Class Activity – Prehistory Formal Analysis of the Woman of Willendorf through sketching Materials needed: Pencil and paper Set Up: Before beginning to talk about the Woman of Willendorf, ask the class to take 3 minutes to sketch her. Tell them they are not graded upon their drawing ability (or at all), but that this is a way of looking closely at an object. It is part of formal analysis (explain this concept), something they will undertake all semester as budding art historians. If you wish, pair students, and ask them to complete this exercise together, with the “artist” turned away from the screen and not allowed to look at the slide, and the “analyzer” looking but not allowed to draw or use their hands in the process of describing the sculpture. This puts the onus on the analyzer to describe slowly and carefully what they see. Take away: the students will have looked closely before you begin a process of group formal analysis, opening with the question “what did you notice about this object when you were drawing it?”