Academic Assessment Survey Report

Academic Departments Assessment Survey
Survey was answered by 18 units including 3 faculties ( FHS, OSB, FAFS), HSON, 5
departments from FM, 5 FAS departments, 3 centers/offices, and 2 OSB departments. 52%
response rate, some had 1 assessment tool, others 3 or 4.
Department Name
Name of person in charge
of assessment
Hariri School of Nursing
pharmacology and toxicology
Issam Farres Institute for Public Policy and International
Business Information and Decision Systems Track
computer science
Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies
Management, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship
FAFS, Dean's Office
Experimental Pathology, Immunology & Microbiology
Facutly of Health Sciences
Radiation Oncology
Christine Abbyad, BSN Convener
Ramzi Sabra
Abdul-Ghani Kibbi, MD, FACP
Nabil Nassif
David Wrisley
Rami Khoury, Director
Nisreen Salti
Elias Khater
chairman - Wassim El-Hajj
Yusuf Sidani
Maya Nabhani Zeidan
Dr. Ramzi Sabra, assistant dean for medical education
Roua Dalli
Dr. Toufic Eid
Monia Hamzeh Mona Haddad
Assessment Tool/ Used (1)
Purpose (1)
Frequency (1)
Conducted by (1)
PLO, departmental, Alumni surveys, exit surveys, OIRA
My evaluations software
Employee Evaluations
OSB appraisal system
Undergraduate Advising Questionnaire [LIMESURVEY]
End of year evaluation report
Monitor outcomes, assess need for changes, ascertain fit of
requirement of employers, ascertain whether or not
accreditation standards being met.
faculty assessment
Assess employee performance and output
evaluation of all faculty members
assessment of PLOs
To assess Business Professional Competence
assess CMPS 299
Assess faculty contributions to teaching, service, and
PLO Assessment
Questionnaire about advisor for undergraduates
Assess eligibility for promotion to next PGY
Annually ( 6 times mentioned)
every 6 months
Once/semester (3 times)
started Spring 2012-13
BSN Convener, OIRA, Office of student affairs
Residents in training
Rami Khoury, Director
dept. chair and then dean
Wassim El-Hajj & Haidar Safa
Students Services Office
Program Director
Reported to (1)
Use made of results (1)
Assessment Tool/ Used (2)
BSN Convener, Director of School, Curriculum Committee,
at faculty meetings
Chair and Program Director
HR, Performance Appraisal sent by email to HR
dean and then provost
OSB Dean/Associate Deans/Conveners and Directors
Dean's Office, Biannual report
chair and department members/UGCA-SA/ Dean
Graduate Medical Education Committee
Institution of simulation lab for practice and a summer
practicum as students felt they needed more practice. Added
content to courses such as geriatrics as required by
accrediting body. Promotion of teaching effectiveness
seminars and use of team based learning, blended learning
and case based learning for better student engagement.
Notes sent to faculty
Promotions and Pay Raises based on outcomes
salary increase, contract renewal
Changed course syllabus; Introduced new learning
approaches such as simulation;
fix the syllabus of the course
Revision of course content
corrective actions in the advising process
Decide if the resident is eligible for promotion
PPR through faculty retreats
My evaluations software
Programs Assessments
exams - assignment - projects
Self Evaluation/Perception
Ask dr. Sabra
Employment Profile for Graduate Public Health Program
Alumni (one year after graduation) [LIMESURVEY]
End of rotation exams
Purpose (2)
Frequency (2)
Conducted by (2)
Reported to (2)
Use made of results (2)
Assess need for curriculum changes and maintaining
accreditation standards.
Residents Assessment
Assess whether programs are meeting goals which are set
To assess Analytical Decision Making
assess major CMPS courses
Assess faculty contributions to teaching
PLO Assessment
Survey to report on the employment status of graduates
Assess Medical knowledge acquired after the rotation
every 6 months (2 times)
Once/semester (4 times)
every 3 months
BSN convener
Rami Khoury, Director
course instructors
Students Services Office/Graduate Public Health Program
(GPHP) Administrative Coordinator
Faculty members
Faculty at large
Chair and Program Director
Rami Khoury, Director
OSB Dean/Associate Deans/Conveners and Directors
chairman (George Turkiyyah at that time)
Chairpersons, deans
Dean's Office, Biannual repor
GPHP administrative Team/GPHP-Curriculum Task Force
Graduate Medical Education Committee
Curriculum changes such as requesting that science faculty
add biology prior to human morphology and then combining
human morphology with physiology to create a 5 credit
course over 2 semesters. Offering courses in block form,
reducing credits from 6/clinical course to 5 to better align
ourselves with US schools of nursing,
Assessment Tool/ Used (3)
Purpose (3)
Frequency (3)
Conducted by (3)
Reported to (3)
Notes sent to residents
Assess quantity and quality of output of each program
Change Changed course syllabus; adjusted times for delivery
of certain course topics
few action items have been made. a better action plan should
be put in place
Assessment of teaching
Sent to the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH
the GPHP accrediting agency) in the annual report
Assess medical knowledge in the subjects of the rotation
Surveys of US schools
Specific Performance indicators
Strategic Review for Institute
Assurance of Learning Forms in core courses
Oral exams
Assessment of MPH core and concentration courses learning
6 competencies evaluation
Benchmarking for example to see how courses and
components of courses are taught.
Clinical services
Assess whether Institute is meeting its goals according to its
mission statement and strategic plan
To assess Qualitative Decision Making
Assurance of learning
PLO Assessment
Graduate students ratings on achievement of the courses
learning objectives (indirect assessment of program
Assess the 6 competencies
Occasionally as needed
Twice a year
Once per semester
Curriculum committee
Quality officers assigned by department
Rami Khoury, Director
Individual faculty members
Students Services Office/GPHP admin team
Program director
Curriculum and faculty committee
Chair and quality and risk management in the hospital
Provost, a written report is sent to the provost after the
Use made of results (3)
Assessment tool/used (4)
Purpose (4)
frequency (4)
Conducted by (4)
Reported to (4)
Use made of results (4)
assessment is conducted
OSB Dean/Associate Deans/Conveners and directors
OSB accreditation officer
Dean’s office, biannual report
Associate Dean and GPHP coordinator
Graduate Medical Education Committee
For example deciding where course content belongs such as
mental health promotion content, collaboration with
medicine and faculty of health Sciences on interprofessional
Amend certain clinical pathways
Organizational adjustments are made based on outcomes of
Changed course syllabus; assigned more weights to different
topics of course AACSB accreditation
Sent to course instructors and chairs of departments for
corrective actions at course level
Attached with the end of year evaluation
My evaluation software
Student exit survey
Assessment of graduate and undergraduate program
competencies (Excel sheet/ word document)
Describe progress on competencies
Residency training
To assess ethics
PLO assessment
Grades on course assignments that measure students’
achievement of specific competencies – direct assessment of
program competencies
Twice per year
Once per semester
Faculty members
Residents in training
Accreditation officer
Chair and program director
OSB dean/ Associate deans/ Conveners and directors
Dean’s office, Biannual report
Associate dean, GPHP coordinator and undergraduate
program coordinators
Graduate medical education committee
Improve curriculum
Changed course syllabus; changed assessment approaches
Assessment tool/ used (5)
Purpose (5)
Frequency (5)
Conducted by (5)
Reported to (5)
Use made of results (5)
Assessment tool/ used (6)
Purpose (6)
Frequency (6)
Conducted by (6)
Reported to (6)
such as administering the final exam as a take home exam
Revision of curricula
Sent to provost office for the institutional accreditation
requirements and corrective actions are made at the
programmatic level
Monitor the residents’ progress
1-year Alumni survey
Undergraduate and graduate exit survey (Limesurvey)
Assess professionalism
To assess leadership
PLO assessment
Graduating students fill and exit survey where they have the
opportunity to voice their opinions about the program in both
close-ended and open-ended formats
By the end of treatment each patient is given a form to fill
Once per semester
By the end of treatment each patient is given a form to fill
Students service office
OSB dean/associate deans/ conveners and directors
Dean’s office, biannual report
Undergraduate chairs and departments/UGCA-SA/ dean /
GPHP-CTF and Graduate studies committee (GSC)
Graduate Medical education committee
Changed course syllabus; introduce simulation to course
corrective actions at the programmatic level
Attached with the end of year evaluation
Employer satisfaction surveys
GA Evaluation by the student [LIMESURVEY]
To assess teamwork
PLO Assessment
A form filled in by students at the end of each semester that
allows them to evaluation their GA experience
Once per semester
Students service office/GPHP administrative coordinator
OSB dean/associate deans/ conveners and directors
Dean’s office, biannual report
GA coordinator/Graduate studies committee(GSC)
Use made of results (6)
Assessment tool/ used (7)
Purpose (7)
Frequency (7)
Conducted by (7)
Reported to (7)
Use made of results (7)
Assessment tool/ used (8)
Purpose (8)
Frequency (8)
Conducted by (8)
Reported to (8)
Use made of results (8)
Assessment tool/ used (9)
Purpose (9)
Changed course syllabus; use a peer evaluation approach
Used in decisions to allocate GAs to faculty members in next
Embedded Questions
GA Evaluation by the supervisor [LIMESURVEY]
To assess written communication
PLO Assessment
A form filled by the faculty supervisor at the end of each
semester evaluating
Once per semester
Students service office/GPHP administrative coordinator
OSB dean/associate deans/ conveners and directors
Dean’s office, biannual report
Graduate studies committee(GSC)
Changed course syllabus
Used in making decisions to grant GAs to students in
Graduate and Undergraduate orientation session
To assess oral communication
PLO Assessment
Evaluation of the orientation session
Once per semester
Students service office/GPHP administrative coordinator
OSB dean/associate deans/ conveners and directors
Dean’s office, biannual report
GPHP administrative Team/UGCA-SA/communications unit
Changed course syllabus
Used in improving the orientation sessions in subsequent
Case Studies
FHS Annual Performance Review [INTRANET
To assess globalization
PLO Assessment
This is an extensive system that collects data related to each
faculty members contributions to teaching, research and
service - it is automated and filled out by faculty members
Frequency (9)
Conducted by (9)
Reported to (9)
Use made of results (9)
Assessment tool/ used (10)
Purpose (10)
Frequency (10)
Conducted by (10)
Reported to (10)
Use made of results (10)
Assessment tool/ used (11)
Purpose (11)
Frequency (11)
Once per semester
Dean's Office
OSB Dean/Associate Deans/Conveners and Directors
Dean's Office, Biannual report
Associate Dean
Changed course syllabus
The dean reviews all performance review forms and
discusses them with the chairs and occasionally with the
particular faculty members - used for contract renewal,
promotion and merit increases
Oral Presentations
Graduate Public Health Program Indicators Monitoring
PLO Assessment
For evaluating and monitoring the program's efforts in
serving its various constituencies including (instruction,
research, service, faculty and staff, students and instruction)
Once per semester
Dean's Office
Dean's Office, Biannual report
Dean, Associate Dean, GPHP-CTF,GPHP admin team,
Research Committee, Outreach and Practice
Unit/Administrative Committee
The review teams assess the relevant indicators against the
targets and propose corrective actions as needed. These
corrective actions are then sent to the appropriate committee
or faculty at large for implementation
Student Performance Test Results
Graduate and Undergraduate TOWN MEETINGS [WORD
PLO Assessment
The purpose of the town meeting is to voice graduate
students opinions re the program’s strengths and weaknesses,
and about overall levels of satisfaction
Once per semester
Conducted by (11)
Reported to (11)
Use made of results (11)
Assessment tool/ used (12)
Purpose (12)
Frequency (12)
Conducted by (12)
Reported to (12)
Use made of results (12)
Assessment tool/ used (13)
Purpose (13)
Frequency (13)
Conducted by (13)
Reported to (13)
Use made of results (13)
Dean and Associate Dean
Dean's Office, Biannual report
Program Coordinators/chairs of departments
Corrective actions are suggested based on issues raised by
Course grades
How were you informed about the FHS undergraduate and
graduate program [LIMESURVEY]
PLO Assessment
To assess the means through enrolled students were informed
about the FHS programs
Once per semester
Students Services office
Dean's Office, Biannual report
To improve Faculty communication tools
Student Surveys/Questionnaires
Description of work experience [LIMESURVEY]
PLO Assessment
To assess the profile of enrolled students
Once per semester
Students Services Office
Dean's Office, Biannual report
Chairs of Departments
revision of curricula
to assess the diversity of students' background and
experience and consequently ensuring diversity
FHS Alumni contact info update [LIMESURVEY]
Assessment tool/ used (14)
Purpose (14)
Frequency (14)
Conducted by (14)
Reported to (14)
To regularly update the contact info of alumni
FHS communications unit (as of AY 2013-14)
Dean and available to all FHS faculty members and AUB alumni
office upon request
Use made of results (14)
To keep in touch with alumni
GA Application for Faculty [LIMESURVEY]
Assessment tool/ used (15)
Frequency (15)
A form completed by faculty to request percent GA for the
coming semester and justify use of GA time
by semester
Conducted by (15)
Students Service Office/GPHP Administrative Coordinator
Purpose (15)
Reported to (15)
Use made of results (15)
Graduate Studies Committee (GSC)
To assess GA needs of faculty and allocate GA lines
GA Application for Students [LIMESURVEY]
Assessment tool/ used (16)
Purpose (16)
Frequency (16)
Conducted by (16)
Reported to (16)
Use made of results (16)
A form filled in by students requesting GA
by semester
Students Service Office/GPHP Administrative Coordinator
Graduate Studies Committee (GSC)
To select the students who are eligible for getting GA
Why did not you join FHS GPHP [LIMESURVEY]
Assessment tool/ used (17)
Purpose (17)
Frequency (17)
Conducted by (17)
Reported to (17)
Use made of results (17)
To assess reasons for not joining the graduate public health
Students Services Office
GPHP administrative team/GPHP-CTF
For corrective actions at the programmatic level
Survey on socio-economical status [LIMESURVEY]
Assessment tool/ used (18)
Purpose (18)
Frequency (18)
Conducted by (18)
Reported to (18)
To assess the profile of enrolled students
Students Services Office
GPHP administrative team
Use made of results (18)
To ensure having a student body with diverse backgrounds
Assessment tool/ used (19)
Masters of Public Health Practicum students and advisors
evaluation forms [WORD DOCUMENTS]
Purpose (19)
Frequency (19)
Conducted by (19)
Reported to (19)
Use made of results (19)
The practicum evaluation aims to evaluate student performance
and satisfaction with the
practicum experience as well as the advisor’s evaluation of the
practicum experience
by semester
Practicum Coordinator
As a mean to improve practicum practices and to gain insight into
the student level of satisfaction.
Training Activity Forms [WORD DOCUMENTS]
Assessment tool/ used (20)
Purpose (20)
Frequency (20)
Conducted by (20)
Reported to (20)
Use made of results (20)
Process measures: Participants are asked to evaluate relevance of
the sessions to their
current work or function; extent to which they have acquired
information that is new to them;
usefulness of the information that they have acquired; focus of
the sessions on what they specifically
needed to learn; and overall quality of the sessions.
Output measures include pre and post test to indicate changes in
knowledge of participants.
by training activity
Training Activity Organizer
GPHP Admin Team/GPHP-CTF/Outreach and Practice Unit
as a tool to monitor and evaluate continuing education and
workforce development
Assessments conducted on an ad hoc basis (new program study, etc.)
Assessment tool/ used (1)
Purpose (1)
Frequency (1)
Conducted by (1)
Reported to (1)
Use made of results (1)
Assessment tool/ used (2)
Purpose (2)
surveys of students preferences for elective courses
Employer Surveys
Masters of Public Health Program Rubrics [LIMESURVEY]
deciding which electives to offer
Assess demand for a new program
New Program market study
As a subjective measure of achievement of competencies
Assess satisfaction with ICE
Ad hoc basis
2-3 years
various faculty members
Ad hoc committee
Departments in collaboration with Dean's Office
Students Service Office/Accreditation officer
Committee in form of a report
Analysis is performed by Dean's Office personnel and
reported to Departmental Chair
GPHP administrative Team, chairs and course instructors
deciding on courses to offer
Start a new program or not
Included in the market study of new program proposals
Corrective actions at the programmatic level
Improvement, revise forms & process
Alumni Surveys
FHS Alumni feedback [LIMESURVEY]
New Program market study
As part of the accreditation/program reviews we administer
surveys to alumni and employers to get feedback on the
graduate and undergraduate programs at the FHS. (Mainly to
Frequency (2)
Conducted by (2)
Reported to (2)
Use made of results (2)
Assessment tool/ used (3)
Purpose (3)
Frequency (3)
Conducted by (3)
Reported to (3)
Use made of results (3)
Assessment tool/ used (4)
Purpose (4)
Frequency (4)
Conducted by (4)
Reported to (4)
Use made of results (4)
identify perceived strengths and weaknesses) of the programs
and usually done every five years)
Satisfaction OIRA services
once a year
Every 3-5 years
Once every 5 years
Departments in collaboration with Dean's Office
Dean's Office
Analysis is performed by Dean's Office personnel and
reported to Departmental Chair
Dean, Associate Dean, Program coordinators and
departments' members
Included in the market study of new program proposals
In compliance with CEPH accrediting body criteria and for
continuous improvement of the program
Introduce new activities, improve services
FHS Employers feedback [SEMI-STRUCTURED
As part of the accreditation/program reviews we administer
surveys to alumni and employers to get feedback on the
graduate and undergraduate programs at the FHS. (Mainly to
identify perceived strengths and weaknesses) of the programs
and usually done every five years)
Every 3-5 years
Dean's Office
Dean, Associate Dean, Program coordinators and
departments' members
In compliance with CEPH accrediting body criteria and for
continuous improvement of the program
Undergraduate self-study reports [WORD DOCUMENT
REPORT with data reported from various DATABASES]
For continuous improvement of the programs at FHS
Every 5-7 years
Dean's Office
AUB provost office
For corrective actions at the departmental/programmatic
Assessment tool/ used (5)
Purpose (5)
Frequency (5)
Conducted by (5)
Reported to (5)
Use made of results (5)
GPHP self study report [WORD DOCUMENT REPORT
with data reported from various DATABASES]
For continuous improvement of the programs at FHS
Every 5-7 years
Dean's Office
CEPH accrediting body
For corrective actions at the departmental/programmatic