Name:______________________ Period:______ Rhetoric Unit Participation Coversheet Instructions: Fill out this sheet (including the questions at the bottom), then place each of the Journals for this unit in order and staple this sheet to the top of the packet. For each study guide, indicate the score you received for the study guide Quickwrite #1: Smoking _____ Quickwrite #2: Grading _____ Qucikwrite #3: Abortion _____ Quickwrite #4: College _____ Journals (Non-Standards Based) PART (SLA: Participation 2) DEBATE Debate – Preparation (WA: Ideas 3): Debate - Presentation (SLA: Presentation 1): Debate - Content (SLA: Rhetoric 1): CLASS DISCUSSION: Please give yourself a proficiency score (please see “STANDARDS FOR CLASS PARTICIPATION”) for your participation IN CLASS DISCUSSION. _______ is the score that I think I deserve for this unit for the following reasons: DEBATE PREPARATION: Please give yourself a proficiency score for your preparation for this debate. Justify your score below: _______ is the score that I think I deserve for this unit for the following reasons: DEBATE PERFORMANCE (SLA: Presentation): Please give yourself a proficiency score for your participation in the CLASS DEBATE and using the rubric below: Delivery (Speaking) – (SLA: Presentation 1) Everyone must speak in the debate Tone should be varied and appropriate to subject matter (no monotone please!) Volume should be loud and clear so that everyone can understand (no mumbling!) Use emotion when necessary and proper emphasis Must maintain a professional, respectful demeanor throughout speech Demeanor (Listening) – (SLA: Presentation 1) NO INTERRUPTING for any reason (even if a question is addressed to you) Should be active and engaged at ALL times of the debate Must work with team when given time and contribute even when not speaking Absolutely no talking when another person has the floor and is speaking _______ is the score that I think I deserve for my verbal performance in the debate. DEBATE MATERIAL (SLA: RHETORIC): Please give yourself a proficiency score for the strength and quality of your arguments (spoken) using the rubric below: Material (Speaking) – (SLA: Rhetoric 1) Must make valid and relevant claims Must utilize rhetorical strategies (Logos, Pathos, and Ethos) to make points Must use counterarguments _______ is the score that I think I deserve for my preparation and readiness for the debate. Evaluate your team’s preparation in this debate. Did everyone contribute to the preparation? Did your team work well together? Explain. Evaluate your team’s performance in the debates. What did your team do very well? What were some aspects that weakened your team’s chances? What was MOST effective to you in the debates in terms of how people persuaded the judges? Feel free to use specific examples (names). What was NOT effective to you in terms of how people tried to persuade the judges? In other words, what types of things hindered a team’s chances? (don’t name names). If you were to do this again, what would you change in terms of your preparation, performance, and/or strategies? How effective was this assignment in helping you to understand how persuasive arguments function? Is this something that should be continued to be taught? What was your favorite part of this unit? Why? What is one thing that you would change/improve about this unit? Why? Compliments, Comments, Concerns?