Introduction to Nouns

Lesson Plan Format
Name: Kimberly Harrison
Virginia SOL: 7.1, 7.8 Grade: 7
Date: 10/27/14
Subject: English Language Arts
Start time: 11:32
Stop time: 12:34
Lesson Title: Introduction to nouns
Objectives (What do you want students to know, do, or feel as a result of your instruction?)
TSW spell all 20 of their words correctly.
TSW locate and state nouns they find in the sample paragraph.
TSW discuss the use of a noun in small groups and then verbally share their results with the class.
TSW give examples of nouns and defend their choices if necessary.
TSW write vocabulary words and definitions.
Spelling: awareness, amazement, forgive, commencement, manage, announcement,
Critical vocabulary:
inventiveness, acre, encouragement, advantageous, commence, outrageous, idleness,
management, acreage, canoe, forgiveness, canoeing, fierceness, encourage
Vocab: smirk, lithe, venture, haggard, afoot, mull, dormant, begrudgingly
Paper, writing utensil, computer/ projection system, paragraph, online stopwatch,
computers for each student, vocab sheets
Pre-assessment: (How will you know if your students already know what you are teaching?)
If the students get a 20 on their spelling pre-test, I will know they know they know how to spell the words.
If the students can correctly answer my questions about nouns, find nouns in the projected paragraph, and list
correct nouns during the activity, then I will know they are familiar with nouns, know how to find them, and can
recall nouns they know that fit under a certain category.
Intro (how do you capture their attention and get them interested?):
When the students walk in, the desks will already be placed in groups, and I will tell them where to sit based on
what group they are in.
Chapter 9 spelling pre-test: for this, the desks will be turned so the students cannot see what the others are
writing. After this, they are to exchange papers within their groups, grade them, and then move their desks so they
can face each other.
Provide rules for group activities: no talking while another group is talking, everyone must participate and work
together towards the common goal, and positive language must be used at all times. Ask for examples of ways
students can positively interact with a group member who is not participating.
Ask questions: what is a noun (person, place, thing, idea), what are examples of each, what are the two types of
nouns (common, proper), and what are examples of those? Have students discuss this in their groups and then
share with the class. Project a list of sentences and have each student name one noun (go around the room to
ensure each student finds one), and I will underline it once. Students will be allowed to assist struggling group
Body (what comes after your interesting intro?)
Assign groups of 5. Each student will get out a piece of paper and a writing utensil. Both of these should be
placed on the desk, and students’ hands should be in their lap. I will assign each student a topic (common person,
common place, thing, idea, or any proper noun) based on their readiness level. I will allow the groups 1 minute to
discuss their topics and share nouns with each other. When I say “ready,” the students will know to be silent.
When I say “set,” they are to pick up their pencil, and when I say “go,” they are to begin writing. They will have 45
seconds to write as many nouns as possible to fit their category (use online stopwatch and warn them at 15 and 5
seconds). Warn them to only list nouns and not adjectives or any other part of speech. At the end of that time,
have each student place their pencil on the desk. If I see them touch their pencil after this point, points will be
deducted. The students who wrote “person” nouns will stand and read their words one at a time (to ensure they
don’t write down more words while others speak). The rest of the class and I can challenge the word if we do not
think it applies. After the students say their words, I will have them count up the number of correct nouns they
use, and I will write the total on the board. I will repeat this until all of the students have read their nouns. The
group with the most correct words will receive a piece of candy, but I will deduct points if I have to speak to any
group/ student to be quiet/ on task at any point of this exercise. Ask for questions throughout to ensure students
understand the directions. At the end of the activity, allow students to write any comments they may have about
the activity or their group members on their lists. All students will submit their lists to me after this point so I can
look over what they wrote.
Have students get out their vocab sheets and copy down their new vocab words. Students will use a computer
to look up the definitions. If they finish that, then they should continue completing the sheet.
Closure (purposeful summary-help them remember today or anticipate tomorrow):
I will inform the students that we will review this later in the week.
Study vocab words, study spelling words, read AR
Assessment: (How will you assess if they have mastered your objectives? Be specific.)
If they are able to answer my questions, find the nouns in the paragraph, and write down nouns that fit their
specific category, then I will know that the students understand what a noun is, and can find and create examples.
Are you differentiating lesson content, process, or product by readiness, interest, or learning profile? Explain
Content by readiness
“Ideas” are a more difficult concept, so I will assign it to my strongest students, just as “things” are more general,
so I will assign this to my weaker students. This will allow my weakest students to be able to participate, and at the
same time, I will be challenging my stronger students. I have ranked all five by what I believe their difficulty level to
1 (weakest)- things
2- proper nouns: students can name any proper nouns they can think of
3- persons: any type of person they can think of, as long as it is a common noun
4- places: any type place they can think of, as long as it is a common noun
5 (strongest)- ideas
For cooperative learning explain how you have insured:
Positive interdependence- Each student will be assigned a type of noun (person, place, thing, or idea) and will
have to write as many as they can in order for the group to be able to win. When looking through the noun
paragraph before the main activity, group members can help each other locate nouns.
Individual accountability- Before the activity, the students will be able to discuss nouns and share examples with
their group members before we discuss them as a class. In order for the group to win, each student needs to
participate and write as many nouns as they can.
Group processing- At the end of the activity, I will allow the students to write comments about the activity or
their group members on their lists, which they will all submit to me.
Social skills- I’ve struggled with getting all students to participate in activities, so I will stress that all of them will
need to work in order to ensure group success. I will ask students what they can do if they see a group member is
struggling/ not working/ not paying attention at any point during the activity, and will ask them to positively
encourage group members to do their best.
Face-to-face interaction- All of the desks will be arranged so the students can see each other and work together
more efficiently. During the discussion before the main activity, the students will have to discuss the questions
amongst themselves to ensure each group member understands today’s topic.
Reflections (So, how did it go? What will you change to improve it? Do it now or you’ll forget.)