Appendix S1: Extended description of methods Generating Climate Projections To explore future climatic trends relevant to abalone population abundance, we generated annual climate forecasts for August and March SST according to two global emission scenarios: a no-climate-policy reference (no stabilization) scenario (MiniCAM Ref.) and a corresponding policy (stabilization) scenario (MiniCAM, Level 1) designed to stabilize at an equivalent CO2 concentration of 450 ppm (Clarke et al., 2007, Wigley et al., 2009). MAGICC/SCENGEN 5.3 (Fordham et al., 2012c) was used to generate an annual time series of future climate anomalies (2000 – 2100) using an evenly weighted ensemble of seven atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (GCMs): CCSM-3; MRI-CGCM2.3.2; ECHAM5/MPI-OM; MIROC3.2 (hires); UKMO-HadCM3; UKMO-HadGEM1; GFDLCM2.0. These seven GCMs were chosen, from among twenty CMIP3/AR4 GCMs (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 3 GCM database []), on the basis of their skill in reproducing seasonal SST (1980-1999) at global and regional (Pacific and Indian Oceans) scales and a convergence criteria (Fordham et al., 2013). We also generated individual GCM forecasts using the Parallel Climate Model (PCM; Washington et al., 2000) and the Community Climate System Model, version 3.0 (CCSM-3; Collins et al., 2006). Both GCMs are commonly used in marine ecological studies (e.g., Boyd & Doney, 2002, Donner et al., 2005) and have contrasting skill based on retrospective simulations. The PCM performs poorly in reproducing recent seasonal SST at global and regional scales, while the CCSM-3 is far better at hindcasting past SSTs. Collectively these models provide a suit of representative climate futures, with the PCM predicting the lowest increase in summer (March) SST and the highest increase in winter (August) SST, and the 7-model average providing intermediate forecasts between those given by PCM and CCSM-3 for March SST (Figure S1). Modelling Abundance Annual climate forecasts of August SST (2000-2100) were used as an input in the ENM abundance models to generate a 100-year time series of spatial abundance predictions for H. rubra and H. laevigata. The predicted abundance estimates for each species in each grid cell (m-2) were subsequently multiplied by the total grid cell area and by the proportion of each grid cell expected to encompass subtidal rock habitats (based on Watts et al., 2011). This is because the presence of H. rubra and H. laevigata is restricted to subtidal rock habitats (McShane & Smith, 1991, Shepherd, 1998). Abundance was not predicted at depths greater than 30 m for H. laevigata and 20 m for H. rubra, because their abundance below these depths can decline rapidly (Shepherd unpublished data) and commercial fishing is limited (Mayfield unpublished data). Initial abundance of H. rubra and H. laevigata on reefs outside its present-day distribution were set to zero. Thus, these habitats have suitable substrate (rocky reefs), but are not colonized in the year 2000. Treating initial abundance as zero allows these reefs to be colonized in the future through demographic processes (such as dispersal) interacting with changes in environmental suitability (Fordham et al., 2012a). Calculating carrying capacity Carrying capacity was calculated by adjusting ENM abundance projections to account for non-cryptic individuals. H. rubra and H. laevigata juveniles inhabit cryptic habitats (Shepherd, 1990). Juveniles are difficult to count in dive surveys (Shepherd, 1990) and were poorly represented in data used to parameterise the ENM. To account for the influence of survey bias on estimates of abundance and K, we multiplied grid cell abundance by the ratio of juvenile (size 8-74 mm in length) to adults (> 74mm) expected under a stable age distribution. Carrying capacity did not include zero year olds since the model was a prebreeding stage matrix. Pre-breeding Matrix We developed a pre-breeding stage matrix (Akçakaya & Root, 2005). Matrix elements governed transitions among seven length classes (size classes are provided in Bardos et al., 2006), derived for a time step of 1 year from growth, fertility and mortality data for abalone populations in Australia. Fertility and allometric growth rates were the same as those used by Bardos et al. (2006) for a fast-growing abalone population. Survival in the largest size class (>118mm) was set at 0.72 -1 years based on locally derived estimates for H. laevigata nonharvested populations (Shepherd, 1990). Survival rates for size classes used by Bardos et al. (2006) were modified proportionally so that the upper limit on survival was 0.72 -1 years for abalone > 118 mm. The RAMAS stage matrix is provided below for three cryptic juvenile size classes (8–30, 30–52, 52–74 mm) and three adult size classes (74–96, 96–118, 118mm to ∞). Environmental Variability Abalone recruitment and abundance is highly variable, even in the absence of fishing, probably due to variability in SST (Shepherd & Brown, 1993). We estimated temporal variability in survival rates from a long term census (1970 to 1987) of H. laevigata (Shepherd, 1990), following approaches published elsewhere (Fordham et al., 2012b). After removing variance due to demographic stochasticity (Akcakaya, 2002), the standard deviation for survival of animals ≥ 3.5 years (or > 52-74 mm in length) was estimated as 0.301 (1970-75) and 0.180 (1976-1987) and the coefficient of variation (CV) as 0.533 and 0.282, respectively. We used the more conservative estimate (CV = 0.282) to initially model variation in survival rates for animals > 74 mm. Because inter-annual variation in survival is relatively high for young animals (Shepherd & Breen, 1992) we modelled a 20% higher rate of variation for animals with lengths between 8 – 74 mm (S. Shepherd unpublished data). We used a ten year time series of larval abundance for Haliotis discus hannai and Tegula spp. to estimate temporal variability in the number of recruits per adult (Sasaki & Shepherd, 1995). Variability in water turbulence heavily influences recruitment across the geographic range of Haliotis discus hannai and Tegula spp (Sasaki & Shepherd, 1995). Similar observations have been made for abalone in Southern Australia (Shepherd et al., 1992). The CV in recruitment for Haliotis discus hannai and Tegula spp. was 0.78 and 0.85 respectively. A study of H. rubra recruits ( < 8 mm in length; equal to < 12 months of age) in three distinct populations in New South Wales (Australia) between 1987 and 1988 (McShane & Smith, 1991) also showed high variability in the number of recruits per adult (CV ranging from 0.916 to 1.097). We initially modelled environmental variability for H. laevigata and H. rubra using a CV of 0.85 for fertility − we chose not use the fertility estimate for H. rubra because it was calculated from just two years of data. We then adjusted the vital rate variability parameters to match the observed variability in the H. laevigata abundance time series − variability computed as CV of 𝑙𝑜𝑔 ( 𝑁𝑡+1 𝑁𝑡 ) (where N is the population size a time t). This method is described in more detail in Anderson et al. (2009). The revised CV parameters were 0.2 and 0.78 for survival and fertility, respectively. Sensitivity Analysis We undertook a comprehensive sensitivity analysis to determine the influence of spatial and non-spatial parameters on model predictions. To ensure sampled values covered the entire parameter space, we used Latin hypercube sampling (Iman et al., 1981) with 50 sampling dimensions drawn from realistic ranges of the following parameters: Rmax (± 10%), dispersal (± 10%), variability in vital rates (± 10%), carrying capacity (± 20%) and harvest off-take (± 20%). The values for each parameter were selected from uniform increments within these ranges (see Conroy & Brook, 2003 for a practical example). For each iteration of randomly selected parameter values, we projected the population to 2100 (based on 500 stochastic replications) and recorded final population abundance for persistent runs only. We used general linear models (GLM; Gaussian distribution with identity link) to explore the relative importance of different parameter values on predicted total abundance in 2100 (McCarthy et al., 1995). We calculated the standardised regression coefficients (coef/S.E.) for each term in the saturated model (n=5) as a relative metric of prevalence sensitivity to variation in vital rates (McCarthy, 1996). Confidence intervals (5th and 95th percentiles) for the coefficients were generated through a bootstrapping procedure (10000 bootstraps) that modelled the relationship between parameter values and total abundance in 2100. References Akcakaya HR (2002) Estimating the variance of survival rates and fecundities. Animal Conservation, 5, 333-336. Akçakaya HR, Root WT (2005) RAMAS GIS: Linking Landscape Data with Population Viability Analysis (version 5.0). Setauket, New York, Applied Biomathematics. 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