BID FORM In submitting this bid, Bidder represents that Bidder has visited the site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local and site conditions that may affect cost, progress and performance of the work. =========================================================================================== Item Brief Description - Unit or Lump Sum Estimated Total Price No. Price (in both words and numerals) Quantity (in numerals) =========================================================================================== 1. Mobilization, per lump sum; Dollars and 1 L.S. Cents ($________________) 2. $ New Concrete Sidewalk, 5-inches Thick, per square yard; Dollars and 828 S.Y. Cents ($________________) $ =========================================================================================== Item Brief Description - Unit or Lump Sum Estimated Total Price No. Price (in both words and numerals) Quantity (in numerals) =========================================================================================== 3. New Imprinted Concrete Sidewalk and Steps, 5-inches Thick, per square yard; Dollars and 73 S.Y. Cents ($________________) 4. $ Excavation and Removal of Existing Sidewalk, Brick Steps, and Curb Bricks, per cubic yard; Dollars and 126 C.Y. Cents ($________________) 5. $ Tubular Metal Handrail, per linear foot; Dollars and 40 L.F. Cents ($________________) Total of All Bid Prices $ ($ ) Notes to Bidder: Φ – For informational comparison only. * - Indeterminate, Quantity assumed for comparison bids. 1. Bidder acknowledges that estimated quantities are not guaranteed, and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids, and final payment for all unit price Bid items will be based on actual quantities, determined by measurement in the field. 2. In the event there is a discrepancy between the lump sum or unit prices written in words and figures, the prices written in words shall govern. 3. Bidders must bid on each item. All entries in the entire Bid must be made clearly and in ink. Prices bid must be written in both words and figures. Bidders should insert extended items prices obtained from quantities and unit prices. 4. Owner has identified that work must be completed by October 31, 2013. 5. Owner is exempt from Vermont state sales and use taxes on materials and equipment to be incorporated into the work (exemption no. 036000638). Said taxes shall not be included in the Bid. 6. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids. Owner further reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder whom it finds, after reasonable inquiry and evaluation, to not be responsible or any Bid that Owner believes not to be in the best interest of the project to make an award to that Bidder. If the Contract is to be awarded, Owner will award the Contract to the Bidder whose Bid is in the best interests of the Project. 7. Attachments to the Bid include Performance Bond (see attached three pages) and Payment Bond (see attached three pages). 8. The limits of liability for insurance include: $1,000,000 Contractor’s General Liability, proof of Workman Compensation statutory State of Vermont required limits, and $1,000,000 automobile insurance. ABREVIATED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction: All construction activities shall be in accordance with the Vermont Agency of Transportation’s Standard Specifications for Construction, 2011 Edition, Latest Revisions. Removal of Existing Sidewalk and Brick Edging/Step Materials: Contractor shall confirm with Owner, each area of the existing sidewalk and existing brick edging/steps that requires removal. Excavation, removal, and disposal of existing materials is provided in Pay Item 4. New Sidewalk Materials: When possible, materials used in the construction of sidewalks shall be listed on the VTrans Approved Products List (APL). Contractor shall submit documentation to the Owner that materials are on the APL. Subgrade and Subbase: Following removal of existing sidewalks, the subgrade shall be properly shaped and thoroughly compacted to match density of existing sidewalk subbase. Subbase material shall be carefully removed or added to achieve proper subbase elevation such that adjacent sidewalk surfaces are set flush with one another and/or flush with adjacent granite curbing. Subbase shall be in accordance with Section 704.05, Table 704.05A – Crushed Gravel for Subbase. Subgrade preparation is incidental to Pay Item 2 on the bid form, and no separate payment will be made for subgrade preparation. Concrete Pigment: Coloring and dyeing of concrete shall be in accordance with ASTM C979 - Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete. Contractor shall submit color chart to Owner for selection prior to placement of pigmented concrete. The color shall be fully integrated into the concrete. Concrete pigment is incidental to Pay Item 3. Concrete Sidewalk, 5 Inch: Concrete Sidewalks shall conform to Section 618 – Sidewalks, and the attached Sidewalk Detail. Concrete shall be Class A, and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at 28-days. Install concrete sidewalk at locations identified by the Owner. Sidewalk Reinforcement: Sidewalk reinforcement shall be 6” by 6” 10 gage welded wire steel grid meeting the requirements of Section 713.05 – Welded Wire Reinforcement. Welded wire steel grid shall be placed at mid-depth of the concrete sidewalk. Sidewalk reinforcement is incidental to Pay Items 2 and 3. Sidewalk Scoring Pattern: Sidewalk scoring pattern shall match existing conditions. Expansion Joints: Use asphalt-treated felt preformed joint filler in conformance to Section 707.08. Expansion joints are incidental to Pay Items 2 and 3. Imprinted Concrete Sidewalk, 5 Inch: Work shall conform to Section 618 – Sidewalks. Install imprinted concrete sidewalks at locations identified by the Owner, which generally will be at the locations where existing brick edging and steps will be removed. A pattern that mimics rustic bricks shall be used to imprint the concrete. Provide sample imprint pattern to the Owner for review and approval. All materials, color and imprinted pattern shall be approved by the Owner prior to use. Contractor shall plan the pattern layout in order to coordinate slab dimension and construction joints locations with stamping pattern dimensions. Contractor shall take precautions to avoid discoloration between adjacent areas of pigmented and non-pigmented concrete. Install, imprint, and finish concrete as recommended by manufacturer of imprinting equipment. Contractor shall submit a resume including references if any concrete imprinting projects have been previously constructed. Concrete Curing: Concrete curing shall be in accordance with Section 541.17. Concrete curing is incidental to Pay Items 2 and 3. Tubular Metal Handrail: Contractor shall provide and install tubular metal handrail at the locations indicated by the Owner, to match the existing handrail at the ADA ramp on South Main Street. Attach new handrail using materials similar to the existing handrail installation. All work associated with tubular metal handrail is incidental to Pay Item 5. Vehicular Traffic and Pedestrian Traffic Control: Contractor shall maintain pedestrian through movements from one end of the construction to the other on at least one side of the road during construction. Any sidewalk closures shall meet the requirements of MUTCD, Part 6. If sidewalks are closed, a temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) shall be provided on the same side of the road as the closed sidewalk, if possible. Contractor shall develop a written Vehicular Traffic and Pedestrian Traffic Control Plan for review and approval by the Owner. This plan shall detail the construction phasing and schedule and the specific methods of maintaining safe pedestrian access throughout the construction area. Pedestrian access shall be provided and maintained to businesses/stores/residences within the project area at all times. All work associated with vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic control is incidental to the pay items.