ABSTRACT Surface runoff is water flow that occurs when the soil is infiltrated to full capacity and excess water from rain and other sources flow over land. It is a major component of the water cycle and a primary agent of soil erosion, water pollution and flooding. Globally, the area of land estimated to be suffering from some form of degradation stands at just below two billion hectares of the world’s land mass, making it a serious global concern challenging the well-being of mankind. Water erosion accounts for about 56% of the total land area estimated to be degraded, making it a major factor contributing to the process of land degradation. Runoff is a dynamic process that is dependent on factors that vary both spatially and temporally. In order to evaluate the rate at which it is generated and how different factors in a catchment affect it, a modeling design in a GIS provides an ideal environment. Such an approach allows the storage, integration, analysis and maintenance of large environmental datasets. It provides an efficient, cost effective technique that offers possibilities to investigate factors that influence the rate of runoff over a large area. The information attained can be used to simulate the effects of certain decisions on catchment management practices to prevent, for instance, excessive runoff that may lead to a number of problems. Remote Sensing technology has been employed as an effective tool for data collection and preparation. The data is captured, processed and analyzed in a GIS environment and a database for surface runoff is created. The database can be customized to simulate runoff under different land-use and land cover types within the lake basin for better farming management practices. The results from the data analysis have indicated that there has been increased human activity around the lake basin in terms of settlement, agricultural practices and deforestation of the Mau Escarpment. The database can be used to monitor change in land use and its effect on surface runoff. This study therefore considers, a modeling approach in a GIS environment as the most effective method to assess the rate at which runoff occurs over the study are and the factors that influence it. i DEDICATION To my family for their enduring love and support. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project would not have been successful without the Lord’s grace and mercy. For that, I remain very grateful to the Almighty. I wish to extend my most sincere appreciation to the entire teaching staff of the Department of Geospatial and Space Technology for the knowledge they have inculcated in me. I am particularly grateful to Dr. Ing F.N. Karanja for her guidance throughout the project. My gratitude further goes to all my classmates, who were kind enough to assist me in this project. Finally, I am forever indebted to my family, to whom this project is dedicated, for their enduring love and support. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………i Dedication……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….ii Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….iii Table of Contents…………………….…………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………iv List of Tables………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….vi List of Figures………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….vii List of Abbreviations……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background Information ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Research Hypothesis ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Objectives............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.5 Research Questions ............................................................................................................................ 2 1.6 Organization of the report .................................................................................................................. 3 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Runoff................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.1. Surface Runoff in a Catchment ................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2. Soil Properties Influencing Infiltration ........................................................................................ 4 2.1.3. Land-use and Land-Cover Changes in relation to Surface Runoff .............................................. 5 2.1.4. Surface Runoff in Relation to Soil Erosion .................................................................................. 6 2.2. Runoff Modeling ................................................................................................................................ 6 2.2.1. Runoff Model Classification ........................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2. The U.S SCS Hydrological Model…………………………………………………………………………………………….8 CHATER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................................ 9 3.1 Area of Study....................................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Data Sources and Tools ..................................................................................................................... 10 3.2.1 Data Sources .............................................................................................................................. 10 3.2.2 Tools ........................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Application of Remote Sensing in Runoff Modeling ......................................................................... 11 iv 3.3.1 Data Collection ........................................................................................................................... 11 3.3.2 Data Preparation ........................................................................................................................ 12 3.3.3 Database Development.............................................................................................................. 16 3.4 Application of GIS in Runoff Modeling.............................................................................................. 20 3.4.1 Derivation of Soil Data ............................................................................................................... 20 3.4.2 Land Use/Cover Map ................................................................................................................. 21 3.4.3 Land-Soil Map Database Development...................................................................................... 22 3.4.4 Modeling using ArcCN ................................................................................................................ 23 3.4.5 Generation of Runoff Maps ....................................................................................................... 24 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………25 4.1 Land Use/Cover Mapping…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….25 4.1.1 Classification Results…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….25 4.1.2 Classification Accuracy Reports ................................................................................................. 28 4.2 Spatial Database for Runoff .............................................................................................................. 30 4.3 Surface Runoff Maps ......................................................................................................................... 31 4.4 Changes in Land Use Area Relative to Change in Runoff .................................................................. 34 4.5 Discussion of Results ......................................................................................................................... 35 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................ 36 5.1 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 36 5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 37 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 38 APPENDIX ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. v LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table 3.1 Data sources and the characteristics ....................................................................... 11 Table 4.1 Accuracy Assessment Report from year 1988 image classification ......................... 28 Table 4.2 Accuracy Assessment Report from year 2000 image classification ......................... 28 Table 4.3 Accuracy Assessment Report from year 2010 image classification ......................... 29 Table 4.4 Land Use Change vs. Runoff Change between the years 1988 and 2000 ................ 34 Table 4.5 Land Use Change vs. Runoff Change between the years 2000 and 2010 ................ 34 vi LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 3. 1 Area of Study .......................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3.2 Area of Interest in two images, different paths ................................................................... 13 Figure 3.3 MosaicPro in Erdas Imagine ................................................................................................. 13 Figure 3.4 Mosaicked Images .............................................................................................................. 144 Figure 3.5a Image Subset in Erdas Imagine ............................................................................................. 15 Figure 3.5b AOI images (a) 1988, (b) 2000, (c) 2010 ............................................................................... 15 Figure 3.6 Signature Editor .................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 3.7 Supervised Classification ...................................................................................................... 18 Figure 3.8 Accuracy Assessment............................................................................................................ 19 Figure3.9 Soil Data Clipping in ArcGIS 10.1 .......................................................................................... 21 Figure3.10 Digitization of Land Use/Cover Map .................................................................................... 22 Figure 3.11 Intersection of Soil and Land Use Attributes........................................................................ 23 Figure 3.12 Modeling Runoff using ArcCN Tool ...................................................................................... 24 Figure 4.1 Status of Lake Basin in 1988 ................................................................................................. 25 Figure 4.2 Status of the Lake Basin in 2000 ............................................................................................ 26 Figure 4.3 Status of the Lake Basin in 2010 ............................................................................................ 27 Figure 4.4 Runoff Spatial Database for the year 2010 ........................................................................... 30 Figure 4.5 Runoff Map 1988 ................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 4.6 Runoff Map 2000 ................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.7 Runoff Map 2010 ................................................................................................................... 33 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS RCMRD Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development SoK Survey of Kenya USGS United States Geological Survey GIS Geographic Information Systems CN Curve Number TIFF Tagged Image File Format JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group AOI Area of Interest SCS Soil Conservation Service NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service CSRS Canadian Spatial Reference System WGS World Geodetic System DLL Dynamic-Link Library viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Information Surface runoff is water flow that occurs when the soil is infiltrated to full capacity and excess water from rain and other sources flow over land. It is a major component of the water cycle and a primary agent of soil erosion, water pollution and flooding. A land area which produces runoff that drains to a common point is called a watershed. The area of land estimated to be suffering from some form of degradation stands at just below two billion hectares of the world’s land mass, making it a serious global concern challenging the well-being of mankind (Barrow, 1994; Scherr et al., 1996). The pressures of an increasing world population, combined with insufficient agricultural production, have resulted in measures that have further accelerated the process of land degradation. Poor agricultural management practices and use of marginal lands for cultivation purposes are notable examples of measures being implemented (Eswaran et al., 2001; UNEP 2000). Water erosion accounts for about 56% of the total land area estimated to be degraded, making it a major factor contributing to the process of land degradation (Swai, 2001). The problems instigated by water erosion extend to low lying areas where transported soil particles are deposited. The result is damage of soil structure, leading to decline in infiltration capacity, surface sealing and crusting, which can cause severe floods (Schwab et al., 1981; White, 1997). Erosion is a natural process but only when it takes place without pressures of land use or land cover changes which hasten the rate at which it occurs. Alterations in land use/ cover particularly affect the physical properties of soil, which are closely related to infiltration characteristics. This in turn influences the runoff pattern. The consequences of changes in land use on the rate of erosion can be assessed indirectly by studying runoff in an area. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to quantify the runoff, through modeling, taking these changes into account (DeRoo et al., 2000; Dingman, 2002). The integration of remote sensing and GIS has been applied widely and has been recognized as a powerful and effective tool in land use and land cover change. Remote sensing is used to collect multispectral, multiresolution and multitemporal data and turns them into information that is valuable for understanding and monitoring land use change processes. GIS technology, on the other hand, provides a flexible environment for entering, analyzing and displaying digital data from various sources necessary for change detection and database development. In hydrologic and watershed modeling, remotely sensed data are found to be valuable for providing cost-effective data input and for estimating model parameters (Weng, Q, 2011). 1 1.2 Problem Statement Problems of land degradation have intensified over the last decade as a result of population pressures. Marginal areas are continuously being encroached for expansion of agricultural fields without the implementation of proper conservation measures. Additionally, poor land management practices, including farming on the marginal lands have further aggravated the problem. Erosion and flooding have become the two main land degradation problems affecting the economy of the country as well as the lives of many (Shrestha, 2003). Lake Naivasha basin has seen extensive land use changes through human intervention in the past two decades. The poor farming techniques and depletion of forests, not only in the watershed but also the flood plain, contributes to the frequent problems of flooding around the lake. A case in point is the- flood event of October, 2012, that brought extensive damage to property. One implication of these problems could be that the soil in the watershed is degraded as a result of farming management practices resulting in increased rate of runoff. The study of the influence of different land use types on surface runoff generation has therefore become a topic of consequence. 1.3 Research Hypothesis A modeling approach is a suitable technique to assess the impact of land use on surface runoff Land use and land cover types can result in reduced rates of infiltration due to changes in the hydrological properties of soil in the watershed Changes in land use and land cover characteristics can influence surface runoff 1.4 Objectives The overall objective of this study is to model the effects of land use change on surface runoff. To achieve this objective, the following specific objectives were addressed: Investigate the use of Geospatial techniques on the impact of surface runoff as a result of land use/ cover types Identify factors that contribute to surface runoff Design a spatial database for surface runoff Model runoff using Geospatial techniques 1.5 Research Questions Which land use and land cover types result in generation of high surface runoff? Which land use and land cover types result in generation of low surface runoff? 2 What are the impacts of different land use and land cover types on soil physical properties related to surface runoff generation? 1.6 Organization of the report This report has been organized into five chapters. Chapter one defines surface runoff, gives its importance and effects. In addition, it defines the objectives of this research. Chapter two contains a literature review of the factors affecting surface runoff and using geospatial techniques to model surface runoff. Chapter three describes the methodology applied to achieve the objectives. It also defines the study area. In chapter four, the results from the study and their discussions are displayed. Chapter five gives the conclusions and recommendations from the study. 3 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Runoff Runoff in a catchment is generated by the portion of rainfall that remains after satisfying both surface and subsurface losses. Once these demands have been met, the remaining rainwater follows a number of flow paths to enter a stream channel. The course it follows depends on several factors including soil characteristics, climatic, topographic and geological conditions of a catchment (Ward and Robinson, 1990). Overland flow or subsurface runoff is the main flow path of runoff that can largely be influenced by human activities through catchment management practices. It is also the flow path of rainwater that triggers the process of soil erosion (Morgan, 1995). 2.1.1. Surface Runoff in a Catchment Surface runoff refers to the portion of rainwater that is not lost to interception, infiltration, evapo-transpiration or surface storage and flows over the surface of land to a stream channel (Morgan, 1995). During a rainstorm, a certain portion of rainfall is intercepted by vegetation canopy. What is left over falls directly onto the soil as through fall (White, 1997). Intercepted rainwater either evaporates or in cases of heavy continuous events, when canopy storage capacity is exceeded, intercepted rainwater falls to the ground as leaf drainage or stem flow (Morgan, 1995). The amount of rainwater that is lost due to interception depends on the vegetation cover and rainfall pattern (Dingman, 2002). Rainwater retained in vegetation canopy that ultimately evaporates is referred to as interception loss (White, 1997). Rainfall that is not lost to interception and reaches the soil surface either infiltrates into the soil, is stored in surface depressions or evapo-transpires. The remaining excess rainwater travels over land as surface runoff. Surface runoff occurs either when the soil is saturated from above or from below. If the rate at which rain falls to the ground is higher than the rate at which it infiltrates into the soil and surface storage is full then, the excess water at the surface flows along its gravitational gradient as surface runoff. This is referred to as saturation from above or Hortonian overland flow. On the other hand, if the soil is already saturated due to previous rainstorm event and the infiltration capacity of the soil is zero, saturation from below occurs. In this case, most of the rain that reaches the ground is converted to overland flow after satisfying surface storage and no or very little water infiltrates into the soil (Dingman, 2002). 2.1.2. Soil Properties Influencing Infiltration Infiltration rate refers to the rate at which water enters the soil during or after a rainstorm (White, 1997). Infiltration plays a key role in controlling the amount of water that will be available for surface runoff after a rainfall event (Morgan, 1995). It involves several processes acting together including gravitational forces pulling water down, attractive forces between soil and water molecules and the physical nature of soil particles and their aggregates (Morgan, 1995). 4 A number of environmental factors govern the rate at which water infiltrates into the soil. These include; the rate of rainfall, soil properties (including texture, soil porosity, organic matter content, structure of soil aggregates, and soil depth and moisture carrying capacity of the soil), topography (slope), vegetation cover, and the type of land use (Schwab et al., 1981). The most important soil properties that influence the rate of infiltration, as mentioned above, are the physical properties of the soil. The size of the particles that make up the soil, the extent of soil particle aggregation and the way in which the aggregates are arranged, are the properties of the soil that make it a porous permeable medium through which water can flow (Schwab et al., 1981). These properties vary extensively both spatially and temporally, and are a consequence of the geology and geomorphology of an area. They can also be influenced through catchment management practices (White 1997). 2.1.3. Land-use and Land-Cover Changes in relation to Surface Runoff As previously stated, in the conversion of rainfall, there are a number of stages in the hydrological cycle that rainwater goes through before runoff is generated in a catchment. These different stages result in different losses from the total rain, reducing the amount of water that will be available for overland flow. Through catchment management practices, man has had considerable influence over certain aspects of these stages. This has brought notable differences in the rate at which surface runoff is generated. An increase in the rate of runoff consequently increases the amount of soil that is eroded resulting in problems of land degradation (Morgan, 1995). Soil compaction brought about as a result of changes in land use and land cover practices in a catchment disrupts the natural arrangement of soil particles and their aggregates. This disruption causes soil particles to be more closely packed which reduces porosity, increases soil bulk density and destabilizes soil aggregates (Schwab et al., 1981). Vegetation serves as a protective layer over soil surface and also increases its infiltration capacity. Removal of vegetation due to changes in land use/ cover exposes the bare soil. When rain drops to the ground and hits the soil directly, soil particle detachment takes place. Freely flowing water then may cause fine particles to clog pore spaces provided by soil aggregates. This results in the formation of a thin compacted layer on the soil surface, referred to as surface crusting, which prevent water from passing into the soil (White 1997). The formation of a surface crust at the surface greatly reduces the infiltration capacity of the soil, which ultimately increases the amount of water available for surface runoff. Vegetation cover is also important in serving as a barrier to reduce flow velocity of surface water. It also has an important role in maintaining the structure of the soil. Plant roots increase the pore spaces along the lines occupied by the roots and dead leaves provide litter that keeps up the organic content of the soil which strengthens soil aggregates and maintain good soil 5 structure. Clearing of vegetation reduces the effect of roots and input of organic matter into the soil contributing to a reduction in the infiltration capacity of the soil (Schwab et al., 1981). 2.1.4. Surface Runoff in Relation to Soil Erosion Runoff is not in itself a form of land degradation but it is one of the major causes of land degradation problems, of which the main ones are erosion and flooding. Furthermore, the rate at which runoff is generated can be increased because of land degradation problems. Runoff on the one hand is an essential process in that it maintains water level in lakes and rivers preventing them from drying out and providing fresh water on which many living beings including humans largely depend. If however the rate of runoff is increased as a result of catchment management practices, it can result in severe land degradation problems (Schwab et al., 1981). Areas having shallow and compacted soils ensuing from a combination of poor farming techniques, exploitation of marginal lands, deforestation and excessive erosion are susceptible to higher rates of runoff. Higher runoff rate leads to an increase in soil erosion by running water. On the other hand, areas with deeper, more porous soil structures that are densely vegetated contribute to a reduction in the amount of water available for runoff which results in reduced rates of erosion (White 1997). Land use/ cover changes that increase runoff rates therefore ultimately influence the rate at which soil loss occurs. Soil loss brings about problems of soil degradation which in turn further aggravates problems of runoff. 2.2. Runoff Modeling There are several approaches to quantify the volume of runoff. One would be to gauge a stream channel and measure its discharge pattern. However, this will not give adequate information on the effects of changes in management practice (such as soil, land-use and land-cover changes) on the rate at which runoff is generated from different areas in a catchment. Due to spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the factors involved in runoff at catchment scale, a modeling approach to simulate the physical processes of runoff would be ideal to study the effects of changes in a catchment on its generation (Dingman, 2002). The mathematical description of all runoff models are simplifications of the actual process of runoff in nature. Some models are more simplified than others but at the base of each model, there is a mathematical description that simplifies the factors that are being considered and that enables the model to make quantitative predictions (Rientjes, 2004). Factors involved in the process of runoff, such as soil characteristics, vary extensively over small distances. It is impossible to account for each variation in space in a mathematical model. For this reason, average values are taken for sets of variables that share similarities. All models whether empirical, physical or combinations of the two are therefore based on many assumptions (Beven, 2000). 6 Increasing the complexity of a model by emphasizing more on the physical basis of environmental processes does not necessarily improve the performance of the model. Making a certain model more physical based implies that the input parameters are also increased and are more complicated to attain. Most parameters are obtained through measurements or observations and are rarely free of error. This error introduced into the model when parameters are processed contributes to the overall inaccuracy of a model (Duerson, 1995). On the other hand, the use of simpler empirical models also has its own drawbacks. Simple models tend to generalize details of environmental processes. This may result in loss of both spatial and temporal information (Beven, 2000; Duerson, 1995). As a result, there is no perfect model currently in existence that can fully explain all details involved in runoff and simulate the process as it occurs in nature. However, there are many types of runoff models available today and through the application of a suitable modeling approach, useful information on if and where there are problems can be identified (Beven, 2000; Duerson, 1995). Although a challenging task, once a suitable model for a particular catchment has been identified and surface runoff is simulated, taking into account changes in land use/ cover, predictions of the model can be very useful. It can help in identifying areas that contribute to higher rates of surface runoff. This information can be used to execute changes in catchment management practices in an effort at reducing the rate of surface runoff, in the long run diminishing problems of land degradation. The selection of a suitable model should therefore depend very much on the objectives of a study but additional factors such as availability of data, money and time should also be taken into account (DeRoo et al., 2000). 2.2.1. Runoff Model Classification Runoff models can be classified into two: lumped or distributed; and deterministic or stochastic (Beven, 2000) models. Lumped modeling approaches consider a catchment to be one unit and single average value representing the entire catchment is used for the variables in the model. The predictions obtained from such models are single values (Beven, 2000). In the distributed modeling approach, models make predictions that are spatially distributed. The spatial variability of model variables is simulated by grid elements (grid cells), that can either be uniform or non-uniform (Rientjes, 2004). Not only one average value over the entire catchment area is considered but values of parameters that vary spatially are locally averaged within each grid elements. Model equations are solved for each element or grid square and depending on the spatial variability of a certain parameter different values are used for each grid elements (Rientjes, 2004). Such types of models make predictions that are distributed in space allowing the assessment of effects of changes in a catchment (such as land use/cover) on the rate at which runoff is generated (Beven, 2000). Stochastic models (also known as probabilistic models) consider the chance of a hydrological variable occurring (Ward and Robinson, 1990). Both the input and output variables of stochastic runoff models are expressed in terms of a probability density distribution. In a stochastic 7 modeling approach, uncertainty or randomness in the possible outcome of the models permitted because of the uncertainty that is introduced by the input variables of the model (Beven, 2000; Rientjes, 2004). Deterministic models on the other hand focus on the simulation of the physical processes involved in the in the transition from precipitation to runoff. Most runoff models use this approach in simulating the process of runoff. In this case, only one set of values per variable are input into the model and the outcome is also one set of values. At any time step, the expected outcomes from deterministic modeling approach are single values (Beven, 2000; Rientjes, 2004; Ward and Robinson, 1990). 2.2.2 The U.S Soil Conservation Service Hydrological Model The U.S. SCS studied a number of watersheds varying in size; land use and land cover and developed the following relationships (U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1972): 𝑄= (𝑃−𝐼)2 . ………………………. (1) (𝑃−𝐼)+𝑆 Where: Q = the direct runoff (mm), P = the depth of rainfall (mm), I = the initial subtraction (mm), and S = the retention parameter (mm). The initial abstraction, I, mainly includes interception, infiltration, and surface storage, which occurs before runoff begins. By using rainfall and runoff data from small experimental watersheds, the following relationship was developed (US Soil Conservation Service, 1972): 𝐼 = 0.2 𝑆 …………………………………………………………………. (2) Substituting Equation 2 in Equation 1 yields the following relationship: (𝑃 − 0.2𝑆)2 𝑄= 𝑃 + 0.8𝑆 A runoff curve number (CN), which is defined in term of land cover, land use and hydrologic 25400 soil type and condition, is used as a transformation of S as: CN= 𝑆+254 8 CHATER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Area of Study a) Location Lake Naivasha, located within the eastern branch of Great Rift Valley and about 100km northwest of Nairobi, occupies a basin area of about 3200 km2. It lies approximately between latitude 0o 10’S to 1o 00’S and longitude 360 10’E to 360 45’E. Basin altitude varies from about 1900 m at the bottom of the valley to 3200 m in the Mau Escarpment found on the western boundary of the basin. The basin is surrounded to the west by the Mau Escarpment, to the south and south-east by the Olkaria and Longonot volcanic mountains, to the east by the Kinangop Plateau and to north north-east by the Aberdare Mountain Range, and finally to the north-west by the Eburu volcanic pile. Due to the altitudinal differences, there are diverse climatic conditions found in the basin. The climate of the area is a typical equatorial tropical climate with two rainy seasons followed by a dry season. The relief controls the precipitation pattern with much more rain in higher altitudes. The Rift valley floor experiences an average annual rainfall about 640mm while the wettest slopes of the mountains receive about 1525mm. Figure 3.1 Area of Study 9 b) Land use and Land Cover River Gilgil is one of the two main perennial rives flowing into the lake. The Gilgil basin is about 527km2 contributing about 20% of the discharge into the lake. According to the soil map obtained from Soil Science Division ITC, the soils in the upper basin area consist of clay loam to clay. These soils are deep (80-120 cm) and well drained. In the lower plains, soils are mainly sandy clay loam to sandy clay, and are deep and well drained. On the mountains, the soils are shallow (<50 cm) to moderately deep and consist of a complex of loam, clay loam and clay. The land cover of the Naivasha basin can be broadly categorized into four groups, namely Agriculture, Grass, Bush land and Forest. In the humid region, predominant land cover classes are forest and crops. The main crops consist of maize, potatoes and wheat. In addition to that, there are many other vegetables grown by smallholder farmers in the middle part of the basin. In the semi-arid region, there are extensive areas of grassland and bush land, which are used for livestock grazing. Also, intensive horticulture farming under irrigation is common around the lake. The North-Eastern part of the lake is predominantly occupied by large-scale vegetable and dairy farms. However, the detailed land use in different parts of the basin is subjected to high heterogeneity. The natural vegetation surrounding the lake is mainly papyrus swamp vegetation while; cactus, acacia, bamboo, shrub and coniferous trees are mainly further away from the lake. The smallholder farmers occupy the upper basin areas. 3.2 Data Sources and Tools 3.2.1 Data Sources The primary data for land use/cover mapping and change detection was Landsat satellite imagery captured by Landsat Thematic Mapper 7 sensor. Some of these satellite images were obtained from Regional Centre for Mapping and Resources Development (RCMRD) and others downloaded from the United States Geological Survey website (http://www.usgs.gov). Topographic map sheet covering the area of study was used to provide base information and for georeferencing the satellite images. A soil map detailing the characteristics of soil found in the area was downloaded from the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation. The dataset was in shapefile format, which was imported to ArcGIS for further processing and analysis. A summary of the types of data, their characteristics and their sources is shown in Table 3.1 below. 10 Table 3.1 Data sources and the characteristics Data Landsat Imagery (1988, 2000 and 2010) Characteristics Resolution: 15m Panchromatic Source RCMRD, USGS 30m Multispectral Topographic Map sheet Scale, 1:50,000; In softcopy SoK Kenya Soil Map Shapefile Soil Science Division, ITC 3.2.2 Tools The datasets collected were in different coordinate systems. Erdas IMAGINE version13 and ArcGIS 10 software were used to project the datasets to UTM Zone 36o S, datum WGS 84 coordinate system. Erdas IMAGINE version13 software was also used to classify images for production of land use and land cover maps for the different epochs. Detailed mapping, database production and map layout creation was done in ArcMap GIS 10. Runoff map was produced using ArcCN extension. Global Mapper Version 10 software was used to georeference the topographic map sheet to the common coordinate system. Accuracy assessment statistics were analyzed in Erdas IMAGINE. 3.3 Application of Remote Sensing in Runoff Modeling 3.3.1 Data Collection For change detection, time epochs between the years 1988, 2000 and 2010 were chosen. These were believed to be well distributed epochs where substantial changes in land use and land cover could be identified and modeled relative to surface runoff. The Landsat images were captured between the months of May and June in all the years to ensure consistency in land cover mapping and to reduce the effects of variations caused by seasonal changes. The Landsat images were obtained in compressed format in order to reduce their storage space requirement, enabling easier transfer and download. The images were extracted by unzipping the compressed files. In addition to the Landsat images, the files contained metadata which showed the date of acquisition, sensor used, area covered (in terms of row and path), and the bands included therein. 11 The extracted data files were converted to GeoTiff format which is compatible with Erdas IMAGINE software. As for the topographic map, the only conversion required was from JPEG to TIFF. This was done during the georefencing procedure in Global Mapper software. The topographic map formed a good source of base information for accuracy assessment of the classified images. The soil map was downloaded in shapefile format. The only processing procedure carried out for this data was to project it into the common coordinate system used for this study. 3.3.2 Data Preparation Image Mosaicking Part of the study area was found to lie along one path of the satellite image and the other part, on the succeeding path as shown in Fig. 3.2. Image mosaicking and color corrections were carried out using the MosaicPro option in Erdas IMAGINE as shown in Fig 3.3. The color correction was done using the histogram matching option. Histogram matching option was preferred to other options because the two satellite images were acquired at the same local illumination and over the same location, but different atmospheric conditions and global illumination. The image mosaic procedure produced one seamless image for each epoch as shown in Fig 3.4. 12 Figure 3.2 Area of Interest in two images, different paths Figure 3.3 MosaicPro in Erdas Imagine 13 Figure 3.4 Mosaicked Images Image Subset The mosaicked Landsat images obtained, covered an extensive area of approximately 66,445km2. This was a wide area compared to the study area of about 1500km2. Image subset was therefore necessary. Image subset required that an area of interest be cropped and separated from the main large image. For this operation, the mosaicked images were imported to Erdas IMAGINE; an AOI (Area of Interest) was defined using the AOI drawing tools, and then Image Subset operation was performed around the created AOI. Figure 3.5a shows the process of image subset to get the Areas of Interest shown in Fig 3.5b. 14 AOI Figure 3.5a Image Subset in Erdas Imagine Figure 3.5b AOI images (a) 1988, (b) 2000, (c) 2010 15 Image Enhancement Image enhancement was performed whereby; false color composites were created by combining three spectral bands, band 4 (red), band 3 (green) and band 2 (blue) in that order. The false color composite was preferred since in the visible part of the spectrum, plants reflect mostly green light (hence they appear green) but their infrared reflection is even higher hence the reddish tint. False color composite sacrifices natural color rendition in order to ease the detection of features that are not readily discernible otherwise. 3.3.3 Database Development Information Classes To extract information on the various land use and land cover types, information level of classification was employed. This was done because there exists several and complex land cover types in the River Gilgil basin. Training sites were created and supervised classification with maximum likelihood algorithm performed on the spatially enhanced images. Classification was performed by creating small polygons (training sites) on every land cover type so as to associate each land cover type to a class value and class name. Six classes were used to classify all land cover types identified as dominant in the area of interest. The classes included: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Water Body Forest Agriculture Bare Soil Cleared Areas Settlement Lake Naivasha (water body), was the common drainage point of the water flowing within the river basin. The forested areas consisted mainly of the coniferous forests. This was the catchment area for the river basin. Agriculture included intensive horticultural farming under irrigation and small-scale farming within the river basin. The forested areas had been deforested over a period of time. The deforested areas, classified as cleared areas, were used to analyze the effect of deforestation on surface runoff. Bare soils had a different curve number compared to other land cover, particularly the cleared areas, indicating that it experienced different runoff. Settlement was added to analyze the effect of urbanization on surface runoff. 16 Figure 3.6 Signature Editor Fig 3.6 shows the use of AOI drawing tools to create training sites for the different land cover and land use classes for generation of the signature editor. The process of supervised classification is shown in Fig. 3.7 17 Figure 3.7 Supervised Classification Accuracy Assessment Accuracy assessment is a measure of how accurate the land cover types have been assigned to classes where they belong and hence the level of reliability of the data. The original unclassified image was used for base information and a set of ground coordinate points from each of the land cover types used as reference classes. These reference classes were compared with the classified images and used to compute the error matrix and the kappa index for any misclassification. The process is as shown in Fig. 3.8. 18 Figure 3.8 Accuracy Assessment In the 1988 imagery, three points had wrongly been classified and after computing the error matrix, an overall Classification accuracy of 75.00% was achieved, translating to a Kappa of 0.6505. The misclassification can be attributed to the fact that, during that time, land cover identified as agriculture was not well pronounced, and bare soil occupied a small percentage of land cover. In the 2000 imagery, two points were wrongly classified and after computing the error matrix, an overall Classification accuracy of 83.33% was achieved translating to a Kappa of 0.7692. In the 2010 imagery, two points were wrongly classified and after computing the error matrix, an overall Classification accuracy of 83.33% was achieved, translating to a Kappa of 0.7966. This was the best Kappa index in the classification and showed that the 2010 image was the most accurately classified image. With all the Kappa indices greater than 0.6, data could be used comfortably for modeling runoff. 19 3.4 Application of GIS in Runoff Modeling 3.4.1 Derivation of Soil Data In hydrology a curve number (CN) is used to deter mine how much rainfall infiltrates into soil and how much rainfall becomes surface runoff. A high curve number means high runoff and low infiltration (urban areas), whereas a low curve number means low runoff and high infiltration (dry soil). The curve number is a function of land use and hydrologic soil group. There are seven major landscape units in Naivasha area: (a) lacustrine plain, (b) volcanic plain, (c) hill land, (d) highland plateau (e) low plateau (f) step-faulted plateau (g) volcanic lava-flow plateau. The details for the soil found in these landscapes are given in chapter two of this report. The soils in the area were classified in four groups, i.e. A, B, C and D. From the NRCS standards, soil group A has the highest curve number, indicating highest runoff while D has the lowest curve number hence lowest runoff. Sandy soils around the lake, for instance would largely be classified as hydrologic soil group D. The derivation of soil data involved projection of the Kenya Soil Map form NAD 1983 CSRS to UTM Zone 36o S, datum WGS 84 coordinate system. The area of interest was then overlaid on the projected soil data and subset of the soil data carried out using the clipping tool in ArcGIS. The process of clipping in ArcGIS is as shown in Fig 3.9. 20 Figure 3.9 Soil Data Clipping in ArcGIS 10.1 3.4.2 Land Use/Cover Map One of the inputs of ArcCN is the land use and land cover data as a shapefile. The classified images were imported to ArcGIS software, and the different land cover classes digitized. The classes were divided into six thematic areas, including; water body, agriculture, bare soil, forest, cleared areas and settlement. Fig. 3.10 shows part of the digitization process. 21 Figure 3.10 Digitization of Land Use/Cover Map 3.4.3 Land-Soil Map Database Development To reduce processing time, the soil and land use layers were dissolved before intersection based on attributes ‘hydrogroups’ in the soil data and ‘covername’ in the land use data. For this study, the polygons for soil group were reduced from 24 to 4 (A, B, C and D). Soil and land use layers were intersected to generate new and smaller polygons associated with soil hydrgroup and land use covername. The intersection process kept all details of the spatial variation of soil and landuse and hence could be considered more accurate than using raster grid to calculate runoff. Fig 3.11 shows the intersection of soil and land use attributes to produce a land-soil shapefile. 22 Figure 3.11 Intersection of Soil and Land Use Attributes 3.4.4 Modeling using ArcCN Modeling using curve numbers is a simple empirical method for estimating the amount of rainwater available for runoff in a catchment. The initial abstraction values, determined by the curve numbers, were developed for different soil types and land-use practices by the USGS. The advantage of using this method is that it is not data demanding and it’s very simple to use. Its predictions can be useful in identifying whether a problem exists. Modeling using ArcCN was carried out in two parts, i.e. loading the ArcCN-Runoff tool in .dll file format into ArcMap and running the tool using the attributes from the land-soil data. The ArcCN-Runoff tool was downloaded from Esri support website (http://www.arcsript.esri.com). It was loaded into ArcMap as an extension. 23 Figure 3.12 Modeling Runoff using ArcCN Tool The inputs to the Runoff tool were; the land-soil data, index database and the precipitation value. From the land-soil data, the land cover and the hydrologic condition of the soil were generated. The index table is a general database that was also downloaded from the Esri website. This table contains all the land use and land cover types and their corresponding curve numbers in the different hydrological classes (A, B, C and D). The index table is used to match the land soil database to the general database. Precipitation value was entered as 1000mm for the purposes of computing the runoff. Fig 3.12 shows the process of modeling. 3.4.5 Generation of Runoff Maps The ArcCN Runoff tool automatically computed the CN and runoff values for the different land cover and land use. For visualization, the symbology of the land-soil map was changed to show categories of runoff using unique values. Runoff maps for the years 1988, 2000 and 2010 are shown in Figures 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 respectively. 24 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Land Use/Cover Mapping 4.1.1 Classification Results Figure 4.1 Status of Lake Basin in 1988 Forest occupied a large extent of the basin, while bare soils and agricultural practices were minimal. Settlements within the lake basin could not be identified from the classification map as can be seen in Fig 4.1. 25 Figure 4.2 Status of the Lake Basin in 2000 From Fig 4.2, intense agricultural activities took place around the lake. The cleared areas increased, indicating high rates of deforestation. Also, settlements around the lake could be observed. This could be attributed to increased population around the area and need for increased food production. 26 Figure 4.3 Status of the Lake Basin in 2010 From Fig 4.3, forest cover increased particularly when compared to the status of the lake basin as it existed in the year 2000. This could be attributed to land reclamation efforts by the Government of Kenya and by Non-Governmental Organizations. 27 4.1.2 Classification Accuracy Reports Table 4.1 Accuracy Assessment Report from year 1988 image classification Class Name Reference Classified Number Producer User Totals Totals Correct Accuracy Accuracy Unclassified 0 0 0 --- --- Forest 5 5 5 100.00% 100.00% Water Body 2 2 2 100.00% 100.00% Agriculture 2 0 0 --- --- Cleared Areas 3 4 2 66.67% 50.00% Bare Soil 0 1 0 --- --- Totals 12 12 9 Overall Accuracy= 75% Table 4.2 Accuracy Assessment Report from year 2000 image classification Class Name Reference Classified Number Producer User Totals Totals Correct Accuracy Accuracy Unclassified 0 0 0 --- --- Forest 1 2 1 100.00% 50.00% Water Body 2 2 2 100/00% 100.00% Agriculture 6 5 5 83.33% 100.00% Bare Soil 2 1 1 50.00% 100.00% Cleared Areas 1 2 1 100.00% 50.00% Settlement 0 0 0 --- --- Totals 12 12 10 Overall Accuracy= 83.33% 28 Table 4.3 Accuracy Assessment Report from year 2010 image classification Class Name Reference Classified Number Producer User Totals Totals Correct Accuracy Accuracy Unclassified 0 0 0 --- --- Forest 1 2 1 100.00% 50.00% Water Body 2 2 2 100.00% 100.00% Agriculture 4 3 3 75.00% 100.00% Bare Soil 2 2 2 100.00% 100.00% Cleared Areas 2 1 1 50.00% 100.00% Settlement 1 2 1 100.00% 50.00% Totals 12 12 10 Overall Accuracy= 83.33% See Appendices 1, 2 and 3 for the full error matrices and Kappa statistics. From the above summary of data and classification, it can be established that the classification was accurate enough to be used for runoff modeling and analysis. The overall classification for the 1988 imagery was 75% and the Kappa index was 0.6505. A total of three land cover classes were misclassified. These included agriculture and bare soil. The reason for misclassification could have been the limited extent of these cover-classes as shown in Fig 4.1. The overall classification accuracy for the 2000 imagery was 83.33% and the Kappa index was 0.7692. A total of two cover classes were misclassified. These included cleared areas and forests. The forests could easily be misclassified due to the vast deforestation as shown in Fig 4.2. The overall classification accuracy for the 2010 imagery was 83.33% and the Kappa index was 0.7966. A total of two cover classes were misclassified. These included settlement and cleared areas. The 2010 imagery was the best classified image because of the relatively higher Kappa index. This could be attributed to the clarity of the image which enabled easy recognition of features. 29 4.2 Spatial Database for Runoff Figure 4.4 Runoff Spatial Database for the year 2010 The runoff spatial database consisted mainly of the land-cover name and the hydrologic group of the soil as the input variables. Form the input, the model computed the curve number (CN), runoff and runoff volume based on the area of the particular land use. 30 4.3 Surface Runoff Maps Figure 4.5 Runoff Map 1988 The legend gives the values of runoff as computed from an area weighted average curve number for the different compartments. It is the amount of runoff that would be experienced in a storm event of about 1200mm. Forests A and B as shown in Fig 4.5 had different runoff values. The difference could be attributed to the difference in hydrologic conditions of the soils. The values of runoff ranged from 0 to 999.23 mm/m2 for a precipitation value of 1200mm. 31 Figure 4.6 Runoff Map 2000 From the runoff map in Fig 4.6, C and D show the same area, with the same soil characteristics experiencing different runoff. This difference could only be brought about by the difference in land use and cover. In this case, the land cover type with highest surface runoff was agriculture, whereas the land cover type with lower runoff value was forest cover. The value of runoff ranged from 0 to 1199.23 mm/m2 from a precipitation value of 1200mm. 32 Figure 4.7 Runoff Map 2010 From Fig 4.7, points E and F experienced different runoff, with the runoff at E being relatively lower than that in F. The land cover types with highest surface runoff in this case, were agriculture and settlement. The land cover types with lower runoff values were forests and bare soils. The runoff value ranged from 0 to 1099.23 mm/m2 for a precipitation value of 1200mm. 33 4.4 Changes in Land Use Area Relative to Change in Runoff Table 4.4 Land Use Change vs. Runoff Change between the years 1988 and 2000 CLASS CHANGE IN AREA (m2) CHANGE IN RUNOFF IN RUNOFF (mm/m2) Forest -61 105.05 +198.20 Agriculture +39 683.34 +193.00 Bare Soil +2 000.84 +56.00 Cleared Areas +22 705.29 +203.89 Table 4.4 illustrates the effect of deforestation on surface runoff. Table 4.5 Land Use Change vs. Runoff Change between the years 2000 and 2010 CLASS CHANGE IN AREA (m2) CHANGE (mm/m2) Forest +26391.69 -113.09 Agriculture -2458.35 -100.00 Bare Soil -476.98 -109.21 Cleared Areas -35473.83 -99.97 Settlement +4893.66 +197.19 Table 4.5 illustrates the effect of urbanization on surface runoff. 34 4.5 Discussion of Results The Results of supervised classification showed satisfactory values of kappa which meant that the land use and cover types were correctly put in their correct classes. With overall classification accuracies of 75% for 1988 image and 83.33% for both 2000 and 2010 images, the images could be comfortably used to depict runoff in the three epochs. The change in land use, which was attributed to increase in human settlement around the basin and increases agricultural activities, led to land degradation with the forest being the most affected land cover. From the runoff map, the forest cover was found to have lower runoff compared to other nonwater cover types. Lower curve number translated to lower runoff experienced after a storm. Of particular interest is the forest marked A, in Fig4.4. It experienced higher runoff compared to other forest covers, for example the marked B. Such differences in runoff could be identified from this model and better decisions can be made with regard to its conservation or reclamation. Generally, forest covers are the only non-water cover types that consistently showed lower runoff in the watershed. On the other hand, agriculture and settlements cover types showed higher rates of surface runoff in the watershed. Form Table 4.4, it was could be seen that, relatively smaller changes in area of cleared areas and agriculture produced higher surface runoff than the forest cover class. This showed the effect of deforestation on surface runoff. From Table 4.5, of particular interest was the settlement change and runoff produced. There was rapid increase in settlement in the lake basin region between the years 2000 and 2010. This produced high rates of surface runoff, showing the effects of urbanization on surface runoff. From the runoff maps, Figures 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7, it could be seen that with a precipitation value of 1200mm, runoff was highest in the year 2000 with a value of 1199.23mm and lowest in the year 1988 with a value of 999.23mm. 35 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions A Soil Conservation Science model was applied to generate runoff in Lake Naivasha basin and assess the effects of different land use and land cover types on its generation. The approach was simple, required very little data and its application in a spatially distributed environment allowed for estimates of runoff at different locations in the catchment. The model took into consideration the effects of different land use and land cover types and soil characteristics of the basin in predicting runoff. Results showed that areas of agricultural practice had higher excess precipitation than the non-agricultural areas. From the study, areas of agricultural practice could be the concern of soil degradation problems that resulted in increased surface runoff in the watershed. It was observed that in areas of agricultural practice, soil characteristics were negatively influenced due to land use and land cover being implemented in the different areas. The consequences of this were seen in the high rates of surface runoff changes in land use to agriculture practice. The study showed that SCS model is a valuable tool to assess the impact of different land use and land cover types on surface runoff generation. Its flexibility, in terms of manipulation to simulate a scenario, makes it an effective means to assess impacts of land use and land cover types on environmental problems such as surface runoff. It enabled the integration and analysis of large data sets that vary both spatially and temporally, which emphasized the practicality of employing remote sensing and GIS tools for assessing dynamic environmental problems. 36 5.2 Recommendations The results indicated that there is a trend in surface runoff pattern of the watershed on different land use and land cover types. Areas used for agriculture exhibited higher surface runoff than areas of non-agriculture. This being the case, further investigations should be conducted in the catchment areas. Perhaps through the collection of adequate model validation data and making field measurements of the parameters required by the model more accurate predictions can be made. Because of its empirical nature, the model can then be implemented in other catchments in the area. With this information, suitable farming management practices can be formulated and implemented in an effort at reducing the rate of surface runoff ultimately reducing soil erosion by water, water pollution and the flooding hazard in the low lying areas. 37 REFERENCES Barrow, C.J., 1994. Land degradation: development and breakdown of terrestrial environments. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge etc., 295 pp. Beven, K.J., 2000. Rainfall runoff modeling: the primer. Wiley & Sons, Chichester etc., 360pp. DeRoo, A.P.J., 2000. Physically based river basin modeling within a GIS: the LISFLOOD model. Hydrological processes, 14(11-12): 1981-1992. Deursen, W.V., 1995. Geographic Information http://pcraster.geog.uu.nl/thesisWvanDeursen.pdf. Systems and Dynamic Models Dingman, S.L., 2002. Physical Hydrology. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 646 pp. Eswaran, H., Lal, R., 2001. 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Soil water erosion modeling in selected watersheds in Southern Spain, International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschebe. UNEP, 2000. Global Environment Outlook, United Nations Environment Programme. http://www.unep.org/geo2000/english/index.htm Ward, R.C., and Robinson, M., 1990. Principles of Hydrology. McGraw Hill, London, 365 pp. Weng, Q., 2011. Remote Sensing and GIS Integration: Theories and Applications. McGraw Hill, New York, 248 pp. 38 White, R.E., 1997. Principles and Practice of soil science; the soil as a natural resource. Blacwell Science, Oxford, 348 pp. 39 Appendix 1: Accuracy Report-1988 Classification CLASSIFICATION ACCURACY ASSESSMENT REPORT ----------------------------------------Image File : d:/output/supervised_class1988.img User Name : TEDDY-PC Date : Tue Apr 16 18:22:50 2013 ERROR MATRIX ------------Classified Data --------------Unclassified Forest Waterbody Agriculture Cleared Areas Bare Soil Column Total Classified Data --------------Unclassified Forest Waterbody Agriculture Cleared Areas Bare Soil Column Total Reference Data -------------Unclassifi Forest Waterbody Agricultur ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 2 Reference Data -------------Cleared Ar Bare Soil Row Total ---------- ---------- ---------0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 4 1 0 1 3 0 12 ----- End of Error Matrix ----ACCURACY TOTALS ---------------Class Reference Classified Number Name Totals Totals Correct ---------- ---------- ---------- ------Unclassified 0 0 0 Forest 5 5 5 Waterbody 2 2 2 Agriculture 2 0 0 Cleared Areas 3 4 2 Bare Soil 0 1 0 Totals 12 Overall Classification Accuracy = Producers Accuracy ----------100.00% 100.00% --66.67% --- Users Accuracy ------100.00% 100.00% --50.00% --- 12 9 75.00% ----- End of Accuracy Totals ----- 40 KAPPA (K^) STATISTICS --------------------Overall Kappa Statistics = 0.6505 Conditional Kappa for each Category. -----------------------------------Class Name ---------Unclassified Forest Waterbody Agriculture Cleared Areas Bare Soil Kappa ----0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.3333 0.0000 ----- End of Kappa Statistics ----- 41 Appendix 2: Accuracy Report-2000 Classification CLASSIFICATION ACCURACY ASSESSMENT REPORT ----------------------------------------Image File : d:/output/superviced_class2000.img User Name : TEDDY-PC Date : Tue Apr 16 18:30:58 2013 ERROR MATRIX ------------Classified Data --------------Unclassified Forest Water Body Agriculture Bare Soil Cleared Areas Settlement Column Total Reference Data -------------Unclassifi Forest Water Body Agricultur ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 6 Classified Data --------------Unclassified Forest Water Body Agriculture Bare Soil Cleared Areas Settlement Column Total Reference Data -------------Bare Soil Cleared Ar Settlement Row Total ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 12 ----- End of Error Matrix ----ACCURACY TOTALS ---------------Class Reference Classified Number Name Totals Totals Correct ---------- ---------- ---------- ------Unclassified 0 0 0 Forest 1 2 1 Water Body 2 2 2 Agriculture 6 5 5 Bare Soil 2 1 1 Cleared Areas 1 2 1 Settlement 0 0 0 Totals 12 12 10 Overall Classification Accuracy = 83.33% Producers Accuracy ----------100.00% 100.00% 83.33% 50.00% 100.00% --- Users Accuracy ------50.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% --- ----- End of Accuracy Totals ----- 42 KAPPA (K^) STATISTICS --------------------Overall Kappa Statistics = 0.7692 Conditional Kappa for each Category. -----------------------------------Class Name ---------Unclassified Forest Water Body Agriculture Bare Soil Cleared Areas Settlement Kappa ----0.0000 0.4545 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.4545 0.0000 ----- End of Kappa Statistics ----- 43 Appendix 3: Accuracy Report-2010 Classification CLASSIFICATION ACCURACY ASSESSMENT REPORT ----------------------------------------Image File : d:/output/supervised_class2010.img User Name : TEDDY-PC Date : Tue Apr 16 18:33:48 2013 ERROR MATRIX ------------Classified Data --------------Unclassified Forest Water Body Ariculture Bare Soil Cleared Areas Settlement Column Total Reference Data -------------Unclassifi Forest Water Body Ariculture ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 Reference Data -------------Classified Data Bare Soil Cleared Ar Settlement Row Total --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------Unclassified 0 0 0 0 Forest 0 0 0 2 Water Body 0 0 0 2 Ariculture 0 0 0 3 Bare Soil 2 0 0 2 Cleared Areas 0 1 0 1 Settlement 0 1 1 2 Column Total 2 2 1 12 ----- End of Error Matrix ----ACCURACY TOTALS ---------------Class Name ---------Unclassified Forest Water Body Ariculture Bare Soil Cleared Areas Settlement Totals Reference Classified Number Totals Totals Correct ---------- ---------- ------0 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 12 12 10 Producers Accuracy ----------100.00% 100.00% 75.00% 100.00% 50.00% 100.00% Users Accuracy ------50.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% Overall Classification Accuracy = 83.33% ----- End of Accuracy Totals ----- 44 KAPPA (K^) STATISTICS --------------------Overall Kappa Statistics = 0.7966 Conditional Kappa for each Category. -----------------------------------Class Name ---------Unclassified Forest Water Body Ariculture Bare Soil Cleared Areas Settlement Kappa ----0.0000 0.4545 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.4545 ----- End of Kappa Statistics ----- 45