Approved Minutes Sacramento City College Academic Senate Tuesday, October 15, 2013 President: Ginni May Vice-President: Greg Rose Secretary: Troy Myers Past-President: Connie Zuercher Senators Present: Deb Bryant, Karen Carberry-Goh, Andrea Greenwell, Ken Naganuma, Dianne Bennett, Jennifer Laflam, Paul Prue, Lori Petite, Derek Sullivan, Danette Ocegueda, Kris Janssen, Andrew Jones, Barbara Toupadakis, Amy Zannakis, Josh Roberts, Gayle Pitman, Cathy Chenu-Campbell, Liam McDaid, Lynne Giovannetti, Norman Walker, Jonathan Segal, Pamela Richmond, Gabriella Nuttall, Irma Rodriguez, Norman Lorenz, Brian Bedford. Senators Absent: Marcia Bonawitz, Norma Olivarez, Steve Cirrone, Barry Kalar, Michelle Beuttel, Cassandra Opiela, David Fabionar, Deborah Gambrell, Lewis Bair, Jang Ha Oh. PRELIMINARIES Call to Order: meeting called to order by Ginni at 12:00. Approval of Minutes: minutes from 10-1-13 approved by consensus. Introduction of Guests and any new Senators: Rick Miller is replacing Nadine Kirkpatrick on the Senate. Moved and seconded to approve Rick, approved by consensus. Announcements Distribution Lists: Ginni needs someone to volunteer to work on the issue of having uniform and easy to find faculty email distribution lists. The District Senate has agreed that this is an issue. District Plan for Bookstores: all four colleges bookstores are going to be under one management. Ginni believes this will be the current bookstore manager at CRC. The bookstores are having a hard time making a profit with all the online competition and changes in the market. A presentation about the new plan is expected at the District Senate. Website: each department needs to have one faculty person who is appointed to work on the campus website. That person will need to contact Elaine Ader for training and information. INFORMATION ITEMS Hiring Request Process The hiring process begins next week; we have meetings on the 22nd and the 29th of this month. Ginni distributed the list detailing the order in which departments will be presenting. All Senators must please be on time; we start exactly at noon. If you are a Senator and you cannot be at the meeting, you must get a representative to take your place and let Ginni know ahead of time. Full time faculty should get a full time substitute, and part time faculty should get a part time representative. The packets will be ready on Friday. We might also be able to get e copies. The hard copies will be picked up in the Office of Instruction by Friday. Ginni reminded us that the Office of Instruction will check the data on the request forms. Senators must be present at all of both sessions or have a designee present to be allowed to vote, and they must hear all presentations on a given day in order to vote. A ballot will be sent to all Senators, not to designees, and the Senator will cast the vote after consultation with the designee if necessary. The Senate rankings will be shared with the VPI, and the final rankings are determined by the President’s Council. Ginni has asked if the Senate officers can sit in and listen to the final rankings conversation; we have been told that yes, we will do so again. The final college rankings then go to District. Do we know how many positions will be available? We are not sure. We have head maybe seventeen District wide plus a few more possible; the thought is that we will only be hiring replacements for those who have left. This year, productivity will be used in part to determine where positions are allocated. Do we anticipate any critical hires? Ginni will ask in advance as we would like to know ahead of time. 2+2+3 This is a college pathways proposal that consists of two years at a community college, two years at a four year college, and then three years at a law school. This idea is coming from JP Sherry and Brian King. Would SCC write a letter of interest in having a college pathway? The President has agreed to request participation. Twenty community colleges will be chosen to participate and we may or may not be chosen. The purpose is to increase diversity in the pool of working attorneys. Campus Issue 13-14-01 (Enforce no smoking policies) No smoking is allowed within 30 feet from campus doorways. How is this policed? Some faculty continue to press the issue of having no smoking areas on campus or even a smoke-free campus. What about students sitting in hallways? There are new chairs in Rodda South; otherwise faculty must address this themselves. Ginni expects further discussion on the smoking issue. Are we required to have a smoking area on campus? There are some nonsmoking community college campuses in California. We are not sure why the District has apparently resisted letting campuses go smoke-free. Ginni will try to get more information. What about staff and smoking? Is it possible there are staff who do not want the campus to be smoke free? Could that become a Union issue? Again, we expect further discussion. DECISION ITEMS Proposal Committee on SLO Senate-Led Committee (1st Reading) Josh distributed the draft charge. Ginni suggested we add some language. Do we want administrative and classified chairs for this committee? Should we have more than one chair, or more than one faculty chair? Josh reminded us the committee will deal with issues that reach beyond instruction. Motion made to create tri-chairs. Motion seconded. Someone noted that the Institution and Program SLO’s are course embedded and primarily relate to instruction. Someone else noted that classified staff do report on SLO’s, but statistically the percentage of that work is much smaller than instructional SLO’s. Someone else noted that funding will be tied to Student Services; also, student success could become connected to funding. These are reasons to have tri-chairs. Someone else noted that SLO’s have a powerful impact on faculty, and the committee should remain faculty driven. Having a manager as a trichair could lead to top-down management of SLO’s. Might we need administrative help? That is why we have three administrators and student service positions on the committee now. Ginni reminded us that Curriculum has co-chairs, one faculty and one administration, and a staff liaison person. We understand that we must have a campus wide dialogue. We were also reminded that we approved a Senate-led committee, and the current committee is faculty weighted. What about a faculty and staff co-chair? As we ran out of time, Ginni noted we would bring this back for a second reading at our next meeting in November. Please continue these discussions at the department level. DISCUSSION ITEMS Draft Resolutions for ASCCC Statewide Plenary Ginni has sent these to everyone. If anyone has comments let Ginni know. Basics Skills/Adult Ed/Noncredit courses this may be coming to our colleges and Ginni will be keeping us posted. Peer Evaluation/Review ARC has asked that the DAS work with the Union regarding clearing up some language in our peer review. REPORTS Calendar The Calendar committee has met and the BOG wants to add another flex day. Perhaps this could happen midsemester? This would remove an instruction day. Would this mean adding the number of hours required or just another day for participation? Greg thinks it would mean increasing the number of required hours. There is talk about moving up the time the grades are due closer to the last final examination. Upcoming Meetings 1. Senate: Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at noon in RHN 258 Tuesday, October 22, 12:00-1:00, RHN 258 (hiring requests) Tuesday, October 29, 12:00-1:00, RHN 258 (if needed for hiring requests) Tuesday, November 5, 12:00-1:00, RHN 258 Future Agenda Items: 1. Hiring Requests 2. Senate Constitution/Bylaws Review and Update Committee Report 3. Skateboard Locker – J. Steever (2nd Reading) 4. SSSP/Degree Qualifications Profile To place items on future agendas, email Ginni May at