File - EDTC 6325 Key Assessment

Running head: E-Learning Module Proposal
Part 1 E-Learning Module Proposal:
Using Google Drive as an Effective Electronic Resource
Christopher M. Birch
University of Texas at Brownsville
EDTC 6325 Spring 2015
Running head: E-Learning Module Proposal
The e-learning project focuses on instructing local Forensic Science teachers on how to
utilize Google Drive as a collaborative electronic resource. Google drive is a free online
or cloud storage application that allows users to create commonly used file formats such
as folders, documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, and drawings. Learners will
need prerequisite skills such as using a computer or mobile device to connect to the
Internet, navigating websites, and using toolbars. At the conclusion of the training, the
learner will be able to create folders and any of the various file types like documents,
presentations, spreadsheets, forms, and drawings. Also, the learner will be able to
collaborate with fellow Forensic Science teachers synchronously to create, edit and
proofread any user created reference materials.
Learning how to use Google Drive will improve consistency and collaboration between
Forensic Science Teachers in our District. A key feature of Google Drive is the ability to
invite collaborators to join certain folders, create, edit, and proofread resource materials,
and have access to these materials wherever they have a computer or mobile device and
Internet service. Google Drive would allow the Forensic Science teachers to collaborate
and share materials without the need for face-to-face meetings.
Instructional Goal and Objectives:
Running head: E-Learning Module Proposal
Upon completion of the e-learning training module the Forensic Science teachers will be
able to use Google Drive to create files such as documents, presentations, spreadsheets,
forms, and drawings to use as class notes, assignments, labs, and quizzes and tests and
share them amongst each other. This will allow teachers to communicate and collaborate
more efficiently and effectively.
Sub Goal 1: The learner will successfully login to Google Drive and create a new folder.
Objective 1.1: Learners will launch Google Drive and login.
Objective 1.2: Learners will create a new folder to store their practice files. They
will name the folder Practice Files.
Sub Goal 2: Learners will create a new Google Docs file.
Objective 2.1: Learners will correctly navigate Google Drive and create a new
Google Docs.
Objective 2.2: Learners will learn how to rename their document.
Objective 2.3: Learners will learn the editing features available in Google Docs.
Sub Goal 3: Learners will create a new Google Slides file.
Objective 3.1: Learners will correctly navigate Google Drive and create a new
Google Slides file.
Objective 3.2: Learners will choose a theme for their presentation.
Objective 3.3: Learners will create slide presentation that uses elements such as
text, images, videos, shapes, and tables.
Sub Goal 4: Learners will create a spreadsheet using Google Sheets.
Objective 4.1: Learners will correctly navigate Google Drive and create a new
Google Sheets file.
Running head: E-Learning Module Proposal
Objective 4.2: Learners will create a simple four by four table with borders and
column and row headers.
Objective 4.3 Learners will learn how to use formulas in a Google Sheets file.
Sub Goal 5: Learners will share their practice folder with peers.
Objective 5.1: Learners will correctly navigate Google Drive and locate their
practice folder.
Objective 5.2: Learners will correctly share their folder with a peer by using email
addresses or via a sharable link.
Intended Audience:
The intended audience consists of 6 Forensic Science teachers through out UISD. The
teachers have an average age of 31 years of age. They average 3.5 years of experience in
teaching Forensic Science. The teachers are knowledgeable in technology and web tools
due to prior district technology in-services.
Learning Context:
The Forensic Science teachers’ classrooms are the intended instructional setting. Each
teacher classroom has a desktop computer or laptop with high-speed Internet connection.
Having the training accessible to the teachers from their own classroom will make it
easier for them to complete on their own time.
Running head: E-Learning Module Proposal
At the completion of the e-learning module the Forensic Science teachers will be able to
use Google drive to create resource materials, share information and collaborate with
each other remotely. The teachers will each be responsible for resources from specific
chapters covered in the text. This new electronic resource would be a valuable tool that
new teachers could utilize.