Process for Implementing an Enrichment Program at St. Anne School

Process for Implementing an Enrichment Program at St. Anne School
There are many opportunities for before and after school enrichment programs at
St. Anne School. There are a few steps that need to be taken to ensure the program
can be successfully implemented at the school. These steps are necessary to meet
the requirements of not only the school, but those of the Seattle Archdiocese. The
following list identifies the steps.
1) Any person(s) that will be leading and/or assisting the program on the St.
Anne campus must have taken the Seattle Archdiocese “Call to Protect” class
and any annual renewal classes as required by the Archdiocese. This
requirement applies to both parents of students at St. Anne School as well as
any non-parent. The “Call to Protect” classes can be taken throughout the
year at various locations in the Seattle area. The renewal classes can be
taken online. More information on these classes can be found at
2) Any person(s) that will be leading and/or assisting the program on the St.
Anne campus must have had a CICS background check on file at St. Anne. The
form for this screening can be found on the St. Anne website
( under “Families” and then under the “Form”
tab. The completed form can be submitted to the St. Anne’s Administrative
Assistant for processing (which can take about a week). Please note, this
screening is more stringent than the Washington State Patrol background
check, so it cannot be used as a substitute for the CICS screening.
3) Any St. Anne parent(s) can lead an enrichment program as long as they have
satisfied Steps 1 and 2 (as noted above), and the proposed enrichment
program meets the policies of the church and school. St. Anne parents will be
covered by the insurance policies of the Seattle Archdiocese as long as they
volunteer to lead and/or assist the program and do not make a profit from
the enrichment program. Please note, parent volunteers can charge for
program materials, but not for their time.
4) Any vendor that would like to implement a program at St. Anne must have a
non-profit status as well as insurance policies with $1 million in sexual abuse
coverage and $1 million in liability coverage.
5) If a vendor is able to satisfy Steps 1, 2 and 4 as noted above, their program
can be implemented at the school as long as a St. Anne parent organizes the
program (see attached check list for more details). In addition, a parent
volunteer must be present at all times while the program is in session at the
Checklist for Starting an Enrichment Program at St. Anne
 Do a quick check with the St. Anne Principal or Vice-Principal to
ensure that proposed program will meet the policies of the school and
 Ensure that the vendor(s) and/or parent(s) responsible for the
proposed program can satisfy the legal and financial requirements
deemed necessary by St. Anne and the Seattle Archdiocese (see steps
outlined in previous page). These requirements apply to any adult
that will be working with the students while the program is in session.
 Write-up a detailed plan for the program for the Principal and VicePrincipal to review. The plan should includes details such as:
o General description of program (including information on St.
Anne materials and/or facilities that will be used for the
o Costs
o Dates and times
o Grade levels
o Adult to student ratio
o Location (the room availability must be checked with the
Principal and Vice-Principal)
o A list of adults that will be leading and/or assisting program
o A plan for how students and/or vendors will be let in and out
of the school
o A plan for cleaning up the room (if necessary)