Chuuk Pride Campaign Stakeholder Matrix Local agency (CCS) Organization Partners Government agencies Resource users (fishermen) Resource owners (sou nene) Community Leaders (samol) Businesses (private) Chuuk Women Council Religious Leaders Schools volunteers Youth groups volunteers No. Participant or Stakeholders stakeholder group 1 Chuuk Conservation Society Participant, name, position and contact details. Wisney Nakayama, (M) Supervisor Executive Director of CCS, (691) 330-7227 Key Issues Non Government Organization, Marine Protected Area, Agricultural Projects, site knowledge, stakeholder knowledge. (propose for budget (salary), travel fare, transportation, office equipment, office space.) 2 Chuuk Conservation Society Curtis Graham (M) Sub Supervisor Marine Program Manager, Non Government Organization, Marine Protected Area, Marine Projects, Site information & knowledge, stakeholder information. (Research, data, monitoring, surveys, outreach, information from previous projects, help facilitate workshop, provide list of stake Potential Contribution (what participants bring to the meeting) Knowledge about conservation sites, on going and to be established projects for both agriculture & marine, (master of ceremony) for the case of elders, support, give short presentation to community (local, govn’t, NGO’s, youths.) Motivation to attend (what meeting can give to participants) Participation in campaign, build relationship with stakeholders, measure organizations mission & vision, opportunities for future needs from communities. Knowledge about conservation sites, marine projects sites and progress, marine monitoring and surveys, training, supports, message or site news according to research and gathered information from monitoring and surveys. Participation In the campaign, information about marine habitat (threats, resources, and other issues), meet with stakeholders, building relationship, opportunities for future needs from communities. Consequences of not inviting. Loss of knowledge, no strong relationship with partners, no newly established partnership, no information about sites with (project plans, project sites, campaign information, decisions made), Stakeholders might not come to my meeting. Limited knowledge, no strong relationship, partner relationship build, capacity building, project sites, campaign information, unaware of campaign, unaware of decisions made during meeting. holders and other partners) Conservation sites, funding information, update CCS. 3 Micronesia Conservation Trust Mary Rose Nakayama, (F) Mentor, Conservation & Environmental Protection program officer. (Rare information, research Source, Advisor for accounting, and campaign mission) Willy Kostka (M) Conservation issues Executive Director, Supporter, Funder, (Previous conservation Expert. projects, data, information on sites and stakeholders, funders, vendors, agencies. 4 Micronesia Conservation Trust 5 Protected Area Network Alissa R. Takesy (F) Protected Areas Network Coordinator FSM Department of Resources and Development Division of Resource Management & Development (691) 920-6373 Area of Biodiversity Significance, Marine Conservation issues. 6 Protected Area Network Trina Leberer (F), Marine Conservation Coordinator The Nature Conservancy Marine conservation issues, REA outcomes. Knowledge of conservation campaigns, ideas of stakeholder meetings, support, encouragement, facilitator, expert. Capacity building, pride, updates on projects, campaigns, and sites. Professional knowledge of conservation,conservation message, relationship, support, training, suggestions on ways to achieve conservation goals. (she will always be informed) Participation In the campaign, capacity building, updates on Chuuk Conservation sites, community involvement ideas, Chuuk conservations status. Knowledge from Rapid Participation Ecological Survey, In the campaign, Facilitating/ sharing, Site measure project/ case information, stakeholders, study progress, capacity projects updates, case building, building study results. relationships. (Will be informed, possible to have no impact if he does no participate in meeting) Knowledge and skills, relationships, site information, support, suggestions of better Limited knowledge about stakeholders, resources users and owners (information) Capacity building, relationship, idea about sites, project process and progress. Limited knowledge, opportunity to meet stakeholders which she may also meet with for other projects in her field. 7 8 Micronesians in Island Conservation Micronesia Program Mae Adams,(F) MIC Cordinator, Tel: +691-320-4267 management. Micronesian islands Conservation issues (resources for conservations, conservation sties data, results of projects) Marine Resources issues Knowledge and skills, relationship, updates, information from other programs/organizations. Participation, skills, ideas and updates from Chuuk conservation sites, building relationships, capacity building, stakeholder feedback. Marine resources knowledge, marine biodiversity sites, threat information, suggestion for site identification, stakeholders identification. Training for reef monitoring, fish counts, knowledge of marine habitats and sites Community involvement, build relationship with community, knowledge about sites, and status. Capacity building, information about launching project, build relationship and partnership with stakeholders. Information about projects, sites, species, and upcoming projects and funding information. Department of Marine Resources Romeo Osiena,(M) Executive Director, 9 Department of Marine Resources Chimres (M) Marine Survey Coordinator Site knowledge. 10 Department of Agriculture Inocenty Penno, (M) Executive Director, Stakeholder Agricultural knowledge, traditional preserved and conservation sites. Unable to contact other important stakeholder, information on fauna, flora, endemic, invasive, and introduced species. 11 Department of Agriculture Saret Sleeper, (M) (agricultural information, including names of species) 12 Chuuk Ishmael Miguel, (M) Information about Information about plant species, agricultural conservation sites, partnership, conservation site information. Ideas of strategies to (Govn’t ageny) Training on surveys, gather information from stakeholders. Information about Limited information to update website, and information for organization, projects, and campaign progress and process. Limited information on sites, decisions make for possible new marine protected sites. Updates information from reef monitoring, water status, fish counts, and marine sites won’t be shared. Message won’t get to stakeholders who do not attend meeting. No site information from agriculture, needed information will be hard to find. Issues will not be Environmental Protection Agency Executive Director, CCS partner environmental issues on land and effects on marine habitat, protection projects/ training. solve issues on environment, Weno island issues (waste). 13 Chuuk Environmental Protection Agency Julita Albert, (F) Experts and experienced worker, supporter for conservation campaign, protected site information, messenger to communities from Fefan island. Ideas and information about sites, stakeholders, information from other workshop she attended. 14 Resource Users Dynamite Fishermen, (M) Destructive Fishers Information about dynamites, where they get from, consequences, catch information 15 Resource Users Spear fishing (fishermen) (M) Information about successful catch per day, information about marine habitat, monitoring sites, water quality, purpose of fishing (for money, food, or other occasions) Threats, information about why they use dynamite, where they get from , accurate site where dynamite fishing happen, what type of fish they dynamite, information on how they gather the fish. Information about fishing sites, threats, increase knowledge and contribute to campaign for implementations, and possible information about destructive fishing. 16 Resource Chiefs Information about site, Issues on sites, practiced upcoming training, conservation information, campaign information, and information on their role in the campaign. Partnership, information about campaign, information on possible campaign sites. Threat informations, destructive fishing contribution, effects on environment, alternative for income and food, contributing ideas to pay more attention to. Projects opportunity work for campaign, partnering with CCS, conservation projects that are open, fund proposal for NGO’s if they are interested in creating their community conservation organization. Partnership with NGO’s, considered if they’re not addressed, CCS might not make plans to solve environmental issues. Message won’t get to other local communities and stakeholders, lack of information about environmental agency and environmental issues. Campaign may turn out unsuccessful because these are the targeted group that we need to identify. Limited information given to them, taken from them on fishing activities, sites, marine habitat statistical information. Decisions will be Owners Stake holder 17 Community Leaders Mayors Decision makers, key influencers, community representative. 18 Chuuk Women Council Kiki Stinette, (F) CCS boardmember 19 Businesses Markets, Weno Island Public markets Supporter, volunteer support, community involvement, conduct meeting targeting women’s group, venue provider, Information about fish bought from fishermen, 20 Religious leaders Father Fernando,(M) Community reverend Support, law enforcer, sermon creator. 21 School College of Micronesia, COM landgrant department (they deal with the environment)… Volunteers management strategies used locally, who fish at their sites, possible lmma’s establishment in their sites, decision making Island development needs to be addressed, voice of local communities, contribution about sites, possible law enforcement on island, call meetings, conservation development, NGO creation, involvement in projects, supports, ideas for conservation activities and funding Partner building, ngo creation, conservation projects involvement, possible funders. Information that might important to the women council group, campaign information and involvement. Venue provider, important information needed for group, ngo conservation projects, Partnership, conservation involvement, awareness about possible law enforcement regarding dynamite fish. Information about dynamite fish , fishing, and fishers, Information about fishermen, fish, prices, how much they pay fishermen. Their willingness, skills, and opinions as well as understanding of environmental issues and resolutions to solve the Opportunity to assist the community with the threat of poaching that has been long standing within the communities. Survey training, better understanding of Chuuk situation, and issues, and better understanding of rare and the pride unable to be made, limited information for specific sites, comparison between site in the past vs. now a days. No connections between local communities and government, decision making, not much motivation for local community. Limited communication to women within communities, voice of women is not represented. Limited information about fish (sizes, varieties, number), Loss on the knowledge of the site and the contacts made within. Limited understanding of rare pride campaign, not familiar with things, and problem. They can possibly engage men to other working options to farming. 22 School (Fr. Rich McAuliff, S.J., Director) Xavier High School Volunteer, community service project. n/a 23 Youths Charley Hallers, Religious Youths/ Youths from the Youth Center Volunteers for campaign. Skills and knowledge and willingness 24 Bioterrorism Office Vendors Eleanor Mori Provide stickers, pins, posters, printed books, and more arts and craft products that we may need. Get a good business deal with organization and build relationship with the community. Products will be advertized and give them promotion, and popularity. 25 Private Businesses campaign, opportunity for future campaign to students, recommendation letters and future resume opportunities. Share skills and knowledge. Better understanding of environmental issues, workshop opportunities, campaign work, conducting survey skills, better recommendation letter and future resume opportunities. Share their skills, and knowledge. Better understanding about environmental issues. Opportunity for building relationship for their small organization, and possible funding may be offered to them stakeholder, lack of understanding of what the campaign may ask of them. Get better understanding of the community, understand the need of the community, figure out ways to attract customers after knowing what customers are Campaign products, tools, will not exist. Lack of understanding of campaign and possible objectives the campaign may ask of them. Lack of understanding and motivation, no passion and willingness. 26 Partner+stakeh Sander Flaisek older for Curtis current project 27 28 29 30 Marine and Environment Reseach Institute of Pohnpei Society for Historic Investigation and Preservation/ Help Ourselves Outreach Programs through Sports Saramen Chuuk Academy Site information, experience, knowledge gained from other previous workshop and meetings. Give local site information about conservation, build partnership, give feedbacks and experiences Give local site information about conservation, build partnership, give feedbacks and experiences Reverend Tai Ichin Site information, experience, knowledge gained from other previous workshop and meetings. Simon Ellis, Executive director Information about sites, species, scientific info. Keitani Graham Information on volunteers and campaingn through sport events. Give youth groups and sport team information about site, and give them community service work to be included in their activity. Marcellus Akapito Vice Principal Student volunteers Give student information about conservation community service projects interested in. Get information about site, more understanding and knowledge, contribution won’t be given. Reference for other volunteers and experiences wont be shared. Get information about site, more understanding and knowledge, contribution won’t be given. Reference for other volunteers and experiences wont be shared. Better understanding, and possible partnering with locals to do studies and research at their sites. They will help with spreading the campaign information and get news across to community people. Information won’t be based on studies. They could allow campaign to take part in their school activities and fundraisings. Getting volunteers. Reaching youth groups and sport teams will be harder to do without their help.