ASSIGNMENTS FOR BIO H – PD2 Week of Feb 11 We are covering chapter 8, and will be ready for exams again the end of the week of Feb 11 (either the Feb 14 or 15. Monday: Feb 11 Day 4 (pds 2 and 5) LESSON: Completing the cell cycle: Cytokinesis Turning the cell cycle on and off. Cytokinesis in both plant and animal cells are shown and discussed Various examples (cell growth, replacement and repair: mitosis simulator; healing a cut; scar formation; asexual reproduction) are utilized to illustrate the roles of several proteins (including cyclins and kinases) in new cell formation. We then move to “loss of control” either cell is “turned off” ( cell death or slowness in repair (aging) or turned on (cancer). VOCAB: cleavage furrow, cell plate, cyclins, kinases, scar(cellular definition), tumor, cancer, benign,malignant, metastatic (metastacize), asexual reproduction, budding, binary fission ASSESSMENT: Technology: Review results from mitosis simulator (online cellular repair lab) Verbal class review HOMEWORK: Meiosis online lab (Rutgers) UPCOMING: FORMAL LAB REPORT DUE THIS WEEK! NO LATER THAN FRIDAY (for full credit) EXAM: Cell Division Tuesday Feb 19 TUES: Feb 12 Day 3 (Pd 5 only) LESSON: How and why are gametes formed. Discuss Purpose of Meiosis lab (Rutgers Lab). What is an embryo? Discussion of the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction: (variation) Discussion of the steps of meiosis. Both a summary of each division (Meiosis I – reduction of chromosomes; Meiosis II, splitting of sisters) and detailed diagrams (M1 – pairing of homologous chromosomes (synapsis), tetrad formation, crossing over; genetic recombination; paired metaphase in M 1 chromosome reduction and TWO haploid cells with duplicated DNA ) followed by M2 (sisters split in each of the cells 4 total cells) What are sources of “natural variation” during meiosis? Why does meiosis create more variation than mitosis? Why do we get 1 egg, but 4 sperm after meiosis? Vocab: Meiosis, crossing-over, synapsis, tetrad, chromosome reduction, independent assortment, segregation, recessive, dominant, alleles, genes, evolutionary advantage, genetic variation Assessment: Ability to demonstrate knowledge of terms utilizing chromosome models. Correct answers on mitosis lab. HOMEWORK: Begin study guide for exam (Tuesday Feb 19) Read: Chapter 12 236-237 (Chromosomes ; Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes Chapter 12 239 - 240 (Chromosome mutations; gene mutations). Complete Rutgers mitosis lab and Understanding chromosomes packet UPCOMING: FORMAL LAB REPORT DUE THIS WEEK! NO LATER THAN FRIDAY (for full credit) EXAM: Cell Division Wednesday: Feb 13 Day 2 (Pd 2 only) (see above) Thursday: Feb 14: Day 1 (Pd 2 and 5) LESSON: Chromosomal variation vs. chromosomal mutation: How can I tell the difference Use homework from previous days (Meiosis lab and chromosome packet as a jumping point for discussion of variation and chromosomal mutation. What types of “chromosomal errors” can occur during meiosis? How are crossing over and chromosomal errors different? How are chromosomal errors different from gene errors? VOCABULARY: Sex chromosome, autosome, germ-cell mutation; somatic cell mutation, deletion, inversion, translocation, non-disjunction, gene mutation, chromosomal mutation ASSESSMENT: Verbal dialogue utilizing vocabulary; successful completion of Meiosis lab and chromosome worksheet. HOMEWORK: complete study guide for exam (Due Friday Feb 15) UPCOMING: Exam Monday Feb 18 FORMAL LAB REPORT DUE THIS WEEK! TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY WITHOUT PENALTY. NO ELECTRONIC COPIES!!!! Friday Feb 15: Day 4: REVIEW (Pd 2 and 5) MONDAY: Feb 18 EXAM : CELL DIVISION, CHROMOSOMES, CHROMOSOMAL MUTATIONS