1st Grade ELA – SBRC First Trimester Word Study for Spelling Rubric for Report Card Events Basic/Developing: 2 Proficient: 3 Advanced: 4 The student is not meeting the standard as described in the performance indicators. The student is beginning to, and occasionally does, meet the standard as described by grade level performance indicators for this trimester. The student regularly meets the standard as described by the following grade level performance indicators for this trimester: The student consistently meets the grade level indicators described above and exceeds the standard as described by the performance indicators below. Applies sound, pattern, and/or visual patterns on studied words and matching patterns on assessment More than 2 words spelled incorrectly at any level Words spelled accurately (no more than 2 incorrect) at the Emergent Stage (Alphabet, Beginning/Final Sounds, Concepts of Word/About Print) and below on assessments Words spelled accurately (no more than 2 incorrect) at the Letter Words spelled accurately (no more than 2 incorrect) at the mid Within Word (R Control Vowels, Complex Consonants, & Abstract Vowels) stage and above on assessments Applies spelling discovery/generalization in new words that were not studied but fit the pattern Is unable to spell features new words on writing assessments Understands spelling discovery as evidenced in written discovery statement on assessment (Will be assessed in Trimester 2 & 3) Is unable to accurately identify and communicate orally and/or in writing the spelling discovery at any level Written Spelling Assessment 9/20/13 Below Basic: 1 2013-14 Can accurately spell features correctly in new words on word study assessments at the Emergent Stage (Alphabet, Beginning/Final Sounds, Concepts of Word/About Print and below and below Can accurately identify and communicate a spelling discovery in writing on assessment at the Emergent Stage (Alphabet, Beginning/Final Sounds, Concepts of Word/About Print and below Name (Beginning/Final Consonants, Short Vowels, and Beginning Blends/Diagraphs) or early Within Word (Long Vowels CVCe/CVVC) stage on assessments Can accurately spell features correctly in new words on word study assessments at the Letter Name (Beginning/Final Consonants, Short Vowels, and Beginning Blends/Diagraphs) or early Within Word (Long Vowels CVCe/CVVC) stage Can accurately identify and communicate a spelling discovery verbally or in writing on assessment at the Letter Name (Beginning/Final Consonants, Short Vowels, and Beginning Blends/Diagraphs) or early Within Word (Long Vowels CVCe/CVVC) stage Can accurately all spell new features on word study assessments at the mid Within Word (R Control Vowels, Complex Consonants, & Abstract Vowels) stage and above Can accurately identify and communicate a spelling discovery in writing on assessment at the mid Within Word (R Control Vowels, Complex Consonants, & Abstract Vowels) stage and above 1st Grade ELA – SBRC Second & Third Trimesters Written Spelling Assessment Applies sound, pattern, and/or visual patterns on studied words and matching patterns on assessment Applies spelling discovery/generalization in new words that were not studied but fit the pattern Understands spelling discovery as evidenced in written discovery statement on assessment Below Basic: 1 2013-14 Basic/Developing: 2 Proficient: 3 Advanced: 4 The student is not meeting the standard as described in the performance indicators. The student is beginning to, and occasionally does, meet the standard as described by grade level performance indicators for this trimester. The student regularly meets the standard as described by the following grade level performance indicators for this trimester: The student consistently meets the grade level indicators described above and exceeds the standard as described by the performance indicators below. Words spelled accurately (no more than 2 incorrect) at the Emergent Stage (Alphabet, Beginning/Final Sounds, Concepts of Word/About Print) and below on assessments OR More than 2 words spelled incorrectly at any level Words spelled accurately (no more than 2 incorrect) at the Early Letter Words spelled accurately (no more than 2 incorrect) at the mid/late Name (Beginning/Final Consonant, Beginning Blends/Diagraphs, Short Vowels) Letter Name (Final Blends/Diagraphs) or early Within Word (Long Vowels CVCe/CVVC & R Controlled Vowels) stage on assessments Words spelled accurately (no more than 2 incorrect) at the mid Within Word ( Complex Consonants, & Abstract Vowels) stage and above on assessments Can accurately spell features correctly in new words on word study assessments at the Can accurately spell features correctly in new words on word study assessments at the Early Letter Name (Beginning/Final Consonants, Beginning Blends/Diagraphs, Short Vowels) Emergent Stage (Alphabet, Beginning/Final Sounds, Concepts of Word/About Print) and below OR Is unable to spell features new words on writing assessments Can accurately identify and communicate a spelling discovery in writing on assessment at the Emergent Stage (Alphabet, Beginning/Final Sounds, Concepts of Word/About Print) and below OR Is unable to accurately identify and communicate orally and/or in writing the spelling discovery at any level 9/20/13 Word Study for Spelling Rubric for Report Card Events and below on assessments and below on assessments Can accurately identify and communicate a spelling discovery in writing on assessment at the Early Letter Name (Beginning/Final Consonants, Beginning Blend/Diagraphs, Short Vowels) and below on assessments Can accurately spell features correctly in new words on word study assessments at the mid/late Letter Name (Final Blends/Diagraphs) or early Within Word (Long Vowels CVCe/CVVC & R Controlled Vowels) stage Can accurately all spell new features on word study assessments at the mid Within Can accurately identify and communicate a spelling discovery verbally or in writing on assessment at the mid/late Letter Name (Final Blends/Diagraphs) or early Within Word (Long Vowels CVCe/CVVC & R Controlled Vowels) stage Can accurately identify and communicate a spelling discovery in writing on assessment at the Word (Complex Consonants, & Abstract Vowels) stage and above mid Within Word (Complex Consonants, & Abstract Vowels) stage and above 1st Grade ELA – SBRC All Trimesters Word Study for Spelling Rubric for Report Card Events Basic: 2 Proficient: 3 Advanced: 4 The student is not meeting the standard as described in the performance indicators. The student is beginning to, and occasionally does, meet the standard as described by grade level performance indicators for this trimester. The student regularly meets the standard as described by the following grade level performance indicators for this trimester: The student consistently meets the grade level indicators described above and exceeds the standard as described by the performance indicators below. Uses learned spelling patterns to revise own writing Is unable to produce source of evidence to show how they applied spelling patterns in their writing Produces revised writing sample with at one or two sources of evidence to show how they applied spelling patterns in their writing Produces revised writing sample with at least three sources of evidence to show how they applied spelling patterns in their writing Generates new words that follow spelling patterns using other texts (independent reading, dictionary, etc.) Does not generate words independently that meet each spelling pattern of focus and produces this evidence to teachers Generates one to two words independently that meet each spelling pattern of focus and produces this evidence to teachers (can use independent texts or dictionary) Generates three words independently that meet each spelling pattern of focus and produces this evidence to teachers (can use independent texts or dictionary) Produces writing pieces revises entirely to utilize correct spelling of learned features and other grade appropriate spelling skills (sight words, vocabulary, grammar, etc. that are related back to previous or current grade level study Generates more than three words independently that meet each spelling pattern of focus and produces this evidence to teachers (can use independent texts or dictionary) Word Study Assessment through Conferences 9/20/13 Below Basic: 1 2013-14