Date: Author:
New Policy Title: Dean’s List Honors
Diane Douglas
Old Policy Title: Dean’s List to Review:
Author’s Title: Registrar
Jane Birkholz email 12/17/10
Faith Hensrud email 12/17/10
The signatures required to draft/change policy are listed below and must be followed in the order presented.
1 Review and Comment:
Academic Affairs Endorsement:
Faculty Senate Endorsement:
4 UW Regent approval required?
Provost’s Signature: informed in email Date: 12/17/10
Faculty Signature: Date:
Faculty Signature: Date:
Create as UWS Policy #:
UW Policy Number Affected:
Background and Purpose:
Presently grades earned in remedial classes (those numbered below 100) are used in calculating semester grade point average and therefore count when calculating Dean’s List honors. Grades earned in remedial classes should NOT be used to calculate Dean’s List honors, because remedial classes are not college-level courses.
Presently Dean’s List honors do not print on official transcripts. Most institutions post Dean’s List honors on official transcripts.
Current Policy Language:
To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must complete 15 credits for the semester with a minimum grade point average of 3.50
III. Draft Policy Statement:
To be eligible for Dean’s List honors, students must earn a semester grade point average of at least 3.50, while carrying a minimum of twelve (12) semester college level (courses above 100) credits on the A/F grading system. Courses graded with a Pass (P) grade and courses numbered below 100 do NOT count toward the 12 semester credits required to calculate Dean’s List honors.
IV. Policy Procedures:
After grades are posted each term, the Registrar’s Office (Dee) runs the Dean’s List report #UWSSR932, which automatically posts “Dean’s List” to student transcripts (for those who have earned the honor).
Once Dean’s List honors are posted on transcripts, Registrar’s Office (Dee) emails notification to the
Provost’s office (Sharon).
Provost’s office runs report #UWSSR932.
Provost’s office merges a Dean’s Honor Roll Certificate with the names/addresses listed on the report above and sends hard-copy to the recipients.
NOTE: ask IT if they can clean up the query first (remove the remedial and Pass) before Dee runs the report so that honors are only attached to those who it should be. Otherwise the process runs, honors attaches, then we review the report and would have to remove honors from those not on the report.
Hi Diane,
It is possible to make the change in the program but this is Dean's list and this change probably needs approval of the Provost and Dean of students. It would be good to check into policies.
The original request description was:
Entered on 12/14/2010 at 12:31:19 CST (GMT-0600) by Help Desk:
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Presently grades earned in remedial classes are counting toward Dean's list honors via this query.
Can the query be changed so that it does NOT include students who have not earned at least 15 credits in graded (not those graded with a P grade) courses numbered 100 or higher?
Dr. Diane Douglas, Registrar
Registrar's Office | Old Main 139 | PO Box 2000
University of Wisconsin-Superior
Superior WI 54880-4500 phone 715-394-8218 | fax 715-394-8040 email
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" Gandhi
Ticket Number: 3379
Ticket Title-Description: Dean's List Query UWSSR932 Needs Fixing
Created: 12/14/2010:
Current Status: Assigned
Service Area: Student Records
Request Type: Request to Modify Existing Query/Program
Due Date: 12/29/2010
This ticket is assigned to: All App Services Staff, Irina Bezroukova, Donna Triebwasser
Requestor for the ticket: Diane Douglas at extension 8218
The Application Service Department