Job Description - Lichfield District Council

Job Purpose:
To lead and manage the Conservation and Urban Design Team, as part of the wider
Development Management Service. To be the Council’s principal advisor in relation to all
conservation and urban design matters to ensure the protection and enhancement of the
District’s unique historic environment, and the achievement of high quality design in the built
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To manage and develop an integrated conservation and urban design service in line with
the Council’s priorities and in accordance with all relevant legislation and Government
guidance to protect and enhance the quality of the District’s built and historic
2. To provide up to date specialist conservation and design advice to Members, officers,
external partners and the general public in accordance with good professional practice.
3. To be responsible for the day-to-day management, development and performance of a
Conservation and Design Officer including the provision of support, supervision and
appraisal to ensure the undertaking of the role to the highest level and delivery of
excellent customer service.
4. To administer and manage the Conservation and Urban Design budget, including historic
buildings grants and heritage based regeneration programmes, including the preparation
of bids for external funding, and to exercise financial responsibility in managing those
capital and revenue budgets.
5. To initiate and prepare strategies and policies for the conservation and design of the
District’s built and historic environment through the Development Plan process, including
local plans, supplementary planning documents, development briefs and other related
policy frameworks.
6. To manage applications for listed building consent including: negotiating and liaising with
the public, applicants and their agents, Historic England, national and local amenity
bodies; writing reports; making recommendations within statutory deadlines and
attendance at Planning Committee (as required).
7. To provide specialist conservation and design advice to the Development Management
Team on planning applications and other planning submissions relating to the built and
historic environment, including attendance at Planning Committee (as required).
8. Prepare written statements and Proofs of Evidence and represent the Council as an
Expert Witness at Public Inquires, Informal Hearings, Examinations in Public and Court
cases, regarding the conservation and design of the built and historic environment.
9. To lead and deliver a Conservation Consultancy Service to neighbouring authorities
utilising the resources available within the Section.
Under the direction of the
Development Executive – Planning and Building Control, monitor the performance of the
service and proactively explore opportunities for expand the service with neighbouring
authorities where the business case is proven.
10. To be responsible for the preparation, monitoring and review of an efficient and up to date
record of listed buildings, conservations areas and other heritage assets (including a local
list of historic buildings) in liaison with Historic England, the Country Council and other
key stakeholders.
11. To survey, assess and make recommendations as necessary for amendments to the
statutory list of buildings. To assess the condition of listed buildings within the area,
including the carrying out of ‘Buildings at Risk’ surveys and monitor the condition of listed
buildings in the District, and take appropriate action where necessary for their repair,
maintenance and enhancement.
12. Initiate designation and review of conservation areas, by preparing conservation area
character appraisals and management plans in consultation with local stakeholders. To
bid for funding as appropriate to ensure their ongoing preservation and enhancement.
13. In liaison with the Principal Planning Officer (Enforcement), instigate enforcement action
and prepare specialist guidance to rectify unauthorised works to listed buildings and other
heritage assets.
14. In liaison with Development Management Service, give specialist conservation and
design advice in relation to pre-application submissions, including attendance at the
Council’s Strategic Development Team meetings.
15. To act as the Council’s lead officer at local and regional Design Review meetings.
16. Provide specialist conservation and design advice to:
members of the public and/or their agents to ensure the proper maintenance and
repair of the heritage assets;
the Council’s property portfolio as it relates to the historic environment.
17. To instigate and prepare Article 4 Directions as appropriate.
18. To liaise with the County Council and Historic England on developments affecting sites of
archaeological interest, sites on the SMR (Site and Monuments Record) and Scheduled
Ancient Monuments.
19. To advise on the design of environmental improvements and development projects, which
affect the built environment and townscape, preparing detailed schemes in consultation
with key stakeholders.
20. To attend public meetings and liaise with Parish Councils, local amenity societies and
other groups in order to promote and raise awareness of conservation and design in the
planning process.
21. Maintain an up-to-date professional knowledge of: conservation/planning legislation with
respect to the historic built environment; architectural history and design; and the repair
and maintenance of historic buildings.
22. To carry out such other duties as he/she may be called upon to undertake from time to
time by the Strategic Director – Democratic, Development and Legal Services and/or
Development Executive – Planning & Building Control.
The Council reserves the right to vary the content of the job description, after consultation, to
reflect the changes to the job without changing the general character of the post or level of
August 2015