academic standing - University of Colorado Denver Catalog

Academic Honors
Dean's List
CU Denver uses a fixed criterion across all colleges for determining eligibility for the Dean's
List. This policy applies to undergraduate students.
For fall and spring semesters, students must successfully complete nine (9) graded hours in the
semester. These courses can be both within and outside of the college. Metropolitan State
University of Denver pooled courses will not be included in the GPA calculation nor will they
apply toward the 9 hours required for consideration. The GPA for inclusion in the Dean's List is
In the summer semester, students must complete six (6) graded hours. Course inclusion will be
the same as in fall and spring semesters. The GPA for Dean's List in summer is also 3.75.
Scholarships tied to Dean's Lists may have additional requirements.
The Registrar's Office calculates the semester GPAs that are the basis for determining the Dean's
List. Incompletes will not be considered in the calculation of minimum number of hours. The
Dean's List will not be recalculated to include completed incompletes.
College Honors
College of Arts & Media
Academic honors are awarded at the time of graduation, based on cumulative University of
Colorado undergraduate GPA. To be eligible for honors, a CAM student must have completed a
minimum of 30 semester hours at the University of Colorado (on any CU campus). A cumulative
CU GPA of 3.65-3.749 earns cum laude, a 3.75-3.849 earns magna cum laude and 3.85 or above
earns summa cum laude honors designations on a degree for CAM students.
Business School
Students who demonstrate superior scholarship are given special recognition at graduation.
Students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.50-3.649 in all business courses taken at the
University of Colorado to be considered for cum laude, achieve a cumulative GPA 3.65 and
3.749 in all business courses taken at the University of Colorado to be considered for magna cum
laude and achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.85 or higher in all business courses taken at the
University of Colorado to be considered for summa cum laude.
College of Engineering and Applied Science
In recognition of high scholarship and professional attainments, Honors, Special Honors or With
Distinction may be awarded at graduation at the discretion of the student's major department.
These honors are recorded on the diploma of the graduate and indicated in the commencement
program. Grades earned during the semester of graduation will not be considered.
For Special Honors, a student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.80, and for Honors, a
GPA between 3.60 and 3.79. With Distinction is awarded at the discretion of the College
Executive Council
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
A student who performs superlatively in course work in the college will be awarded a bachelor's
degree accompanied by the statement with distinction. To be eligible for graduation with
distinction, a student must have completed a minimum of 45 semester hours at the University of
Colorado (on any CU campus), including the final semester, with a GPA of at least 3.75. The 45
semester hours must be completed in the student's junior and senior years. A maximum of 6 out
of the final 45 semester hours may be completed with a grade of P (on P/F option).
Departmental Honors
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Departments in the college offer programs through which students can qualify for Latin honors:
cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude. Determination of the level of honors is made
by the department. Detailed information can be obtained from the CLAS Academic Advising
Office or from the individual departments.
Academic Probation
Academic probation is a warning to students that they are not progressing toward
completion of their degree in a satisfactory manner.
Students are placed on academic probation when their cumulative CU GPA falls below a
2.0 at the end of any academic term.
Students are informed in writing (via university-assigned e-mail and postal letter) of their
academic probation status.
Students on academic probation will be required to complete the academic success plan
during their first semester on academic probation.
Students will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic
advisor to discuss the completed academic success plan before they will be allowed to
register for the subsequent term.
Students on academic probation will be required to schedule an appointment and meet
with their academic advisor every semester that they are on academic probation before
they will be allowed to register.
Academic probation requires that students achieve a minimum 2.3 semester GPA each
subsequent term until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a 2.0 to return to good
academic standing. Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative CU GPA to meet
graduation requirements.
Students who fail to earn the 2.3 semester GPA during any semester of academic
probation will be placed on restricted academic probation.
Students have five semesters or 30 credits (whichever happens sooner) to raise their
cumulative GPA to above a 2.0, or they will be placed on academic suspension.
Once a student has raised his/her cumulative CU GPA to at least a 2.0, s/he will be
removed from academic probation and notified via university-assigned e-mail that s/he is
in academic good standing.
Academic Suspension
Students on restricted academic probation who do not meet the 2.3 minimum semester
GPA will be placed on academic suspension.
Students are informed in writing via certified/registered letter of their academic
suspension status.
The minimum duration of academic probation is for a period of one year (three
semesters, including summer term). Students placed on academic suspension will be
unable to take courses from any CU campus during this time.
Should a student be placed on academic suspension while registered for the next
semester, s/he will be administratively dropped from their courses by the university.
A student's academic suspension status is permanently indicated on his/her official
University of Colorado transcript.
During the one-year academic suspension period, students who wish to return to the
university should consider one (or both) of the following actions:
o Attend another regionally-accredited college/university.
 Students who choose to attend another institution while on academic
suspension can take as many or as few credits as they choose, but must
earn a 2.75 cumulative GPA in all transferable course work.
 Students should consult their academic advisor to discuss appropriate
course work.
o Use the time off to directly address and resolve the factors that contributed to the
academic difficulty.
After the one-year suspension period has elapsed, students must petition the appellate
committee (of the school or college they wish to enter) for readmission and meet and
document at least one of the following criteria:
o Attendance at another regionally accredited college/university where they earned
a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in transferable credit.
o Explanation of their previous academic difficulty, demonstration of what has
changed and how this will allow them to now achieve and maintain good
academic standing (including a semester GPA of at least 2.3 and a cumulative
GPA of at least a 2.0).
Students who choose to petition their college's appellate committee for re-admission
must submit their petitions by the following deadlines:
o For fall admission: June 1
o For spring admission: December 1
o For Maymester/summer admission: April 1
If a student is granted readmission and his/her CU GPA is below a 2.0, s/he will be readmitted on restricted academic probation. These students must meet the condition of
restricted academic probation every semester until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a
Good Academic Standing
Degree Seeking Students
Good academic standing requires a minimum GPA that is determined by the student's school or
college. Grades earned at another institution (excluding other University of Colorado campuses)
are not used in calculating the GPA at the University of Colorado.
Degree-seeking students should consult the academic standards section of their school or college
for degree program requirements.
Students at the University are expected to maintain progress in their degree program, as defined
by being in "good academic standing." Good academic standing requires minimally a
cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on all University of Colorado course work.
Non-degree Seeking Students
Continuation as a non-degree student is contingent upon maintaining an overall GPA of 2.0 upon
completion of 12 or more semester hours.
Failure to maintain the required average will result in a non-degree student being suspended. The
suspension is for an indefinite period of time and becomes part of the student's permanent record
at the university. While under suspension, enrollment at the university is restricted. For more
information contact the dean's office of the school /college you are enrolled in.
Non-degree students are not placed on academic probation prior to being suspended.
Restricted Academic Probation
Students who fail to earn the 2.3 semester GPA during any semester of academic
probation will be placed on restricted academic probation.
Students are informed in writing (via university-assigned e-mail and postal letter) of
restricted academic probation status.
Students on restricted academic probation will be allowed to enroll for a maximum of 6
credits/two classes per semester (whichever is more). A course and its attached lab are
considered to be one course in this case.
Students on restricted academic probation will be required to schedule an appointment
and meet with their academic advisor in order to register for courses.
Students on restricted academic probation will not be able to register online; they will
need to register for courses using a schedule adjustment form, which must be submitted
to the Service Center (North Classroom #1003) for processing.
Restricted academic probation requires that students achieve a minimum 2.3 semester
GPA each subsequent term until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a 2.0. Students must
achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative CU GPA to return to good academic standing and to
meet graduation requirements.
Students on restricted academic probation who do not meet the 2.3 minimum semester
GPA will be placed on academic suspension.
Students who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or above in five semesters or 30
credit hours on academic probation and restricted academic probation will be placed on
academic suspension.
Once a student has raised his/her cumulative CU GPA to at least a 2.0, s/he will be
removed from restricted academic probation and notified via university-assigned email
that s/he is in academic good standing.
Second Suspension
Students who are readmitted after their first academic suspension and fail to meet the
conditions of restricted academic probation for a second time are placed on a second
suspension for an indefinite period of time.
Students on a second suspension may be readmitted to the university only by petition to
the college's appellate committee.
Students will not be considered for re-admission unless they have demonstrated
significant improvement in academic performance at the college/university level, and/or
considerable and positive change in personal circumstances.