND SALARY FOR BUS DRIVER TRAINER BOARD ITEM 061615-11 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve an extra duty position and a salary of $750 for bus driver trainer. VOTE: 4-0 REPORTS TITLE IX AUDIT RESULTS REPORT FOR ROBERTSON COUNTY-Rodney Massey Mr. Rodney Massey, Title IX Coordinator, presented to the Board results from an internal audit performed by KHSAA performed in 2010-2011 to stay in compliance on Title IX reports. Mr. Massey stated the board would need to increase volleyball head coach or hire an assistance volleyball coach per the audit results. A recommendation as to the amount of the increase was not provided by Mr. Massey. PRINCIPAL`S REPORT-Jamey Johnson Mr. Johnson not present. DPP\TEACHING AND LEARNING REPORT-Holly Linville Mrs. Holly Linville, DPP/IS, presented an attendance report to the Board stating attendance at the end of month 9 was at 95.09% and enrollment at the close of 14-15 year was 345. Mrs. Linville has been working on getting new math program Engage New York ready. Teachers are completing professional development on the new program. Preschool – 12th grades will be implementing the new math program. Teachers are excited to have a plan in place. Teachers of RCS attended a systems training on 6/4 and 6/5 where they received great feedback and learned ways to keep students involved. They are currently working on a master schedule for next school year. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT-David Murray Mr. Murray, Superintendent, has recently been working to get information together for a randomly selected OEA review regarding nutrition and physical activity for students. He has completed and submitted Title II required report, and reported to the board that interviews for the vacant board seat should be the week of June 29, 2015. Mr. Murray presented the following personnel to the Board Re-Hire of substitutes for 2015-2016: Certified Subs Nellie Adamson Sandy Dischar Angela Hinson Brandon Hinson Vicki Morgan Claudia Castle Brooke Smith (pending completion of criminal background check) Melanie Marchese (pending completion of paperwork) Classified Subs Angela Hinson Brooke Smith Megan Burden Jennifer Whalen Classified Sub Bus Drivers Frank Gifford Thomas Mitchell Farris (Zoller) Stewart Steven Tuel – pending completion of bus driver requirements Mike Simpson – pending completion of bus driver requirements Shanda Gay – pending completion of bus driver requirements Melanie Marchese – pending completion of bus driver requirements Phil McCord – pending completion of bus driver requirements James Stewart – pending completion of bus driver requirements Jimmy King – pending completion of bus driver requirements Resignation-Christy Graves-0.75 Director of Special Education and 0.25 Teacher Effective June 30, 2015 Retirement-David Murray-effective July 1, 2015 Extra Service/Duty 2015-2016: John Brown-Boys Varsity Basketball Coach Darrin Martin-Varsity Baseball Coach Anthony Green-Middle School Baseball Coach Sue and Tony Green-Girls High School Softball Coach Thomas Mitchell, Jr.-District Technology Coordinator and Chief Information Officer Steven Tuel-Transportation Director Brandon Henson-Girls Varsity Basketball and Girls Middle School Basketball Coach Cayeann Cowan-Yearbook Sponsor and Robotics Sponsor Ann Grause-High School and Middle School Volleyball Coach Christy Hesler-Middle School Cheerleading Coach Michelle Smith-Girls Assistant Basketball Coach Dale Brown-Middle School Boys Basketball Coach and Assistant Varsity Boys Basketball Coach Shanda Gay-Varsity Cheerleading Coach STATE ASSISTANCE PROGRESS/DISTRICT ACTION PLAN-Jim Hamm Mr. Hamm, KDE, presented a state assistance report to the Board stating that the district has received results from internal review on the teaching and learning standard and he will go over this at the next board meeting. The district is working hard to get new math program aligned and in order. He has met with new Superintendent Holbrook and discussed with him what state assistance is and the role KDE is here at the district. Mr. Hamm complemented teachers and everyone for working so hard. CONSIDER SALARY SCHEDULE AMENDMENT BOARD ITEM 061615-12 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve amended salary schedules for the 2015-2016 school year. Changes to the maintenance contract and DPP/IS extended days were amended. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2015-2016 BOARD ITEM 061615-13 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve participation in the energy management program for the 2015-2016 school year. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE RELEASE OF PRESCHOOL STUDENT TO ATTEND HARRISON COUNTY PRESCHOOL BOARD ITEM 061615-14 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to table the release of the preschooler to Harrison County pending more information on funding. Mrs. Hughes voted No. VOTE: 3-1 APPROVE WORK STUDY STUDENT FROM MCC BOARD ITEM 061615-15 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the work study student from MCC at no cost to us and pending our background check. VOTE: 4-0 APPROVE TRAVEL REQUEST BOARD ITEM 061615-16 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the following travel requests: VOTE: 4-0 June 23 -24, 2015-Diana Wells-Early Childhood Conference, Northern Ky. APPROVE BUILDING USE REQUEST BOARD ITEM 061615-17 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the following building use request: Mrs. Knarr voted no. VOTE: 3-1 July 4th, 2015-Cathy Stewart and Missy Thomas-Deming Parking Lot-Parade Line Up APPROVE FUNDRAISER REQUEST BOARD ITEM 061615-18 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the following fundraiser request: VOTE: 4-0 September 18, 2015-Sophmore Class-Brandi Thayer-Comedy Night-Three Comedians Will perform in the gym including Lee Cruse (form NBC/18 news) OTHER BUSINESS BOARD ITEM 061615-19 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to amend the 2015-2016 extra duty pay schedule by changing volleyball pay from $1000 to $1500 ($500 increase) for Title IX compliance. Board has scheduled a work session on July 20, 2015 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm. ADJOURN BOARD ITEM 061615-20 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to adjourn the meeting. Time: 9:15 pm VOTE: 4-0 ____________________________Board Chair ______________________________ Secretary ___________________ Date