EcoFocus Questionnaire March 2013, Wave 4 S1 What is your age? S2 Your gender 1 Male 2 Female S3 Your marital status 1 Single, never married 2 Living with partner 3 Married 4 Widowed 5 Divorced/Separated 6 Prefer not to answer S4 S5 KidsA KidsB KidsC Including yourself, Number of people in your household Are you the parent/guardian of any children age 18 or younger living in your household How many children in your household are 18 years old or younger? [write in]______ Age of each child in household. If they are less than one year old, please enter 0. Age in months for each child entered as 0 above: S7 Please indicate the total income for your household before taxes: 1 Less than $35,000 2 $35,000-$49,999 3 $50,000- $59,999 8 $60,000 - $74,999 9 $75,000 - $99,999 5 $100,000-$149,999 6 $150,000 or more 7 Prefer not to answer [Terminate if selected] S8 Which of the following best describes your education 1 Not graduated high school 2 High school graduate 3 Currently in college or other post-high school educational program 4 College graduate 5 Master’s degree or higher 6 Trade or Technical School graduate 7 Prefer not to answer S9 Which best describes you? 1 White or Caucasian 2 Black or African-American 3 Asian 4 Hispanic or Latino 5 Other 6 Prefer not to answer S10a What is your 5-digit ZIP code? S10b What state do you live in? CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 1 S11 Are you: 1 2 7 3 4 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week) Employed part-time (less than 35 hours/week) Full-time homemaker Unemployed Retired Base: Total Q1 Below is a list of areas that might or might not be a concern for you personally. Using the scale below, please indicate how concerned, if at all, you are about each area: 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 13 Extremely Concerned Very Concerned Somewhat Concerned Not Very Concerned Not At All Concerned The state of the national economy The security of my family's financial state The cost of the national healthcare system Pollution Landfills and dumps The threat of climate change Loss of natural resources Offshore oil drilling Base: Total Q2 We are interested in learning about some of your everyday activities and lifestyle choices. For each activity below, click on the answer that best describes you: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A1 A2 B1 B3 B4 B5 C2 C5 D1 D2 D4 D5 F1 G1 G2 J2 J4 J5 I do this always, it’s second nature for me I do this often I do this sometimes I don't do this but I plan to do this I don't do this and don't plan to do this I used to do this but don’t do it now Not an option for me Unplug appliances or electronics when not in use Turn off lights when not in use Set temperature of water heater at 120 degrees F or lower Wash laundry with cold water Run the dishwasher without using the hot-dry cycle Line dry laundry instead of running the dryer Turn off the water while brushing my teeth Use a personal reusable water bottle Compost kitchen or other compostable household waste Grow some of my own food. Compost yard waste Use up leftover foods Repair or mend clothing rather than replace when possible Use cloth or reusable shopping bag when grocery shopping Take empty bottles or containers to be refilled at the store (i.e. for cooking oils, water, cosmetics) Walk or bicycle my child to school instead of driving Make sure I separate my recycling from my trash Can fruits or vegetables CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 2 Base: Total Q3 Now, we'd like to ask about what you take into consideration when purchasing and using items for your household. How often do the following reasons play a role in choosing the products you buy and use? 5 4 3 2 1 Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never 1 Health reasons: thinking about better nutrition, safer materials or ingredients, natural qualities and so forth, to protect or improve your own or your family's health. 2 Environmental reasons: thinking about saving energy, reducing waste, avoiding chemicals or pollutants, and so forth, to protect or improve the environment. 3 Economic reasons: thinking about saving money either in the short term or over the long term. Those who respond always, usually or sometimes to Q3 = Consumers Who Care (CWC) Base: CWC Q4a Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements as they relate to you personally: 5 4 3 2 1 B3 C2 C4 D2 E1 E4 I4 J4 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree I am usually willing to spend more for quality. It is hard to figure out what choices to make in order to have a more eco-friendly home or lifestyle. I pay attention to where the ingredients in my foods or beverages are grown. Whether you believe in global warming or not, reducing waste and pollution is just common sense. I have more important problems to focus on than the environment right now. To me, it is usually worth paying more for healthier products. I have a great deal of control over my health, based on the choices I make. To me, it is usually worth paying more for eco-friendly products. To me, it is usually worth paying more for products that are produced locally. I have avoided purchasing products from companies when I learned that they did not have environmentally responsible practices. I have avoided purchasing products from companies when I learned that they did not have socially responsible practices. Sustainability means living in a way that ensures future generations will be able to have the conveniences and luxuries we enjoy today. Many sustainable or green solutions are not practical for my lifestyle today. Base: CWC Q5a Thinking about your eco-friendly choices, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 5 4 3 2 1 A1 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Most of the efforts I take to be green or eco-friendly probably won't have an effect in my lifetime. CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 3 Q5b. A3 A4 A5 B3 B4 D2 D3 D4 D5 1 7 9 Little changes I make to my lifestyle can add up to big improvements for the environment. Being eco-friendly is a way to improve my quality of life Trying to be more eco-friendly has meant having more time together as family. Making eco-friendly choices is a new mindset for me. Being eco-friendly means continually rethinking the choices I make. Having a cleaner environment will mean less cancer and disease in the future. Better personal health is a big benefit of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Trying to be more eco-conscious has helped me to be more physically active. I have a great deal of control over how healthy my home is for me and my family. A cleaner planet starts at home. I am very conscious about trying to save energy. I am very conscious about trying to save water. Base: CWC Q5c Thinking about your shopping choices, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements,. 5 4 3 2 1 A1 A2 A4 B1 B2 C2 D2 D3 E1 E4 F4 F5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree I wish I could buy environmentally friendly products more often, but they are often not affordable. I really only make eco-friendly choices that save me money. I wish I could buy environmentally friendly products more often, but they are often not available. I am not willing to make compromises on quality for eco-friendly products. I am not willing to make compromises on performance for eco-friendly products. I look for changes that we can do as a family to make our home or lifestyle greener or more eco-friendly. Over the last few years, I have changed the ways I do things to make choices that are better for the environment. With each step I take to make my home or lifestyle more eco-friendly, it gets easier to take the next step. My friends and family look to me for information about environmental and green issues. I am more knowledgeable than I used to be about making my home and lifestyle greener or more eco-friendly. I have changed what I buy in order to reduce the amount of chemicals we are exposed to in our home. I have changed what I buy in order to reduce our exposure to chemicals from food or beverage packaging. Base: Total Q9A Below is a list of topics that you may or may not associate with safety concerns. Please indicate how concerned you are, if at all, about the safety of each . 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 3 4 Extremely Concerned Very Concerned Somewhat Concerned Not Very Concerned Not At All Concerned Do not know/not familiar with this Hormones or antibiotics in foods Genetically modified foods Plastics used in packaging food or water CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 4 6 9 10 12 17 18 21 Liquid and airborne chemicals Imported foods Microwaveable plastic containers Biodegradable packaging used for packaging food BPA or Bisphenol A Phthalates such as DEHP Preservatives in foods and beverages Base: CWC Q10. Which one of the following best describes you and your approach to making your lifestyle more ecofriendly? 5 I already lead a very eco-friendly lifestyle 4 I am ready to make significant changes to have a more eco-friendly home and lifestyle. 3 I am ready to make moderate or small changes to have a more eco-friendly home and lifestyle. 2 I am not ready to make any changes to have a more eco-friendly home and lifestyle. 1 I don't feel any need to make changes to have a more eco-friendly home and lifestyle. Base: CWC Parents MB1 (Parents).Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements as they relate to you and your family: 5 4 3 2 1 1 3 4 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree I try to avoid plastic in products my children use or play with. I believe that when my children grow up and have their own households, they will have to give up some conveniences that we have today because of environmental consideration It is important for my children to understand the impact they have on the environment based on the choices they make. My child is supposed to bring waste-free lunches to school. My kids know more about recycling and being eco-friendly than I do. Trying to live a greener or more eco-friendly lifestyle creates teachable moments for me with my children. Being eco-friendly contributes to our family time together. When my kids are grown, I want them to remember me as teaching them to be environmentally responsible. Teaching my children to be environmentally responsible makes me feel proud of myself. I am concerned about the potential health effects of plastic in my child's life. I want to minimize my child’s exposure to plastic in food and beverage packaging. Q12. We are interested to hear about how often do you do the following yourself? 5 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 12 13 Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Think about the environmental impact of the products you buy and use Think about the nutritional value of the foods you buy and eat Think about the environmental impact of the restaurants you go to Think about the social responsibility practices of a company before buying their products. Think about the environmental impact of the packaging before I purchase products. Base: CWC CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 5 Q14 Now, thinking about your priorities, how important is each of the following to you? 5 4 3 2 1 A1 A2 A7 A9 B2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important To buy locally grown food To buy organic foods To reduce my carbon footprint To use less plastic To limit the amount of garbage my household produces To support companies that protect rainforests, coral reefs, or other ecological areas To support family farms To support animal rights To buy products that are produced in environmentally responsible countries To set a good example of eco-friendly behavior for my family To choose foods or beverages that are packaged responsibly Base: CWC Q15 Now, thinking about when you are choosing brands, products, or services, please indicate the importance of each of the following: 5 4 3 2 1 Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not at all important 1 2 7 8 To buy brands that support schools and children's education To buy products that give some of their profits to charity To change the brands you buy to make a more eco-friendly choice To shop at retail stores that require that the products and brands sold in their store are ecofriendly 9 To buy Fair Trade brands 10 To go to restaurants that require that the ingredients and packaging used in their restaurants are eco-friendly 11 To buy brands that are committed to environmental stewardship Base: CWC Q16B. Some companies are making commitments to specific issues. We’d like to know how this influences your choice of brands, products or services. 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Extremely positive influence Very positive influence Somewhat positive influence Not a very positive influence Not at all a positive influence Protecting natural resources Reducing waste Fair Trade practices Fighting climate change Reducing pollution Making their operations energy neutral or energy producing Cruelty-free practices Using renewable resources such as wind or solar power Sustainable forestry initiatives Reducing their carbon footprint Reducing the distance and carbon emissions used for shipping their products CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 6 13 14 15 17 18 21 22 23 24 Using less fossil fuel Providing ways to dispose of products when no longer being used Protecting family owned farms Reducing water use Protecting wildlife Providing ways to dispose of packaging after I buy something Only using packaging that is made with renewable or recycled materials Only using packaging that is recyclable Educating consumers on ways to be eco-friendly Base: Total Q19 For the following products, how has your use changed, if at all, over the past year or two? 4 5 3 2 1 10 17 18 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Remained the same I am using this more often I am using this less often I stopped using this I never used this Organic foods or beverages Bottled water Juice and other beverages packaged in single serve plastic bottles Fresh foods or beverages Foods and beverages in cans Foods and beverages in glass containers Foods and beverages in flexible pouches Foods and beverages in thinner plastic containers Foods and beverages in plant-based plastic containers Beverages packaged in cartons, such as those used for milk or orange juice. Base: Total who respond same/more/less often (3/4/5) to Q19_23 Fresh foods or beverages Q19B) How are you trying to include fresh foods and beverages in your and your family’s diet? Choose all that apply. 1. Buying more local products 2. Buying more organic products 3. Shopping at Farmer's Markets 4. Buying more refrigerated rather than shelf stable beverages 5. Buying more refrigerated rather than frozen or shelf stable foods 6. Other Base: Total Q20a Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement regarding the packaging of products you purchase. 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree I have changed what I buy because of the type or amount of packaging. I try to buy products in refillable or reusable containers or packages. I try to buy beverages that use less plastic in their packaging. I try to buy products in packaging that is recyclable Base: Total Q20b 1 Convenience is a major priority for me when it comes to packaging CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 7 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 Natural and organic products need to do a better job of packaging their products with recyclable materials. Steel cans are more eco-friendly than aseptic boxes. I look for products in packaging that is made from recycled materials. I look for products in packaging that is made with biodegradable materials. I try to avoid products with double packaging, such as a cup of soup in a wrapper, or a bag of cereal or snacks inside a box. I look for products in packaging that is compact/flattens for easier recycling. I look for products in packaging that is designed to save fuel through efficient transport. I look for beverages in packaging that is made with renewable materials Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without loss in quality or purity. Base: Total Q20d Which of the following certification seals or labels have you ever seen or heard of? 1 FAIRTRADE 2 U.S.EPA 3 Sierra Club 4 USDA Organic 5 Rainforest Alliance 6 WWF 7 WaterSense 8 Energy Star 9 SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) 11 FDA (Food and Drug Administration) 15 FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) 16 Marine Stewardship Council 17 Recycled Paperboard Alliance 20 USDA Certified Bio-Based Product 21 NON-GMO Project Verified 19 None of the above Q20e How influential is this certification/ label in getting you to choose that product when you are making your purchase decisions? 1 2 3 4 5 Extremely influential Very influential Somewhat influential Not very influential Not at all influential NEW, Base: Total Q20g: Next you will see various sets of packaging types. Please indicate the type of packaging that you usually prefer when buying (insert type), and also which packaging you consider to be the most eco-friendly choice for (insert type): a) I usually prefer this type of packaging b) I believe this is the most eco-friendly packaging Type 1 Multi-serve refrigerated juice 2 Single serve shelf-stable beverage A B C D glass bottle plastic bottle carton don’t know aluminum can plastic bottle glass bottle don’t know CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 8 4 Wine glass recyclable bottle bag in box glass returnable bottle don’t know 5 Soup steel can box glass jar don’t know glass jar steel can plastic jar don’t know glass bottle plastic bottle carton don’t know 7 Tomato or pasta sauce 8 Milk Base: Total, Split sample: ½ food / ½ beverage A: foods/food (show food) B: beverages/beverage (show beverage) Base: Total Q20I: a) When you are shopping for (insert foods or beverages), does a packaging container's health impact have an influence on your purchase? 1- Yes 2- No b) What do you believe is the health impact of the following types of (insert foods or beverages) packaging? 4 Positive Impact 3 Negative Impact 2 No Impact 1 Don’t Know A. Glass bottle or jar B. (food: Plastic bottle, bag, wrapper, tray) (beverage: Plastic bottle) C. (beverage: Styrofoam cup) D. Aluminum can E. Steel can F. Flexible pouch G. Refrigerated carton Base: Total Q20J: a) Does a (insert food or beverage) packaging container's environmental impact have an influence on your purchase? 1- Yes 2- No b) What do you believe is the environmental impact of the following types of (insert food or beverage) packaging? 4 Positive Impact 3 Negative Impact 2 No Impact 1 Don’t Know A. B. C. D. E. F. Glass bottle or jar (food: Plastic bottle, bag, wrapper, tray) (beverage: Plastic bottle) (beverage: Styrofoam cup) Aluminum can Steel can Flexible pouch CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9 G. Refrigerated carton Base: Total Q20K: b) Which packaging containers can leave undesirable chemicals in your (insert foods or beverages)? Check all that apply. A. Glass bottle or jar B. (food: Plastic bottle, bag, wrapper, tray) (beverage: Plastic bottle) C. (beverage: Styrofoam cup) D. Aluminum can E. Steel can F. Flexible pouch G. Refrigerated carton H. None of the above Base: Total Q20L: b) Which packaging containers can change the taste of your (insert food or beverage)? Check all that apply. A. Glass bottle or jar B. (food: Plastic bottle, bag, wrapper, tray) (beverage: Plastic bottle) C. (beverage: Styrofoam cup) D. Aluminum can E. Steel can F. Flexible pouch G. Refrigerated carton H. None of the above Base: Total b) Which (insert food or beverage) containers best protect the freshness of the contents without preservatives? Check all that apply A. Glass bottle or jar B. (food: Plastic bottle, bag, wrapper, tray) (beverage: Plastic bottle) C. (beverage: Styrofoam cup) D. Aluminum can E. Steel can F. Flexible pouch G. Refrigerated carton H. None of the above Base: Total Q28a How often do you recycle whatever you can? 5 4 3 2 1 Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Q28B What type of recycling program is available to your household? 1 curbside for all materials 2 curbside for everything but compost materials 3 curbside for some recyclable materials 4 Drop off centers only CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 10 5 6 7 Central recycling area in building or complex Nothing available in my area Don't know Q28B_1. Do you return bottles or cans in your area for a return deposit? 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not an option in my area Q28D. How often does your household recycle the following types of materials? 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Plastic bottles/containers Glass bottles/containers Drink cartons (such as milk or orange juice) Clean paper Used napkins/paper towels Aluminum cans/foil Steel cans Beverage cups from fast food restaurants, coffee shops, etc. Packaging (bags, wraps, sandwich cartons) from drive through restaurants [If sometimes/rarely or never to glass bottles/containers in Q28D, ask Q28E.] Q28E. Which of the following reasons explain why you [only sometimes/rarely/Never – answer from previous question] recycle glass bottles? 1. They are breakable, concern about injuries 2. Not sure glass is recyclable in my area 3. Not sanitary 6. Takes too much effort 7. Glass is not accepted in my recycling program 5. None of the above [If sometimes/rarely or never to drink cartons in Q28D, ask Q28F.] NEW Q28F. Which of the following reasons explain why you [only sometimes/rarely/Never – answer from previous question] recycle drink cartons? 1. Cartons are not accepted in my recycling program 2. Not sure cartons are recyclable in my area 3. Not sanitary 4. Takes too much effort 5. Takes too much room in my bins 6. None of the above Q28G Do your recyclable food and beverage containers all go into the same bin or different bins (one for paper, one for plastic, etc.) 1. the same bin 2. different bins Base: Total P14j We'd like to know more about your opinions on recycling. Using the scale below, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. 5 4 3 2 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 11 1 2 3 5 Strongly Disagree I expect that in the future, recycling will become a habit for everybody. Recycling is a bother but it’s worth it. Since we started recycling, it is rewarding to see how we've reduced the number of bags of garbage my household sends to the landfills. Manufacturers need to do a better job of telling me how to recycle or dispose of their packaging. It takes too much effort to sort our household trash into recycle bins. Recycling makes me feel like I am doing my part to reduce landfills. I would recycle more often if it helped me to save money. I do not understand why products made of recycled materials cost more than products made of new materials Recycling is important to me Recycling is a family activity-everyone participates Restaurants should only provide take-out containers that are recyclable or compostable Many of the recyclables that people put into their recycle bins still go into a landfill. I wish more schools would seek to minimize waste through recycling programs. I would recycle more often if I knew that what I put into my bin is reliably recycled. 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 Base: CWC Q22 Now please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement about stores/retailers. 5 4 3 2 1 1 3 4 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Retailers should choose what products they put on their shelves based on how environmentally friendly those products are. Retailers are doing a good job of making it easier for me to make eco-friendly choices. Retailers should choose what products they put on their shelves based on how environmentally friendly the product packaging is Base: Total Q24b. How often do you buy groceries for your household? 5 4 3 2 1 Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Base: Total Grocery Shoppers StoreIMP. Now, thinking about the grocery stores, how important are each of the following in choosing where you shop? 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Is socially responsible Is environmentally friendly Offers a wide selection of natural products Offers a wide selection of organic products Offers a wide selection of locally produced products Is a store I trust to really do what they say they do Makes it easy for me to make eco-friendly choices Provides helpful information regarding recycling and other eco-friendly practices CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 12 9 10 13 Makes it easy for me to make healthy choices Is a good neighbor in my community Is affordable Base: Total Grocery Shoppers GroceryA: Where do you regularly buy groceries? Please select all that apply 1 Albertson’s 3 Farmer’s market 5 Harris Teeter 10 Kroger 12 Publix 13 Safeway 14 Sam’s Club 16 ShopRite 17 Target/Super Target 18 Trader Joe’s 20 Walmart 21 Wegman’s 22 Whole Foods Market 32 Costco 33 Other Base: CWC Grocery Shoppers GroceryB (Q26b). Now, thinking about the grocery stores where you usually shop, which of the following do you associate with each store? (Choose all that apply) 1 Is socially responsible 2 Is environmentally friendly 3 Offers a wide selection of natural products 4 Offers a wide selection of organic products 5 Offers a wide selection of locally produced products 6 Is a store I trust to really do what they say they do 7 Makes it easy for me to make eco-friendly choices 8 Provides helpful information regarding recycling and other eco-friendly practices 9 Makes it easy for me to make healthy choices 10 Is a good neighbor in my community 13 Is affordable 12 None of the above Base: CWC Grocery Shoppers GroceryC Based on what you know, please rate how green or eco-friendly you feel each of these retailers are: 5 4 3 2 1 0 Extremely eco-friendly Very eco-friendly Somewhat eco-friendly Not very eco-friendly Not at all eco-friendly Don't know Base: Total Grocery Shoppers BA1.Which of the following product categories do you purchase regularly? (Choose all that apply) 1 Cereal (hot or cold) 3 Canned soup 5 Juices or juice drinks CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 13 6 7 10 12 21 23 25 26 27 34 35 39 40 41 42 33 Bottled water Snacks Boxed (aseptic) milks, soups, stocks Organic foods Frozen meals and breakfast products Baby Food Beer Wine Liquor Canned foods (i.e. beans, vegetables, fruit or soup) Condiments (i.e. ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise) Yogurt Milk, soymilk, or other dairy-type beverages Jarred foods (i.e. sauces, fruits, other products in glass) Organic milk None of the above- anchor as last Base: CWC Grocery Shoppers MC2 When shopping for foods and beverages how important are the following on labels? 5 4 3 2 1 Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important 1 Certified organic 2 No artificial ingredients 3 BPA-free (Bisphenol-A free) 4 Fair Trade 6 No artificial hormones or antibiotics 8 GMO Free (Genetically Modified Organisms) or ingredients from biotechnology 18 Locally grown 19 No preservatives 20 Non-GMO Project Verified 21 Recyclable 22 GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) Base: Total Grocery Shoppers who regularly buy category CAT. For each category ask the following two questions, inserting category name: BA2. When thinking about (insert category), which of the following brands are you familiar with? BA3.Which of these brands you have purchased in the past 6 months? Category Name: Juice or Juice Drinks [Ask if buy Juice or Juice drinks BA1.5] BA2 Familiar with Brand BA3 Purchased Past 6 months 2 Tropicana 3 Minute Maid 4 Naked Juice 5 Odwalla 14 Simply Orange 15 Capri Sun 20 Sunny D 21 Florida’s Natural 13 None of the above CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 14 Ask for each brand purchased in BA3 for Juice or Juice Drinks] BA3_a) Do you usually purchase--1 Refrigerated 2 Non-refrigerated (shelf-stable) 3 Both refrigerated and non-refrigerated Category Name: Milk, soy or other dairy products[Ask if Milk, soymilk, or other dairy beverages BA1.40 or Organic milk BA1.42 or Yogurt BA1.39] BA2 Familiar with Brand BA3 Purchased Past 6 months 1 Dannon 2 Yoplait 3 Stonyfield 5 Silk 6 Horizon 8 Organic Valley (was asked in 2010.. turn on or new 7 None of the above Ask for each brand purchased in BA3 for Milk, soymilk, or other dairy beverages BA1.40 or Organic milk BA1.42 or Yogurt BA1.39 (Do not ask for Stonyfield or Dannon)] BA3_b) Do you usually purchase--1 Refrigerated 2 Non-refrigerated (shelf-stable) 3 Both refrigerated and non-refrigerated ASK ONLY OF THOSE WHO ANSWER BA1_25 Beer BA1_25a Thinking about when you buy beer, how often do you purchase the following? 5 4 3 2 1 Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never a. b. c. d. American brand such as Budweiser or Miller Lite Imported brand such as Corona, Heineken, or Stella Artois Craft brand from a small or local brewer Other ASK ONLY OF THOSE WHO ANSWER BA1_25 Beer BA1_25bWhich type of package do you usually prefer when buying beer? (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY): a. Aluminum cans b. Glass bottles c. Plastic bottles d. Other Base: CWC Grocery Shoppers who are familiar with brand MC3A Please rate how green or eco-friendly you feel each of these brands are: 5 4 3 2 1 0 Extremely eco-friendly Very eco-friendly Somewhat eco-friendly Not very eco-friendly Not at all eco-friendly Don't know CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 15 Base: Total Q34a Which of the following best describes your eating habits? 5 Extremely healthy 4 Very healthy 3 Healthy 2 Unhealthy 1 Very unhealthy Q34b Overall, how satisfied are you with the healthfulness of your eating habits today? 5 Very satisfied 4 Somewhat satisfied 3 Neither satisfied or unsatisfied 2 Somewhat unsatisfied 1 Very unsatisfied Q35a Which of the following describes how green or eco-friendly your lifestyle is today? 5 Extremely green or eco-friendly 4 Very green or eco-friendly 3 Somewhat green or eco-friendly 2 Not very green or eco-friendly 1 Not at all green or eco-friendly Q35b How satisfied are you overall with how green or eco-friendly your lifestyle is today? 5 Very satisfied 4 Somewhat satisfied 3 Neither satisfied or unsatisfied 2 Somewhat unsatisfied 1 Very unsatisfied Q41. Would you be willing to participate in another study related to this subject area in the future? CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 16