Mellon Handout DLEO

Machaut in the Book, University of Virginia, 2013, Domenic Leo, PhD –
An Iconographic Study of Two Poems in Manuscript C
(BnF, ms. fr. 1586; Paris c. 1350 - c. 1356; reproduced in full at
Part 1: The Pink Pillbox Hat and the ‘Prince of Love’
Machaut in the Book, University of Virginia, 2013, Domenic Leo, PhD –
Part 2: The Tale of the Lion: Iconography and Narrative
MSC, Tale of the Lion, fol. 103, [BnF, ms. fr. 25526, Roman de la rose, fol. 1 (Paris, c. 1370)], MSC, fol. 104v
MSC, Tale of the Lion, fols. 103 and 103v
Early Landscapes?
Machaut in the Book, University of Virginia, 2013, Domenic Leo, PhD –
The Encyclopedic Tradition1
The Tale of the Alerion, fol. 68
The Book of the Treasure, fol. 50v, falcons
The Omne bonum, fol. 167v, Initial ‘A’, (Aves), birds
I am borrowing this term from Walter Cahn, “Medieval Landscape”.
Machaut in the Book, University of Virginia, 2013, Domenic Leo, PhD –
PS: A Royal French Residence?
MSC, Remède de Fortune, fols.23, 30v
(1. Finials on spire and roof of ‘chapel’ topped with crosses; 2. Finials on castle topped with fleur-de-lis)
as df
Chantilly, Musée Condé, Très riches heures de Jean, duc de Berry, fol. 9v,
Château du Saumur (finials on turrets topped with gilded fleur-de-lis)
Machaut in the Book, University of Virginia, 2013, Domenic Leo, PhD –
Lawrence Earp, Guillaume de Machaut: A Guide to Research (New York, 1995).
Deborah McGrady and Jennifer Bain, eds., A Companion to Guillaume de Machaut (Leiden, 2012).
Walter Cahn, “Medieval Landscape and the Encyclopedic Tradition.” In YFS Special Edition, Contexts: Style
and Values in Medieval Art and Literature, ed. Daniel Poirion and Nancy Freeman Regalado (1991), pp.
Julia Drobinsky, “L’Amour dans l’arbre et l’Amour au coeur ouvert: Deux allégories sous influence visuelle
dans les manuscrits de Guillaume de Machaut.” In L’allégorie dans l’art du Moyen Âge, ed. Christian
Heck, (Turnhout, 2011), pp. 273-287.
_____. “La coiffure feminine entre moyen d’identification et principe axiologique dans l’iconographie de
Guillaume de Machaut,” Senefiance 50 (2004), pp. 111-128.
_____. “La fenêtre comme mise en scène du regard dans les manuscrits enluminés de Guillaume de
Machaut,” Senefiance 49 (2003), pp. 143-156.
Sylvia Huot, From Song to Book: The Poetics of Writing in Old French Lyric and Lyrical Narrative Poetry (Ithaca, 1987).
Domenic Leo, “The Beginning is the End: Guillaume de Machaut’s Illuminated Prologue.” In Citation,
Intertextuality and Memory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, vol. 1, eds., Yolanda Plumley, Giuliano Di
Bacco, and Stefano Jossa (Exeter, 2011), pp. 96-112, notes on pp. 233-240.
_____. “The Pucellian School vs. the Rise of Naturalism: Style as Royal Signifier?” In Jean Pucelle, A Medieval
Artist: Innovation and Collaboration in Manuscript Painting, eds., Anna Russakoff and Kyunghee Pyun
(Turnhout, forthcoming, 2013).
_____. “Illuminating the Jugement du roy de Behaingne and the Jugement du roy de Navarre,” and “An Art Historical
Introduction to Paris, BnF, ms. fr. 1584.” In Guillaume de Machaut, Complete Works, trans. and ed., R.
Barton Palmer, vol. 1, The Debate Series (forthcoming, 2013).
_____. “Authorial Presence in the Illuminated Machaut Manuscripts,” PhD dissertation, NYU, IFA (2005).
Deborah McGrady, Controlling Readers: Guillaume de Machaut and His Late Medieval Audience (Toronto, 2006).
Sixten Ringbom, “Some Pictorial Conventions for the Recounting of Thoughts and Experiences in Late
Medieval Art.” In Medieval Iconography and Narrative: A Symposium (Odense, 1980), pp. 38-69.
Lucy Sandler, A Fourteenth-Century Encyclopedia of Universal Knowledge (London, 1994).
Elizabeth Sears, The Ages of Man: Medieval Interpretations of the Life Cycle (Princeton, 1986).
Alison Stones, “The Illustrations to Brunetto Latini's Trésor in France, c. 1275-1320.” In La città e il libro II, Il
manoscritto, la miniatura, ed., J. Bolton-Holloway (Florence, 2003).
Julia Walworth,“Earthly Delights: the Pictorial Images of the Carmina Burana Manuscript.” In The Carmina
Burana: Four Essays, ed. by Martin H. Jones. (London, 2000), pp. 71-83
Manuscripts Mentioned in Talk
Chantilly, Musée Condé, Très riches heures de Jean, duc de Berry, fol. 9v, September
London, BL, MS Royal 6 E VI, Omne Bonum, fol. 167v, Aves (Birds)
Machaut in the Book, University of Virginia, 2013, Domenic Leo, PhD –
London, BL, MS Royal 6 E IX, Convenevole da Prato, Address in verse to Robert of Anjou, King of Naples, (c.
1350), fol. 15v, Garden or flowery field referring to ‘Prato’’
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 4660/4660a, Carmina Burana (c. 1230), fol. 1, The Wheel of
Fortune; fol. 64v, Garden from the Song of Songs
Paris, BnF ms. fr 216, Barthélemy l'Anglais, De proprietatibus rerum, trans. in 1372 by Jean Corbichon, Le livre
des propriétés des choses, fol. 202v, “Les provinces et des parties de la terre”
Paris, BnF, ms. fr. 1586 [MSC], Guillaume de Machaut, Complete Works
Paris, BnF, ms. fr. 25526, Roman de la rose
St. Petersburg, BnR, Fr. F. v. III, 4, Brunetto Latini, Li livre dou trésor, fol. 50v, Faucons (Falcons with affaitage)