RE: Letter of Agreement for Pre-Construction Services

Building Structures.
Mr. X
RE: Letter of Agreement for Pre-Construction Services
Project Name
Project Location
Samet Proj. No. XX-XXX
Dear <Name>:
309 Gallimore Dairy
Suite 102
Greensboro, NC 27409
PO Box 8050
Greensboro, NC 27419
(336) 544-2600
1315 East Boulevard
Suite 250
Charlotte, NC 28203
(704) 697-2125
Samet Corporation is pleased to provide this agreement to coordinate the following
Pre-Construction activities for your project. We understand that the project scope
includes the planning, design and proposed construction of a proposed <project size,
type, and location>.
Scope & Budget
Our competitive procurement process coupled with the volume of pre-construction
work that we direct and manage ensures that you receive optimal value in project
planning and design. Listed below is a Pre-Construction Budget Summary for the
services required to move your project forward. A description of each line item is
included on the attached “Standard Description of Pre-Construction Services”. The
actual fees will be based on the amounts invoiced through the professional service
Pre-Construction Proj. Mgt. & Coord.
Land Planning / Site Evaluation
Phase I Site Environmental Assessment
Stream/Wetlands Determination
Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Analysis
Topographic Survey / Tie to Boundary
LEED Project Development & Documentation
Preliminary Civil / Site Engineering
Preliminary Architectural / Structural Engineering
Should you elect not to proceed with the project during the Pre-Construction process,
Samet Corporation will provide you with a copy of all surveys, reports, and plans
developed to date upon receipt of payment for services rendered. If you elect not to
proceed, you may re-use any of the information at your own risk. In the event that you
do not execute a construction contract with Samet Corporation, all fees for PreConstruction Services will be subject to a 15% mark-up for general overhead
associated with coordination of these services.
<Client Name>
Pre-Construction Services Agreement
Page 2
In order that we may proceed with these Pre-Construction Services, Samet Corporation
respectfully requests that you sign a copy of this proposal and return to our office prior to the
performance of the Work.
Our Pre-Construction Services method of delivery generally results in significant savings of time
and money, and also provides you with a single source of contact and accountability for project
planning. Our process is timely, cost-efficient and goal-oriented. During every phase of the
project, we continually seek opportunities for cost reduction, schedule improvement, and
innovative design solutions.
We look forward to working with you on this project. Should you have any questions or
comments concerning this Letter of Agreement, please feel free to contact our office.
Samet Corporation
Samet Corporation
Standard Description of Pre-Construction Services
1. Pre-Construction Management & Coordination: In our role as design-builder, Samet will
negotiate, manage and coordinate professional services and review/approval procedures to
expedite the pre-construction process for your project.
2. Land Planning / Site Evaluation: Samet will assist in the development and evaluation of a
conceptual site plan using available information. Samet will review the site plan based on
the requirements of the local development ordinance, while considering such issues as
topography, vehicular access, site utilities, building orientation, watershed development,
storm drainage, and preservation of natural areas.
3. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment: Samet will contract with a professional
environmental consultant to obtain a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in general
accordance with ASTM Designation E1527-97, Standard Practice for Environmental Site
Assessments, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process.
4. Stream & Wetlands Determination / Delineation / Survey:
Determination – Samet will contract with a professional environmental scientist to
determine the presence of streams or wetlands on the site.
Delineation – environmental consultant will flag the locations of jurisdictional wetlands
and streams.
Survey – Professional Land Surveyor will field survey flags and prepare a wetlands map
for approval by appropriate authorities.
5. Preliminary Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Analysis: Samet Corporation will
contract with a geotechnical engineering firm to perform a subsurface investigation and
report for the site, including site geologic conditions, pertinent site features, field exploration
and laboratory results, and soil borings. Results will include recommendations for allowable
bearing pressures, pavement sections, excavation techniques and suitability of on-site
materials for use of compacted fill.
6. Topographic and Boundary Survey: Samet Corporation will coordinate the preparation of a
topographic and boundary survey by a Professional Land Surveyor. The survey will include
property boundaries, visible/known easements, site topography, manmade structures,
existing drainage structures, visible utilities, and adjacent roadways.
7. Civil/Site Engineering: Samet Corporation will coordinate the preparation of the civil/site
engineering plans by a Professional Engineer, including a Site Layout Plan; a Grading,
Drainage and Erosion Control Plan; and a Site Utility Plan.
8. Site Landscape Plan: Samet Corporation will coordinate the preparation of provide a Site
Landscape Plan which meets the requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction.
9. Architectural/Structural Engineering: Samet Corporation will coordinate the architectural
and structural engineering services and plan development necessary for the permitting and
construction of the project. Architectural design services will consist of schematic design
sketches, floor and roof plans, building and wall sections and details. Structural design
services will consist of structural panel design, foundation plans, roof framing plans, and
10. Reimbursable Costs: Printing, shipping and reimbursable expenses will be invoiced at cost,
over & above the fees shown.
Note: Samet may propose or provide any combination or all of the above services for any given
project, as we determine appropriate, based on project location, financing, design or
other pertinent factors. See attached Letter of Agreement for scope specifics.