The Higher Canadian Institute for Business and Engineering Technology Quality Assurance Unit Course Specification Course Name: Statistics Course Code: MATH505 I. Basic Course Information Program(s) on which the course is given: [Computer Engineering] Core or elective element of program: core Department offering the course: Basic science department-Math Section Academic level: 3rd level Semester in which course is offered: Fall Course pre-requisite(s): Mathematics IV- MATH 204 Credit Hours: 3hrs Contact Hours Through: 5 Lecture 2.0 Tutorial* 3.0 Practical* 0.0 Total 5 Approval date of course specification: II. Overall Aims of Course This course aims: To provide the student with a clear and detailed presentation of the statistics. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: Appreciate the value of exploratory methods in preliminary data analysis. Explore, characterize and identify problems and trends in data using graphical tools. Use descriptive statistics to summarize data. Master the concepts of hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, risk and power. Perform the appropriate statistical test based on the study objective. Analyze data more quickly and more accurately. Interpret results reliably and confidently III. Program ILOs covered by course Program Intended Learning Outcomes (By Code) Knowledge & Intellectual Skills Professional Skills Understanding K1, K5 I1, I3 P1, P6 General Skills G1, G6 1 The Higher Canadian Institute for Business and Engineering Technology Quality Assurance Unit Course Specification IV. Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs) a. Knowledge and Understanding On completing the course, students should be able to: [k1. Classify the different rules of probabilities k2. Recognize the different methods used to solve joint probability k3. Define the Probability density function k4. Discuss the methods of pdf function k5. Explain the Uniform and Gaussian distribution ] b. Intellectual/Cognitive Skills On completing the course, students should be able to :i1. Categorize the problems probabilities i2. Develop the idea of joint and Gaussian distribution . c. Practical/Professional Skills On completing the course, students should be able to: p1. Solve a problems using the appropriate methods. p2. Apply numerical methods p3. Compute power from Pdf signals p4. Apply and analyze the measuring instruments, workshops and laboratory equipment to design experiments p5. Apply different tests to study the convergence of sequences and series of numbers. d. General and Transferable Skills On completing the course, students should be able to :g1. React with each other through brain storming questions. g2. Use the available resources effectively. V. Course MatrixContents Main Topics / Chapters 1234567- Duration (Weeks) Probabilities Theory Joint Probabilities Probability density function Uniform Distribution Gaussian Distribution 2 2 3 2 3 Net Teaching Weeks 12 Course ILOs Covered by Topic (By ILO Code) K&U I.S. P.S. G.S. k1 i1 p1 g1, g2 k2 i1 p1 g1, g2 k3 i1 p1, p2 g1, g2 k4, k5 i1 p1 g1, g2 k5 p3, p4 g1, g2 i2 p5 g1, g2 VI. Course Weekly Detailed Topics / hours / ILOs Week No. Sub-Topics Total Hours Contact Hours Theoretical Practical Hours Hours* 2 5 2 Measures of Location Measures of variation 5 2 3 3 Possibilities and Probabilities 5 2 3 1 2 The Higher Canadian Institute for Business and Engineering Technology Quality Assurance Unit Course Specification 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rules of Probabilities Probability Distributions Probability Distributions Normal Distributions Normal Distributions Test of Hypotheses Test of Hypotheses Regression Correlation Tests) Revision 5 5 5 Midterm Exam 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Final Exam 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Total Teaching Hours Teaching/Learning Method Selected Method VII. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures & Seminars Tutorials Computer lab Sessions Practical lab Work Reading Materials Web-site Searches Research & Reporting Problem Solving / Problem-based Learning Projects Independent Work Group Work Case Studies Presentations Simulation Analysis Course ILOs Covered by Method (By ILO Code) √ √ All All Intellectual Skills All All √ √ All All All All All All g2 g2 √ All All All g2 Assessment Weight / Week No. K&U Professional Skills All All General Skills All All Others (Specify): Sel ect ed M eth od VIII. Assessment Methods, Schedule and Grade Distribution Assessment Course ILOs Covered by Method Method (By ILO Code) 3 The Higher Canadian Institute for Business and Engineering Technology Quality Assurance Unit Course Specification Midterm Exam Final Exam Quizzes Course Work Report Writing Case Study Analysis Oral Presentations Practical Group Project Individual Project √ √ √ √ K&U I.S. P.S. G.S. k1, k2, k4 All k1, k2, k3 All i1 All i1 All p1, p2 All p1 All g2 g2 Percentage All 20% 50% 10% 20% 7 15 3, 5, 9 2, …, 13 Others (Specify): IX. List of References Essential Text Books Course notes Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Textbook ISBN #: 978-0-07-110222-3. Lecture Notes E. Swokowski, M. Olinick, D. Pence, Calculus, PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1994. Mary Attenborough, Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill Book Company Europe, 1994. Antony Croft, Robert Davison, Engineering Mathematics A modern Foundation for electrical Electronic & Control Engineering, Addison-Wasley-Publishing Company, 1992. Recommended books Periodicals, Web sites, etc … X. Facilities required for teaching and learning Computer-Data show. Course coordinator: Dr Assem Tharwat Head of Department: Associate Professor Dr. Tamer Abdel Rahman Date: 15/9/2013 4