Surveying and Nest Monitoring of the Gray Vireo (Vireo vicinior) in the Sevilleta NWR Vizzachero, Benjamin; Yu, Sze Wing; Granillo, Kathy Abstract The Gray Vireo is a small native songbird and species of concern of which little is known. Few past studies have documented their preferred habitat, relative abundance, population size, nesting success, or the impacts of brood parasitism by the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). We conducted a census of the breeding Gray Vireo population within two large sample sites in the Los Piños Mountains of the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. Audio playback surveys were performed across a grid of points encompassing these sites. We observed detected Gray Vireos to locate their nests and returned regularly to monitor the success of these nests. This will be the third season of data collection for this project. Study sites were selected to determine if distance from rangeland affects rates of brood parasitism, though it seems differences in landscape are more influential on cowbird abundance. By quantifying the abundance and nesting success of the Gray Vireo, we can determine their population status and potential need for conservation action. Documenting the vegetation around nest sites will create a snapshot of the ideal Gray Vireo nesting habitat, which could be incorporated into future habitat management plans across their range. Overall, we found 19 Gray Vireo nests, of which 7 successfully fledged Gray Vireos, 4 were parasitized by cowbirds, and 8 failed for other reasons. Introduction The Gray Vireo (Vireo vicinior) is a small migratory songbird that breeds in arid Pinyon-Juniper woodlands and savannahs across the American Southwest and winters in Northwestern Mexico (Barlow et al. 1999). With a naturally limited and sparse distribution, their listing as an endangered species in New Mexico and a Bird of Conservation Concern at the federal level comes as no surprise (NMDGF 2006, USFWS 2008). Although they have garnered scientific and conservation attention since their listing, the body of knowledge on Gray Vireos is small compared to most other North American birds. Breeding Bird Survey Data, our only relevant long-term data set, inconclusively indicates increases in population since 1966 (Sauer et al. 2011). However, this likely reflects an insufficient recovery from drastic range reductions caused by the cattle ranching boom of the early 20th century. In addition, studies have detected small or nonexistent populations in historically documented or otherwise deemed suitable Gray Vireo habitat (Hargrove & Unitt 2014, DeLong & Williams 2006). Like many imperiled North American Songbirds, the primary conservation threats to Gray Vireos are habitat modification and nest parasitism by the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) (Barrow et al. 1999). Habitat modification includes development for both construction and fossil fuel mining as well the (relatively) less destructive effects of cattle ranching, wildfire, and other habitat management efforts (Hawks Aloft 2007, Wickersham & Wickersham 2006). Gray Vireos typically exhibit low overall nest success, documented as low as 18% (of 95 nests). Cowbird parasitism is often a cause of nest failure, with rates as high as 71% (of 19 nests) in some sites. Gray Vireos seem to possess the ability to recognize a cowbird egg, as the majority of documented parasitized nests are abandoned (Hargrove and Unitt 2014, Hawks Aloft 2006, Hawks Aloft 2007). In 2006, Delong and Williams published a thorough compilation of the work of themselves and others, summarizing the breeding abundance of the Gray Vireo across New Mexico. Their summary was exhaustive, but the researchers lacked access to the ideal Gray Vireo habitat within the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR), about 20 miles north of Socorro, New Mexico. This refuge was founded by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 1973, following a thirty year period of intensive cattle ranching. This study took place during the summer of 2014 and aimed to census the Gray Vireo population contained within three sample regions of SNWR, located in or adjacent to the Los Piños Mountains on the East side of the refuge. These sample regions were selected by previous researches in order to determine if cowbird parasitism is more frequent in regions proximal to cattle ranches. In order to complete the census, we located and monitored nests or family groups of any vireos detected and evaluated the rates of nest success and parasitism by the Brown-headed Cowbird. A vegetation analysis was also performed to compare characteristics of nest sites chosen by vireos against the sample regions at large, including attributes of the vegetation community and the specific nest tree selected. Hargrove and Unitt have also indicated in their 2014 publication that Gray Vireos tend to nest on south-facing slopes, with the nest in the south side of the tree, and measurements were taken to follow up on this pattern. We also followed up on the observation that nest trees tend to be more sparsely foliated or contain more dead branches by determining a method to quantify the sparseness of a juniper tree. The overarching goal of our study is to provide data on the Gray Vireo’s population in SNWR in order to add to a growing body of knowledge used to assess the species’ conservation status and aid potential management decisions of the refuge and beyond. Materials and Methods Figure 1 – Map of Sample Regions Within the Los Piños Mountains, three large sample sites were outlined in the field and overlaid with a 300x300m grid of waypoints using GIS software. The sites, Piños Canyon, Bootleg Canyon, and Sepultura Flats, included 52, 16, and 59 waypoints, respectively. Starting on May 29th, 2014, audio playback surveys were performed at an arbitrarily selected cluster of these points each day, alternating between sample sites, and continuing until all points within each site were surveyed. 17 points in Piños Canyon were abandoned due to time constraints and a complete absence of Gray Vireos in the vicinity. Audio surveys consisted of 2-5 minutes of listening immediately after arriving at a point, followed by 30-60 seconds of playback at maximum volume on the speakers of an iPhone 4S, using the recording of the Gray Vireo territorial song from The Sibley eGuide to Birds. After an additional 2-5 minutes of listening, the playback was repeated similarly, followed by a final 2-5 minutes of listening. If a Gray Vireo was heard at any point during the survey or while travelling in or near the sample site and it was not thought to be coming from a previously marked nest or territory based on the direction of the heard song, that vireo would be immediately tracked down. Once the singing vireo or its mate was spotted, it was followed until its nest or fledgling(s) was located. If the bird disappeared and was not seen or heard for at least 10 minutes, 2-3 rounds of playback were performed (one “round” consisting of 30-60 seconds of playback and 2-5 minutes of listening). If the bird remained unresponsive, or the search was cut short due to time constraints, a GPS waypoint was taken and the point would be returned to within the next week to continue the nest search. If a fledgling being attended to by the adults was spotted, a GPS waypoint was taken and this was considered a “family” group. If a nest was spotted, a GPS waypoint was taken and flagging was used nearby to indicate the location. All nests were then revisited every 3-5 days (with occasionally longer lapses). Upon initial detection and each revisit, the contents of the nest would be checked and recorded. Most nests were above eye level and a mirror mounted on the end of an extendable pole was used to view their contents. Birds found sitting on the nest were typically flushed by the proximity of the researchers or the mirror pole, but in some cases they were more reluctant to leave. In these cases they would be lightly prodded with the mirror pole, and playback of the song recording was used nearby. Birds on nests at eye level could be lifted off the nest. In some cases, birds could not be flushed and no data was recorded. The eggs and fledglings of Brown-headed Cowbirds raised by Gray Vireos were also recorded. After all of the grid points within both sample regions were surveyed, vegetation sampling began. Vegetation surveys were all centered around Juniper trees, including the 19 nest trees and the closest trees to each of 34 randomly selected survey points. This includes 9 randomly selected points from Piños Canyon, 4 from Bootleg Canyon, and 21 from Sepultura flats. We measured the height and canopy diameter of each tree. Canopy diameter was taken once at the widest part of the tree and again at a 90º angle to this, and these two numbers were averaged. A 1m square board of 10cm checkerboard tiles was constructed to estimate sparseness. The board would be held at a set height on one side of the tree, while an observer would stand on the other side of the tree and estimate the percent of the board visible through the tree. Measurements were taken twice per tree along the same 2 axes as canopy diameter was measured, and results were averaged for each tree. For nest trees only, we took the nest’s vertical height above the ground and the orientation of the nest from the center of the tree. For all points on sloped ground, we took a compass bearing to measure the direction immediately downslope. In order to assess the local vegetation community, we evaluated 4 1m ground cover quadrats, with each placed 10 meters from the tree in each of 4 cardinal directions, measured with a tape measure. We recorded estimates of ground cover in these categories: bare ground, grass, forb, shrub, and succulent. Dead but rooted vegetation was counted as if alive, while dead litter and debris were considered bare ground. “Succulent” includes both cacti (cholla and prickly pear) and various types of yucca. Bare ground was tallied as the difference between the sum of all other vegetation types from 100. Percent cover in each category was averaged for the 4 quadrats at each point. Lastly, we identified to family and counted all succulents and woody shrubs over 50 cm tall within a 10 m radius of the survey tree. Results Table 1 – Survey Results % of Survey Points Detected Site Gray Vireo Brown-Headed Cowbird Piños Canyon 5.3% 0% Bootleg 12.5% 0% Sepultura Flats 32.1% 1.9% Total 19.6% 0.9% Nests Families 5 2 12 19 1 1 5 7 “Table 1 – Survey Results” shows the percentages of survey points for each site at which we detected (including birds heard and/or seen) Gray Vireos and Brown-Headed Cowbirds. It also gives totals for active nests and families found at each site, excluding families presumed to have been previously counted by us at their nest site. Table 2 – Nest Monitoring Results Region Nest Fate 1 Fledged 2 Predated Piños 3 Fledged Canyon 4 Fledged 5 Fledged Bootleg Canyon 1 2 Fledged Predated Sepultura Flats 1 2 3 4 5 6 Abandoned Failed Abandoned Predated Fledged Predated Secondary Fate Cowbird N N N N N N N Predated Predated Y N Y N N N 7 8 9 10 11 12 Partially Predated Incomplete Parasitized Predated Abandoned Fledged Abandoned N N Y N Y N Predated The previous chart details the fate of each nest we detected. 8 nest fledged young, 7 of them fledging Gray Vireos and one (Sepultura Flats Nest 9) fledging only a cowbird chick. 6 Nests experienced premature disappearance of eggs or young, presumed to be predation (Piños Canyon Nest 2, Bootleg Canyon Nest 2, and Sepultura Flats Nests 4, 6, 7, and 10). One nest (Sepultura Nest 7) had all but one egg disappear, and after this the egg did not hatch and the parent was not seen incubating the nests. 4 Nests were parasitized by cowbirds (Sepultura Flats nests 1, 3, 9, and 11), and these nests were all abandoned (parents were not seen incubating) and later predated (remaining eggs suddenly disappeared) with exception of nest 9, aforementioned. Sepultura Flats Nest 8 was found while it was actively being constructed, but this nest was never completed. Table 3 – Tree Attributes Site Group Nest Height (cm) Piños Bootleg Sepultura Total Nest 288 Random Nest 249 Random Nest 216 Random Nest 238 Tree Height (cm) Canopy (cm) Sparseness (%) 439 613 6.2 326 385 2.8 376 352 13 393 560 11.4 353 535 3.8 283 393 3.4 378* 536** 5.4 411** 4.3 Random 308* *Two-tailed t-test indicates significantly different results, p=0.0058 ** Two-tailed t-test indicates significantly different results, p=0.022 The above chart displays average nest heights for each site, which averaged at 238cm and ranged from 45-350cm with no significant differences between sample sites. It also displays average height, canopy, and sparseness for nest trees and randomly selected trees across the three sample sites and overall. Variation between sites is significant but sample sizes were too small to analyze statistics of anything but the totals. Nest trees were found to be significantly larger in both height and canopy diameter, though the difference in sparseness is insignificant. Table 4 – Ground Cover Quadrats Site Group Bareground (%) Grass (%) Forb (%) Shrub (%) Succulent (%) Nests 86.6 7.4 0.0 2.7 3.8 Piños Random 87.3 8.5 1.0 2.2 0.9 Bootleg Nests 89.4 7.9 0.0 1.1 1.0 Random Nests Sepultura Random Nests Total Random 85.4 87.3 91.3 87.3 89.6 7.6 11.7 7.3 10.2 7.7 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.6 3.6 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.5 3.0 0.1 0.1 1.2 0.7 The above chart displays average percent ground cover around nest trees and random trees at 3 sites and overall. Samples sizes are too small to meaningfully analyze the difference at each site, and overall there were no significant differences in any category between nest trees and random trees. Table 5 – 10m Shrub Survey Most Abundant Shrubs Site Sample 1 2 Cactaceae Rosaceae Nests Piños Cactaceae Random Rosaceae Cactaceae Rosaceae Total Bootleg Cactaceae Nests Random Rosaceae Rosaceae Total Juniperus Yucca Cactaceae 3 Juniperus Yucca Yucca Quercus Quercus Quercus Juniperus Parthenium Amaranthaceae Nests Sepultura Random Amaranthaceae Larrea Juniperus Amaranthaceae Juniperus Larrea Total The above chart displays results from the 10 m shrub census. The three most abundant families are given for all the nest trees, all the random points, and overall for each sample site. Family name was replaced with genus when that genus contains all plants within its family that were detected. Cactaceae includes primarily Tree Cholla (Cylindropuntia imbricate) as well as larger Prickly Pear individuals (Opuntia spp.). Juniperus refers exclusively to One-seed Juniper (Juniperus monosperma), preferred nest tree of vireos. Quercus refers to multiple species of shrubby desert oaks, predominantly Gray Oak (Quercus grisea) and Shrub Live Oak (Quercus turbinella). Rosaceae, a large family of flowering shrubs, includes Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) and Mountain Mahogany (Cerrocarpus sp.). Yucca refers to several unidentified species in this genus, family Asparagaceae. Parthenium incanum, New Mexico Rubber Plant, is the only member of the Asteraceae family we detected. Amaranthaceae, the Amaranth Family, includes winterfat (Krascheninnikovia spp.) and Saltbush (Atriplex sp.). Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentata) of the Zygophyllaceae family was abundant in some plots. Figure 2 (left) – Orientation of nests from center of the tree Figure 3 (right) – Direction of slope from center of the nest tree North 2 North 4 2 1 0 5 East West 2 1 East West 0 3 3 1 2 4 0 South 0 South The above figure on the left shows the number of nests and their orientation from the centers of the nest trees. 4 nests were in the approximate center of the tree and not counted. The figure on the right displays the number of nests trees and the orientation of the slope from the centers of the trees. Figure 4 – Weeks of first egg observed Week of First Egg Observed Number of Nests 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Week The graph above is a summary of when eggs were first observed in nests. This figure does not include nests that were found after eggs and young were present, where we could not accurately estimate when the first eggs were layed. Discussion Sample Regions The three sample regions studied seem to present different distributions of Gray Vireo Habitat, with associated differences in nest success. Piños Canyon had 4 of its 5 nests concentrated in the dry creek beds at the bottom of the canyon, and only one nest along the more sparsely vegetated slopes leading up the mountains. This observation is consistent with the documented tendency of Gray Vireos to reside in relatively lower elevations (Schlossberg 2006). We attribute the low detection rate of Gray Vireos (5.3% of points) to the number of points that were high on the slopes, as well as the largest portion of the sample site that wrapped around the outskirts Whiteface Mountain, sloping down towards an extensive grassland to the west known as McKensie Flats. No Gray Vireos were detected in this portion of the sample region. Figure 5 – Piños Canyon (left), Bootleg Canyon (right) Bootleg Canyon, though smaller, showed a similar trend to Piños Canyon. Areas facing outward towards McKensie flats were more sparsely vegetated and devoid of vireos. 2 nests were found deeper into the canyon, in a relatively wide and flat area of juniper savanna that gradually slopes up towards high ridge tops. Sepultura Flats told a very different story. 12 nests were found, a much larger population reaching greater densities. However, only 2 nests fledged Gray Vireos, with rates of predation and cowbird parasitism being drastically higher. Cowbirds In both canyons, no cowbirds were detected by surveys and no instances of cowbird parasitism were observed. Sepultura flats had a higher rate of parasitism and some recorded cowbird observations, though there were more sightings while not performing surveys, which were unrecorded. Although Piños and Bootleg were closer to a large cattle ranching operation immediately north of the refuge, it seemed that the terrain influenced cowbird presence more than proximity to cattle. Female cowbirds are known to disperse up to 10 km from feeding ground to lay eggs, and cowbirds tend to remain confined to flat, open, grassy areas that loosely resemble the shortgrass prairie in which they evolved. (Lowther 1993). However, we recommend that in future years all cowbird observations in all sample regions be recorded (instead of just those observed while performing the Gray Vireo survey) to confirm this notion. Predation Predation rates were higher in Sepultura Flats than in both Canyons. This could be the result of greater population density of Gray Vireos (or possibly songbirds at large) supporting a greater community of predators in Sepultura Flats. A study in Southern California indicates the Western Scrub-Jay as a prominent nest predator of the Gray Vireo, and this bird was observed several times at Sepultura Flats (Hargrove & Unitt 2014). Other likely predators observed within sample regions include the Northern Mockingbird, Pinyon Jay, Loggerhead Shrike, Scott’s Oriole, Bewick’s Wren, and a variety of non-venomous snakes (Barlow et al. 1999). The Gray Fox and Bobcat are also vireo predators known to live within the refuge, but were not observed (Hargrove & Unitt 2014). We recommend keeping more exact counts of possible predator sightings in both sample regions. One must keep in mind that any instance of predation was assumed to have occurred due to sudden disappearance of eggs or young. Other Causes of Failure Outside of cowbird parasitism and predation, causes of failure were odd and aberrant. One nest (Sepultura Nest 2) contained a clutch of eggs that for unknown reasons never hatched and were incubated for over a month until the bottom of the nest fell out. Another nest was found while it was being built, but was never completed. This was a pair that had already built a nest and laid a clutch that was predated, and perhaps was wary of our return. We remained <10m from the nest under construction at all points, but speculate that the abandonment was caused by the vireos associating our presence with the failure of their earlier nest. Of the nests that were successful, there were no unhatched eggs or vireos that died in the nest. This suggests that predation and parasitism are limiting factors of Gray Vireo reproduction. Adult Gray Vireos seemed to face no challenges in keeping their young fed and healthy. This is perhaps true of the Gray Vireo overall, but might also be due to the Fall of 2013 being unusually rainy and productive, making it a more productive spring overall. Nest Placement Average nest height was consistently near 2.5 meters for all sample regions, though it varied considerably from <0.5m to 3.5m, with a slight left skew to this distribution. The orientation of the nest within the tree presents few apparent trends, though sample sizes are too small for statistical analyses. There is a distinct lack of nests on the east side of trees, which is perhaps an effort to avoid the direct morning sun. However, this means less protection from the more intense afternoon sunlight, and is most likely the result of random variation. Measurements of slope orientation appear similarly random in distribution. The lack of nests on South-Facing slope could perhaps indicate an attempt to avoid direct sunlight. However, our data in no way support the previously published tendency of Gray Vireos to nest on South-facing slopes in the southern part of the tree (Hargrove & Unitt 2014). Phenology Because nests were discovered at all stages of the nesting process, we lack a data set concerning the timing of reproduction that is comparable across all 19 nests. However, we could estimate the date of the first egg being layed for 14 nests. The dataset on hatching and fledgling dates is sparse due to the high number of nests that were abandoned or predated. Literature shows that Gray Vireos in New Mexico tend to hatch from mid-May through late July, with a mean lay date from May 13th to May 22nd (DeLong & Williams 2006, Hargrove & Unitt 2014). Most of the Gray Vireos surveyed in SNWR had a later lay date in mid-June, which was atypical. However, our survey was performed across the sample regions throughout the breeding season, so the data may be biased as a result of us spending more time in the less densely populated canyons earlier in the season, while not finishing surveys of Sepultura Flats until the middle of July. Regardless, Gray Vireos continued to reproduce until far later in the season than was expected. Vegetation Concerning tree height, canopy diameter, and sparseness, variation was considerable across sample sites but sample sizes were too small to analyze trends in any case but the totals. Nest trees were significantly larger in both diameter and height overall, and this is probably because smaller juniper trees were more abundant and thus more likely to be the closest tree to the randomly selected GPS coordinate. Though nest trees were found to be sparser on average, this could not be statistically verified. We are dubious that the method we devised of estimating the percent of a 1m square board visible through the foliage accurately quantified sparseness. Trees that appeared sparser overall often did not have a higher percent of the board visible, and instead the girth of the canopy and placement of main trunks seemed more influential on the reading. Perhaps this trend could be better detected by pairing nest trees with random trees of very similar sizes, and adapting a new method of measuring sparseness, such as with a canopy densitometer. The 10-meter radius census of all shrubs and succulents greater than 50 cm tall showed little variation between groups but appropriately characterized trends in shrub community across sites, All sites had a significant Juniper component, though Junipers are apparently most dense around nest sites in Sepultura flats. Piños and Bootleg Canyon had many similarities characteristic of mountainous terrain and higher-elevations. This includes large component of Apache Plume and Mountain Mahogany, as well as abundant Cacti (mostly Chollas). Both canyons also had significant amounts of yuccas and oaks, though there were far more abundant yuccas in Piños and more oaks in Bootleg. In Sepultura flats, the Rosaceae shrubs appear largely replaced by Saltbush and Winterfat of the Amaranth family, as well as New Mexico Rubber Plant and Creosote Bush. These hardy shrubs are characteristic of flat areas at lower elevations. References Barlow, Jon C., Sheridan N. Leckie and Colette T. Baril. 1999. Gray Vireo (Vireo vicinior), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: DeLong, J. P. and S. O. Williams III. 2006. Status report and biological review of the Gray Vireo in New Mexico. New Mexico Department of Fish and Game. Hanna, W. C. 1944. The Gray Vireo as a victim of the cowbird. Condor 46:244. Hargrove, L., and P. Unitt. 2014. Gray Vireo (Vireo vicinior) status assessment and nest monitoring to investigate causes of decline in California. Wildlife Branch, Nongame Wildlife Program Report 2014-01. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Sacramento; Hawks Aloft. 2006. Gray Vireo population monitoring in southeast New Mexico. Report submitted to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Hawks Aloft, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hawks Aloft, 2007. Gray Vireo Monitoring in the Guadalupe Mountains of southeastern New Mexico. Hawks Aloft, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Lowther, Peter E. 1993. Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: Mayfield, H. F. 1975. Suggestions for calculating nest success. Wilson Bulletin 87:456–465. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF). 2006. Threatened and endangered species of New Mexico, 2006 biennial review. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sauer, J. R., J. E. Hines, J. E. Fallon, K. L. Pardieck, D. J. Ziolkowski, Jr., and W. A. Link. 2014. The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966 - 2012. Version 02.19.2014 USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD. Schlossberg, S. 2006. Abundance and habitat preferences of Gray Vireos (Vireo vicinior) on the Colorado Plateau. Auk 123:33-44. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2008. Birds of conservation concern 2008. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Birds, Arlington, Virginia. Wickersham, L. E., and J. L. Wickersham. 2006. Density and habitat use of Gray Vireos (Vireo vicinior) in northwestern New Mexico: 2006 final report. Report submitted to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Ecosphere Environmental Services, Durango, Colorado.