Adaptation Artificial Selection Evolution Theory Fossil Hutton and Lyell Lamarck Malthus Natural Variation Fitness Homologous Structure Vestigial Organ Common Descent Descent with Modification Survival of the Fittest Struggle for Existence Descent with Modification Survival of the Fittest Natural Variation Fossil Evolution Adaptation Hutton and Lyell Struggle for Existence Common Descent Lamarck Artificial Selection Vestigial Organ Malthus Theory Homologous Structure Fitness Lamarck Evolution Descent with Modification Vestigial Organ Homologous Structure Fitness Malthus Struggle for Existence Theory Survival of the Fittest Common Descent Adaptation Fossil Hutton and Lyell Artificial Selection Natural Variation Natural Variation Survival of the Fittest Hutton and Lyell Adaptation Struggle for Existence Homologous Structure Common Descent Lamarck Vestigial Organ Theory Fossil Malthus Artificial Selection Evolution Fitness Descent with Modification Homologous Structures Lamarck Malthus Vestigial Organs Fossil Survival of the Fittest Natural Variation Fitness Theory Artificial Selection Struggle for Existence Hutton and Lyell Adaptation Common Descent Descent with Modification Evolution Struggle for Existence Common Descent Fossil Survival of the Fittest Fitness Natural Variation Adaptation Artificial Selection Hutton and Lyell Lamarck Evolution Descent with Modification Malthus Vestigial Organ Homologous Structure Theory Vestigial Organ Malthus Adaptation Fossil Lamarck Hutton and Lyell Homologous Structure Evolution Natural Variation Survival of the Fittest Fitness Artificial Selection Descent with Modification Theory Struggle for Existence Common Descent Fitness Common Descent Hutton and Lyell Descent with Modification Fossil Adaptation Natural Variation Theory Struggle for Existence Evolution Artificial Selection Homologous Structure Survival of the Fittest Malthus Vestigial Organ Lamarck 1. A change over time – Evolution 2. A well supported, testable explanation of a phenomena – Theory 3. Preserved remains of ancient organisms – Fossil 4. Geologists that recognized the Earth is millions of years old – Hutton and Lyell 5. Geologists who studied the processes that shaped Earth – Hutton and Lyell 6. Scientist who came up with the use it or lose it theory – Lamarck 7. Differences among individuals of a species – Natural Variation 8. The process in which humans select variations that they find useful – Artificial Selection 9. The idea that species compete regularly for food, shelter, water, etc. – Struggle for Existence 10. This term is synonymous with natural selection – Survival of the Fittest 11. A measure of an organisms ability to survive and reproduce – Fitness 12. An inheritable trait the increases chances of survival – Adaptation 13. Each living species has descended from other species over time – Descent with Modification 14. All species were derived from common ancestors – Common Descent 15. Evidence of this process is found in the fossil record – Evolution 16. Economist who believed the human population would grow unchecked – Malthus 17. Structures with different mature forms but developed from common embryos – Homologous 18. Organs that are just traces of homologous structures – Vestigial Organ 19.