Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 5 Title: Our Island – Click, Flash, Wight Art is Born! Timescale: 7 weeks Rationale: To get this academic year off to a good start, we decided to celebrate the place we live in! Eclipse class will begin this year with a detailed study of the Isle of Wight, with a particular focus on Freshwater Bay and Ventnor. Children will have the opportunity to consider the geography of the Island, look at the landscape and carry out field work to fully understand their surroundings. Children will have the opportunity to make comparisons between Freshwater Bay and Ventnor thinking about habitats, life cycles, soils, land use and purpose. Children will generate questions about the local environment, they will set about collecting evidence to draw conclusions, and then they will use ICT to present their findings. Children will carry out map work to locate key places in relation to other towns and villages, counties and the rest of the world! Alongside this, they will begin to appreciate the effect humans have on the local surroundings, they will be looking at the damage humans do and the efforts being made to protect the environment. Children will also have the opportunity to appreciate the arts movement of the 1800’s in Freshwater Bay, we will consider the pioneering work of Julia Margaret Cameron and the invention of photography. Children will visit Dimbola Lodge, where Julia Margaret Cameron lived and experiment with the form through the creation of pinhole cameras. Then, children will look at some modern representations of the Isle of Wight by local artists. They will have the opportunity to identify the different media used, techniques and styles. Children will experiment with various materials in order to choose their own style. We will then take the children to a beautiful local location at Freshwater Bay, where the children will experience representing a local scene through art. It is hoped that the children will be able to carefully consider their approach to this task and produce art work of a very high standard. We will then peer and self-assess our artwork, celebrating achievements as well as looking for ways to improve. Please look out for a follow up letter inviting you to come and view the children’s paintings at our own art exhibition. You never know, there may be a local artist present to judge! Within our Guided Reading, we will continue looking at life by the coast in the 1800’s by reading The Wreck of Zanzibar which is set in the Scilly Isles. Within their literacy work, children will be focusing on recounts. Children will be encouraged to think about their experiences on the Isle of Wight, recall them and write about them with flair, expression and humour, including an element of magic and make believe, taking inspiration from our Guided Reading. Children will look at examples of recounts and compare them in order to locate their features. As a class we will write an example of a recount including the features identified. Finally, children will have the chance to write their own recount of an experience that they have had on the Isle of Wight. It will be really interesting to read the children’s writing! Hook: Children will be shown a range of photographs, through display, taken by Julia Margaret Cameron and be encouraged to ask questions about them and their creator. Children will also be shown pictures of the Isle of Wight created by local artists in a variety of styles. Children will have the opportunity to visit Freshwater Bay and Ventnor to carry out their field work study of the habitats in the local area. Big Questions: How many miles of coast line does Britain have? How long is our I.O.W coast line? What is the difference between living by the coast and being inland or in a city? What does living by the coast mean to you? Do you enjoy any coastal activities? Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 5 Take-Away Task: Please take the opportunity with your child to look at the local area. Encourage your child to appreciate the beauty in the area – perhaps on a family walk. Take the time to look at the geography of your local area – consider landscape, soils and land use. Talk to your child about the things that they would like to find out and get them to bring in any questions they may have. Also, look around local shops to consider the various art works that has been produced celebrating our stunning island. Question your child about the locality of the painting, what the artist used to create the picture and ask them whether they like the style. You may even want to have a go at creating your own piece of art to represent an area of the Island that is special to you with your child. Task 1: Think about some of the most memorable experiences you have had on the Isle of Wight. They might be funny, exciting, adventurous or happy times with your family and friends. We would like you to plan a piece of writing telling me about the events. Remember to not write the whole piece of writing, just write down key words, phrases and punctuation that will help you with your writing. Task 2: We would like you to write about your memorable experiences on the Isle of Wight. Task 3: We would like you to create a collage/picture of what the Isle of Wight means to you. You can present your information in any way you choose and include what you like, stickers, brochures, pictures, writing – you name it, you can use it! However, you must be prepared to talk about what your collage or picture means to you and explain what the Isle of Wight means to you in a 2 minute presentation at the end of this half term. Educational Visits/Global/Cultural Link: Children will have the opportunity to visit Freshwater Bay and Ventnor Botanical Gardens, they will also visit Dimbola Lodge to find out about Julia Margaret Cameron. Towards the end of the topic, a local artist will be invited in to share their work and judge the children’s landscape art work of the local area. Children’s cultural experiences will be developed through their appreciation of different styles of art and through their understanding of the pioneering work of Julia Margaret Cameron within their locality. Children will also develop their appreciation of literature by reading ‘The Wreck of Zanzibar’. Main Subjects Covered: Geography, History, Art RE Topic for the Half Term: Creation Science Topic for the Half Term: Living things and their environments Link to the Value: Respect / British Values: Exploring British History-famous artists based on the I.O.W in the 1800’s. Showing an appreciation for our Island. Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 5 Numeracy Literacy WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 Click Teaching Week 1 Click Teaching Week 2 Click Teaching Week 3 Click Teaching Week 4 Click Teaching Week 5 Click Teaching Week 6 Number and Place Multiplication and Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Value Division Value Writing Introduce recounts Begin toolkit Comparing different In depth focus 1 Shared class writing of Individual planning recounts recount recount – using the and writing of recount Add to/finalise toolkit Language use, identify text toolkit features Comparing different Peer Assessment of poems inspired by recounts to the toolkit nature criteria Assessment Week Individual writing of a and the success Structure recount WEEK 7 poem inspired by Freshwater Bay Peer Assessment of Building the toolkit for the poems including the poetic devices recounts to the toolkit and the success criteria Writing and poetry for display Guided Reading –Y5 Introduce significance of the text in relation to ‘The Wreck of Zanzibar’ and British The Wreck of Zanzibar The Wreck of Zanzibar The Wreck Zanzibar The Wreck Zanzibar The Wreck of Zanzibar Chapter 3 and 4 Chapter 5 and 6 Chapter 7 and 8 Chapter 9 and 10 Chapter 11 and 12 Focus Af4/5 Focus Af6/7 Focus Af2/3 Focus Af4/5 Focus Af2/3 To use relative clauses To indicate degrees of To use speech To use apostrophes for To know what beginning with, who, possibility using punctuation and omission and prepositions are and which, where, when, adverbs or modal inverted commas possession within use them within whose, that or an verbs accurately writing writing Assessment Week Coast lines-including Freshwater Bay Chapter 1 and 2 Focus Af2/3 SPAG To use devices to build cohesion within a paragraph To adapt sentence construction to different text types, purposes and readers. To understand and use complex sentences and subordinate clauses omitted relative pronoun Assessment Week Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 5 Word Level Phonics Science Computing RE To convert nouns or To convert nouns or To convert nouns or To spell words with To spell words with To spell words with adjectives into verbs adjectives into verbs adjectives into verbs endings which sound endings which sound endings which sound using suffixes – ate, - using suffixes – ate, - using suffixes – ate, - like –cious and –tious like –cious and –tious like ‘cial’ ise, -ify ise, -ify ise, -ify Words with ay: ay, a- Words with ay: ay, a- Words with ee: ee, ea, Words with ee: ee, ea, Words with igh: igh, i- Words with igh: igh, i- e, ai, eigh, a e, ai, eigh, a e, y e, y e, ie, y, i e, ie, y, i Words with soft c Words with soft c Words with soft g Words with soft g Unusual plurals Unusual plurals half term Introduction to Life Classification of plants Life Cycles of Plants Life Cycles of Plants Explain the Science of Life Cycles of different Assessment Week Cycles and animals pinhole cameras and animals Cress Experiment - germination germination Topic Words for next half term Assessment Week Topic Words for next how they work Life Cycles of different animals Introduction to Digital Digital Photographs Children to select the Children to upload Further opportunity Work on the final Assessment week – of Photography taken of Freshwater images they want to images of Freshwater for children to format image in order to the Computing Skills Bay use children have used Creation Creation Story History Cress Experiment - Assessment Week Bay and begin to and amend the present to the rest of format the images pictures in Photoshop the class Comparison of Study of Creation of Exploring the Human Responsibility Human Responsibility Assessment Week - creation stories within the animals and the relationship between for the planet for the planet Creation the Bible creating power of God God and man Introduction of the arts movement in the late 1800’s at Freshwater Bay Introduce Julia Margaret Cameron and her works – place her on the timeline of history, discuss other significant works and individuals that visited/lived at Freshwater Bay at this time – Charles Darwin, Tennyson, Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 5 Lewis Carroll Visit to Dimbola Lodge to find out more about the photography/art of Julia Maragret Cameron Children to ask the questions they generated about Julia Margaret Cameron Geography Our locality – Where Map work continued Geographical field are we? and completed work at Ventnor conclusions and Botanical Gardens – comparisons about the Mind map, outline of Geographical field topic, what do the work at Freshwater children know/want Bay area – focus on to know, map work landscape, soils, rocks, relating I.O.W to the plants, flowers, nature UK, Europe and the temperature, and World population Draw together initial Final geographical focus on landscape, two locations – soils, rocks, plants, Freshwater and flowers, nature, Ventnor temperature and population Draw together initial findings and make findings and make detailed geographical detailed geographical conclusions about conclusions about Freshwater Bay Ventnor Art and Design Children to design, make, Share a range of Design and Technology test and evaluate their techniques and methods landscape art work of own pin hole cameras to artists use to represent Freshwater Bay using the techniques explored develop their the landscape – provide understanding of the children with time to history/science of experiment with them photography Children to draw their Share range of landscape initial sketch drawings of art work of the Isle of their landscape artw Wight in different styles – include some examples of photography – Hayden Bridgeman, Martin Williams Children to complete their Peer and self- assessment of the art work to the success criteria Children to begin their landscape painting – Artist in to judge the including some of the children’s artworks to the techniques they chose to success criteria and award experiment with ork 5 children Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 5 Music Share a range of music Collate children’s Show the children a Demonstrate to the Groups to focus on the Children continue with inspired by nature – responses to music – range of pictures of children the way to composition of their their compositions children to perform collect children’s first identify mood, Freshwater Bay – build a musical music to accompany thinking about the their Freshwater Bay thoughts – focus on instruments and what do the children composition and how the picture of advice they were given inspired compositions the timing, tempo, suggest what the place notice about the to record a simple Freshwater Bay in the previous session to the rest of the class. rhythm, melody and is like pictures, what would score. Ensure children are Children to finalise Peer assessment mood of the pieces the music be like to go with the pictures? What kind of mood do they want to create? Within their groups, In groups, children to suing the score, all their composition related to the mood select instruments and instruments and have within their score, the piece was trying to begin to think about the correct tempo and ensuring that they get create, the use of the the mood they want rhythm the tempo, timing and score and the way the to create rhythm right children kept the tempo, melody and Peer assess each rhythm of the piece groups to offer improvements Language To refresh their Be able to say where To be able to say To be able to recognise Common directions in To use directions to Assessment Week of memories about what you live in France where you live in and pronounce the France find their way around objectives covered French common French shop they know so far Learn and practise the To name some famous French towns use of common To be name some a French town names in France famous French towns phrases Find out where France is and compare it to England re: size and population PE Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Tag Rugby Tag Rugby Tag Rugby Tag Rugby Tag Rugby Tag Rugby Tag Rugby