Johnson House Solar Panel Feasibility Analysis: Locations, Costs, and Benefits Prepared by: Manya Gordon Kendall McElroy Oliver Scofield Ashley Reese April 28, 2014 Executive Summary We believe that the Johnson House - as part of the Gund Institute - would benefit from the use of solar power and embody an exemplary model of renewable energy implementation on the University of Vermont’s campus. Through our information collected during energy audits, cost vs. benefit analyses and literature review, we investigated the feasibility of rooftop mounted PV panels, ground mounted panels with solar tracking, and parking lot PV panels. We note that our analysis was based from the data received regarding the 2011-2012 energy use of the Johnson House: a total of 27,760 kWh. Hypothetically, 5 hours of sun exposure for a 5kW solar panel system would produce 50 kWh a day and 18,250 kWh a year; these are the types of benefits that we investigated based on optimum sun exposure and project costs. After consideration from the Comprehensive Campus Renewable Energy Feasibility Study and our own research, we conclude that carport mounted solar panels in nearby parking lots offer the most promising locations for producing future renewable solar energy. We believe that implementation of this project would be valuable in the Gund Institute’s ecological leadership on campus. Introduction The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, renowned internationally for its contemporary scholarship regarding the research of “the interface of ecological, social, and economic systems… [and search for] practical solutions to local and global environmental challenges, and provid[ing] future leaders with the tools and understanding necessary to navigate the transition to a sustainable society.” (Gund Institute Purpose Statement) At the forefront of environmental challenges, we find the urgent need to shift our dependency on extracted fossil fuels to that of renewable sources of efficient energy. Specifically, as we transition to a sustainable and ecologically responsible Vermont, knowledge, production, and consistent critical assessments of global strides in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources become critical, especially if we hope to reflect a thorough understanding of ecosystem services in a postpetroleum future. The Gund Institute at the University of Vermont thus has the opportunity today to lead by example in the promotion of an environmental university, in which pragmatic application of sustainable solutions represents its simultaneous leadership in ecological scholarship. Although there are in fact many different sources of renewable energy technologies already available developmentally (i.e. biofuels, hydropower, solar power, wind power, geothermal, etc.), we focus today on the implementation of solar photovoltaic power generation as arguably the most available source of renewable energy currently accessible to the Gund. While the solar cell was developed in 1941 by Russel Ohl, the understanding of photo electric light generation has only recently been widely understood. Research indicates that as photons strike certain compounds, in particular a variety of specific metals, the surface of the material emits electrons while the light that strikes other compounds will cause the material to accept electrons. Known as the photo-electric effect, the combination of these two compounds can be used to cause electrons to flow through a conductor, thereby creating electricity by a series of flows of electrons. It is important to note that although solar panels themselves can generate electricity without any waste or pollution, the current extraction of the rare metals used in the development (such as monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride or copper indium selenide/sulfide) implicitly perpetuates our dependency on environmental degradation. Futuristic advances in solar photovoltaic light will likely see incorporation of nonrare metals and other materials that do not require dangerous mining labor to acquire, perhaps through the use of local plants and other biotic photo-synthesizers. However, in the face of the urgency called upon by our society to transition away from petroleum-based energies, contemporary solar PV technology offers a relatively safe, efficient, affordable, and – perhaps most importantly – immediate alternative. In the following report, we provide a feasibility study of implementing and constructing solar panels for the Johnson House. Our study will convey information about the cost and benefits of solar panel use. In addition, we will investigate how they could be implemented in offsetting the building’s non-renewable energy use, as well as possible locations for the solar panels that take into account any historical regulations for the property. Methods In order to develop our report, we obtained the Johnson House’s electricity bill; from this, we were able to determine how much of its yearly electricity use would be covered by a certain amount of solar panels. In addition, the first part of our methodology consisted of literature review - historical building regulations, campus planning guidelines, pros and cons of battery vs. on-the-grid solar power, Vermont tax incentives and existing feasibility studies. We investigated solar panels in Burlington to understand different possible applications; we focused on rooftop, rotating, and parking lot PV solar panels. Several bar graphs and data collections indicating the energy production of these solar panels were available for us to utilize. We interviewed Lani Ravin, UVM’s associate campus planner, to understand the process of developing on campus and to learn from her expertise on past renewable energy research. She provided us with the Comprehensive Campus Renewable Energy Feasibility Study, which we built on to make a specific recommendation for the Johnson House; in addition, she provided us with other campus planning guidelines and the UVM project request form to mold our recommendations. Discussion and Results Tax Exemptions and Incentives Important considerations in the discussion of localized solar energy also include the various tax exemptions and incentives for which buildings and businesses qualify when solar powered. Vermont is a forward-thinking state; already there are a number of tax incentives that should be applicable to the Gund Institute. Some reduce the initial cost of the panels and installation and some are tax related. Vermont’s largest incentive comes from the Vermont Small Scale Renewable Energy Incentive; however, this may only be available if the panels are installed by Vermont Solar Partners. It amounts to roughly 16% reduction of installation costs by paying the customer 75 cents per watt generated by the system. While this is an example of a larger incentive available and possibly applicable to the Gund, a much more complete and formal list can be found online at the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency. ( Net Metering A similar example of drawing savings and funding back through while operating grid solar panels is by net metering. This means that should the Johnson House ever produce more energy than it consumes on average, Burlington Electric will pay approximately 12 cents per extra kWh back to the Gund, for use as credit on days when usage exceeds production. On top of this, Vermont is starting to offer a program that further incentivizes residents and businesses to install net metered solar by increasing the amount for which companies must give credit in the production of extra available output energy to approximately 20 cents per kWh. This law, called the Vermont Statewide Solar Adder, is still in progress but should be finalized by this summer. Battery and “On the Grid” Solar Options While the Johnson House going “off the grid” might outwardly seem to embody sustainability, the action actually fosters harmful reductionism within the context of the greater UVM. Solar panels that are tied into the grid are in fact more logical than a battery storage unit for a number of reasons. First of all, the building is already connected to the grid, so using the preexisting system decreases the need to produce and finance new technologies. Secondly, off- grid solar panels use lead acid batteries. These batteries are filled with many toxins, and are harmful to the environment and energy intensive to produce. Panels tied into the grid are recommended to prevent excessive environmental degradation in those locations where an efficient grid system already exists (like Burlington). One benefit of battery, or “off the grid”, solar is that there are theoretically no power outages. When one part of the grid goes down, all of it must be shut off to safely fix the problem, including buildings with solar. This is not necessarily a problem for off-grid solar; however it is important to keep in mind that off-grid solar installations with insufficient or inconsistent sunshine and without huge battery storage space often need to supplement solar energy with a generator. The grid has essentially unlimited storage capacity, and can also supplement solar on cloudy days. Thus remaining tied to the grid also makes sense for efficiently producing energy. Transferring power from panels to batteries to useable electricity loses more energy than panels in the grid. Incorporation in the grid also allows surplus energy to be used elsewhere in the grid, whereas batteries simply cannot store very much surplus. Holistic Sustainability at UVM This supports more holistic sustainability of a local energy system such as the UVM campus. A similar consideration is the sense of place the Gund holds within the larger UVM context and its transition to a sustainable campus. Lani Ravin, a member of UVM Campus Planning Services gave us the analogy that the Johnson House is like that of a fingernail on the larger body of the university. With this in mind, we encourage the Gund to consider where funding for solar panels might be most efficiently installed within the entire UVM campus. There are many spots on campus that have been evaluated for panels, and while the Johnson House is a somewhat feasible area, it is more efficient to put the panels on a more stable structure. Installing panels on the roof of the Johnson House requires the roof’s stabilization and renovation; such construction is costly, requires extraneous contractors, and is, ultimately, subject to project termination should the installation conflict with the historical regulations of the house. We conclude that if panels are placed on a more stable foundation (such as a parking lot), less funding would be needed. Comprehensive Plan Summary One of the most informative documents we found on the placement of solar panels was UVM’s own Comprehensive Campus Renewable Energy Feasibility Study ( Not only does this plan go over the best locations on campus, but it also provides relevant data on costs, permits, maintenance, and different styles of panels. If the Gund is serious about getting zero carbon emissions by solar energy, pages 91-123 are going to be an invaluable resource. More specifically, this study found several buildings and parking lots across campus that could support PV panels. The Johnson House is one of these buildings. And the predicted capacity for panels on the roof comparatively offsets more of the energy used inside than many other buildings on campus. The Johnson House can support enough panels to produce 8.97 kW and this would reduce the building’s reliance on grid power by 38.78%, a relatively high percentage compared to most other buildings. On top of this, the parking lot to the south of the building, can support panels for 55 kW which, according to the plan, would offset only 35.5% of the building’s energy consumption. Johnson House’s Electricity Usage (2011-2012) Month kWh Month kWh October 2280 April 2280 November 2360 May 2240 December 2200 June 2320 January 2240 July 2680 February 2200 August 2320 March 2400 September 2240 Subtotal 27, 760 kBtu Total 87, 222 Figure 1. Energy audit data. Johnson House’s electricity usage for 2011-2012 - not including natural gas usage. Figure 2. “Energy Cost per Kilowatt Hour” Figure 3. “102 24.5 kilowatt carport mounted solar panels” Approximate Costs of Panel Types Solar Panel Type Approximate Cost Range (Not including labor) -Solar Photovoltaic Tracker (5640 kWh/year) $8,000 - $12,000 per tracker -Parking lot Solar Installation (24.5 kW system or 2000 kWh/year) $1,500 - $2,500 per panel -Rooftop PV System (5kW system or 5400 kWh/year) $14,000 - $30,000 for total system + cost for roof stabilization Figure 4. Comparison of Cost and Location for Solar Panels Discussion of Other Solar at UVM In 2010, the Aiken building at UVM invested in solar panels to power their building. All Earth Renewables installed 17 of their Series-20 All Sun Trackers, which cost $200,000. These are supposed to produce 71.4 kW of electricity per year, but have actually produced closer to 100,000 kWh per year. The Johnson house needs about 25,000 kWh per year, or about 4 of the trackers, to produce enough to meet all of their current energy needs. This could need be decreased through more efficient use of electricity. The panels at Aiken give us a useful idea of how much solar energy we can expect to receive in this area. Conclusion We recommend the use of carport mounted PV solar panels in the parking lot adjacent to the Johnson House; the panels could be south facing and seen from Main Street as a model of renewable campus energy. Depending on the Gund Institute’s total project budget, the solar panels’ energy production can replace a portion of the current electricity use or its entirety. We strongly suggest using grid tied solar panels, due to its less wasteful and more efficient structure. References "Grid-Tied Solar Power Systems with Battery Back-up." Wholesale Solar. 2013. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. <>. "Incentives: General Information." Renewable Energy Resource Center. Vermont Energy Investment. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <>. "Off-Grid Vs. Grid-Tied Solar." Revision Energy. Revision Energy, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <>. "Solar - Grid-Tie or Off-Grid?" APRS. APRS, 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. <>. "University of Vermont Solar Installation." All Earth Renewables. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. < Case-Studies/Case-Study-UVM-V9.pdf> "Vermont Incentives and Policies for Renewables and Efficiency." Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency. North Carolina State University, 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <>. "Vermont Solar Consumer Guide: Solar Photovoltaic." Renewable Energy Vermont. Renewable Energy Vermont, 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <>. Appendices Work Log April 7 Kendall begins email conversation with Lani Found electrical bill Research historical codes Outlined project April 14 Progress update with Deane Ashley works at geospatial lab Kendall emails Lani to set up meeting time Manya writes draft for her research Oliver starts looking at tax exemptions or incentive sources April 18 Meeting with Lani at 3:15pm Search through Sustainable Energy Audit (pieces given by Lani) Research guidelines in the Campus Planning notebooks April 21 Progress update with Deane Read Renewable Energy Feasibility Study Started outlining final proposal April 24 Complete draft of proposal submit to Deane Begin to finalize data to give to Gund April 28 Hand-in final proposal (edits made based on Deane’s suggestions) Present to the Gund and HCOL 186