Study Of Vitamin D Level In Critically Ill Children. Mohammed Z. Neel, MD., Shaheen A.Dabour, MD., Ghada S. Abdelmotaleb, MD., Yasser M.Ismail*, MD. and Shaimaa Reda, MSc. Pediatrics and Clinical pathology * departments, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University. Abstract: Objective: To assess prevalence of 25 (OH)D deficiency in critically ill children , possible risk factors and whether it is associated with increased mortality and hospital stay Patients and Methods: This is cross sectional study of 25(OH) D levels conducted on 48 patients within the first 24 hours of PICU admission. Analysis of the demographic data and PRISM III score between the deficient and sufficient group in the PICU. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as levels from 30 to 75 nmol/L and serious deficiency< 30 nmol/L. Results: Median of 25(OH)D level was 63.7 nmol/L in the whole study group of PICU patients. The prevalence of 25(OH)D < 30 nmol/L was 33.3%, patients with vitamin D deficiency had higher age. Median age in severely deficient patients was 2.25 years with p value (<0.05). PRISM III score, mortality and duration of hospital stay were not associated with vitamin D deficiency, although high PELOD score was associated with vitamin D deficiency. Median of 25(OH)D level at the time of discharge was 59.1 nmol/L which is not affected by time of mechanical ventilation or PICU length of stay. Conclusions: Hypovitaminosis D incidence was high in PICU patients especially those with older age, no vitamin D supplementation or sun exposure. Hypovitaminosis D was not associated with higher PRISM III scores or mortality. The level of vitamin D at the time of discharge is significantly decreased in comparison with its level on admission. Key words: PICU, 25(OH)D, PRISM III score, mortality. Introduction: Vitamin D, a nutrient derived from both diet and sunlight, has been increasingly recognized as pivotal to good health. A pleiotropic hormone, vitamin D has been increasingly implicated in the proper functioning of multiple organs; its deficiency is associated with cardiovascular disease, asthma, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) and cancer (1). The level of 25(OH)D needed for adequate immune and cardiovascular function is unclear. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased viral respiratory infections and sepsis in children and adults (Ginde et al., 2011). This could be because 25(OH)D influences production of cathelicidin hCAP-18, an anti-microbial peptide (3). Aim of the work: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among critically ill children admitted to pediatric intensive care unit , Benha University hospitals. Studying the risk factors for vitamin D deficiency and exploring its relationships with the clinical outcomes. Patients and method: This study was performed in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Department, Benha University Hospitals. We studied all patients admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care unit during the period from March 2014 to August 2014 included the age groups from 1 month to 18 years of either sex. The number of included cases was 48 patients. Eligibility criteria: 1. Age of the patients from one month to 18 years. 2. Estimated PICU stay > 48 hrs (excluding short term monitoring patients). Exclusion criteria: 1. Patients with known hypothalamic disease. or suspected adrenal, pituitary or 2. Patients who received systemic steroids for >10 days in the previous month or more than 1 dose of systemic steroids within 24 hours of admission. 3. Patients who transferred from another ICU. 4. Patients after trauma. All patients were subjected to: Full history taking at the time of admission which included age, sex, residence, order among siblings, onset of the illness either acute or acute on top of chronic illness. History was taken about child’s background, sun exposure, intake of vitamin D supplements and type of milk. Examination at the time of admission including all body systems. Patients’ height and weight were taken and its percentiles for age were checked according to the Egyptian growth curves (2002). The severity of illness in the first 24 hours was assessed as defined by Pediatric Risk of Mortality III (PRISM-III) score (4) and Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) score (5). Number of organ system failure was detected on admission. 1st day of Presence or absence of sepsis & its degree (if present) were identified according to International Pediatric sepsis consensus conference (6) & (7). Our classification of sepsis syndromes where mainly according to Proulx classification except for the last grade we took it from Goldstien classification. During admission in our PICU the cases were followed up for: 1. Catecholamine administration: Maximum level of vasopressor use during PICU stay will be assessed by using the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment cardiovascular (CV-SOFA) score (8) with 0–1: no vasopressors, 2: dopamine <5 mcg/kg/min, 3: dopamine 5 to 15 mcg/kg/min or norepinephrine/ epinephrine <0.1 mcg/kg/min, and 4: dopamine >15 mcg/kg/min or norepinephrine/epinephrine >0.1mcg/kg/min. 2. Mechanical ventilation duration if the patient was ventilated. 3. PICU length of stay. 4. The outcome. Before withdrawing the samples an informed consents were taken from the parents. The following laboratory tests were performed: Serum Ca Serum Phosphorus Serum ALT, AST and ALP Serum Urea and Creatinine Serum 25(OH) vitamin D Previous parameters were measured using Biosystem A15 Autoanalyzer by the appropriate chemical principles. Sample collection and storage for Serum 25(OH) vitamin D Blood samples for serum 25(OH)D were obtained within the first 24 hours of PICU admission and at the time of discharge. Under sterile aseptic techniques 3 ml of venous blood were withdrawn in a sterile test tube. All blood samples were put in a refrigerator at 4 ˚C for the night then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1000-3000- rpm. The supernatant was stored at -20˚C until analysis by ELISA Kit MyBiosource USA. Results Patients were categorized into three groups according to 25(OH) VitaminD level, adequate (>75nmol\L), insufficient (30-75nmol\L) and seriously deficient (<30nmol\L).There were 19 patients(39.6%) with adequate vitamin D level, 13 patients (27.1%) with insufficient vitamin D level and 16(33.3%) with seriously deficient vitamin D level. seriously deficient 33.3% adequate 39.6% Figure (1) Distribution of study population according to Vitamin D level insufficien t 27.1% Table (1): Vitamin D level in different groups as regard age. Demographic characteristic Age Variables Median Minimum Maximum Mean r 25OH vitamin D grouped (number & percent) Adequate (>75nmol/L) (30-75 nmol/L) 1.1 0.25 4 1.5 0.67 0.17 5 0.97 Seriously deficient (<30nmol/L) 2.25 0.17 12 4 -0.15 P-Value <0.05* >0.05 This table shows that there was statistically significant difference in vitamin D level among the adequate, insufficient and seriously deficient groups as regard to age. Table (2): Clinical characteristics of study population according to vitamin D level. Variables Acute or acute on top of chronic illness Type of milk supplementation Vitamin D supplementation Sun exposure CV SOFA score PRISM III score PELOD score Weight Percentile Height percentile Sepsis or not Manifestations of rickets Mechanically ventilated or not Acute Acute on top of chronic artificial Breast No Yes Good Improper No Median Minimum Maximum Mean Median Minimum Maximum Mean Median Minimum Maximum Mean r Above 25th Below 25th Above 25th Below 25th No yes Absent Present No Yes 25OH vitamin D grouped (number & percent) Adequate Insufficient Seriously (>75nmol/L) (30deficient 75nmol/L) (<30nmol/L ) 8 (42.1%) 9(69.2%) 9(56.2%) 11(57.9%) 4(30.8%) 7(43.8%) 4(21.1%) 15(78.9%) 10(52.6%) 9(47.4%) 11(57.9%) 5(26.3%) 3(15.8%) 0 0 4 0.8 6 1 22 8.7 10 0 31 9.2 4(21.1%) 15(78.9%) 4(21.1%) 15(78.9%) 5(26.3%) 14(73.7%) 14(73.7%) 5(26.3%) 11(57.9%) 8(42.1%) 2(15.4%) 11(84.6%) 11(84.6%) 2(15.4%) 3(23.1%) 4(30.8%) 6(46.2%) 0 0 4 1.1 8 2 24 9.9 11 0 32 10.9 0(0%) 16(100%) 14(87.5%) 2(12.5%) 1(6.2%) 10(62.5%) 5(31.2%) 0 0 4 0.75 9.5 3 19 10.1 20 0 31 16.9 -0.3 6(46.2%) 7(53.8%) 6(46.2%) 7(53.8%) 3(23.1%) 10(76.9%) 9(68.2%) 4(30.8%) 7(53.8%) 6(46.2%) 6(37.5%) 10(62.5%) 6(37.5%) 10(62.5%) 3(18.8%) 13(81.2%) 13(81.2%) 3(18.8%) 11(68.8%) 5(31.2%) P-value >0.05 >0.05 <0.05* <0.05* >0.05 >0.05 <0.05* <0.05* >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 *P-value < 0.05 is considered significant, r =Spearman's rho correlations. This table shows that there was a statistically significant difference among adequate, insufficient and seriously deficient groups as regard vitamin D supplementation, sun exposure and PELOD score. And also there was significant negative correlation between vitamin D level and PELOD score. Adequate (>75nmol/L) Insufficient (30-75nmol/L) Seriously deficient (<30nmol/L) 87.5 84.6 100 52.6 47.4 12.5 15.4 50 Seriously deficient (<30nmol/L) Insufficient (30-75nmol/L) Adequate (>75nmol/L) 0 No Yes Adequate (>75nmol/L) Insufficient (30-75nmol/L) Figure (3): Comparison between three groups as regard sun exposure. Seriously deficient (<30nmol/L) 100 62.5 57.9 50 Figure (2): Comparison between three groups as regard vitamin D supplementation. 23.1 46.2 31.2 15.8 26.330.8 6.2 0 25OH vitamin D ad Good Improper No 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure (4): Shows significant negative correlation between vitamin D level and PELOD score. 0 5 10 15 20 PELOD 25 30 35 Table (3): Vitamin D supplementation and Sun exposure in cases: Mean SD Vitamin D supplementation No Yes 61.89 72.50 169.68 107.60 Sun exposure Good Improper 139.48 90.630 76.01 110.133 No 59.68 56.312 p-value <0.001 >0.05 As regard vitamin D supplementation there was high significant difference between patients with vitamin D supplementation and patients without, while there is no significant difference as regard sun exposure. Table (4) Comparison between vit D on admission and vit D on discharge in discharged cases Median Vit D on admission 63.7 Minimum Maximum Mean 1 97.5 388 p-value <0.001 Vit D on discharge 59.1 1 335 94.8 This table shows that there was statistically highly significant difference of vitamin D level at the time of admission and discharge. Discussion: In the current study, 25(OH)D mean level is 91.1 nmol/L , median level is 63.7 nmol/L, maximum is 388.4 nmol/L and minimum is 1 nmol/L. In a study by Ripple et al. (9) in Australia the median 25(OH)D level was 56.5 nmol/L.While the mean 25(OH)D was 43.2nmol/L in a study in Canadian PICU children (2). In another study in north American PICU, the median 25(OH)D was 22.5ng/ml (56.25nmol/L as 1 ng/ml=2.5 nmol/L) (10). In this study the median patient age was 1 year, and there is an inverse correlation between 25(OH)D levels and age (r: -0.15). The median age groups were 2.25 for the seriously deficient, 0.67 for the deficient and 1.1 for the sufficient (p- value<0.05). This goes in agreement with Madden et al. (10) who found that vitamin D level was lower in the older age group. In another study the incidence of vitamin D deficiency was compared between healthy and PICU children in different age groups. As expected, incidence of vitamin D deficiency increased with age in both group of patients. PICU patients had double the incidence of hypovitaminosis D in all age groups, but the differences were clearly statistically significant in the older age group, and were significant in the medium age group (r: -0.421; p < 0.001) (11). Lack of vitamin D supplementation and sun exposure are strongly related to vitamin D deficiency. The present study shows that 87.5% of severely deficient group and 84.6% of insufficient group were not taking vitamin D supplementation. We noticed that 93.7% of severely deficient and 77% of insufficient were with improper or no exposure to sun. This explains the positive correlation between 25(OH)D, vitamin D supplementation and sun exposure (p-value<0.05). Similar to our results, Madden et al. (10) found the same relation as 58.3% were not taking neither vitamin D nor other multivitamins (p-value <0.0001) and noted that vitamin D supplementation before PICU admission was strongly protective against 25(OH)D deficiency. PELOD score showed higher scores with severely vitamin D deficient patients which explain the strong negative correlation between vitamin D level and PELOD score (r: -0.3; p <0.05) ;while the number of organ system failure were not related to vitamin D deficiency. While no other studies studied the relation between PELOD score and 25(OH)D, McNally et al. (2) only used PELOD score to define hepatic dysfunction. It is possible that 25(OH)D deficiency amplifies the metabolic derangements and impaired immune regulation seen in critically ill states, which may lead to worse outcomes than would be experienced with normal vitamin D levels (12). This study included 19 (39.6%) ventilated patients out of 48 patients, 42.1% of vitamin D sufficient, 46.2% of deficient and 31.2% of seriously deficient were ventilated patients. On the other hand, mechanically ventilated patients represent in McNally et al. (2) 65% of vitamin D sufficient group and 75% of vitamin D deficient. In Rippel et al., (9) 98.4% of vitamin D sufficient group and 97.7% of vitamin D deficient group of post operative cardiac surgical patients, 82.7% of vitamin D sufficient group and 75% of vitamin D deficient group of the general medical intensive care population and in Rey et al. (11) 40.9% of vitamin D sufficient group and 39.1% of vitamin D deficient group. All previous studies including our study found no relation between mechanical ventilation and vitamin D deficiency. We measured vitamin D at the time of discharge in survived cases (35 cases); there was high significant difference between the level of vitamin D on admission and its level on discharge as the median of vitamin D level of these cases on admission 63.7 nmol/L and on discharge was 59.1 nmol/L (p value < 0.001). While no other studies studied the level of vitamin D at the time of discharge. Conclusions The incidence of vitamin D deficiency was found to be high in critically ill pediatric patients admitted to Benha University Hospitals. Deficiency of vitamin D was found related to increasing age, lack of vitamin D supplementation and lack of sun exposure. There significant decrease in vitamin D level at the time of PICU discharge when compared with its level on admission. 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