- New
| M00467934
| Tochukwu
Jerome Obiefule
Maurice Sports News
This reflective report focuses on the creation of a news bulletin for the fictitious news agency,
Maurice Sports New (MSN). It would highlight the work that was undertaken with critical evaluation
and justification of the software and hardware that was used in the process and finally a reflective
conclusion of the entire experience.
The idea was to have a news report on a trophy that had just been won by the Middlesex
football team, therefore pictures were taken from the trophy ceremony.
The studio session was filmed at Accomod8 hostel, a students residence, because of its
conducive environment and sufficiently quiet lounge, whereas the brief comment from the team’s
captain was filmed at the team’s training ground where a few clips of the team training were also
collected. The team trains on Fridays and Sundays so the video had to be shot on one of these days, a
Friday was chosen as soon as it was confirmed that the captain of the team would be present that day.
The storyboard for this news bulletin was mostly followed, however, a slight change had to be
made due to the inability to obtain videos from the trophy event.
Prior to creation, the software and hardware necessary to aid the production of this news bulletin were
The original videos were shot with a ‘NIKON D5000’camera. With 12.6MegaPixel picture
quality, the NIKON D5000 gives a clear cut video output. It has an easily accessible ‘preview’ button
that enables quick previews of taken clips, this helped to make needed changes in time. Furthermore,
the sound obtained from a video recorded with the NIKON D5000 is usually of high quality provided
there is little or no background noise. However, using the zoom function of the NIKON D5000 was a
challenge as its setup is a bit too complex for a non-professional photographer. A tripod was used
with this camera for stability and a green screen was successfully used in the filming of the studio part
of this news bulletin.
All editing was done on on an‘HP 4530s Pro-Book’ Laptop which was preferred due to the
speed of its 4GHz processor, and at the end a ‘HD SONY TV’ was used to preview the finished news
Due to the experience gained from having to use it for the first coursework and continuously
after that, Adobe Photoshop was used to create the ‘Logo’ of the fictitious news agency and the
copyright section of the news bulletin. These were then exported as png files to reduce size, and then
imported into Adobe Premiere Pro.
CMT3331 - New Media | M00467934 | Tochukwu Jerome Obiefule
Adobe Premiere Pro(CS6) was used to put all the parts of the project together as well as to
create the scrolling banner. It was chosen because it was advised by the module supervisor and
according to (Adobe Creative Team, 2012), it is a nonlinear editor (NLE) which is unlike older
videotape editing systems as it lets you place, replace, trim and move clips anywhere you want in your
final edited video. The ‘chroma-key’ effect in Adobe Premiere Pro was used to remove the green
screen thus making visible the studio background. This effect was successfully achieved, but for it to
have been perfect the studio video could have been shot with better lighting to ensure that there were
no visible shadows on the edges around the news anchor.
Before all that was done, an Intro for the news bulletin was designed in Adobe After Effects as
well as names that would eventually appear on screen to identify the various individuals in the news
bulletin, and a 3D rotating logo which would be displayed on the bottom left of the screen and also
serve as an exit point for the scrolling banner. Jingles were in addition downloaded from the internet
for use in the intro and outro sections of the news bulletin.
Lack of experience with using Adobe Premiere Pro tools was the main challenge; however in
the course of learning basic skills, it was used to complete the project as instructed by my tutor. Lack
of expertise with Adobe After Effects as well as the inability to obtain clear footage from the trophy
ceremony also limited the outcome of this project
At the end of this project, with little initial knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro, a news bulletin
has been put together. The ability to use Adobe Premiere Pro has improved drastically due to
continous contact with its various tools in the bid to create this news bulletin.
Apparently, skills in a few softwares have improved and a few camera/tripod tricks were
learnt along the way. It is not to be said though that this project is perfect; it could have been better.
Parts of the video would have had a better sound output, if it were edited in Adobe Audition to have
background noises taken out, unfortunately time limitation prevented further development in the
learning of this software. Moreover, with more time and resources the ability to use Adobe After
Effects would have been improved as that would have aided a better designed ‘Intro’ for the news
bulletin. Finally it would have made the project better if videos (not pictures) of the trophy ceremony
were obtained, this wasn’t possible however as the only recordings made available were of really poor
quality and were thus deemed unfit for the news bulletin.
In addition, although the ability to use Adobe Premiere Pro has been improved, there is still a
great deal left to be explored and discovered. This is intended to be done however, so as to enable the
production of a better all round video project when called upon in future. Overall, with room for
improvement, the intended goal was achieved.
Adobe Creative Team, (2012). Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 Classroom in a Book. Adobe Press.