
Microsoft Word 2007
Basic Word Processing, Part 1
What Is Word Processing Anyway?
Computer Training Center Norman Public Library
Class Objectives:
•Define Word Processing
•Introduce the basic tools of Microsoft Word 2007
•Practice using these tools
•Create a document, print it, save it to “My Documents”, and delete the document.
Definition word processing – noun Writing, editing, and production of documents, such
as letters, reports, and books, through the use of a computer program or a complete
computer system designed to facilitate rapid and efficient manipulation of text.
Abbreviation: WP
 Microsoft Word opens to a blank page called Document One. It is a file that has
not been named and saved. Begin typing to create a document.
 Using the keyboard of the computer to create a document is not the same as
using a typewriter. Newly created text automatically wraps down to the next line.
Use the Enter key to start a new paragraph and to add spaces between lines.
 The Title Bar across the top of the screen, displays the name of open document
and the name of the Microsoft Office program.
 At the right end of the Title Bar are Program Window Controls which allow you to;
minimize the window
restore to full size
or close
The Office button is found in the upper left hand corner of the
computer screen. It replaces the File menu found in previous editions of
the program.
Click on the Office Button to display a drop-down menu of file
commands. The commands allow you to:
 create a New document
 Open a file,
 Save a document,
 Print,
 Prepare the document for distribution,
 Send a copy of the document,
 Distribute (i.e. Publish) the document, or
 Close the document.
This area of the Title Bar provides quick access to
some of the most commonly used commands.
Save, Undo, and Repeat are default options.
Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar:
The Quick Access Toolbar appears at the very top
of your screen and displays small icons which
represent actions that you may want to use
frequently. You can change it to fit your needs.
1. Click on the tiny downward pointing (list) arrow
to the far right of the Quick Access area. The
arrow has a line above it.
2. Click on the options you want to have available
on the Quick Access toolbar (i.e. printing, open
a new document, spelling & grammar…). A
check mark will appear next to the option to
show that the icon will be displayed on the
 On the Quick Access Toolbar are two blue arrows that curve, one to the
left and the other more nearly describes a circle.
 When they appear as dark blue they can be used to UNDO or REPEAT
 To Undo, click on the arrow that is turning toward the left. Each click will
undo a single action, starting with the most recent.
 If too many Undo clicks are made, click the arrow that is making a loop to
Repeat the last action.
 •Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Title Bar.
Click here to
close Word.
 •Or, click on the Office button on the upper left corner of
the Title Bar and select Close or Exit Word.
Below the Title Bar is the Ribbon. It replaces the Menu Bar found in previous versions of
Microsoft Word.
The Ribbon displays a variety of options, called groups, on 7 different tabs:
 Home – Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing
 Insert – Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text, Symbols
 Page Layout – Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph, Arrange
 References – Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations & Bibliography, Captions,
Index, Table of Authorities
 Mailings – Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert fields, Preview Results, Finish
 Review – Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect
 View – Document Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros
Each tab contains groups of related commands which appear as shortcut buttons. The
buttons allow you to design, edit, and modify the document.
Move the mouse slowly over any of the buttons and a small “Tool Tip” will appear
explaining the task that button performs.
Minimize the Ribbon by double-clicking on the Home tab. A single left click on
any tab will show the shortcuts but the ribbon will minimize again as soon as you
left click on the document. Double-click any tab again to restore the Ribbon to its
permanently open state.
Scroll bars appear on the right side and bottom of documents, windows, or
menus. They are used to navigate long documents.
To make the document appear to roll downward off the bottom of the
screen, left-click the upward pointing scroll arrow at the top of the Scroll bar.
To make the document appear to roll upward off the top of the screen, leftclick on the downward pointing scroll arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar.
Hold down the mouse button for continued scrolling.
Below the down arrow, double-headed arrows allow you to skip to the
previous or next pages, while the center button is a Browser. The Browser
allows you to skip to different places within the document.
You may also use the elevator button on the scroll bar. Left-click, hold the
mouse button down and push the mouse away to reveal the upper portion
of the document or pull toward you to reveal the lower portion.
The Status Bar, found at the bottom of the screen, just above the start button, tells
what page you are currently on, how many pages are in the document, and the
total word count.
On the right side of the Status Bar there are icons which control how you view your
document, including layout and zoom.
Look for the blinking, black, vertical bar whenever a document is open. It is called
the Insertion Point. When a new or saved document is first opened, the insertion point
is in the upper left corner. This is where changes or additions to a document can be
To move the Insertion Point in a previously created document, use the Arrow keys (4
keys between the main keyboard and the number keypad), the Enter key or move
the mouse and left-click where you want the Insertion Point to be. It is possible to see
both the Insertion Point and the Text Cursor at the same time but when you left-click,
the insertion point will move to that point. Changes can now be made to the
Always be aware of the position of the Insertion Point. Any commands or changes
that you make will be enacted at that point.
The Spelling & Grammar Check will mark misspelled text (red squiggles) and grammar
or spacing errors (green squiggles).
For suggested corrections, click on the Review tab. Find Spelling & Grammar
command in the Proofing group and left-click on it.
Follow or reject the suggestions made in the dialog window that appears.
Word allows the user to correct mistakes and edit the text without retyping the entire
If a word is misspelled, move the mouse pointer to the misspelled word and click. The
Insertion Point is now moved to the word to be edited.
Delete unwanted characters by pressing either the Backspace key (removes
characters and spaces to the left) or the Delete key (removes characters and spaces
to the right).
Or, select text and press the Delete key (see Selecting Text, below).
Add text by typing it into the document where the Insertion Point is blinking.
SELECTING TEXT: Used to make changes to a block of text
1. To select text, move the mouse pointer (I shaped cursor) to the beginning of the
text to be changed, click the left mouse button and hold it down.
2. Drag the mouse to the end of the text to be selected, holding the left button
down until you have covered all the text. If you release the mouse button before
all the text is highlighted, you must click in the white space in the right margin of
the document to turn off the selection and start over. The text will darken as the
Insertion Point moves across it.
3. At the end of the selection, release the mouse button.
4. The highlighted text is selected. Changes may now be made to the selection.
5. Click in white space in the right margin to deselect the text when finished making
1. On the Home tab, in Font group, click the Bold
(Black “B”) button. This button is a toggle switch
which turns Bold on or off.
2. Type the text you want to make bold.
3. Click the Bold button to turn it off and continue
typing the document.
4. If the text is already typed, select the text
(click, hold the mouse button down and drag
the mouse over the text)) and then, click the
Bold button.
5. Click in the right margin turn the selection off.
Click to make words Italic.
Click to Underline text.
Aligns text to the left - the default.
Click to center text.
Click to align text to the right.
Font Style Window – Click on list arrow
Scroll Bar
Drop-down menu with font selections
To select a font style:
1. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the downward pointing (list) arrow to
the right of the font style window.
2. A drop-down menu will appear with different font style selections.
3. Scroll down through the font names and left click to select a style.
4. If the change is to be made to existing text, select it first, then apply the font style
by going through the first three steps.
To change the font size or style for a whole
1. While on the Home tab, click on
Select on the far right of the Menu
2. On the drop-down menu, click
Select All.
3. The whole document is selected.
Make the changes and click in the
right margin to turn the selection off.
Drop-down menu with font size
To select a font size:
1. Click on the arrow to the right of the font size window.
2. Scroll down the font sizes in the drop-down menu.
3. Place the mouse pointer on the desired size and single left click. The chosen font
size will be displayed in the font size window and is ready to use.
To change font size in previously typed text:
1. Select the text (click, drag & highlight).
2. Go through the steps as above and then click in the right margin to turn off the
selection. The text will now be changed to the selected font size.
To open a previously created file:
1. Click the Office button in the top left corner
of the screen.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Open.
3. The Open window will appear.
4. At the top will be a box that has the
words “Look in” to the left. This box
has an arrow on the right end. Click
on this list arrow and a list of locations
will appear.
5. Click on the location of your
document (i.e. My Documents, My
Computer, Desktop, Local Disk (C:),
Removable Disk (D:), etc.
6. The location, such as My Documents,
will now appear in the “Look in” box
with a list of folders and files below.
7. Double left click on the file you want
to open.
Naming and Saving a File to My Documents:
The My Documents folder is a pre-made folder ready
to hold your documents. It is located on the C: drive
but you can access it easily from the Start menu.
1. Click the Office button.
2. When saving a file for the first time, click on
Save As in the drop-down menu to choose
where to save your document and name it.
Save As…
3. Word 2007 gives you choices as to what format
you would like to save as. Choose “Word
Document” to save as a Word 2007 document.
4. A window with Save As in the title bar will
5. At the bottom of the Save As window is another
white box with “File name” on the left side. The
name assigned to the file by the computer
appears in blue. If you want to change the file
name, type the name desired for the file. The
new name will overwrite the old one. (If the
name is not in blue, click and drag to make it
blue and type in the new name.)
Save in:
6. Click on “Save” in the lower right corner of the
window and your document is named and
saved. The Title bar will reflect the name.
When you go to the Open window again, your file will be listed.
Saving to the ‘Desktop’:
The desktop is the first screen you see when you log on to your computer. Short cuts to
the Internet, software applications and files and folders may be displayed on the
desktop. Saving to the Desktop is best for those files or folders you use most often and
want to reach quickly.
1. Choose Desktop in the drop-down menu from the ‘Save in’ dialog box or from
the column on the left-hand side of the Save As window.
2. Type a name for the file in the File Name field at the bottom of the window.
3. Confirm the file type as .docx and left-click on Save.
1. To Print, click the Office button, then click Print in the dropdown menu.
2. A pop-up box will appear with printer options.
3. When all choices are made, click ‘OK’.
After you have named and saved your document with the “Save As” feature,
remember to save your work again as you work to prevent losing changes you have
1. Click the Office button, then click Save.
2. Or, click on the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar.
3. To close that document, click the Office button, and then click Close.
The file to be deleted must be closed.
1. Click on the Office button, and then click Open.
2. Single click to select the file to be deleted.
3. Click on “Tools” at the bottom of the box. Click
on “Delete” next to the X.
4. A box will appear asking, “Are you sure you
want to delete - name of file? - Yes or No”. Click
Yes to delete.
 •Click on the Office button, and then click on
“Exit Word”.
 Or, click the “X” in the upper right corner of the
Title Bar.
 Be sure to close all open files before exiting.