Electrical, DG Set, Firefighting & HVAC Works-JDCA, Orissa Name of Work : Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. CONTENTS S. No. Description Page Nos 1. Notice Inviting Tender ........................................................................................................................ 2 2. General Instructions to Tenderers ..................................................................................................... 4 3. Tender Form .......................................................................................................................................7 - Basic Information ..............................................................................................................................9 4. Form of Agreement ...........................................................................................................................18 5. Definitions and Interpretation ............................................................................................................26 6. General Conditions of Contract .......................................................................................................29 7. Safety Procedure ..............................................................................................................................45 8. Site Safety Manual............................................................................................................................48 9. Special Conditions & Technical Specifications .................................................................................62 - Special Conditions for Electrical Works .....................................................................................63 - Technical Specifications for Electrical Works ............................................................................69 - Technical Specifications for Sub-Station ...................................................................................84 - Special Conditions for D G Sets .................................................................................................93 - Technical Specifications for D.G. Sets .......................................................................................99 - Special Conditions for Fire Fighting System ............................................................................112 - Specifications for fire Fighting Systems ...................................................................................116 - Technical Specification for Sprinkler System ...........................................................................131 - Specifications for Fire Trace Tube System ..............................................................................136 - Special Conditions of Contract for HVAC Works .....................................................................138 11. List of Approved Makes ..................................................................................................................162 11. List of Drawings ..............................................................................................................................170 JDCA – Services Tender Document 1. NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Name of Work The ____________________________________ invites you to tender for the work of “Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa”. 1.2 Key Details: Approximate Cost of Work Rs. _____________ Crore Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. _________________________ Demand Draft favouring “_________________________” payable on the date of submission of tender. Completion Period of the Work 12 (Twelve) months from the Date of Commencement Tender Documents on sale The Tender Documents shall be made available in the office of the Project Owner, Bhubaneswar on ______________ upto 6.00 P.M. Cost of Tender Document Rs. 500/Demand Draft favouring M/S ___________________________ Date & Time of Submission of Tender Sealed tenders shall be received at the office of the Project Owner, ______________ upto 11.00 hours and opened on the same day at 11.30 hrs. Date of Commencement: Within fifteen (15) days from the date of issuance of letter of acceptance of the tender-cum-work order issued by Tender shall be valid for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the last date of submission of tender. Validity: 1.3 The Tender Document consists of: - Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) - Instructions to Tenderers - Tender Form - Form of Agreement - General Conditions of Contract - Special Conditions of Contract - Logistics Plan/ Health - Safety Procedures - Site Safety Manual - Technical Specifications - Tender Drawings - Bill of Quantities Tender Document Page - 2 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document NOTE The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all tenders submitted by the tenderers and/ or accept any tender and/ or award different parts of the tender by splitting them to different tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. Any work/ part of the Works shall not be assigned/ sub-let by the Contractor to a third party without the prior written approval of the Owner. Only those Sub-contractors shall be employed who are pre-approved by the Owner. No interest shall be payable on security deposits or on any delayed payments, at any stage. The Owner reserves the right to foreclose/ revoke or cancel the Contract at any stage without assigning any reason or incurring any liability thereof. However, the tenderers shall not be entitled to foreclose/ revoke or cancel this Contract or to vary the tender given (except where specified otherwise in the tender), or any terms thereof, without the written consent of the Owner. The tenderer shall abide by the provisions of Orissa State Rules, Regulations and any notifications or orders made thereunder and any subsequent amendments and modifications thereto along with all applicable central, state and local laws and any subsequent amendments and modifications thereto. The Owner reserves the right to modify, alter or amend any of the terms and conditions of the Tender Documents including the terms and conditions of the Form of Agreement at any time before execution of the same. Sincerely, for M/S JDCA _____________________________ Tender Document Page - 3 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 2.1 Tender shall be signed with tenderer’s full name, designation, and his complete mailing address shall be given. The tender is to be in a sealed cover super scribed “Tender for Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa”. 2.2 The tenderer shall check the number of pages of all the documents and shall notify the Consultant at once for clarification in the event they find any document missing or unclear. No liability for errors in the tender resulting from failure to check the document will be accepted. Should any clarification, addition, alteration or amendments to the drawings or specification be necessary during the tender period issued to the tenderer then it will be a part of the Contract in the form of an addendum. Such addendum shall be a part of Tender Documents. The tenderer shall incorporate the entire addendum as and when applicable. The tender not incorporated with the addendum is liable to be rejected. 2.3 In the event of tenderer not submitting the tender for the Works, the blank Tender Documents together with all the enclosures must be returned back immediately. 2.4 The tenderer must understand that the quantities marked in bill of quantities for respective items are not the final/ actual quantities to be executed. These are only estimated quantities. These quantities can vary to any extent and are liable to alteration, omission, deduction or addition at the discretion of the Owner without effecting the terms of the Contract. 2.5 Before tendering, the tenderer shall satisfy himself fully regarding the nature of the Works and get clarifications if required from the Consultant/ Owner. No excuse as regards to want of information or clarification on any particular point shall be considered after the tender has been received. No advice of any change in rates or conditions after the opening of tender shall be entertained. 2.6 Each page of the Tender Documents is required to be signed and dated by the tenderer or its authorized representative. 2.6.1 If the tender has to be signed by a partnership firm it should be signed by all the partners or by the partner who has the necessary authority on behalf of the firm to sign/ enter into the Contract and the tender shall have such power of attorney along with a certified true copy of the partnership deed annexed there with. 2.6.2 If the tender has to be signed on behalf of a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956, it shall be signed by the managing director or one of the directors duly authorized by the board of directors of the company in this behalf. A copy of the memorandum and articles of association of the company and the board resolution authorizing the managing director or one of the directors to sign the tender shall be annexed with the tender. 2.6.3 If the tender has to be submitted on behalf of a joint venture consortium of contractors, it shall be signed by their authorized signatory duly authorized by the board of directors of the company in this behalf. A copy of the memorandum and articles of association of the company and the board resolution authorizing the authorized signatory to sign/ enter into the Contract and the tender shall be annexed with the tender. 2.7 The signature and the address of the authorized person signing the Tender Documents must be attested by two witnesses. The name, occupation and address of the witnesses shall be stated clearly below their signature. 2.8 All pages of Tender Documents including Tender Drawings shall be initialed at the lower right hand corner or signed wherever required in the Tender Documents by the tenderers or by a person holding the power of attorney authorizing him to sign on behalf of the tenderers before submission of tender. 2.9 With the submission of tender, the tenderer shall indicate the name(s) of the authorized representative(s) who would be responsible and authorized to discuss, negotiate and provide clarifications and receive instructions from the Consultant / Owner/ Engineer in charge during the post tender stage. Tender Document Page - 4 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document The tender submission shall be complete with the following: Tender Documents completely signed and stamped and issued at the time of issuance of tender and all the addendums, if any, being issued by the Consultant / Owner and shall be accompanied by the earnest money deposit. List of plant and equipment that will be deployed on the Works, together with all the particulars and the time schedule when they will be brought to the Site as per the attached annexure. List and particulars of the management, technical, engineering and administrative staff to be deployed for working at Site along with the qualification and experience and organization chart. Time schedule PERT chart for execution/ completion of the Project as per time frame mentioned for the Project. Balance sheet of the company (audited)/ partnership firm for the last three (3) years. Company profile/ copy of partnership deed together with a solvency certificate from the bank as proof of financial capacity of the tenderer to carry out the Works. Power of attorney for the accredited/ authorised representative. Valid license issued in tenderer’s name under the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970. Certified true copy of the latest income tax clearance certificate, service tax certificate, PF registration certificate, valid work contract tax registration certificate, sales tax certificate and PAN number. (The tender not accompanied with all the above information/documents is liable to be rejected). The tenderer shall fill in the rates tendered in figures as well as in words. The amount for each item should be worked out and totalled. The Tender Form shall be filled in all entries made by hand and written in ink. All corrections should be attested by the tenderer with his dated initials as many times as the corrections occur. Any tender in which there is unattested overwriting or erasure is liable to be rejected. Arithmetical errors in filling the rate and amount will be incorporated as follows: While filling the rates, the rate written in words will supersede the numerical rate. Totalling of amount will be corrected clearly on the basis of arithmetical rules. 2.12 No alteration made by the tenderer in the notice inviting tender, instructions to the tenderer, the Tender Form, the conditions of Contract, the drawings, specifications or quantities accompanying the same shall be recognized, and if any such alterations are made, the tender is liable to be rejected. 2.13 The right of acceptance of a tender shall rest solely with the Owner who does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders received in part or full without assigning any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 2.14 After acceptance of the tender, the tenderer shall sign the necessary agreement (forming part of the Tender Documents) within seven (7) days of intimation. 2.15. In the event of failure on the part of the successful tenderer to sign the agreement (forming part of the Tender Documents) within the above stipulated period, the earnest money deposit will be forfeited and the acceptance of the tender shall be considered as cancelled. Tender Document Page - 5 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 2.16 The date of the start of Works shall be assumed fifteen (15) days after the date of issuance of the letter of selection/ acceptance of tender-cum-work order and the tenderer within seven (7) days of such intimation must handover, a non judicial stamp paper of the required value to execute the agreement (forming part of the Tender Document) to the Owner. 2.17 The successful tenderer shall submit a time schedule PERT chart identifying the activities involved and working out the resource scheduling for main items, within SEVEN days of intimation of acceptance of tender, which with modifications if any, by the Owner, shall form part of the agreement and shall be adhered to for final and satisfactory completion of entire Works within the given time frame. 2.18 The tenderer shall follow the detailed program for all the items of the Works and such program will be part of the Contract and shall be binding on the tenderer. The program may be modified by the Owner, in consultation with the tenderer, but subject to the time limits specified in the tender. 2.19 The tenderer is bound by the rates he quotes for the various items irrespective of quantities mentioned in the tender. No revision in rates shall be allowed due to variation, alteration, omissions, modifications of the quantities put to tender. 2.20 The quoted rates shall be for all heights, lifts, leads and depths except where otherwise specified in the item of Works. 2.21 The tenderer shall inspect the Site to acquaint himself with the nature of Works, local conditions, facilities of transport conditions, effective labour and materials, access and storage for materials and removal of rubbish etc. The tenderer shall provide in the tender for the cost of carriage freight and other charges and also for any special difficulties for proper execution of Works, before quoting his rates. 2.22 The tenderer should note and bear in mind that the Owner shall bear no responsibility for the lack of acquaintance of the Site and other conditions or any information relating thereto, on their part. The consequences of the lack of any knowledge, as aforesaid, on the part of tenderer shall be at their risk and cost and no charges or claims whatsoever consequent upon the lack of any information, knowledge or understanding shall be entertained or payable by the Owner either during tender stage or during the construction period. 2.23 Tender shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of submission of tender. 2.24 Rates quoted shall include all materials and provision of all scaffolding, hoists, tackles and other planks, shuttering profiles and all other equipments required for proper execution of the Works called for in the item and as per IS specifications and drawings. 2.25 The rates quoted by the tenderer shall cover the cost of all loading, transporting to Site, unloading, sorting under covers as required, assembling or joining the several parts together as necessary and incorporating or fixing materials in the Works including all preparatory work or of whatsoever description as may be required and of closing, preparing, loading, returning empty cases of containers to the place of issue. Rates shall be inclusive of all taxes including service tax, octroi, toll, labour cess, sales tax, professional tax, works contract tax, royalties or any other taxes or levies, etc. and shall be borne and payable by the tenderer including Service Tax. The Owner shall not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. Tender Document Page - 6 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3. TENDER FORM To, ----------------------------India Dear Sir, I/ We do hereby tender for the execution of the Works specified in the memorandum below within the time specified at the rates mentioned therein and in accordance with and in all respects as per the specifications, drawings, designs and instructions supplied by you, which I/ we have read very carefully. MEMORANDUM: a) Name of work : b) Completion Time : Tender for Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa Twelve (12) months from the Date of Commencement I/ We hereby distinctly and expressly declare and acknowledge before the submission of my/ our tender that I/ we have carefully followed the instructions and read the specifications and read the Bill of Quantities, examined the tender drawings and clearly understood all the conditions of the Contract. I/ We have also seen the Site where the said Works is to be done and made such investigations of the Works required to enable me/ us to complete the Works successfully and in accordance with the Tender Documents. I/ we hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and conditions annexed hereto. I further agree to abide by the provisions of Orissa State Building Byelaws, 2010 and the any rules, regulations, notifications or orders made thereunder and any subsequent amendments and modifications thereto along with all applicable central, state and local laws and any subsequent amendments and modifications thereto I/ We also agree to furnish the required deposits in the form and shape as stipulated in Tender Documents. I/ We agree to keep the offer open for 90 days from the date of submission of the tender. I/ We accept that you are not bound to accept the lowest tender or bound to assign any reason for rejecting my/ our tender. Please find attached my/ our income tax clearance certificate, sales tax certificate, service tax certificate, PF registration certificate, last three (3) audited balance sheets, company profile and memorandum of association and articles of association, partnership deed and solvency certificate including works contract registration as requested. I/ We understand and accept the payment terms as stipulated in the Tender Documents. Yours faithfully, [Signature of Partner/ Officer/ Director of company] Name of the Partner/ Officer/ Director of company Seal of company Date:________________ Tender Document Page - 7 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document WITNESSES: 1. [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] 2. [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] Date:____________ Date: ______________ Tender Document Page - 8 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document BASIC INFORMATION Sl. No. 1 Contractor for JDCA Construction 2 Name of the organization 3 Type of Organisation Whether Proprietorship, Partnership etc. 4 Name of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors in the (a) organization (b) (c) 5 Details of Registration ( Firm, Company etc.) Registering Authority, Date, Number etc. 6 Experience in the respective field of work 7 Whether financially sound intosupport undertake works Please enclose documents costing above Rs. to Rs. and above if so, enclose Banker’s Certificate and / or Income tax Clearance Certificate, Income Tax Assessment Order.(Copy of PAN to be attached ) 8 Details of Registrations ,if any with 1) Service Tax Authority (Service Tax Number) 2) Sales Tax Authorities (TIN/VAT ) Tender Document Page - 9 Years Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 9 Name and address of the Bank/Bankers. Account Numbers IFSC Code 10 Yearly turnover of the organization for the last 3 years Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 ( Please, enclose Audited Final Accounts in support). 11 a)Registered Office address and Telephone number b) Office address through which will be handled the work * Details of factory and its location, machinery, technical personnel to be employed to be attached in separate sheet. 12 Whether working with and of the Govt./Semi Govt. Undertaking/s as approved contractors and if so, furnish details in Part II. 13 Whether any technical personnel are employed in the organization and if so, give details of their experience, qualification etc. Part III 14 Indicate if involved in any litigation, arbitration or any civil suits pending in any of the works executed during last 5 years/being executed. If yes, please furnish the name of the project, employer, nature of work, contract value, work order and date and brief details of litigation. Attach a separate sheet if required. Signature of the applicant ( with seal ) Tender Document Page - 10 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE (a) LIST OF SIMILAR WORKS OF HIGHER VALUES EXECUTED BY THE FIRM DURING THE LAST 5 YEARS (Costing as mentioned in the eligibility criteria for three categories) * The Details of previous experience and work may be separately provided. 1. Name of the work & location 2. Nature of work involved in the contract 3. Name & address of the owner & architect 4. Full name & address of the officer under whom the work was carried out. Also indicate whether Govt. or Semi Govt. undertaking 5. Contract amount 6. Completion period stipulated 7. Actual Completion period 8. Whether the work was left incomplete or contract was terminated from either side (Full details) 9. Any other relevant information including reason, if any for delay in completion of work. SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT (WITH SEAL) * Attach a separate sheet, if required. Tender Document Page - 11 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document (b) LIST OF IMPORTANT WORKS IN HAND 1. Name of the work & location 2. Nature of work involved in the contract 3. Name & address of the owner & architect 4. Full name & address of the officer under whom the work was carried out. Also indicate whether Govt. or Semi Govt. undertaking 5. Contract amount 6. Completion period stipulated 7. Actual Completion period 8. Whether the work was left incomplete or contract was terminated from either side (Full details) 9. Any other relevant information including reason, if any for delay in completion of work. SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT (WITH SEAL) * Attach a separate sheet, if required. Tender Document Page - 12 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document C) LIST OF TECHNICAL PERSONNEL, GIVING DETAILS ABOUT THEIR TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE, ETC. 1. Name 2. Age 3. Qualifications 4. Experience 5. Nature of works handled 6. Name of the projects handled costing more than Rs. 7. Date from which employed in the organization 8. Any other remarks SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT (WITH SEAL) * Attach a separate sheet, if required. Tender Document Page - 13 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document NAME & ADDRESS OF THE CLIENT DETAILS OF WORKS EXECUTED BY SHRI / M/S. _____________________________________________ Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Name of work with brief particulars Agreement No. and date Agreement amount Date of commencement of work Stipulated date of completion Actual date of completion Details of compensation levied for delay (indicate amount) if any Gross amount of the work completed and paid Name and address of the authority under whom works executed Whether the contractor employed qualified i) Quality of work (indicate grading) ii) Amount of work paid on reduced rates, i) Did the contractor go for arbitration? ii) If yes, total amount of claim iii) Total amount awarded Comments on the capabilities of the a) Technical Proficiency b) Financial soundness c)Mobilization of adequate T&P d) Mobilization of manpower Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Satisfactory / Poor Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Satisfactory / Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Satisfactory / Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Satisfactory / Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Satisfactory / Poor Poor Poor Poor Note: All columns should be filed in properly please tick one of the multiple options. Signature of the reporting officer with office seal “Countersigned” with office seal Tender Document Page - 14 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document FORM OF BANKERS’ CERTIFICATE FROM A SCHEDULED BANK Having marginally noted address, a customer of our bank are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement up to a limit of Rs…………..(Rupees……………….…………………………….). This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the Bank or any of the officers. (Signature) For the Bank Note: 1. Bankers’ certificates should be on letter head of the Bank, sealed in cover addressed to The Project Manager 2. In case of partnership firm, certificate to include names of all partners as recorded with the Bank. Tender Document Page - 15 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document APPENDIX TO THE TENDER FORM S. No. 1. CLAUSE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CLAUSE Name of Work Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa 2. 3. 4. Contract Amount Cost Tender Document Earnest Money Deposit (“ËMD”) Rs. 5. Signing of Contract Agreement Within seven (7) days from the date of issuance of the letter of selection/ acceptance of the tender-cum-work order by the Owner to the Contractor. 6. Performance Bank Guarantee 10% of the Contract Amount (to be submitted on the date of signing Form of Agreement) in an approved format (Appendix to Form of Agreement) 7. Insurance The Contractor has to take joint insurance policies (along with Owner) to cover all project risks. The project risks covered in the said policies shall include, but shall not be limited to, insurance for Contract Amount for all loss and damage, workmen compensation, third party liability insurance, Contractors machinery, labour (employee cover) and materials at Site etc. Note: Owner may provide the insurance covers (through reputed insurance companies) and debit the cost to the Contractor. Demand Draft of Rs. ________/in favour of “________________”. The EMD of the successful tenderer shall form part of the Retention Security Deposit while the EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned on or before the expiry of the validity period of the bid. 8. Commencement of Works Within fifteen (15) days from the date of issuance of the letter of selection/ acceptance of the tender-cum-work order by the Owner to the Contractor 9. Validity of the Bid 90 days from the date of submission of tender. 10. Running Account Bills Monthly 11. Mobilization Advance Bank Guarantee 5% of Contract Amount (against submission of requisite Mobilization Advance Bank Guarantee in the approved format – i.e. Appendix to the Form of Agreement) on signing of agreement. The Mobilization Advance will be adjusted against the monthly RA Bills and once fully adjusted, the Mobilization Advance Bank Guarantees will be returned by Owner to Contractor. 12. Escalation No escalation payable. However, if the construction extends beyond contract period of sixteen (16) months and if and only if the delay is due to owner’s fault, escalation for the extended period shall be admissible as per CPWD Clause. 13. Advance (against material) Not Applicable 14. Retention Security Deposit (“RSD”) 5% of gross RA Bills payment will be retained by the Owner for RSD. 15. Release of RSD After Defects Liability Period. Tender Document Page - 16 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document S. No. 16. CLAUSE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CLAUSE Defects Liability Period/ Period of Maintenance Twelve (12) months from date of issuance of completion certificate by the Engineer in charge/ Owner. 17. Time of Completion Twelve (12) months from the Date of Commencement. 18. Liquidation Damages 1% of Contract Amount per week of delay, subject to a maximum of 10% of Contract Amount. 19. Final Bill Contractor to submit the final bill within fifteen (15) days of issuance of completion certificate by the Engineer in Charge/ Owner. 20. Electricity and Water To be arranged by Contractor at his own cost. If water is made available at site, then the water charges @ 1% shall be recovered on gross amount of the work done. 21. Rate for Extra or Deviation Items Derived from tender rates of similar items of work. If not possible, derived as cost of materials + cost of labour + 15% towards contractor’s profit (inclusive of all overheads and applicable taxes). Or as per CPWD SOR with applicable Cost Index, whichever is less. 22. Freight, Insurance, Packing, Forwarding, Loading and Unloading To be included in the tender bid price. 23. Taxes and Duties All government taxes including Services Tax, duties, levies and labour cess etc. including service tax to be included in the tender bid price. ………………………………………………………… (Signature of the Authorized person) Date ........................... Designation :........................................................... Name of the Company/ Firm :................................ (Official Seal) Address : ................................................................. Tender Document Page - 17 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 4. FORM OF AGREEMENT [On requisite judicial stamp paper] THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made on this ___________, 2014, between; M/s___________________ , a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Owner” which expressions shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include its successors in interest, affiliates, nominees, administrators, executors and permitted assigns) of the FIRST PART; And M/s ________________________, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 /[a partnership firm registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932], having their office at ___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor” which expressions shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include its successors in interest, affiliates, nominees, administrators, executors and permitted assigns) of the SECOND PART. The Owner and the Contractor are sometimes hereinafter individually referred to as a “Party”, and collectively, as “Parties”. WHEREAS the Owner is in the process of constructing the project of “J D Centre of Art” for which the Owner had issued Notice Inviting Tender No. _______ dated ____________ AND WHEREAS the Contractor had submitted the tender bearing tender No. ______ dated __________. AND WHEREAS the Owner has accepted the aforesaid tender of the Contractor for the Works subject to such amendments/ modifications mutually agreed upon between the Owner and the Contractor. NOW THEREFORE the Parties hereto agreed as follows:1). The following documents shall constitute the Tender Documents : a. This Agreement b. Notice Inviting Tender c. General Instructions to Tenderers d. General Conditions of Contract e. Special Conditions of Contract f. Logistics Plan/ Health g. Safety Procedures h. Site Safety Manual i. Technical Specifications j. Bill of Quantities k. Tender Drawings l. Tender Form – Tender-Cum-Work Order m. Letter of Selection/ Acceptance of the Tender-Cum-Work Order. 2) The Contractor shall perform the Works in conformity with the terms and conditions and within the time specified in the Tender Documents for a tendered amount of INR _________/- (Indian Rupees _________________ Only) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract Amount”). 3) The Contractor shall abide by the provisions of Orissa State Building Byelaws, 2010, and the any rules, regulations, notifications or orders made thereunder and any subsequent amendments and modifications thereto along with all applicable central, state and local laws and any subsequent amendments and modifications thereto. 4) The Owner shall pay the Contractor the Contract Amount as may become payable at the times and in the manner specified in the Tender Documents. Tender Document Page - 18 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 5) The Tender Documents mentioned in clause 1 hereof embodies the entire understanding between the Parties in respect of subject matter hereof. There are no other understandings or commitments between the Parties hereto save and except those explicitly provided therein. No amendment to the Agreement shall be valid unless agreed to in writing and signed by and between the Parties or by the authorized representative of each Party. 6) No failure or delay by the Owner in enforcing any right or remedy in terms of the Tender Documents or any obligation or liability of the Contractor in terms thereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of such rights, remedy, obligation or liability, as the case may be, by the Owner and not withstanding such failure or delay, the Owner shall be entitled at anytime to enforce such rights, remedy obligation or liability as the case may be. 7) The Contractor hereby acknowledges that time is the essence of the Contract. All disputes arising out of or in any way connected with this Agreement shall be deemed to have arisen in Orissa and only the courts in the state of Orissa shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Owner and the Contractor have executed this Agreement in duplicate on the day, month and year first above written. For and on behalf of For and on behalf of ___________________ (OWNER) Duly authorized by the Board of Director vide Board Resolution dated __________. _____________________ (CONTRACTOR) Duly authorized by the Board of Director/ Partners vide Board Resolution/ Power of Attorney/ Resolution dated __________. WITNESSES: 1. [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] 2. [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] Date :___________ Date : ____________ Tender Document Page - 19 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document APPENDIX - 'A' PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEEE [On Requisite Judicial Stamp Paper] THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE (hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantee”) is made on this _______ day _________, 2013 by ____________ Bank, a scheduled bank with its head office at [address] (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) of the FIRST PART; IN FAVOUR OF _________________________ a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at ___________________________________--. (hereinafter referred to as the ________________ which expressions shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include its successors in interest, affiliates, nominees, administrators, executors and permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS ___________________is in the process of “Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa”. AND WHEREAS on the assurance of ___________________ [Contractor] (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) that they are having the necessary infrastructure and capability to undertake works (hereinafter referred to as the “Works”) for “Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, project, to the quality and specifications as per the tender documents and within the time frame agreed upon, to the satisfaction of JDCA, JDCA have agreed to award the contract to them for the Works to be carried out at the proposed “J D Centre of Art at Bubneshwar, India AND WHEREAS the Contractor having its office at _____________________________________ [address] have been appointed by JDCA as Contractor for “Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa” project called by virtue of a notice inviting tender no. _______ dated ________, tender form, letter of selection of the tender-cum-work order dated ___________ and on the terms and conditions set out in the Form of Agreement dated _______ (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Contract” which expression shall include any agreed amendments or modifications thereto). AND WHEREAS the Contractor has, by its acceptance of JDCA’s letter of selection dated _________ agreed to furnish this Guarantee to JDCA to ensure timely and satisfactory performance and completion of the Contract. AND WHEREAS the Bank has, at the request of the Contractor, agreed to grant in favour of JDCA this Guarantee to secure performance by Contractor of its obligations under the Contract. NOW THIS GAURANTEE WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS: The Bank hereby unconditionally, unequivocally and irrevocably guarantees to JDCA and agrees and undertakes that if in the sole and unfettered opinion of JDCA Contractor has failed to perform their obligations under the Contract and any amendments or modifications thereto, the Bank shall upon demand of JDCA forthwith pay to JDCA, without demure, contestation or dispute, without reference to Contractor, the amount set forth in the certificate by JDCA as the amount of loss/ claim/ damage/ cost/ expense arising or likely to Tender Document Page - 20 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document arise out of breach or non fulfillment of the Contract. Any such certificate or demand by JDCA on the Bank, shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank to JDCA under this Guarantee, notwithstanding any dispute between Contractor and JDCA as to the liability for or quantum of loss/ damage/ claim/ costs/ expenses and notwithstanding any notice by Contractor to the Bank to withhold or not to pay any amount to JDCA against this Guarantee either before or after invoking of this Guarantee by JDCA. PROVIDED ALWAYS the total liability of the Bank hereunder shall be limited to INR __________________/(Indian Rupees __________________________ only). This Guarantee of the Bank shall be effective immediately from the date thereof and shall be in force for a period of thirty six (36) months i.e. till _____________ unless a claim or demand in writing is served upon the Bank within two (2) months of expiry of the Guarantee (i.e. not later than ________________). Thereafter. this Guarantee shall cease to be valid and shall have no force or effect whatsoever, provided, however, if a demand is so served, this Guarantee shall continue in full force and effect (notwithstanding the expiration date) in respect of the amount so demanded until the obligation of the Bank in respect thereof is finally determined and the payment made to JDCA. The Bank agrees that JDCA has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank’s obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Contract, to extend the time of performance by Contractor from time to time and to forbear from enforcing any of the terms of the Contract without any notice to or the consent of the Bank and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension or forbearance being granted to Contractor. The Bank agrees that JDCA has no obligation whatsoever to exercise its rights against collateral, if any, of Contractor but may immediately call on this Guarantee. The Bank agrees that JDCA has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank’s obligation hereunder, to assign this Guarantee in favour of any, JDCA affiliate company, without the consent of but with prior intimation to the Bank, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such assignment. The Bank shall forthwith, on receipt of such intimation; undertake necessary endorsements or amendments hereto to incorporate the assignment in favour of such JDCA affiliate assignee. This Guarantee herein contained shall remain in force and effect till JDCA certifies that the terms and conditions of the Contract have been fully and properly carried out and that the Contractor has fulfilled all its obligations under the Contract and that JDCA has no claim against the Contractor on any account under the Contract. The Bank shall be released of its liabilities and obligations under this Guarantee only after a certificate as aforesaid, is issued by JDCA to the Bank. The Bank shall not revoke this Guarantee during its currency. Neglect or forbearance, on the part of JDCA, in the enforcement of the payment of any money, the payment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or the giving of the time for the payment hereto shall in no way relieve the Bank of their liability under this Guarantee. Any notice or communication under this Guarantee shall be in writing and shall be served on the Bank at its address first herein before mentioned and to JDCA at its address first herein before mentioned. Either party may notify to the other in writing any change in such address for service of notice upon the other party. The notices shall be served personally against acknowledgment or by Registered Post. This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Bank or of Contractor or of JDCA. Tender Document Page - 21 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document This Guarantee shall be governed by the applicable laws of India. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to INR ____________/- (Indian Rupees ________________________ Only) and it will remain in force till _________. Unless a claim or demand in writing is made against us under this Guarantee before that date, all your rights under this Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability there under. The expression "Bank" and the "Contractor" here in before used shall include their respective successors and permitted assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, _____________________________, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE BANK HAS SIGNED THIS DEED ON THE DAY, MONTH AND THE YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. Sign. ______________ Mr. ________________ (Designation) For and on behalf of ___________________ (Bank) _____________________ (Bank) WITNESSES: 1. 2. [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] Date :____________ Date : _____________ Tender Document Page - 22 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document APPENDIX - 'B' MOBILIZATION ADVANCE BANK GURANTEE [On Requisite Judicial Stamp Paper] THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE (hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantee”) is made on this _______ day _________, 2013 by ____________ Bank, a scheduled bank with its head office at [address] (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) of the FIRST PART; IN FAVOUR OF _________________________, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at _________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “JDCA” which expressions shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include its successors in interest, affiliates, nominees, administrators, executors and permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS JDCA is in the process of “Providing of Electrical, D.G. Set, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa”. AND WHEREAS on the assurance of ___________________ [Contractor] (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) that they are having the necessary infrastructure and capability to undertake the construction works (hereinafter referred to as the “Works”) for “Providing of Electrical, Firefighting & HVAC Services to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa project, to the quality and specifications as per the tender documents and within the time frame agreed upon, to the satisfaction of JDCA, JDCA have agreed to award the contract to them for the Works to be carried out at the proposed “JD Centre of Art at Bubaneshwar, India. AND WHEREAS the Contractor having its office at _____________________________________ [address] has been appointed by JDCA as Contractor for the proposed “JD Centre of Art at Bhubaneswar project called by virtue of a notice inviting tender no. _______ dated ________, tender form, letter of selection of the tender-cum-work order dated ___________ and on the terms and conditions set out in the Form of Agreement dated _______ (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Contract” which expression shall include any agreed amendments or modifications thereto). AND WHEREAS JDCA has agreed to release to the Contractor INR __________________/- (Indian Rupees _______________________ Only) as mobilization advance against the Contract on furnishing of this Guarantee by Contractor to JDCA for INR ___________/- (Indian Rupees _______________________ Only). AND WHEREAS the Bank has, at the request of the Contractor, agreed to grant in favour of JDCA this Guarantee to secure performance by Contractor of its mobilization obligations under the Contract. NOW THIS GUARANTEE WITNESSES AS UNDER: The Bank hereby unconditionally, unequivocally and irrevocably guarantees to JDCA and agrees and undertakes that if in the sole and unfettered opinion of JDCA Contractor has failed to perform their mobilization obligations under the Contract and any amendments or modifications thereto, the Bank shall upon demand of JDCA forthwith pay to JDCA, without demure, contestation or dispute, without reference to Contractor, the amount set forth in the certificate by JDCA as the amount of loss/ claim/ damage/ cost/ expense arising or likely to arise out of breach or non fulfillment of the mobilization obligations under the Contract. Any such certificate or demand by JDCA on the Bank, shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank to JDCA under this Guarantee, notwithstanding any dispute between Contractor and JDCA as to the liability for or quantum of loss/ damage/ claim/ costs/ expenses and notwithstanding any notice by Contractor to the Bank to withhold or not to pay any amount to JDCA against this Guarantee either before or after invoking of this Guarantee by JDCA. PROVIDED ALWAYS the total liability of the Bank Tender Document Page - 23 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document hereunder shall be limited to INR __________________/- (Indian Rupees __________________________ only). This Guarantee of the Bank shall be effective immediately from the date thereof and shall be in force for a period of _____ months i.e. till _____________ unless a claim or demand in writing is served upon the Bank within two (2) months of expiry of the Guarantee (i.e. not later than ________________). Thereafter, this Guarantee shall cease to be valid and shall have no force or effect whatsoever, provided, however, if a demand is so served, this Guarantee shall continue in full force and effect (notwithstanding the expiration date) in respect of the amount so demanded until the obligation of the Bank in respect thereof is finally determined and the payment made to JDCA. The Bank agrees that JDCA has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank’s obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Contract, to extend the time of performance by Contractor from time to time and to forbear from enforcing any of the terms of the Contract without any notice to or the consent of the Bank and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension or forbearance being granted to Contractor. The Bank agrees that JDCA has no obligation whatsoever to exercise its rights against a collateral, if any, of Contractor but may immediately call on this Guarantee. The Bank agrees that JDCA has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank’s obligation hereunder, to assign this Guarantee in favour of any, JDCA affiliate company, without the consent of but with prior intimation to the Bank, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such assignment. The Bank shall forthwith, on receipt of such intimation; undertake necessary endorsements or amendments hereto to incorporate the assignment in favour of such JDCA affiliate assignee. This Guarantee herein contained shall remain in force and effect till JDCA certifies that the terms and conditions of the mobilization obligations under the Contract have been fully and properly carried out and that JDCA has no claim against the Contractor on any account under the mobilization obligations of the Contractor under the Contract. The Bank shall be released of its liabilities and obligations under this Guarantee only after a certificate as aforesaid, is issued by JDCA to the Bank. The Bank shall not revoke this Guarantee during its currency. Neglect or forbearance, on the part of JDCA, in the enforcement of the payment of any money, the payment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or the giving of the time for the payment hereto shall in no way relieve the Bank of their liability under this Guarantee. Any notice or communication under this Guarantee shall be in writing and shall be served on the Bank at its address first herein before mentioned and to JDCA at its address first herein before mentioned. Either party may notify to the other in writing any change in such address for service of notice upon the other party. The notices shall be served personally against acknowledgment or by Registered Post. This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Bank or of Contractor or of JDCA. This Guarantee shall be governed by the applicable laws of India. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to INR ____________/- (Indian Rupees ________________________ Only) and it will remain in force till _________. Unless a claim or demand in writing is made against us under this Guarantee before that date, all your rights under this Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability there under. Tender Document Page - 24 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document The expression "Bank" and the "Contractor" here in before used shall include their respective successors and permitted assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, _____________________________, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE BANK HAS SIGNED THIS DEED ON THE DAY, MONTH AND THE YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. ___________________ Mr. ___________ (Designation) For and on behalf of ___________________ (Bank) _____________________ (Bank) WITNESSES: 1. [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] 2. [Signature] [Name] [s/d/w/o] [Address] Date :___________ Date : ____________ Tender Document Page - 25 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 5. 5.1 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS DEFINITIONS In construing the Contract, the following words shall have the meanings herein assigned to them except where the subject or context otherwise requires: "Act of Insolvency" shall mean any act of insolvency as defined by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act, 1909 or any Act amending such original. “Additional Conditions of Contract” Shall mean the terms, conditions and provisions set out in Clause 7 of the Contract. “Consultant’s Instructions” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Clause 6.25 of the General Conditions of the Contract “Bill of Quantities” shall mean the document entitled “Bill of Quantities” duly completed and prepared by the Owner on the basis of schedule of standard works items provided by the Consultant forming a part of this Contract and attached hereto as Schedule I. “Completion Certificate” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Clause 6.31 of the General Conditions of the Contract. “Consultant” shall mean as under: Vastu Shilpa Consultants / Studio VanRO Q-24, Jangpura Extension, New Delhi -110 014 Tel. : 24317660, 24317665 Fax : 24312183 Email : admin@mrc.co.in "Contract" shall mean the Tender Documents including the Form of Agreement and the Appendices attached thereto and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated by the foregoing documents or as may be listed in the Special Conditions of Contract. “Contract Amount” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 2 of the Form of Agreement (forming part of the Tender Documents). "Contractor" shall mean the individual or firm or company, whether incorporated or not, undertaking the Works and shall include legal personnel, employers of such individual or the persons comprising such firm or company or of the successors of such individual or firm or company and the permitted assigns of such individual or firm or Company. “Date of Commencement” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 6.5 of the General Conditions of the Contract. “Date of Completion” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 6.6 of the General Conditions of the Contract. "Day Work" shall mean items or labour and/ or materials which, in the opinion of the Owner are not capable of being evaluated by the accepted methods of measurement or assessment. Tender Document Page - 26 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document “Defects Liability Period” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 6.33 (a) of the General Conditions of the Contract. "Engineer in charge” shall mean ________________________ (and/ or his replacement) employed by the Owner and who shall also be the authorized representative of the Owner and who shall supervise the Works on Site. “Earnest Money Deposit” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 4 of the Tender Form. “Final Bill” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 6.43 of the General Conditions of the Contract. “Force Majeure” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 6.49 of the General Conditions of the Contract. “Form of Agreement” shall form part of the Tender Documents. “General Conditions of Contract” shall mean these General Conditions of Contract including schedules and appendices forming a part of the Contract. "IS" shall mean Indian Standard as issued by the Indian Standard Institution. Wherever reference is made to "IS" it shall mean the relevant "IS" code on the subject with the latest edition as amended till date of submission of tender. “Measurement Book” shall mean the book maintained for measuring the value of the Works done. "Notice in Writing" or “Written Notice” shall mean a notice in writing, typed or printed (unless delivered personally or otherwise proved to have been received) delivered by registered post to the last known private or business address or registered office of the addressee and shall be deemed to have been received in the ordinary course of post if would have been delivered. “Project” shall mean JD Centre of Art being developed and constructed by the Owner at Bhubneswar, Orissa, India "Owner" shall mean JD Centre of Art and shall include their assign/s or successor/s. “RA Bills” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 6.15.7 of the General Conditions of the Contract. “Retention Security Deposit” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 6.4.2 of the General Conditions of the Contract. "Site" shall mean the site of the Project including any building and erections thereon and any other land (inclusive) as aforesaid made available by the Owner to the Contractor for the Works to be done on the same by the Contractor. “Special Conditions of Contract” shall mean the terms, conditions and provisions set out in Clause 11 of the Contract. “Tender Drawings” shall mean the drawings listed in Appendix C of the Form of Agreement, such other drawings and information as may from time to time be furnished, by the Owner and/ or the Tender Document Page - 27 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Consultant under the Contract, and any modifications or replacements of any Tender Drawings which may from time to time so furnished or approved by the Consultant and/ or the Owner. “Tender Documents” shall include the following :- Notice Inviting Tender - General Instructions to Tenderers - General Conditions of Contract - Special Conditions of Contract - Logistics Plan/ Health - Safety Procedures - Site Safety Manual - Technical Specifications - Bill of Quantities - Tender Drawings - Tender Form – Tender-Cum-Work Order - Letter of Selection/ Acceptance of the Tender-Cum Work Order - Form of Agreement “Tender Form” shall have the meaning assigned to it under Clause 1(m) of the Form of Agreement (form part of the Tender Documents). “Works” shall mean all equipments to be provided and work to be done by the Contractor under the Contract. "Working Day" shall mean any day other than that prescribed by the negotiable instruments act as being a holiday and consists of the number of hours for labour as commonly recognized by good employer in the trade and in the district where the work is carried out. Tender Document Page - 28 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT LAWS GOVERNING THE CONTRACT 6.1.1 This Contract shall be governed by the Indian Laws for the time being in force and as may be amended from time to time. The Contract is confidential and must be strictly confined to the purposes of the Contract. Two (2) counterparts of the Contract shall be signed by the Owner and the Contractor or their accredited representative(s). One (1) counterpart shall be kept by the Owner and the second counterpart shall be handed over to the Contractor. One certified true copy of the Contract shall remain in the custody of the Consultant. 6.1.2 The Contract, on signing thereof, shall be furnished by the Owner, free of cost two (2) copies of all working drawings issued by the Consultant and approved by the Owner. Any further copies of such drawings required by the Contractor shall be paid for by him. The Contractor shall keep one certified copy of the Contract and all working drawings on the Site and the Owner/ Engineer in charge/ Consultant or their representative(s) shall at all reasonable time have access to the same. SCOPE OF CONTRACT 6.2.1 The Contractor shall carry out and complete the Works in every respect in accordance with this Contract and with the directions and to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Engineer-inCharge. 6.2.2 The Contract shall include all labour, materials, tools, plants, equipments and transport which may be required for the full and entire execution and completion of the Works and shall unless otherwise stated, include wastage and materials, carriage and cartage, carrying of empties, hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing in position, testing and commissioning of aforesaid Works in accordance with good engineering practice and recognized principles. 6.2.3 The Contractor shall provide everything necessary for the proper execution of the Works according to the intent and meaning of the specifications and drawings taken together whether the same may or may not be particularly shown or described therein provided that the same can reasonably be inferred there from and if the Contractor finds any discrepancy in the specifications and drawings or between the drawings, he shall immediately and in writing refer the same to the Engineer in charge/ Consultant and the Owner who shall decide which is to be followed, subject to provisions of clause 6.3 hereinafter. 6.2.4 The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the nature of the Site, local facilities of access and all matters affecting the entire execution and completion of the Works. No extra charges consequent on misunderstanding or otherwise will be allowed. DISCREPANCIES AND ADJUSTMENT OF ERRORS 6.3.1 The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. In case of discrepancy the Owner shall be the sole deciding authority with regard to intention and interpretation of the document and his decision in this respect shall be final and binding. 6.3.2 Any error in description, quantity or rate in Bill of Quantities or any omission therefrom shall not vitiate the Contract or release the Contractor from the execution of the whole or any part of the Works comprised therein according to the drawings and specifications or from any of his obligations under the Contract. Any error in quantity rate or amount in Bill of Quantities shall be adjusted in accordance with the following rules: a) b) Tender Document In the event of a discrepancy between description in words and figures quoted by a tenderer, the description in words shall prevail. In the event of an error occurring in the amount column of Bill of Quantities as a result of wrong extension of unit rate and quantity, the unit rate quoted by tenderer Page - 29 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document c) d) 6.4 6.5 shall be regarded as firm and the extension shall be amended on the basis of the rate. All errors in totaling in the amount column and in carrying forward totals shall be corrected. In case, rates of any item are not filled, it shall be construed that the Contractor offers to execute the Works free of cost. PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE AND RETENTION MONEY 6.4.1 Performance Bank Guarantee: The Contractor shall give a performance bank guarantee equal to 10% of total Contract Amount on the date of signing the Form of Agreement as per the approved format (Appendix to Form of Agreement). The release of the Performance Bank Guarantee shall be done subject to complete and satisfactory defect removal during the Defect Liability Period and subject to the fulfillment of other conditions under the Contract by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Owner. 6.4.2 Retention Security Deposit: The Contractor agrees for the Owner retaining 5% of the gross RA Bills payment as the retention security deposit (“Retention Security Deposit”). The Retention Security Deposit shall not bear any interest. The Retention Security Deposit shall be released after Defects Liability Period. WORK ORDER TO COMMENCE THE WORKS The issuance of the letter of selection/ acceptance of the tender-cum-work order shall be done by the Owner. Handing over of Site and date of commencement of the Contract shall be within twelve (12) days from the date of issuance of the letter of selection/ acceptance of the tender-cum-work order by the Owner to the Contractor (“Date of Commencement”). 6.6 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION The Contractor shall be allowed admittance to the Site on Date of Commencement and shall there upon and forthwith begin the Works and shall regularly proceed so as to complete the same on or before Nine (9) months from the Date of Commencement (“Date of Completion”) subject, nevertheless, to the provision for extension of time contained hereinafter. Date of Completion is the date for completion of the whole or any part of the Works set out in or ascertained in accordance with the individual work order or the Tender Documents or any subsequent amendment thereto as provided in the conditions. 6.7 6.8 PERT CHART FOR EXECUTION OF WORKS 6.7.1 The Contractor shall submit within one (1) week of the acceptance of the tender-cum-work order by the Owner, a PERT Chart to Owner along with a weekly work schedule, which shall indicate the planning for the execution of the entire Works under the Contract within the stipulated time given for completion. This shall be scrutinized by the Owner. The mutually agreed PERT shall be binding on the Contractor for progress of the Works for completion by the due date. 6.7.2 The Contractor shall during the entire tenure of the Contract, provide accurate fortnightly reviews of PERT work targets and completed Works for discussions with the Engineer in charge/ Owner. 6.7.3 The Contractor shall maintain a register of daily deployment of labour, mason, etc. on various activities and get it signed from Engineer in charge on daily basis and shall produce before the Owner as and when asked for. MANDATORY REQUIREMENT 6.8.1 Tender Document The Contractor shall conform to the provisions of any act of the legislature relating to the Works, and to the regulations and bye-laws of any authority, and of any water, lighting and other companies and/ or authorities with whose system the structure is proposed to be Page - 30 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document connected and shall, before making any variation from the drawings or specifications that may be necessitated by so conforming, give to the Engineer-in-Charge and the Owner written notice, specifying the variation proposed to be made and the reason for making it, and apply for instructions thereon. In case the Contractor does not within two (2) weeks receive such instructions, he shall proceed with the Works in question, and any variations so necessitated shall be dealt with under clause 6.26. 6.9 6.8.2 The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner or any directors, agents or employees of the Owner against any action, claim or proceeding relating to the infringement of any copy or design rights or any alleged patent or design rights and shall defend all actions arising from such claims and pay any royalties, license fees, damages, cost of all and every sort of other charges which may be payable in respect of any articles or material or parts thereof legally incurred in respect thereof and included in the Contract. In the event of any claim being made or action being brought against the Owner or any directors, agents or employees of the Owner in respect of any such matters aforesaid, the Contractor shall be immediately notified thereof. 6.8.3 The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner or any directors, agents or employees of the Owner against all claims which may be made upon the Owner under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 or any other statutory provisions applicable to the Works. 6.8.4 The Contractor shall also be responsible for all bodily injury to persons, animals, or things which may arise from the operation or neglect of himself or of any nominated Subcontractor’s employees whether such injury or damage arises from carelessness, accident or any other cause whatsoever in any way connected with carrying out of this Contract. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner or any directors, agents or employees of the Owner and save him harmless in respect of all and any expense arising from and such injury or damage to persons, animals or things as aforesaid and also in respect of any claims made in respect of injury or damage under any acts of Government or otherwise and also in respect of any award of compensation or damage consequent upon such claims. 6.8.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for all structural and other damage to any property which may arise from the operation or neglect of himself or of any Sub-contractors’ employees or arising out of neglect, carelessness, defect or any other cause whatsoever in any way connected with the carrying out of this Contract. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner or any directors, agents or employees of the Owner against all claims which may be made against the Owner by any member of the public or other third party in respect of anything which may arise in respect of the Works or in consequence of and in respect of any cost, charge/ expense arising out of any claim or proceedings and also in respect of any award of compensation or damage arising therefrom and shall reinstate all damage of every sort mentioned in this Clause so as to make good or otherwise satisfy all claims arising from damage to the property of third parties. 6.8.6 The Owner with the advice of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be at liberty and is empowered to deduct the amount of any damage, compensation, costs, charges and expenses arising or accruing from or in respect of any such above said claims or damages from any sum or sums due or that become due to the Contractor, for which the Owner shall be the sole deciding authority. 6.8.7 The Contractor shall be responsible for safety of all workmen and necessary statutory requirements related to ESI, workmen’s compensation, etc. The proof of insurance policy should be handed over to the Owner. ADMISSION TO SITE 6.9.1 Tender Document The Owner/ Engineer in charge/ Consultant and/ or their representatives shall at all reasonable times have free access to the Site and/ or the FLOUR MILLING PLANT, factories, or other places where materials are lying or from which they are being obtained and the Contractor shall give all necessary access to facilities to the Owner/ Engineer in charge/ Consultant and/ or their representatives for inspection and examination and test of the Page - 31 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document materials and workmanship. No person unless authorized by the Owner/ Engineer in charge except the representative of public authorities shall be allowed on the Site at any time. 6.10 6.9.4 The Owner reserves the right to use the Site or any portion of the Site for execution of any work not included in this Contract which he may desire to have carried out by other persons, and the Contractor shall allow all reasonable facilities for the execution of such work but shall not be required to provide any plant, material or labour for the execution of such work except by special arrangement with the Owner. Such work shall be carried out in such manner as not to impede the progress of the Works included in the Contract. 6.9.5 The Owner reserves the right of taking over any portion of the Site, which may be required and the Contractor shall at his own expense clear such portion forthwith. 6.9.6 Site is handed over to the Contractor only for execution of Works, not for any other purpose/ job and the possession of the Contractor shall be terminated at the completion of Works or in case of foreclosure and the Contractor shall be obliged to vacate the Site immediately upon such termination or completion of Works. TEMPORARY STORES/ SITE OFFICE, ETC. 6.10.1 The Contractor shall during the progress of the Works, provide, erect and maintain at his own expense temporary stores as required for proper and efficient execution of the Works. 6.10.2 On completion of Works, the whole of such temporary buildings/ structures shall be cleared away and the Site shall be reinstated and left clean to the full satisfaction of the Owner at the Contractor’s expense. 6.11 NUISANCE The Contractor shall not at any time do, cause or permit any nuisance on the Site or do anything which shall cause unnecessary disturbance or inconvenience to the owners, tenants or occupiers of other properties near the Site and to the public generally. The Contractor is completely responsible to ensure the safety and convenience of all concerned and at his own cost. 6.12 LABOUR 6.12.1 The Contractor shall employ labour in sufficient number to maintain the required rate of progress and of such quality to ensure workmanship of the degree required by the specifications and to the satisfaction of the Owner. 6.12.2 The Contractor shall remain liable for the payment and shall pay or cause to be paid all wages or other monies to his workers or employees and for those employed by his Subcontractors (engaged directly or indirectly as per clause 6.8) from time to time on or in connection with the Works under the act or enactments relating thereto and the rules formed thereunder as if the labour had been directly employed by him. 6.12.3 In respect of all labour directly, or indirectly employed on the Works for the performance on the Contractor’s part, the Contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with the current labour regulations in regard to all matters provided therein including but not limited to working hours, workman’s safety, amenities, etc. and with all other labour laws as may be applicable from time to time. 6.12.4 The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this Contract and any breach thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of this Contract. 6.12.5 The Contractor shall give all notices and pay all fees except as otherwise agreed, required to be given or paid by any national or state statute including Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolitions) Act, 1970 and the current labour regulations, ordinance or other law or any regulation or bye-law of any local or other duly constituted authority in relation to the execution of the Works and by the rules and regulations of all public bodies and companies Tender Document Page - 32 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document whose property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the Works. The Contractor shall conform in all respects with the provisions of any such statute, ordinance or law and the regulations or bye-laws of any local or other duly constituted authority which may be applicable to the Works and with such rules and regulations of public bodies and companies as aforesaid. The Contractor shall at all times keep the Owner or any directors, agents or employees of the Owner indemnified against any actions for breach of any of the acts and regulations. 6.12.6 The Contractor shall, during the progress of the Works, comply at his own expense with all the current rules and provisions for the protection of health and sanitary arrangements and safety provisions for workers employed and shall at his own expenses provide for all facilities in connection therewith. 6.12.7 The Contractor shall deposit all payments with respect to provident fund and employee state insurance contributions to the respective authorities and produce the receipt of the same to the Owner regularly, failing which the Owner shall have the right but not an obligation to deposit the same himself and the same shall be adjusted by the Owner in running account bills (“RA bills”) or that of in security. 6.13 RIGHT OF INSPECTION The Owner, Engineer in charge and the Consultant and their representatives shall be entitled, at any time, to inspect and examine any materials intended to be used in or on the Works, either on the Site or at the factory or other place where such materials are assembled, fabricated or manufactured or at any place(s) where these are lying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall co-operate and give such access to facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination. 6.14 MATERIALS TO BE ARRANGED BY THE CONTRACTOR 6.14.1 Contractor shall at his own cost and expense provide all materials required for the Works. 6.14.2 All materials to be provided by the Contractor shall be brand new conforming to the latest IS Codes and shall be ISI marked wherever applicable and all materials and workmanship shall be as far as procurable of the respective kinds described in the specifications, Tender Drawings and/ or Bill of Quantities and in accordance with the Consultant’s Instructions and/ or Owner’s/ Engineer in charge’s instructions and the Contractor shall, upon the request of the Engineer in charge or the Owner, furnish him with all invoices, accounts receipts, test reports and other vouchers to prove that the materials comply therewith. 6.15 TESTING MATERIALS The Owner or Engineer in charge shall be entitled to have tests carried out as specified in IS Codes / CPWD specifications for any materials supplied by the Contractor (other than those for which satisfactory proof has been furnished) at the cost of the Contractor and the Contractor shall provide at his expense all facilities which the Owner or Engineer in charge may require for the purpose. The cost of materials consumed as well as cost of testing from approved laboratory in tests shall be borne by the Contractor. 6.16 REJECTION OF MATERIALS The Engineer in charge/ the Owner shall have full powers to reject/ remove any or all the materials brought to Site by the Contractor which are not brand new and in accordance with the Contract specifications or does not conform in character or quality to the sample approved by the the Owner/ Engineer in charge/ Consultant. In case of default on the part of the Contractor in removing rejected materials, the Engineer in charge and/ or the Owner shall be at liberty to have them removed by their own means at the Contractor’s expense and risk. The Consultant/ Engineer in charge with prior approval of the Owner shall have full powers to permit or to approve other materials to be substituted for rejected materials. Tender Document Page - 33 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 6.17 CARE AND CUSTODY 6.17.1 Materials required for the Works, whether brought by the Contractor or supplied by the Owner shall be stored by the Contractor only at places approved by the Owner/ Engineer in charge. Storage and safe custody of materials shall be at the sole risk and the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be liable for any loss or damage to such materials due to the neglect, theft or fire and shall make good such loss or damage at his cost and expense. 6.17.2 Wherein under any RA Bills the Contractor has claimed payment and the Engineer in charge has included the value of any unfixed materials therein intended for incorporation in Works, then these materials shall become the property of the Owner and they shall not be removed except for use upon the Works, without the written authority from the Owner. 6.18 SURPLUS MATERIALS Whenever the Works are finally completed and advance, if any, in respect of any such materials is fully recovered, the Contractor shall at his own expense forthwith remove from the Site all surplus materials arranged by him after obtaining prior clearance in writing from the Owner. 6.19 INSURANCE COVER Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in the Tender Documents, the Contractor shall at his own cost arrange, secure and maintain insurance in the joint name of the Owner and the Contractor in such a manner that the Owner and Contractor are covered for all time, i.e. period allowed for completion of Contract/ Works, extended period and Defects Liability Period. The Contractor shall timely pay and submit receipts of payments of premium including extensions, if any. The insurances shall cover the following: Contract Amount The total Contract Amount will be insured by the Contractor against all loss or damage during transit, storage and execution or installation and commissioning from whatever cause arising, for which he is responsible under the terms of the Contract, and also for all loss and damage arising from improper workmanship, fire, earthquake, storm, volcanic eruption, typhoons etc. Such insurances shall be effected with an insurer and in the terms approved by the Owner, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Contractors all Risk Insurance The Contractor shall take insurance policy to cover all his risks including but not be limited to workmen compensation, third party liability insurance, Contractors machinery, labour (employee cover) and materials at Site, etc. The original policies (as mentioned above) shall be handed over to the Owner within ten (10) days from the date of issuance of the letter of selection/ acceptance of the tender-cum-work order by the Owner to the Contractor. All payments received from the Insurer under the above said policies shall be first received by the Owner and then shall be paid to the Contractor in installments for the purpose of rebuilding or replacement or repair of the Works and/ or goods destroyed or damaged as the case may be. If the Contractor fails to take such insurance cover, the Owner without being bound to effect and keep in force any such insurance policy, may take such insurance cover and recover the premium amount to be paid for the same as a debt due from the Contractor. 6.20 PLANT, EQUIPMENT AND TRANSPORT All tools, plants and equipments required for the Works shall be arranged by the Contractor and brought to the Site and shall not be removed from the Site without the prior written approval of the Owner. But whenever the Works are finally completed or the Contract is terminated, the Tender Document Page - 34 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Contractor shall forthwith remove from the Site all tools, plants and equipments after obtaining clearance in writing from the Owner. 6.21 ELECTRICITY AND WATER SUPPLY The temporary water and electricity should be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost and shall be responsible for all connections, pumps, pipes storage capacity, cabling, wiring, conducting and all other things necessary to distribute and use services from distribution points as many as required for his work. However, if water is made available to the contractor at site, the water charges @ 1% shall be recovered on gross amount of the work done. Also, the owner does not guarantee to maintain uninterrupted supply of water and it will be incumbent on the contractor to make alternative arrangements for water at his own cost in the event of temporary break down, so that the progress of his work is not held up for want of water. No claim of damage or refund of water charges will be entertained on account of such break down. 6.22 CONTRACTOR’S SUPERVISION 6.22.1 The Contractor shall give adequate technical staff for personal supervision during the execution of the Works, and as long, thereafter, as the Consultant and the Owner/ Engineer in charge may consider necessary until the expiration of the Defects Liability Period. 6.22.2 Where the Contractor is not a qualified engineer or even if he is so qualified, he cannot, in the opinion of the Engineer in charge and the Owner give his full personal attention to the Works, he shall, at his own expense employ any experienced project manager (“Project Manager”) with an engineering background as his accredited agent to supervise the Works and to receive instruction from the Engineer in charge and the Owner. The employment of Project Manager as aforesaid shall be to the approval of the Engineer in charge and the Owner who may verify his qualification and experience by referring to his original degree and past references which shall be made available by the Contractor or the individual employed or proposed to be employed. 6.22.3 If the Contractor fails to appoint a suitable Project Manager on being required to do so, the Engineer in charge or the Owner shall have full powers to suspend the execution of the Works until such date a suitable Project Manager is appointed and the Contractor shall be held responsible for the delay so caused to the Works. If the Contractor fails to employ the qualified Project Manager, the Owner shall have the discretion to appoint such Project Manager and payment made to such engineer shall be recoverable from the Contractor. 6.22.4 The Project Manager, assisted by adequate staff, shall be responsible for carrying out the Works to the true meaning of the Tender Drawings, conditions of contract, specifications, Bill of Quantities and Owner's/ Engineer in charge’s instructions/ Consultant’s Instructions and directions. All orders/ instructions given to Project Manager in writing shall be held to have been given to the Contractor officially and shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the Contractor himself. Attention is called to the importance of requesting written instruction from the Owner before undertaking any Works where Owner's instructions/ Consultant’s Instructions are required. Any such work done in advance of such instructions shall be liable to be removed at the Contractor’s cost. No staff from the Project Manager and technical supervisory staff shall be transferred from the Works without the prior written permission from the Owner. 6.22.5 The Contractor or Project Manager shall be in attendance at the Site during all working hours and shall supervise the execution of the Works with such additional assistance in each trade as the Owner may consider necessary. 6.22.6 The Contractor or Project Manager shall attend meetings, when required and without making any charge for doing so, either at the Site or at the office of the Consultant or the Owner to receive instructions from the Consultant or the Owner/ Engineer in charge. Tender Document Page - 35 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 6.23 DISMISSAL OF CONTRACTOR’S EMPLOYEES The Owner or the Engineer in charge shall be at liberty to object and require the Contractor to immediately withdraw from the Works any person who, in the opinion of the Owner or the Engineer in charge misconducts himself or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties and whose employment is otherwise considered by the Owner or the Engineer in charge to be undesirable. The Contractor shall not be allowed any compensation on this account. 6.24 SETTING OUT OF WORKS The Consultant shall supply dimensioned drawings, levels and other information necessary to enable the Contractor to set out the Works. The Contractor shall set out the Works and shall provide and fix all setting out apparatus required and shall solely be responsible for the true and perfect setting out of the same and for the correctness of the positions, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts thereof. The Contractor shall take in writing the approval of the Engineer in charge for setting out levels before starting the Works. However, the Contractor shall be responsible for correctness of setting out of the Works. 6.25 CONSULTANT’S INSTRUCTIONS The Contractor shall carry out and complete the Works in every respect in accordance with the Contract conditions and with the directions of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge and the Owner. The Consultant (communicated through the Engineer in charge) may from time to time issue further detailed drawings and/ or written detailed directions/ instructions and explanations within the meaning of Contract subject to the clause 6.26 which are hereunder collectively referred to as "Consultant’s Instructions" in regard to: The variation or modification of the design, quality or quantity of Works or the addition or omission or substitution of any Works, with the prior approval of the Owner. - The removal and/or re-execution of any Works executed by the Contractor. - The opening up for inspection of handy work covered up. - The amending and making good of any defects. 6.26 DEVIATION LIMIT AND VARIATIONS As a result of variations ordered, the quantities of any individual item of Works done, omitted, altered and substituted could vary to any extent, without any adjustment in the quoted unit rates. No alteration, omission or variation shall vitiate this Contract. In case the Consultant or the Owner thinks proper, at any time during the progress of the Works, to make any alterations in or omission from the Works or any alteration in the kind or quality of the materials to be issued therein, the Consultant, with approval of the Owner, shall give notice thereof in writing well in advance under his hand to the Engineer in charge who in turn will inform the Contractor and the Contractor shall carry out such alteration, addition or omissions as the case may require, in accordance with such intimation of notice by the Engineer in charge. The value of such extra alteration, addition or omissions shall in all cases be determined by the Owner in accordance with the provisions of Clause 6.27 hereunder and the same shall be added to or deducted from the Contract amount. 6.27 RATES FOR ALTERED/ SUBSTITUTED WORKS If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work are not specifically provided in Contract for the Works, then such rates will be derived from the rates for a similar class of work as are specified in the Contract for the Works. If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in the manner specified above then the rates of such items of work shall be computed on the basis of the analysis of rates as provided in CPWD Analysis of Rates-2013 (Vol. 1 and2) published by National Building Organization, New Delhi. Water and electricity charges, even if provided in the National Building Tender Document Page - 36 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Organization analysis, will not be allowed since same are deemed to be included in the fifteen percent (15%) to be added towards establishment, overheads, water and electricity charges, contingency and Contractor’s profit (inclusive of all applicable taxes), tool and tackles, etc. If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in the manner specified above in sub clause 6.27 a) and 6.27 b) above, then the rates for the same shall be decided by the Owner on recommendations of the Engineer-in-Charge on pro rata basis or the actual cost to the Contractor at Site of Works and labour (for this Contractor shall produce sufficient proof) plus 15% towards establishment, overheads, water and electricity charges, contingency and Contractor’s profit (inclusive of all applicable taxes), tool and tackles, etc to cover profits and overheads of the Contractor. 6.28 DEFECTIVE WORK The Engineer-in-Charge or the Owner shall, during the progress of the Works, have power to order in writing from time to time the removal and proper re-execution of any of the Works executed with materials or workmanship not in accordance with the Tender Drawings and specifications or instructions, and Contractor shall forthwith carry out such order at his own cost. In case of defaults on the part of the Contractor to carry out such order, the Owner shall have the power to employ other persons to carry out the same and all expense consequent thereon or incidental/ thereto as certified by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be borne by the Contractor or may be deducted by the Owner from any money due or that may become due to the Contractor against this Contract or any other contract with the Owner. Engineer in charge has full authority and discretion to reduce/ part the rates of various items if the executed item is not up to the satisfaction or yet to be completed. No objection from the Contractor shall be entertained on this ground. 6.29 MEASUREMENTS AND RATES The Contractor shall measure the work done and enter into the Measurement Book, sign and submit to the Engineer in charge for verification and certification. If any alterations or additions (other than those authorized) have been covered up by the Contractor without his having given notice of his intention to do so, the Engineer in charge shall be entitled to appraise the value thereof and in the event of any dispute the decision of the Owner thereon shall be final and binding. The measurement and valuation in respect of the Contract shall be completed within three months of the completion of the Works. The Works shall be measured net, notwithstanding any general or local custom, as per the method of measurement set out in the CPWD Specifications - 2009 Volume I and II and items not covered by the CPWD Specifications, shall be measured as per IS 1200 - Method of Measurement for Building Works (respective part). In the event of any dispute with regard to the mode of measurement of the Works executed, the decision of the Owner shall be final and binding. Taxes and Duties: Rates shall be inclusive of all taxes including octroi, toll, excise duty, VAT, service tax, sales tax, turnover tax, professional tax, works contract tax, royalties, cess or any other taxes or levies, etc. and shall be borne and payable by the Contractor. The Owner will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. All applicable taxes will be deducted from the RA Bills. 6.30 DELAY AND EXTENSION If the Works is delayed beyond the stipulated time for Contractor shall immediately give a written notice thereof nevertheless consistently use his endeavors to prevent reasonable or required to the satisfaction of the Owner Tender Document Page - 37 reasons given below, then the to the Owner, but the Contractor shall delay and shall do all that may be to proceed with the Works. The Owner Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document based on the recommendations of the Engineer in charge, shall grant fair and reasonable extension of time for the completion of the Works in the following cases: By Force Majeure; as desired hereunder:The Contractor shall not be held in default in performance of his obligations if such performance is prevented or delayed due to Force Majeure. However, it shall be incumbent on the Contractor to inform the Owner/ the Engineer in charge regarding conditions of Force Majeure in writing with documentary proof within five (5) days of commencement and completion of Force Majeure circumstances. By the works or delays of other contractors or tradesmen engaged by the Owner. In consequence of the Contractor not having received in due time necessary instruction/ clearance from the Engineer in charge for which he shall have specifically applied in writing fifteen (15) days before its actual requirement. No claim whatsoever for any extra compensation in respect of or arising out of extension of time as specified above shall be payable by the Owner to the Contractor. 6.31 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Immediately after completion of the whole Works which has been mentioned in the Contract, the Contractor shall give notice thereof to the Engineer in charge with a copy to the Owner. Only after the demonstration of the integrated operation, trial run and approval by the local authority, satisfactory performance tests and necessary documentation and information furnished as per the Contract and the Works having been completed to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer in charge and the Owner, shall the Engineer in charge/ Owner issue the certificate of completion (“Completion Certificate”). On successful completion of entire Works covered by the Contract, the Contractor shall ensure that the following Works are completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge and the Owner: Clear the Site of all scaffolding, wiring, pipes, surplus materials, Contractor's labour, equipment and machinery. Demolish, dismantle and remove all Contractor's Site offices and quarters and other temporary works, structures and constructions and other items and things whatsoever brought upon or erected at the Site or any land allotted to the Contractor by the Owner and not incorporated in the permanent Works. Remove all rubbish, debris, etc. from the Site and the land allotted to Contractor and shall clear, level, dress and compact the Site as required and to the satisfaction of the Owner. All equipment, tools and tackles and any special instruments required, for conducting pre-commissioning, and performance tests shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost. Shall put the Owner in undisputed custody and possession of the Site and all land allotted by the Owner to the Contractor. All defects/ imperfections have been attended including cleaning of floors, glazings and frames free from splashes of paints, etc. and rectified to full satisfaction of the Engineer in charge and the Owner. Unless the Contractor shall have fulfilled the provisions of this Clause, the Works shall not be deemed to have been completed. This issuance of Completion Certificate shall be without prejudice to the Owner's rights and Contractor's liabilities under the Contract, including the Contractor's liability for the Defects Liability Period. Tender Document Page - 38 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document The issuance of Completion Certificate in respect of the Works at the Site shall not be construed as a waiver of any right or claim of the Owner against the Contractor in respect of the Works at the Site and in respect of which the Completion Certificate has been issued. The Defects Liability Period as mentioned in Clause 6.39 shall commence from the date of issuance of the Completion Certificate certified by the Engineer in charge/ Owner. 6.32 AS BUILT DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit 2 sets of As Built Drawings along with CD'S for all trades of Works to the Engineer in charge for his approval along with the Final Bill. 6.33 DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD 6.33.1 (a) Defects liability period shall be twelve (12) calendar months after actual completion of the Works as certified under clause 6.31 (“Defects Liability Period”). Any defects in material of workmanship observed in the entire Works during execution of the Works or within Defects Liability Period shall be notified in writing by the Engineer in charge or the Owner to the Contractor and shall be rectified by him at his own cost within time as specified by the Engineer in charge/ the Owner. (b) To facilitate prompt attention to the defects, the Contractor shall employ a team of tradesmen like masons, plasterers, carpenters, plumbers, fitters and labourers covering all trades along with necessary materials and spares. A supervisor will also be available along with the maintenance team to take instructions from the Engineer in charge/ the Owner. The maintenance team will be available throughout the Defects Liability Period. The composition of the tradesmen will vary according to the nature of recurring defects noticed in the buildings. In case of default, the Engineer in charge/ the Owner may employ any other person to rectify or make good such defects. All expense consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be recoverable from him by the Owner and shall be deductible from the RA Bills or Retention Security Deposit or performance bank guarantee. 6.33.2 Should any defective works have been done or material supplied by any Sub- contractor employed, the Contractor shall be liable to make good in the same manner as if such work done or such material supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor shall remain liable under the provisions of this clause notwithstanding the signing by the Engineer in charge/ Owner of any certificate or passing any account. 6.33.3 The Engineer in charge shall also certify at the end of the Defects Liability Period regarding the state of rectification of defects pointed out during Defects Liability Period. 6.34 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the Contractor fails to complete the Works by the date stated in clause 6.6 or within extended time under clause 6.30, the Contractor shall be liable to pay compensation to the Owner at the rate of one percent (1%) of the Contract Amount for every week of delay subject to a maximum compensation of ten percent (10%) of the Contract Amount. Delay beyond ten (10) weeks shall render the Retention Security Deposit/ retention bank guarantee and/ or the performance bank guarantee to be forfeited/ invoked, if required. 6.35 ESCALATION The Contract rate shall remain firm and shall not be subject to any escalation whatsoever during the Contract period. However, if the construction extends beyond contract period of sixteen (16) months and if and only if the delay is due to owner’s fault, escalation for the extended period shall be admissible as per CPWD Clause. Tender Document Page - 39 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 6.36 RUNNING ACCOUNT PAYMENTS 6.36.1 The Contractor shall at intervals of not less than thirty (30) days submit RA Bills for Works done at Site in connection with the Contract. 6.36.3 The running account payments shall be cleared by the Owner within twenty one (21) working days from the date of the receipt of Contractor’s RA Bill. 6.36.4 All payments to the Contractor shall be subject to deduction of taxes as may be applicable and other deductions as per this Contract. 6.37 FINAL BILL 6.37.1 The final bill (“Final Bill”) shall be submitted by the Contractor in duplicate within fifteen (15) days of physical completion of the Works to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge and the Owner. 6.37.2 The Final Bill shall be accompanied by all abstracts, vouchers, etc. supporting it and shall be prepared in the manner prescribed by the Owner. 6.37.3 No charges shall be allowed to the Contractor on account of the preparation of the Final Bill. 6.37.4 No further claims shall be made by the Contractor after submission of a Final Bill, and other claims, if at all, shall be deemed to have been waived and extinguished with his free consent. 6.37.5 The Engineer in charge shall check and forward the Final Bill along with the Measurement Book in original to the Owner. 6.37.6 The Contractor shall be entitled to be paid the full measurement value of Works less the value of payment made on account and any charges properly preferred under the conditions of Contract for stores supplied by the Owner subject to the certification of the Final Bill by the Engineer in charge. 6.37.7 Payment of those items of the Final Bill in respect of which there is no dispute shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Final Bill from the Contractor. 6.37.8 After the payment of the amount of the Final Bill the Contractor may, if he so desires, reconsider his position in respect of the disputed portion of the Final Bill and take step for settlement and if he fails to do so within thirty (30) days, his disputed claim shall be deemed to have been waived and abandoned by the Contractor. 6.37.9 All payments due under this Contract shall be made by means of a crossed cheque 'A/C payee'. 6.38 RECOVERY FROM CONTRACTOR Withholding of Payments Engineer in charge may withhold or on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or part of any certificate to such extent as may be necessary to the Owner due to any loss suffered by it on account of: - Defective work not remedied within time period. Failure of Contractor to make payments properly of all statutory duties to the Sub-contractors for materials or labour or equipments. Damage to work of another contractor or Sub-contractor. A reasonable doubt that the Contract cannot be completed for the balance unpaid amount. Non adherence to the programme. Failure to meet the contractual obligations and liabilities stipulated in the Contract. A reasonable doubt that the Contractor intends to leave the Works incomplete. Tender Document Page - 40 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Whenever any claim for payment of a sum of money arise(s) under this Contract against the Contractor, the Contractor shall on demand make the payment of the same or agree for effecting adjustment from any amounts due to him by the Owner. If, however, he refuses or neglects to make the payments on demand or does not agree for effecting adjustment from any amount due to him, the Owner shall be entitled to withhold an amount not exceeding the amount of claim(s), from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under this or any other contract with the Owner or from the invocation/ forfeiture of the Contractor’s Retention Security Deposit/ retention bank guarantee and/ or performance bank guarantee and retain the same by way of lien till such time payment is made by the Contractor or till the claim(s) is/ are settled or adjusted. It is an agreed condition of this Contract that way of lien under this condition by the Owner till the claims arising out of or under Contractor will have no claim for interest or such sum so withheld. 6.39 the sum of money(ies) withheld or retained as and by will be kept, withheld or retained as such by the Owner this Contract is settled or adjusted and that the damages whatsoever on any account in respect of DETERMINATION 6.39.1 The Owner may without prejudice to any other right or remedy terminate the Contract in part or whole in any of the following cases: If the Contractor: a) b) c) d) e) Being an individual, or if a partnership firm, any partner thereof shall at any time be adjudged insolvent or having received orders for administration of his estate made against him or shall take any proceedings for liquidation or composition under the Insolvency Act for the time being in force or made any conveyance or assignment of his effects or composition or arrangement for the benefits of his creditor or purport so to do or if any application be made under the Insolvency Act for the time being in force for the sequestration of his estate or if a trust deed be granted by him for and on behalf of his creditors or. Being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an order for the liquidation of its affairs or a receiver or manager on behalf of the debenture holders shall be appointed or circumstances shall arise which entitle the court or debenture holders to appoint a receiver or Manager, or. Assigns, transfers or subjects or attempts to assign, transfer or sublet any portion of the Works without the prior written approval of the Owner or. Makes defaults in commencing the Works from the Date of Commencement and continue in that state after reasonable notice from the Engineer in charge and/ or Owner. In the opinion of the Owner/ the Engineer in charge at any time whether before or after the date or extended Date for Completion makes defaults in proceeding with the Works with due diligence and continues in that state after reasonable notice from the Engineer in charge and/ or the Owner or. Fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the Contract after reasonable notice in writing with directions properly issued thereunder or suspends the progress of the Works beyond a reasonable time or is persistently or flagrantly neglecting to carry out his obligation under the Contract. Fails to complete the Works, work order and items of Works within individual dates for completion and clear the Site on or before the Date of Completion. 6.39.2 Whenever the Owner exercises his authority to terminate the Contract under Clause 6.39.1, he may complete the Works by any means at the Contractor’s risk and expense provided always that in event of cost of completion after alternative arrangements have been finalized by the Owner to get the Works completed or estimated cost of completion (as certified by the Engineer in charge) and approved by the Owner being less than the Contract cost, the advantage shall accrue to the Owner. If the cost of completion after the alternative arrangements have been finalized by the Owner to get the Works completed or Tender Document Page - 41 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document estimated cost of completion (as certified by the Engineer in charge) and approved by the Owner exceeds the money due to the Contractor under this Contract, the Contractor shall either pay the excess amount assessed by the Engineer in charge or the same shall be recovered from the Contractor by adjustments from outstanding due to the Contractor or by other means available to the Owner under law. 6.39.3 The Owner shall also be at liberty to use the materials and other stores on Site as he thinks proper in completing the Works and the Contractor will be allowed the necessary credit. The amount of credit to be allowed in completing the Works shall be assessed by the Engineer in charge and approved by the Owner and the amount so assessed shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 6.39.4 In case the Owner completes or decides to complete the Works under the provisions of this Contract, the cost of such completion to be taken into account in determining the excess cost to be charged to the Contractor under this condition shall be the cost or estimated cost (as certified by the Engineer in charge) of materials purchased or required to be purchased and/ or the labour provided or required to be provided by the Owner, as also the cost of the Contractor’s materials used with addition of fifteen percent (15%) to cover supervision and establishment charges (inclusive of applicable taxes). 6.39.5 If the Owner terminates the Contract under this Clause, he shall not be liable to pay the Contractor any money on account of the Contract until the time of completion of the Contract as per this Contract and thereafter until the cost of execution and maintenance, rectification of defects, damages for delay in completion, and all other expenses incurred by the Owner have been ascertained. The Contractor shall then be entitled to receive only such sum or sums, if any, as the Owner may certify would have been payable to the Contractor upon due completion of the Works by the Contractor after deducting the said amounts. 6.40 FORECLOSING OF WORKS 6.40.1 If at any time after the acceptance of the tender the Owner shall for any reason whatsoever not require the whole or any part of the Works, to be carried out, the Owner shall give notice in writing of the fact to the Contractor, who shall have no claim to any payment of compensation or otherwise whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the Works in full but which he did not derive in consequence of the foreclosing of whole or part of the Works. 6.40.2 Contractor shall be paid at Contract rates for the full amount of the executed Works including such additional work, e.g. clearing of Site, etc. as may be rendered necessary by the said foreclosing. Further, the Contractor shall be allowed a reasonable payment (as decided by the Owner) for any expenses sustained on account of labour and materials collected but which could not be utilized on the Works. 6.41 ARBITRATION Except where otherwise provided in the contract, all questions and disputes relating to the meaning of the specifications, design, drawings and instruction here-in-before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or materials used on the work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever, in any way arising out of or relating to the contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the work or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or after the cancellation, termination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned hereinafter: All or any dispute, controversy, claim or disagreement arising out of or touching upon or in relation to the terms of this Contract or its termination, breach including the interpretation and validity thereof and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties hereof, that cannot be amicably resolved by mutual negotiations or discussions within thirty (30) days, the same shall be referred to a sole arbitrator who shall be appointed by the Owner and whose award on such disputes shall be final and binding on the both the Parties. Tender Document Page - 42 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Subject as aforesaid the provisions of the Arbitration Act. 1996, or any statutory modification or reenactment thereof and the rules made there-under and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause. It is a term of the contract that the party invoking arbitration shall specify the dispute or disputes to be referred to Arbitration under this clause together with the amount or amounts claimed in respect of each such dispute. If the contractor do/ does not make any demand for arbitration in respect of any claim in writing within 90 days of receiving the intimation from the owners that the bill is ready for payment, the claim of the contractor(s) will be deemed to have been waived and absolutely barred and the owners shall be discharged and released of liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding the quantum of reduction as well as justification thereof in respect of rates for sub-standard work which may be decided to be accepted will be final and would not be open to arbitration. The arbitrator(s) may from time to time with consent of the parties enlarge the time, for making and publishing the award. The Arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issues notice to both the parties fixing the date of the first hearing. The Arbitrator shall give a separate award in respect of each dispute or difference referred to him. The venue of arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the Arbitrator in his sole discretion. The award of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding all parties to this contract. During the pendency of any dispute resolution exercise whether by negotiations or arbitration, the Parties shall be bound by the terms of this Contract and shall continue to perform their respective obligations not under dispute under this Contract. 6.42 DOCUMENTATION FOR TAX The Contractor shall necessarily and properly keep all the records, documents and payment vouchers, etc., as per applicable law, for the purpose of tax assessment by concerned authority. Any claims or refund, if applicable, shall be filed by the Contractor directly with the concerned authority. 6.43 FORCE MAJEURE The work (whether fully constructed or not) and all materials, machines, tools and plants, scaffolding, temporary buildings and other things connected therewith shall be at the risk of the contractor until the work has been delivered to the Engineer-in-Charge and a certificate from him to that effect obtained. In the event of the work or any materials properly brought to the site for incorporation in the work being damaged or destroyed in consequence of hostilities or warlike operation, the contractor shall when ordered (in writing) by the Engineer-in-Charge to remove any debris from the site, collect and properly stack or remove in store all serviceable materials salvaged from the damaged work and shall be paid at the contract rates in accordance with the provision of this agreement for the work of clearing the site of debris, stacking or removal of serviceable material and for reconstruction of all works ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge, such payments being in addition to compensation up to the value of the work originally executed before being damaged or destroyed and not paid for. In case of works damaged or destroyed but not already measured and paid for, the compensation shall be assessed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall be paid for the damages/destruction suffered and for the restoring the material at the rate based on analysis of rates tendered for in accordance with the provision of the-contract. The certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding the Tender Document Page - 43 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document quality and quantity of materials and the purpose for which they were collected shall be final and binding on all parties to this contract. Provided always that no compensation shall be payable for any loss in consequence of hostilities or warlike operations (a) unless the contractor had taken all such precautions against air raid as are deemed necessary by the A.R.P. Officers or the Engineer-in-Charge (b) for any material etc. not on the site of the work or for any tools, plant, machinery, scaffolding, temporary building and other things not intended for the work. In the event of the contractor having to carry out reconstruction as aforesaid, he shall be allowed such extension of time for is completion as is considered reasonable by the Engineer-in-Charge. 6.44 CLAIMS The Contractor shall send to the Engineer in charge, every month, an account giving full particulars, as full and detailed as possible, of all claims and for any additional payments to which the Contractor may consider themselves entitled to and of all extra work ordered in writing and which he has executed during the preceding month. No claim for payment for any extra work or expenses will be considered which has not been included in such particulars. Any claim which is not notified by the Contractor in two consecutive bills shall be deemed to have been waived and extinguished. 7. Deleted 8. Deleted Tender Document Page - 44 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 9. SAFETY PROCEDURES 9.1 INTRODUCTION The policy is to clearly define responsibilities and then to obtain the commitment of all contractors to maintain a high safety standard compatible with this policy. Safe methods of working shall be a main consideration in all operations. Contractor shall provide the Owner/ Engineer in charge with details of his methods of work, highlighting the safety aspects and he will update this information as necessary. It is the responsibility of all persons employed on this Project to act responsibly to prevent accidents to themselves and others. Notwithstanding the provisions contained herein, the Contractor is not exempted from the operation of any act or rule in force. 9.1.1 The Contractor is responsible for the safety of his work by: - 9.1.2 It is the duty of all persons employed on Site: - 9.1.3 To report defects in any plant or equipment to his supervisor and to cease using that equipment if it is in a dangerous condition. To comply with all safety procedures necessary at his place of work as defined by legislation. To wear the personal protective equipment required for their own safety. To co-operate with management in creating and maintaining a high standard of safety, health and welfare. To familiarize themselves and comply with the agreed methods and systems for working. To assist management by taking all possible steps to avoid accidents. Persons responsible for safety: - 9.2 Providing safe plant, equipment and working conditions. Ensuring the establishment of safe working procedures. Providing suitable protective equipment and clothing e.g. gloves, ear muffs and goggles. Providing adequate job training. Providing fire extinguishers and first aid box. Reporting all accidents and dangerous occurrences. Ensuring that hazardous materials, if necessary on the Site, will be stored and used in a safe manner. It remains the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the Project Manager is responsible for the safety of his works. SITE SAFETY POLICY This section covers safety objectives. Detailed procedures are given in the Site Safety Manual. 9.2.1 Safety Plan: The Safety Plan is to be prepared by the site safety officer/ Project Manager and is to cover all of the following: Damage Avoidance : Planning and coordinating all work to avoid bodily injury, property damage and loss of productive time. Detection and Correction : Establishing and maintaining a system for prompt detection and correction of unsafe practices and conditions. Protective Equipment : Assuring the availability and use of personal protective equipment. Tender Document Page - 45 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Inspection and Maintenance : Establishing and maintaining an effective and comprehensive inspection and maintenance system and record. Training : Establishing and supporting an educational and job skill training programme designed to ensure a safe working environment. Investigations : Investigating accidents to determine cause and take the necessary corrective action. Control/ Protection : Providing visitor control and hazard protection. Site Security : Providing Site security. Material Storage : Controlling the placement of materials received consistently with the traffic control pattern established. Fire Protection : Providing fire protection in co-ordination with local authorities. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate fire protection in the form of barrels of water with buckets, tanks, fire extinguishers, or other effective means of extinguishing fire, ready for instant use. The Contractor shall follow the instructions and specifications of the concerned local authorities. Compliance to Regulations : Ensuring compliance with the laws, ordinances, rules and regulations issued or promulgated by state, local and governmental agencies. 9.2.2 Responsibilities: Project Manager : To appoint a site safety officer responsible for the health and safety of all Site personnel. Implementing site safety policy and procedures. Site Safety Officer : Responsibilities include: - Preparing the site safety plan for hazards particular to that trade. - Providing and enforcing the use of personnel protective equipment and ensuring attendance of all employees at the regular “Tool Box”. - Taking immediate action to correct unsafe practices or conditions. - Ensuring adequate first aid supplies are available and that there are personnel on Site qualified to administer first aid. - Ensuring that safety rules and emergency telephone numbers are posted in a prominent place. - Ensuring all accidents are reported in a timely manner. - Obtaining a Safety plan from all Trade Contractors describing hazards particular to that trade. - Ensuring that daily job Site safety inspections are conducted and then forwarding a written report to the Engineer in charge. - Developing a fire evacuation plan. 9.2.3 Accident/ Incident Reports Timely reporting : Any injury or injury resulting in fatality due to accident shall be reported immediately to the Project Manager who, in turn, shall notifies the Contactor as required. Injuries Any accident involving injury shall be reported to Project Manager using the form shown in attachment. Timely reporting : Each incident on the Site shall be reported as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the incident. The form shown in the attachment to the Site Safety Manual Chapter is to be used. Note: An incident can include lost property, damaged property, injury, fire, crime, etc. Tender Document Page - 46 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document The logs shall be maintained and updated as needed by the Project Manager using the format shown in the attachment to the Site Safety Manual Chapter. 9.2.4 Public Relations: Reporting : All inquiries regarding an incident or accident received by the Project Manager shall be reported immediately to the Contractor for appropriate action. The Owner or the Engineer in charge shall be informed immediately of such incident or accident by the Contractor. The Contractor/ Project Manager/ Site personnel shall not discuss accidents/ incidents with the media. Tender Document Page - 47 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 10. 10.1 SITE SAFETY MANUAL INTRODUCTION This manual shall be read by all supervisory staff within one week of starting of works on the Site. 10.1.1 Checklist The one page checklist form is to be completed on a regular basis. The manual has been dividend into well-defined sections. These sections provide supporting information to the checklist. 10.1.2 Tool Box Meetings These are to be held at the Project start up and continued on a regular basis; in addition, if an accident has occurred on the Site, a meeting should be held once the cause has been established. A specific topic should be covered at these meetings. Each section in this manual would form a suitable topic. A record of the meetings is to be filed. 10.2 General Safety Practices: 10.2.1 Foremen and supervisors shall insist on employees observing and obeying every rule, regulation and order as necessary for the safe conduct of work. 10.2.2 Know how to do your job, determine what the hazards might be. Do not take chances or use unsafe methods, tools or equipments. If you do not know how to do the job safely, ask your supervisor. 10.2.3 Take interest in your co-workers. Explain or show them the safe methods of doing the work and caution them about dangerous or unsafe acts. 10.2.4 Anyone known to be under the influence of any intoxicating substance shall not be allowed on the job. Drugs, pills, tranquilizers etc are not to be taken on the job unless written permission is obtained from a doctor. 10.2.5 No one shall knowingly be permitted or required to work while his ability or alertness is so impaired by fatigue, illness or other causes that might, unnecessarily, expose him or others to injury. 10.2.6 Fighting, quarreling, being abusive etc. are forbidden on the job. 10.2.7 Firearms and ammunition are not to be brought to the job Site at any time. Power hammers or other similar equipments are not allowed on the Site. 10.2.8 Never throw materials or equipments off scaffolding. Someone may be walking or working below. 10.2.9 “Tool Box” safety meetings shall be conducted by foremen on a regular basis. All workers on Site shall be instructed on accident prevention. 10.2.10 No one is to operate equipment or use tools which have been tagged “DO NOT OPERATE” or “OUT OF ORDER” until required repairs have been made and said tag has been removed by an authorized person. 10.2.11 Notify the site safety officer regarding use and storage of chemicals. Tender Document Page - 48 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 10.2.12 Adequate precaution shall be taken by the Contractor to ensure no materials shall be stacked or placed, so as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. The Contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lighting to protect public from accidents and shall be bound to bear expenses of defense of every suit, action, other proceedings of law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions, to pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit or action or proceedings to any such person or with the consent of the Contractor be paid in compromise of any claim by any such person. 10.3 Personal Protective Equipment: Whenever there is a possibility of exposure to hazardous material or operations, personal protective equipment or devices shall be worn or used by all the workers working at the Site. These include (but are not limited to) hard hats, safety shoes, safety glasses, gloves, protective suits, hoods, respiratory equipment and proper hearing protection. 10.3.1 Hard Hats: All personnel working in areas on the Site where there is a possible danger of head injury from impact, or from falling objects, shall be protected by protective helmets. Helmets shall meet the specifications and standards specified by Bureau of Indian Standards. Employees of Contractor who are represented on the construction Site, who apply for entry to the Project and are not in possession of an approved hard hat, shall be asked to remain at the security gate until necessary arrangements can be made by their supervisor/ foremen to obtain an approved hard hat. 10.3.2 Eye Protection: Required when doing work that may cause possible injury to eyes from flying particles, grinding, splashes, welding or cutting operations. 10.3.3 Safety Shoes: To be worn by all workers. 10.3.4 Clothing: To be worn by all workers and suitable for the type of work in which engaged. 10.3.5 Hearing protection: Shall be worn in any posted area and when operating pneumatic equipment. 10.3.6 Respirators: Whenever and wherever necessary to protect from dust, gases, hazardous chemical and vapors. 10.3.7 Safety belts: Required when working from/ at elevated places. 10.3.8 Protective gloves: To be worn as work activity may require. 10.3.9 Housekeeping: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) h) Tender Document Place debris, rubbish and waste in proper containers. Place and store materials and equipments in designated storage areas. Working areas, passageways, stairs and exits are to be kept free from all debris, equipments, tolls, nails and other sharp objects. Avoid spilling of liquid. Wipe off any kind of spills immediately. Use safety cans to store flammable liquids. Store oil/ paint soaked rags in approved containers and empty on a daily basis. Nails or other sharp objects protruding from timber panels etc. are to be pulled or bent over. Debris and combustible scarp shall be disposed off on a regular basis and not allowed to accumulate. Special attention should be given to second floors and higher where adequate means shall be provided to expedite removal of such material. Page - 49 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 10.4 Ladders 10.4.1 Select the right ladders for the job. Do not use a too long or too short ladder. Do not splice two ladders together. Do not use lightweight or household ladders in a heavy construction job. Do not use metal ladders near electrical circuits, fixtures or power lines. 10.4.2 Check condition of ladder for cracked or split rails; for missing or broken steps, cleats, rungs, treads or U-shapes; for sharp edges or splinters; for general weakened condition. If any of the above conditions exist, withdraw the ladder from use and fix it at once if possible. If it cannot be fixed, destroy it. Every ladder should have identification tags, records of maintenance and inspection must be maintained. 10.4.3 Use ladder safely. Place it with care; do not lean it against a movable object. Make sure it is not placed on a loose object or uneven footing. Do not place it too close to a wall. The horizontal distance from wall to the foot of the ladder should never be less than one point four (1.4) times the length and it should extend at least 36 inches above the upper horizontal edge. Tie ladder with rope or wire. If wire is used, be careful to protect users from injury. 10.4.4 Only one person at a time shall be permitted on a ladder. 10.4.5 Always face the ladder and grasp the side rails or rungs with both hands when ascending and descending. 10.4.6 Do not carry tools or material when going up or down ladders. Use a bucket or canvas bag on a rope to haul or lower them. 10.4.7 Be sure the soles of your shoes are free from dirt oil and mud before using ladder. 10.4.8 Never work above the second rung from the top of the ladder. 10.4.9 Stepladders should not be over ten (10) feet long. Do not use a stepladder as a straight ladder. 10.5 Scaffolding 10.5.1 Scaffold should be tubular and designed for the loads it will carry. Bamboo shall not be used as scaffold. Inspect the scaffold before use. 10.5.2 Scaffold planks must be tested, carefully erected and made secure to prevent slipping by using cleats or tying. 10.5.3 Scaffold to be braced/ tied to the permanent structure at suitable intervals to prevent overturning. 10.5.5 All scaffolds shall have handrails and toe boards (minimum four (4”) inches height). 10.5.6 There is no such thing as a temporary scaffold. 10.5.7 Ladders should be attached for ascent and descent on scaffolds. 10.5.8 Any defects, loose knots or cracks in a scaffold plank will make that plank useless. 10.5.9 Guard rails shall be two by four inches (2” x 4”) or the equivalent, approximately forty two (42”) inches high, with a mid rail. Supports shall be at intervals not to exceed eight (8) feet. 10.5.10 Any scaffold, including accessories such as braces, brackets, trusses, screw legs, ladders etc weakened from any cause shall be immediately repaired or replaced. Tender Document Page - 50 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 10.6 Machinery and VEHICLES 10.6.1 Equipment is build for safe, economical and long- life operation but is only safe as long as the operator or mechanic who is handling or manipulating the same is handling it safely. 10.6.2 Only experienced and authorized persons shall operate power equipments. Before being allowed to operate a particular piece of equipment, the employee must prove by actual demonstration to the supervisor that he understands the operation. 10.6.3 Operators shall make careful inspection of their equipment at the start of each shift. Before operating, required repairs shall be completed. 10.6.4 Cleaning, oiling, fueling or repairing is not to be done on equipment while it is in operation. 10.6.5 The operator is to take only standard industry hand signals from only one designated person. 10.6.6 Cranes or other equipments shall not lift loads in excess of the manufacturer's maximum load limit displayed on the equipments. Lifting equipment must be tested by a competent authority and records of the same must be maintained. 10.6.7 Air hoses should not be disconnected at compressors until air pressure in the hose line has been released. 10.6.8 Electrical installations must conform to Indian Electricity Rules and Bureau of Indian Standards. 10.6.9 Do not operate equipment within 10 feet of high voltage lines. For lines over 50000 volts, increase operating clearance zero point four (0.4”) inches for each additional thousand (1000) volts. 10.6.10 Where it is difficult for the operator to see overhead high voltage lines or obstacles, a person shall be designated to observe and give him warning required to maintain safe clearance. 10.6.11 Do not work under VEHICLES supported by jacks or chain hoists without protective blocking that will prevent injury if jacks or hoists should fail. 10.6.12 Examine excavation before backfilling to ensure that no one is in the pit. 10.6.13 Before operating excavating equipment near tops of cuts, banks and cliffs, be sure no one is below. 10.6.14 Tractors, bulldozers and carryalls should be operated with care where there is possibility of overturning on dangerous area, such as edges of deep fills, cut banks and steep slopes. 10.6.15 No passengers are allowed to ride on or in equipment that does not have a designated seat for each rider. 10.6.16 Vehicular and pedestrian path and parking spaces should be clear of overhead operating equipment. 10.7 Material Handling of Overhead Operating Equipment: 10.7.1 Maximum load carrying capacity of cranes, blocks or chains must be displayed along with the last date tested and the next due date for testing. 10.7.2 Do not overload cranes, ropes, blocks or chains. If any such equipment has been damaged or is found to be defective, inform your supervisor. 10.7.3 No one shall ride loads, concrete buckets or hooks. Tender Document Page - 51 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 10.7.4 Use a guide of “tag line” on loads. 10.7.5 Stand clear of taut cables or hoists. 10.7.6 Keep hands and fingers away from blocks, sheaves or winches. 10.7.7 Do not stand under overhead loads. 10.7.8 Stack materials neatly and safely as per established guidelines. 10.7.9 Keep all material eighteen (18’) inches away from sprinkler heads. 10.7.10 All material handling equipment must be periodically checked by a competent authority and maintained properly. Records of the same must also be maintained. 10.8 Deleted 10.9 Electrical 10.9.1 Whenever possible, an electrical line should be de-energized before work is done on or near it, no matter how low the voltage is. Only qualified persons should do such work. Use proper lockout tagging procedures. 10.9.2 Persons doing electrical work or working near energized circuits should wear the appropriate safety equipments. 10.9.3 All electrical equipments must be properly earthed. 10.9.4 Do not overload circuits. Do not use any extension cables that may be damaged or have exposed wiring or fault connectors. 10.9.5 Do not leave electric cables where VEHICLES will run over them. If electric cables must cross a roadway, use protective cross over devices 10.9.6 Only approved plugs and receptacles shall be used on all jobs. 10.9.7 All electrical work shall be according to local, state or National Electrical Codes. 10.9.8 Only licensed electricians are allowed to carry out electrical work. 10.9.9 Rubber gloves and rubber shoes/ boots of correct voltage grade shall be used. 10.9.10 Temporary supply shall be trapped from a source panel which is properly fabricated, permanently fixed and effectively earthed. 10.9.11 Live line testers and test lamp shall not be used. Usage conditions of a multi-meter with long probes are to be followed. Test lamps can be used temporarily if fitted with protective guard. 10.9.12 Makeshift connections are prohibited; ELCB’s to be used for Portable Electrical Equipment. 10.9.13 ELCB’s should be checked regularly and records should be maintained 10.9.14 Work permit system must be used where required. 10.10 Hand tools 10.10.1 Do not use defective tools. If found, report them to your supervisor. 10.10.2 Keep faces of hammers in good condition to avoid flying nails, bruising fingers and chipping the hammer head. Tender Document Page - 52 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 10.10.3 Hold cold chisels in such a way that the knuckles will be protected if the hammer misses the head. Chisels struck by others should be held by tongs or other similar devices. 10.10.4 Do not use pipe wrenches as a substitute for other wrenches. 10.10.5 Wrenches should not be altered by the addition of handle extensions. 10.10.6 Files shall be equipped with handles. 10.10.7 Do not use a screwdriver as a chisel. 10.10.8 Keep handsaws and other tools sharp and in good condition. 10.10.9 Do not lift or lower portable electrical tools by their power cords. Use a rope. 10.10.10 Guards on power hand tools must be kept in proper operating condition at all times. 10.10.11 Keep electrical cables out of water, oil or chemical. 10.10.12 Only qualified persons shall be permitted to use power activated tools. Check the other side of walls, floors, ceiling, etc. before using. 10.10.13 Tools which have been tagged “out of order - Do not Use“ shall not be used until repaired and tag has been removed by an authorized person. 10.10.14 Do not use aluminum handled full floats or aluminum ladders where there is a possibility that they may come in contact with power lines. 10.10.15 Do not use electrical tools while standing in water. 10.10.16 All electric hand tools shall be double insulated. 10.10.17 Wire cutting tools and knives shall be provided with safe handles. 10.11 Welding and Burning 10.11.1 Only experienced persons are allowed to do any electrical or acetylene welding or burning. 10.11.2 Do not weld or burn in hazardous area without written instructions. 10.11.3 Do not burn or weld where hot sparks, hot metal or severed sections could fall on cylinders, hoses, machinery, legs or feet or on flammable materials or where they could strike personnel working below. 10.11.4 Do not weld or burn barrels, enclosed tanks of other containers without making sure that nothing flammable has been stored in them or until such tanks have been made safe by filling with water or carbon dioxide under the supervision of a foreman. 10.11.5 Never strike an arc on cylinders. 10.11.6 Never use matches to light torches. Use a spark lighter or stationary pilot flame. 10.11.7 Make sure there is plenty of fresh air when welding is closed or is done in confined places and never use oxygen for ventilation. 10.11.8 Do not overload welding cable operating with poor connection. Turn off cylinders and machinery when not in use and roll up cable and hoses. 10.11.9 Wear proper head (hard hat), eye and face protection when welding, and protect others from arc burns by using a shield, if possible, or by warning them to wear adequate Tender Document Page - 53 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document protection. Welders must see that those working with them have proper head and eye protection. 10.11.10 Make welding machine ground connections directly to ground whenever possible. 10.11.11 Always refer to acetylene as “acetylene“ and not “gas”. Refer to oxygen as “oxygen” and not “air”. 10.11.12 Use the cylinder for its intended purposes and nothing else. 10.11.13 Always consider a cylinder as full and handle it accordingly. Never permit cylinders to strike each other. 10.11.14 When cylinders are empty, turn off; remove the gauges; put the protective cap on and mark them “MT or “Empty”. 10.11.15 Always transport, store and use acetylene cylinders in a vertical position to avoid loss of acetone. 10.11.16 Protective caps should be in place while transporting, moving and storing cylinders. 10.11.17 When cylinders are being hoisted, they shall be secured in a cradle. 10.11.18 In keeping “empties” and “fulls” separate, use a chain across the storage racks and always tie the bottles. 10.11.19 Full cylinders of acetylene and oxygen should be stored at least twenty (20) feet apart under a shelter and not exposed to sunlight. 10.11.20 Welding sets shall be properly earthed through an insulated conduit to the nearest earth. 10.11.21 Work permits system must be used for welding operators. 10.12 Work in Confined Spaces: When work is done in the interior of storm drains, sewers, and vaults, utility pipelines, manholes and any other structure which might permit the accumulation of dangerous vapors or gases, the followings precautions shall be taken: 10.12.1 Employees shall be instructed regarding any potential hazards. 10.12.2 Tests for the presence of dangerous and combustible gases and adequate levels of oxygen content shall be made prior to entering a confined work area and at intervals frequent enough to insure safe working conditions during the time a workman is in such structure. A record of such tests will be maintained at the job Site. 10.12.3 Sources of ignition, including smoking, will not be allowed until proper tests have been made to insure safety. 10.12.4 When air is not suitable for breathing, approved respiratory equipment will be used. A safety line shall be attached to employee and standby employee shall be within call and sight ready to give assistance in case of emergency. 10.12.5 No work shall be done in the presence of explosive gases or air unsuitable for breathing. 10.12.6 Internal combustion engine-driven equipment shall not be operated inside buildings or confined spaces unless adequate steps have been taken to insure protection from dangerous concentrations of gases or fumes. Some of the precautions that may provide adequate control are as follows: Tender Document Page - 54 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document - Piping exhaust gases to outside atmosphere. - Ventilation which dilutes and removes gases. - Use of catalyst-type exhaust scrubbers. 10.13 Work Permit System 10.13.1 Work permit system must be used for the following: - Electrical work - Working at heights - Excavation and Demolition - Welding or hot work - Working in confined spaces - Any other hazardous operation. 10.14 Environmental Considerations The Contractor shall be concerned with the impact of his work upon the environment. This applies to the effect upon the residential community, and upon the area outside the Site boundary. Areas of concern shall include but are not limited to: - Use of clean fuels to minimize air polluting emissions. - Control of other air pollutants. - Recovery and recycling of usable materials. - Control of VEHICLES noise - Control of noise from power facilities - Limitation of vibrations. - Preservation of natural land to the extent possible. - Preservation of archaeological features. 10.15 Training 10.15.1 Adequate training must be provided to all supervisors; workers; Sub-contractors etc on the safe systems of work. Tender Document Page - 55 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document ACCIDENT REPORT Contract details Log No…………………………………………………………………………………. Project :………………………………………………………………………………… Contractor:……………………………………………………………………………… Date of accident………………………………..Time……………………………… Weather:………………………………………………………………………………. Contractor’s Personnel or Equipment Name of injured employee:……………………………….. Age-----------------------Occupation:………………………………………………… Sex……………………… Nature of injury: First Aid ( ) Hospital ( ) Fatality ( ) Type of equipment……………………………………………………………………… Extent of damage:……………………………………………………………………… Other persons or property Name of injured party……………………………………. Age……………………… Address: ……………………………City…………………State……………… Nature of injuries:……………………………………………………………………… Name of property owner: ……………………………………. Address:………… Nature and extent of damage…………………………………………………………… Details of Accident: Description:…………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………..……………… Primary cause………………………………………………………………………… Additional Information Was use or lack of safety equipment a factor in this accident:………………………. If so, explain:…………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………… What safety regulations were breached :……………………………………………. What corrective action has been taken by the Contractor:……………………………… Reported by:………………………………………………………………………………. Signature:………………………………………………. Position……………………… Name…………………………………………………. Date ………………………… Tender Document Page - 56 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document INCIDENT REPORT Log No. : ………………………………………. Lost Property Damaged Property Fire Visitor Suspected Crime or Offense Any other unusual occurrence or condition (explain) Contractor’s Employee ……………………………………………………………………………… Project Name ……………………………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………………………… Date of report ……………………………………… Date time of occurrence ……………………………………… Property involved ……………………………………… Brief description of incident ……………………………………………………………………………… Police Contacted: yes/ no Date/ Time ……………… Name ……………………………………… Log No. ……………………………………… Contractor’s Name ……………………………………… Address ……………………………………… Phone ……………………………………… Witness: Name ……………………………………… Address ……………………………………… Phone ……………………………………… Prepared by : Signature ……………………………………… Position ……………………………………… Name ……………………………………… Date ……………………………………… Tender Document Page - 57 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document ACCIDENT LOG Degree of Injury Fatality ……………………………………… Hospital-major ……………………………………… Hospital-medium ……………………………………… Hospital- minor ……………………………………… First aid at Site ……………………………………… No. ……………………………………… Date ……………………………………… Contractor’s Name ……………………………………… Employee’s Name ……………………………………… Work ……………………………………… Degree of Injury ……………………………………… Date returned ……………………………………… Tender Document Page - 58 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 11. 11.1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT General Special Conditions of Contract shall be read in conjunction with General Conditions of Contract and Additional Conditions of Contract and both shall form an integral part of Contract. Where these are at variance, the conditions stipulated in this, as Special Conditions shall supersede relevant General Conditions of Contract and Additional Conditions of Contract. Works under this Contract shall be executed as shown on the drawings and given in the specifications and required at Site whether specifically shown or not. Not-with-standing the sub-division of the documents into these separate sections and volumes, every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary to and complementary of every other part and shall be read with and in connection to the Contract so far as it may be practicable to do so. Wherever mentioned in the specifications that the Contractor shall perform certain Works or provide certain facilities; it is understood that the Contractor shall perform these at his own cost. The materials, design and workmanship shall satisfy the relevant IS, the job specifications contained herein and codes referred to. Where the job specifications and fire authority requirements, stipulate in addition to those contained in the standard codes and specifications, these additional requirements shall be satisfied. 11.2 Scope of Work Works under this Contract shall consist of furnishing labour, materials, equipments and appliances necessary and required. The Contractor is required to completely furnish all the specialized services as described here-in-after and as specified in the Bill of Quantities and/ or shown on the Tender Drawings. 11.3 Interpretation In interpretation of specifications, the following order of decreasing importance shall be followed: - Bill of Quantities. - Additional specifications. - List of approved makes of materials. 11.4 Specifications Works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the specifications/ Bill of Quantities attached to the tender. Works not covered in the specifications/ Bill of Quantities shall be carried out as per relevant IS Codes/ CPWD of practice specifications of materials and workmanship. 11.5 Drawings Contractor shall verify all dimensions at Site and bring to the notice of the Engineer in charge all discrepancies or deviations noticed. The Engineer in charge’s decision shall be final. 11.6 Metric Conversion All dimensions and sizes of materials and equipments given in the tender documents are commercial metric sizes. Any weights, or sizes given in the tender having changed due to metric conversion, the nearest equivalent sizes accepted by IS shall be acceptable without any additional cost. Tender Document Page - 59 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 11.7 Reference Points Contractor shall provide permanent bench marks, flag tops and other reference points for the proper execution of Works and those shall be preserved till the end of the Works. All such reference points shall be in relation to the levels and locations, given in the Consultantural, plumbing and fire protection drawings. 11.8 Reference Drawings The Contractor shall maintain one set of all drawings issued to him as reference drawings. These shall not be used on the Site. All important drawings shall be mounted on boards and placed in racks indexed. No drawings shall be rolled. All corrections, deviations and changes made on the Site shall be shown on the reference drawings for final incorporation in the completion drawings. All changes to be made shall be initialed by the Engineer in charge. 11.9 Contractor’s Rates Rates quoted in this tender shall be inclusive of all costs of materials, labour, supervision, erection, tools, plant, scaffolding, service connections, transport to Site, excise duty, sales tax, employee state insurance, provident fund contribution, octroi/ entry tax, work contract taxes, breakage, wastage and all other taxes, duties, levies and all such expenses as may be necessary and required to completely do all the items of Works and put them in a working condition. Rates shall be inclusive of service tax. Rates quoted are for all heights and depths and in all positions as may be required for this work. All rates quoted must be for complete items inclusive of all such accessories, fixtures and fixing arrangements, nuts, bolts, hangers as are a standard part of the particular item except where specially mentioned otherwise. In order to work out the rates for items not covered in this tender section, the Contractor shall provide all relevant documents e.g. test certificates, cash memo/ purchase order/ bill, etc. whenever demanded by the Engineer in charge. 11.10 Testing All equipments and materials found defective shall be replaced and the whole Works tested to meet the specifications required in presence of the Engineer in charge. Contractor shall perform all such tests as may be necessary and required by the local authorities to meet municipal or other bye-laws in force. Contractor shall provide all labour, equipments/ instruments and materials for the performance of the tests. 11.11 Site Order Book The Engineer in charge shall communicate or confirm his instructions to the Contractor in respect of the execution of Works during his Site inspections in a “Work Site Order Book” maintained at the Site office of the Contractor. The Contractor or the Project Manager shall confirm receipt of such instructions by signing against the relevant orders in the Work Site Order Book. 11.12 Site Records The Contractor shall keep books, accounts and Site documents and records showing the number of men employed each day, wage bills, delivery notes, priced invoices for all materials ordered or Tender Document Page - 60 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document delivered, visitors to the Site, weather conditions, temperature and other events influencing the progress and quality of Works concerned. The Contractor shall furnish such documents and records to the Engineer in charge and/ or the Consultant, when required. 11.13 Rectification of Defects/ Repairs Should the Engineer in charge consider, at any time during the construction or reconstruction or prior to the expiration of the Defects Liability Period, that any Works have been executed with unsound or imperfect materials or unskilled workmanship or is of quality inferior to that contracted for or not otherwise in accordance with the Contract documents, in respect whereof the decision of the Owner shall be final and the Contractor shall, on demand in writing from the Engineer in charge, specifying the fault, notwithstanding that the same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for, rectify forthwith or remove and reconstruct the defective work so specified, in whole or in part, as the case may require, at his own expense and in the event of his failing to do so within the period specified by the Engineer in charge in his demand and as per the directions, the Owner may carry out the Works by other means at the risk and expense, in all respects, of the Contractor. In addition to such other remedies available to the Owner, the Owner shall have the right to deduct from any monies due to the Contractor an amount representing any damages, losses, costs and expenses incurred by the Owner which if insufficient, to recover the balance from the Contractor, together with any additional expenses incurred by the Owner in connection therewith. In lieu of rectifying such defect, the Owner may cause the Engineer in charge to determine an amount equivalent to the cost of rectifying such defect, which determination of the Engineer in charge shall be final, and deduct from monies due and otherwise recover from the Contractor such amount, together with such other damages, losses, costs and expenses incurred by the Owner. 11.14 Final Certificates The Contract shall not be considered as completed until the Defects Liability Period has expired. The Final Certificate stating that the Works have been completed and maintained to his satisfaction and that all the defects notified had been rectified, shall be given by the Engineer in charge, subject to the Engineer in charge being so satisfied, within three (3) months of the expiry of the Defects Liability Period or, if different guarantee periods shall become applicable to different parts of the Works, the expiry of the last such period; or as soon thereafter as any work ordered to be rectified during such period shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge. Provided that in the case of fraud, concealment or fraudulent concealment relating to the Works or materials or to any matter dealt with in any certificate, the Defects Liability Period or, if different guarantee periods shall become applicable to different parts of the Works, the expiry of the last such period; or as soon thereafter as any works ordered to be rectified during such period shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge. Tender Document Page - 61 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Tender Document Page - 62 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK 1. Scope of Works The detailed scope of work to be carried out under this contract is illustrated in the Technical Specifications, Schedule of Quantities and drawings. However, in general the Contractor shall carry out and complete the said work under this contract in every respect and to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager/ Employer and would be expected to contribute positively to all aspects of design that would ensure trouble free operation and maintenance and conformance to applicable regulations. In general the work to be carried out shall comprise the design, preparation and approval of all equipment layouts, manufacture, fabrication, assembly, testing at works, packaging, forwarding, unloading, erecting in position, testing at site and commissioning of the following: 1.1 11kv/415V ONAN type step down transformer with OLTC and RTCC; 1.2 11kV HT VCB Panel with all metering, protection and supply components; 1.3 All types of MV Panels, Sub-distribution boards and final distribution boards; 1.4 All required internal and external power and control cabling, submains and cable trays; 1.5 Point wiring items with respective conduiting, wiring and supplying and fixing all types of modular plates, switches and sockets including TV outlets; 1.6 All types of equipotential bonding and earthing including lightning protection; 1.7 All types and kinds of lighting fixtures with all associated control gear, lamps and fixing accessories for internal and external spaces; 1.8 All types of cable trays, and conduits to provided path for voice, data and security systems; 1.9 Fire detection and alarm system with voice evacuation and talk-back systems; 1.10 Procuring all required approvals, sanctions and clearances from Statutory Bodies/Authorities for installing, commissioning and running the above; 1.11 Carrying out all pre-commissioning tests as listed in the Technical Specifications; 1.12 Providing As-Built documentation including detailed drawings of all electrical components of the work along with data sheets, operating manualsn warranties & guarantees and maintenance schedule. 2. Codes & Standards 2.1 The equipment supplied under this tender shall conform to the latest issue of relevant standards as detailed in Part 4 “Technical Specifications”, except where modified or supplemented by this specification. 2.2 The conditions and directions listed in this Section shall be considered as an extension to and not as a limitation of the obligations of the Contractor. 2.3 The specifications generally applicable to this work shall be as per C.P.W.D. General Specifications for Internal E.I. Works (2005) and External Works (2000) except as otherwise specified in the description of items given in the Schedule of Quantities or in the Technical Specifications. These specifications will override the C.P.W.D. specifications. The requirements of these specifications will be fulfilled by the contractor within the tendered rates and without any extra charge. The item rates quoted will be deemed to have taken these specifications into account. 2.4 The electrical work will be carried out in accordance with the General Specifications 2006 with amendments up to date for electrical works in Central Government buildings while complying in all respects with the requirements of the latest Indian Electricity Rules in force at the time of execution. Tender Document Page - 63 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3. Execution of Works 3.1 The Works shall be carried out simultaneously with the civil and interior works and will be continued till it is completed satisfactorily along with the completion of essential portions of building work. 3.2 If any minor alterations are found necessary, the contractor shall do the same within tendered rates. 3.3 The work shall be carried out in the best workmanlike manner and any defect in the work or changes in the design pointed out before execution shall be carried out by the contractor within the tendered rates. 3.4 The contractor shall employ adequate labour to complete the work within the stipulated time and make his own arrangements for housing labour and storage of materials etc. 3.5 During the progress of work, completed portions of the buildings may be occupied and put to use by the owner. However, the contractor will remain fully responsible for maintenance of power to these areas even while ensuring work proceeds unimpeded on other fronts till the entire work covered by this contract is satisfactorily completed by him and taken over by the Employer. 3.6 The contractor shall obtain for himself, on his own responsibility and at his own expense, all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of tendering and for entering into a contract, and must inspect the site, examine and study the specifications, drawings and the design of the electrical installations, the building plans etc. If the drawings are supplied to the contractor for tender purposes, the same must be returned in good condition with the tender. The contractor shall also make local and independent inquiries, if required. 3.7 All tender rates will include the cost of materials, erection, connections, labour, supervision, tools, plant, transport, all taxes (but excluding Works Contract Tax, Service Tax and Labour Cess), contingencies, breakage, wastage, sundries and scaffolding, i.e. They should be for an item complete in all respects. Works Contract Tax, Service Tax and Labour Cess will be payable as applicable on the value of the contract. 3.8 The contractor, while executing the work, shall conform to the provision of Government Acts relating to the work and to the regulations and Bye laws of the local authorities, and of the company to whose system of supply the installation is proposed to be connected. The contractor shall give all notices, required by the Acts, Regulations or Bye-Laws. He will also undertake to provide test certificates and drawings as required and will make necessary arrangements to procure the electricity supply. The contractor shall also obtain all approvals for the items of work done under this contract from the appropriate authorities. All inspection fees or submission fees paid by the contractor will be reimbursed by the owner against valid official receipts. Contractor shall possess a valid electrical contractor's license issued by the inspectorate of the local government. 3.9 Samples of materials and fabrication drawings will be submitted by the contractor according to the schedule/ specification. Any deviation from the schedule/ specifications must have the written consent of the Engineer-in-charge. No approval given by the Engineer-in-charge to any samples or drawings submitted by the contractor shall in any way exonerate the contractor from his liability to carry out the work in accordance with the terms of contract. 4. Drawings 4.1 Shop Drawings: The contractor will submit four sets of equipment General Arrangement drawings for all equipment supplied by him, layouts of conduiting activity and any fabricated items which must contain details of General Arrangement drawings, i.e. with dimensions, clearances, loading details, foundation details, cable details, cable box details, etc. with required copies. These drawings and other literature shall be submitted in advance for approval. 4.2 Completion Drawings: The contractor shall submit one complete set of original tracings and further two copies of final existing layout drawings to the Architect /Engineer in-charge after completion of the work. No completion certificate will be issued until the completion drawings are submitted. The drawings will be prepared and submitted by the contractor without extra charge. Tender Document Page - 64 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 5. Progress & Time of Completion The electrical contractor shall work in close coordination with lead contractor and other subcontractors as per the time schedule set with the lead contractor. 6. Testing Of Installation On Completion This chapter describes the details of tests to be conducted in the completed international electrical installations, before commissioning. 1.1 General 1.1.1 Tests On completion of installation, the following tests shall be carried out:1) 2) 3) 4) 1.1.2 Insulation resistance test. Polarity test of switch. Earth continuity test. Earth electrode resistance test. Witnessing of tests Testing shall be carried out for the completed installations, in the presence of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge by the contractor. All test results shall be recorded and submitted to the Department. 1.1.3 Test instruments All necessary test instruments for the tests shall be arranged by the contractor if so required by the Engineer-in-charge. 1.2 Insulation Resistance 1.2.1 The insulation resistance shall be measured by applying between earth and the whole system of conductors, or any section thereof with all fuses in place, and all switches closed, and except in earthed concentric wiring, all lamps in position, or both poles of the installation otherwise electrically connected together, a direct current pressure of not less than twice the working pressure, provided it does not exceed 500 volts for medium voltage circuits. Where the supply is derived from a three wire D.C., or a polyphase A.C. system, the neutral pole of which is connected to earth either directly or through added resistance, the working pressure shall be deemed to be that which is maintained between the phase conductor and the neutral. 1.2.2 The insulation resistance shall also be measured between all the conductors connected to one pole, or phase conductor of the supply, and all the conductors connected to the neutral, or to the other pole, or phase conductors of the supply with all the lamps in position and switches in “off” position, and its value shall be not less than that specified in sub-clause1.2.3. 1.2.3 The insulation resistance in mega ohms measured as above shall not be less than 12.5 mega ohms for the wiring with PVC insulated cables, subject to a minimum of 1 mega ohm. 1.2.4 Where a whole installation is being tested, a lower value than that given by the formula, subject to a minimum of 1 mega ohms, is acceptable. 1.2.5 A preliminary and similar test may be made before the lamps etc. are installed, and in this event the insulation resistance to earth should not be less than 25 mega ohms for the wiring with PVC insulated cables, subject to a minimum of 2 mega ohms. 1.2.6 The term “outlet” includes every point along with every switch, except that a switch combined with a socket outlet, appliance or lighting fitting is regarded as one outlet. Tender Document Page - 65 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 1.2.7 Control rheostats, heating and power appliances and electric signs may, if required, be disconnected from the circuit during the test, but in that event the insulation resistance between the case or frame work, and all live parts of each rheostat, appliance and sign, shall be not less than that specified in the relevant Indian Standard Specifications, or where there is no such Specification, shall be not less than one mega ohm. 1.3 Polarity Test of Switch 1.3.1 In a two wire installation, a test shall be made to verify that all the switches in every circuit have been fitted in the same conductor throughout, and such conductor shall be labeled or marked for connection to the phase conductor, or the non-earthed conductors of the supply. 1.3.2 In a three wire or a four wire installation, a test shall be made to verify that every non-linked single pole switch is fitted in a conductor which is labeled, or marked for connection to one of the phase conductors of the supply. 1.3.3 The installation shall be connected to the supply for testing. The terminals of all switches shall be tested by a test lamp, one lead of which is connected to the earth. Glowing of test lamp to its full brilliance, when the switch is in “on” position irrespective of appliance in position or not, shall indicate that the switch is connected to the right polarity. 1.4 Testing of Earth Continuity Path The earth continuity conductor, including metal conduits and metallic envelopes of cables in all cases, shall be tested for electric continuity. The electrical resistance of the same along with the earthing lead, but excluding any added resistance, or earth leakage circuit breaker, measured from the connection with the earth electrode to any point in the earth continuity conductor in the completed installation shall not exceed one ohm. 1.5 Measurement of Earth Electrode Resistance 1.5.1 Two auxiliary earth electrode, besides the test electrode, are placed at suitable distance from the test electrode (see figure 14). A measure current is passed between the electrode ‘A’ to be tested and an auxiliary current electrode ‘C’ and the potential difference between the electrode ‘A’ and auxiliary potential ‘B’ is measured. The resistance of the test electrode ‘A’ is then given by: R= V I Where, R V I - 1.5.2 Resistance of the test electrode in ohms, Reading of the voltmeter in volts. Reading of the ammeter in amps. (i) Stray currents following in the soil may produce serious errors in the measurement of earth resistance. To eliminate this, hand driven generator is used. (ii) If the frequency of the supply of hand driven generator coincides with the frequency of stray current, there will be wandering of instrument pointer. An increase or decrease of generator speed will cause this to disappear. 1.5.3 At the time of test, the electrode shall be separated from the earthing system. 1.5.4 The auxiliary electrodes shall be of 13 mm diameter mild steel rod driven upto 1 m into the ground. 1.5.5 All the three electrodes shall be so placed that are independent of the resistance area of each other. If the test electrode is in the form of a rode, pipe or plate, the auxiliary current electrode ‘C’ shall be placed at least 30 m away from it the auxiliary potential electrode ‘B’ shall be placed mid-way between them. Tender Document Page - 66 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 1.5.6 Unless three consecutive readings of test electrode resistance agree, the test shall be respected by increasing the distance between electrodes A and C upto 50 m, and each time placing the electrode B midway between them. 1.5.7 On these principles, “Megger Earth Tester”, containing a direct reading ohm-meter, a hand driven generator and auxiliary electrodes are manufactured for direct reading of earth resistance of electrodes. 1.6 Test Certificate On completion of an electrical installation (or an extension to an installation), a certificate shall be furnished by the contractor, countersigned by the certified supervisor under whose direct supervision the installation was carried out. This certificate shall be in the prescribed from as give in Appendix ‘E’ in addition to the test certificate required the local Electric Supply Authorities. 7. Maintenance The completed installation shall not be finally taken over till acceptance certificate is issued to the contractor. Thereafter the Defects Liability Period shall commence during which the contractor shall be liable for: i) ii) iii) The replacement of any defects that may develop in goods of his own manufacture or supplied by him; The rectification of all the defects arising out of defective workmanship of the Contractor; Bringing to the notice of the Employer any defects arising out of materials supplied by him. The Employer shall provide replacement of such material. Until the installation is finally taken over, the contractor shall have the right of entry to the premises, at his own risk and expense, for maintaining the installation in proper order. To facilitate maintenance the Contractor should clearly indicate the detailed distribution diagram on every Panel, Distribution Board and Sub-Distribution Board. 8. Position of Equipment, Panels, Boards, Conduits, Outlets and machines 8.1 The recommended positions of equipment, panels, cable trays, bus-ducts, Rising Mains, DBs, switches and sockets as shown on the layout drawings will be generally adhered to and will form the basis for the detailed layout drawings to be prepared by the Contractor for approval before fabrication/ installation at site. 8.2 Should there be any discrepancy or incomplete description, ambiguity or omission in the drawings and other documents, whether original or supplementary, forming the contract, completion or maintenance of the installation, the contractor shall immediately, on discovering the same, bring it to the attention of the Employer. 8.3 Prior to the installation these equipments, final positions shall be ascertained by the contractor with the Construction Manager at site. 8.4 The dimensions and other details of the electrical drawings shall be compared with the civil drawings at site before execution of the work. 9. Painting and Marking 9.1 All exposed steel work not actually embedded in the building construction (viz. conduits, junction boxes.) will be painted with one coat of primer and two coats of synthetic Enamel Paint in shades decided by the Construction Manager. This work will be done by the Contractor without extra charges. 9.2 All Electrical Boards and Control Panels shall be properly labeled and numbered as detailed in the Technical Specifications. Tender Document Page - 67 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 10. Coordination with Other Agencies: The contractor shall coordinate with other agencies and ensure that following provisions are made: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 11. Cut outs for risers/ pipes/ cables; Cable routes and trenches for cables and / or conduit pipes;. Proper space for Panels and Boards; Coordination for location of all accessories like pumps, valves, measurement devices, etc.; Coordination with UPS vendor for installation of UPS and batteries; Coordination with roofing vendor for location & installation of PV arrays. Interpretation of Work In the interpretation of specifications or items which are incomplete or where there are discrepancies or conflicts or where there may otherwise be dispute, the following order of decreasing importance shall prevail: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Tender Document Items as detailed in “Good For Construction” drawings; Description of items in the schedule; Additional Technical Specifications and Annexures attached to the tender; C.P.W.D specifications for electrical works amended up to date; Indian Standards specifications; Anything not covered by the above shall be as per I.E. Rules and regulations. Page - 68 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKS RELEVANT I.S. STANDARDS IS/IEC Pub 127-1 : 1988 IS/IEC 127-2 : 1989 IS/IEC 127-6 : 1994 IS 325 : 1996 IS 374 : 1979 IS 694 : 1990 IS 732 : 1989 IS/IEC 1131-2 : 1992 IS 1255 : 1983 IS 1293 : 2005 IS 2026 : Part 1 : 1977 IS 2026 : Part 2 : 1977 IS 2026 : Part 3 : 1981 IS 2026 : Part 4 : 1977 IS 2026 : Part 5 : 1994 IS 2071 : Part 1 : 1993/IEC PUB 60-1 : 1989 IS 2071 : Part II : 1974 IS 2071 : Part 3 : 1976 IS 2551 : 1982 IS 2667 : 1988 IS 2672 : 1966 IS 2705 : Part 1 : 1992 IS 2705 : Part 2 : 1992 IS 2705 : Part 3 : 1992 IS 2705 : Part 4 : 1992 IS 3043 : 1987 IS 3156 : Part 1 : 1992 IS 3156 : Part 2 : 1992 IS 3156 : Part 3 : 1992 IS 3156 : Part 4 : 1992 IS 3231 : Part 0 : 1986 IS 3419 : 1988 IS 3427 : 1997 / IEC 298 : 1990 IS 3480 : 1966 IS 3528 : 1966 IS 3553 : 1966 IS 3837 : 1976 IS 11171 : 1985 Tender Document Miniature Fuses - Part 1 : Definition for Miniature Fuses and General Requirements for Miniature Fuse Links - Specification Miniature Fuses - Part 2 : Cartridge Fuse Links – Specification Miniature Fuses - Part 6 : Fuse Holders for Miniature Cartridge Fuse Links Specification Three-phase induction motors Electric ceiling type fans and regulators PVC Insulated cables for working voltages upto and including 1100 V Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations Programmable Controllers - Part 2 : Equipment Requirements and Tests Code of practice for installation and maintenance of power cables upto and including 33 kV rating Plugs and Socket-Outlets of Rated Voltage Up to and Including 250 Volts and Rated Current Up to and Including 16 Amperes - Specification Power transformers: Part 1 General Power transformers: Part 2 Temperature-rise Power transformers: Part 3 Insulation level and dielectric tests Power transformers: Part 4 Terminal marking,tappings and connectioins Power Transformer: Part 5 Transformer/Reactor bushings minimum external clearance in air-specification High voltage testtechniques: Part 1 General definitions and test requirements Methods of High Voltage Testing - Part II : Test Procedures Methods of high voltage testing: Part 3 Measuring devices Danger notice plates Fittings for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring Code of practice for library lighting Current transformers: Part 1 General requirements Current transformers: Part 2 Measuring current transformers Current transformers: Part 3 Protective current transformers Current transformers: Part 4 Protective current transformers for special purpose applications Code of practice for earthing Voltage transformers: Part 1 General requirements Voltage transformers: Part 2 Measuring voltage transformers Voltage transformers: Part 3 Protective voltage transformers Voltage transformers: Part 4 Capacitor voltage transformers Electrical relays for power systems protection: Part 0 General introduction and list of parts Fittings for rigid non-metallic conduits A.C. Metal Enclosed Switchgear and Controlgear for Rated Voltages Above 1 kV and Up to and Including 52 kV Flexible steel conduits for electrical wiring Waterproof electric lighting fittings Specification for Watertight Electric Lighting Fittings Accessories for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring Specification for Dry-Type Power Transformers Page - 69 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document I CONDUITS, WIRING, SWITCHES AND ACCESSORIES 1. PVC CONDUITS These shall be hot extruded pipes made from virgin PVC. The pipes shall be unplasticized, rigid, free from filler material and stabilized against decay by ultra violet radiation. The pipe must afford the facility of cold bending at site. The conduit shall have a proper circular section and consistent wall thickness. The minimum size of conduit permitted for use is 20mm. All parameters shall conform to the relevant IS code. The bends shall be made by the same manufacturer, due care having been taken to ensure even wall thickness throughout. The bends shall be properly and concentrically belled for at least the same length as the pipe diameter and shall afford a close tight fit of the pipe into it. The conduit system shall be so laid out so that it will obviate the use of tees, elbows and sharp bends. PVC solvent is to be used at all joints. 2. JUNCTION/ OUTLET BOXES (for PVC conduits): Boxes used for outlets in the ceiling/ wall or as junction boxes shall be of sufficient depth and made of virgin PVC and shall be unplasticized, free from filler material and stabilized against decay by ultra violet radiation. They shall be installed and fixed to pipes by means of solvent in order to maintain solid, permanent continuity throughout. These shall be protected at the time of fixing and after wiring with appropriately sized closers so that no mortar, POP or vermin can enter inside and should have integral metallic threaded holes for fixing of cover plates suitably moulded in the form of the box. 3. SWITCH BOXES: Hot dip galvanised M.S. boxes of prescribed sizes shall be provided to house the switches, sockets, regulators, other switch modules. Every effort must be made to ensure the line and level of the switch boxes where more than one is required. Proper spacing must be maintained between boxes so that the switch plates can be accommodated with uniformity. All boxes shall have ample space at the back and on the sides for accommodating wires and checknut entries. The boxes shall be completely recessed with edges flush with final finished wall surface on all sides. 4. ERECTION: Conduits shall be laid in accordance with approved drawings so as to be both technically suitable and aesthetically pleasing. Where conduits are required to run on the surface, they shall be duly saddled and fastened to the wall/ ceiling in a neat and proper manner with not more than 1200mm spacing between saddles and additional saddles provided 300mm before a bend or outlet box. When the conduit is laid above the slab the same shall be covered with cement concrete mixture 1:3:6 using 1/4" thick stone aggregate and coarse sand. If required to run in the wall or in the floor filling, the same must be carried out so as to conceal the entire run of conduits and outlet boxes and must be held in position by iron hooks or cleats. Wherever necessary, chaises should be machine cut by the contractor to sufficient depth to allow full thickness of plaster over conduits. Width of the chaise should be made to accommodate the required number of conduits. The chaises shall be filled with cement and mortar (1:3) and properly cured by watering. If a chaise is cut in an already finished surface the contractor shall fill the chaise and finish it to match existing finish within the tendered rates. When the conduit is to be embedded in a concrete member it shall be adequately tied to the reinforcement to prevent displacement during casting. Conduits in chaises or laid above the slab, shall be held by hooks spaced at a maximum of 1200mm centre to centre with at least one hook/ saddle near the point of junction with another conduit or junction box. Suitable expansion joint fittings shall be provided at all the points where the conduit crosses any structural expansion joint in the building. Tender Document Page - 70 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document The entire conduiting system should be minimum IP 41 for internal conduiting. Proper threading of metal conduits and proper solvent joinery in case of PVC conduits should be ensured to prevent any opening for vermin or moisture. While cutting threads in metal conduits care should be taken to cut only upto required insertion length. Should any threaded portion be left exposed it should be immediately coated with enamel paint to prevent rusting. Proper tools should be used for bending and thread-cutting. While bending care should be taken to ensure that cross section of the conduit is not reduced in any way and that no sharp bends or sharp edges are created. After cutting of pipe to suitable length, round file should be used to ensure there are no sharp edges at the pipe end. In case of PVC pipes suitably sized springs supplied by the manufacturing company should be used for cold bends. Wherever the steel conduit enters a DB/ panel/ junction/ switch box, it should have properly sized checknut to hold the conduit in place. The use of flexible pipe should be restricted to connections to lighting fixtures in false ceilings only. They should have proper glands and checknuts in place to ensure the continuity of the conduit run. Where flexible pipes are used, suitable care should be taken to ensure proper cutting of pipe and that proper screwed glands are used at the points of entry to the fitting or Junction Box. The conduit shall have ample sectional area to facilitate the drawing of cable. The contractor should refer to the table given below for number of wires permitted to be drawn in a single conduit: Nominal cross sectional Area of conductor Sq.mm 19/20 Conduit size ( PVC/M.S. ) in mm 25/25 32/32 38/40 50 1.5 4 8 12 - - 2.5 3 6 10 - - 4.0 2 5 8 - - 6.0 - 4 7 - - 10.0 - 3 5 6 - 16.0 - 2 3 5 7 25.0 - - 2 3 6 35.0 - - - 2 5 Note: The above shows the maximum capacities of conduits for a simultaneous drawing in of cables. The table applies to 1100V grade PVC insulated copper conductor cables. The entire conduit system including outlets and boxes shall be thoroughly cleaned after completion of erection and before drawing of cables. 5. SWITCHES, SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES: All switches, sockets, regulators and other outlet modules shall be of modular construction with screwless plates. The current ratings for the switches and sockets shall be as specified with screwed wire terminals properly shrouded and suitably rated for the current carrying capacities indicated. Mounting heights for the switches and accessories should be strictly followed from the drawings and verified from the Architect/ Engineer-at-site before installation. All heights are to be measured from finish floor level. Only correct accessories and tools as specified by the manufacturer are to be used Switch boxes shall be installed so that when the switch plate is removed, maximum potential between any two wires should not exceed 240 Volts. Tender Document Page - 71 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document There shall be a clear colour demarcation between switched sockets for UPS and RAW power which shall be approved by the Architect/ Engineer-in-charge prior to commencement of work. Screws shall be cadmium or zinc electroplated or passivated. 6. CABLES: All cables shall be 1100V grade and shall have been manufactured in accordance with the latest I.S. specification. Only copper conductor cables in multi-stranded ply with FRLS (Fire Retardant Low Smoke) PVC insulation and of size as mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities are to be used. Strict colour coding shall be adhered to at all points of the installation. There shall be no joints made in the wires at any point other than at a switch or socket. Where necessary e.g. at the light fittings, screwed type terminal blocks with proper shrouding shall be used. 7. POINT WIRING: The point will be complete with conduit including conduit accessories, circuit and loop wires including earth wiring, all necessary junction boxes, outlet boxes and switch boxes, connectors or ceiling roses, switches, switch plates and flush plates including necessary earthing and all connections and terminations. The installation generally will be carried out in conformity with the Indian Electricity Act and IS specification. In all cases wiring is to be drawn within the conduits laid as specified above. No bare wires are to be carried to any point. PVC bushes are to be used while drawing the wires through the conduit system and care is to be taken that the integrity of the insulation is maintained. Loop system will be adopted (only in the outlet boxes for neutral wire and in the switch box for live wires) throughout. There shall be no joints made in the wire run. Connections are to be made using bakelite connectors with screwed terminals of appropriate current rating at each point and on switch terminals at each switch/ socket box. Each circuit will have independent neutral wire and will be complete up to outlet box and switch box. Wiring for light, fan and 6A convenience outlet will be as above. The size of wire shall not be less than 1.5sq.mm or as specified against each item. The 6A socket outlet points shall be complete with circuit wiring, 3/5 pin 6A socket and cover plate on a galvanised M.S. box with the controlling switch as required and the third pin shall be earthed as specified with copper earth wire. The fan point shall have a provision in the switch box for mounting electronic stepped regulators, unless directed otherwise. Wiring for 16A convenience outlet shall be as above. The size of wire shall not be less than 4sq.mm or as specified against each item. Each circuit shall have one or two outlets or as mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities and each point shall be earthed with at least 2.5sq.mm copper earth wire or as specified against each item. The point shall be considered complete with circuit wiring, 3/6 pin 6/16A socket, switch and cover plate mounted on a galvanised MS box with the third pin earthed as specified. Colour coding is to be strictly followed at levels of distribution. Red, Yellow and Blue colours are to used to carry phase currents only and black is to be used for Neutral only. Green or Yellow-Green is to be used for earth conductor only. Segregation of phases is to be maintained at all levels downstream from the last Distribution Board. At no switchbox, junction box or outlet box are wires of different phases to be carried or terminated, i.e. potential between any two wires in switchbox, junction box or outlet box is not to exceed 220V. Separate and independent conduits will be used for each of the following systems: a) b) Lighting system; Power system; Tender Document Page - 72 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document c) d) Voice/ Data Network; MATV system. In the case of conduits for Computer/ Data networks, a minimum clear parallel space of 25mm shall be maintained from any path of AC conductors if the AC conductors are placed in metallic conduits. If the AC conductors are not armoured, shielded or otherwise provided with a conductive sheath, the minimum parallel distance to be maintained shall be 100 mm. II MAINS AND SUBMAINS: Mains and sub-mains shall consist of wires, cables and conduits, bends, junction boxes, rubber bushes, check-nuts etc. and installation and termination as specified before. The sizes and capacities of conduits and wires shall be as stated in the Schedule of Quantities and will commence from the main switches to the various Distribution Boards. Wires shall be drawn in concealed or surface conduits as required without being damaged. For this purpose draw boxes shall be located at convenient but not in conspicuous places. Every main and submain will run in an independent conduit. Necessary provisions of wire lengths entering and emerging from the conduit must be made for connections. Colour code for phases and neutral are to be followed i.e. only RED, YELLOW, BLUE colours for phase wires, BLACK colour for neutral wires and GREEN colour for earth wires are to be used. Per metre rate for submains shall include all conduiting, wiring and associated accessories, connections, labour etc. as specified above. III CABLE WORK: 1. STORAGE AND HANDLING: Cable drums shall be stored on a well drained, hard surface, preferably concrete, so that the drums do not sink into the ground causing rot and damage to the cable drum. During storage, periodical rolling of drums once in 3 months through 90 shall be done specially in the case of paper insulated cables. Rolling shall be done in the direction of the arrow marked on the drum. It should be ensured that both ends of the cables are properly sealed to prevent ingress/ absorption of moisture by the insulation. Protection from rain and sun is preferable. Sufficient ventilation between cable drums should be ensured during storage. The drums shall always be rested on flanges and not on flat sides. While removing cables the drums shall be properly mounted on jacks or on a cable wheel or any other suitable means making sure the spindle, jack, etc. is strong enough to take the weight of the drum. The cables shall not be sharply bent within a small radius. The minimum safe bending radius for all types of steel armoured, PVC sheathed cables shall be taken as 12 times the overall diameter of the cable. Wherever practicable, larger radius should be adopted. At joints and terminations, the bending radius of individual cores of multicore cables shall not be less than 15times its overall diameter. Cables with kinks and straightened kinks or with similar apparent defects like defective armouring etc. shall not be installed. 2. INSTALLATION: The cable installation including necessary joints shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications given. For details not covered in the specification, IS 1255-1967 shall be followed. Before the cable laying is undertaken, the route of the cable shall be decided by the Engineer-incharge. While shortest practical route should be preferred, cable runs shall generally follow fixed developments such as roads, foot-paths, etc. Cables of different voltages and also power and control cables should be kept in different trenches with adequate separation. Where available space is restricted, LV/ MV cables shall be laid above HV cables. Where cables cross one another, the cable of higher voltage shall be laid at a lower level than the cable of lower voltage. 3. LAYING DIRECT IN GROUND: a) Tender Document Width of Trench: shall be first determined on the following basis: i. The minimum width of trench for laying single cable shall be 35cm. Page - 73 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document ii. iii. Where more than one cable is to be laid in the same trench in horizontal formation, the width of trench shall be increased such that the inter-axial spacing between the cables, except where otherwise specified, shall be at least 200mm. There shall be a clearance of at least 150mm between axis of the end cables and the sides of the trench. b) Depth of Trench: shall be determined on the following basis: i. Where cables are laid in single tier formation, the total depth of trench shall not be less than 600mm for cables up to 1.1 KV and 750mm for cables above 1.1KV. ii. When more than one tier of cables is unavoidable and vertical formation of laying is adopted, depth of trench in (b i) above shall be increased by 30cm for each additional tier to be formed. c) Excavation of Trenches: The trenches shall be excavated in reasonably straight lines. Wherever there is a change in direction, suitable curvature shall be provided. Where gradients and change in depth is unavoidable, these shall be gradual. Excavation should be done by any suitable means - manual or mechanical. The excavated soil shall be stacked firmly by the side of trench such that it may not fall back into the trench. Existing property exposed during trenching shall be temporarily supported or propped adequately as directed by the engineer-in-charge. The trenching in such cases shall be done in short lengths, necessary pipe laid for passing cables therein and the trench refilled. If there is any danger of a trench collapsing or endangering adjacent structures, the sides should be well shored up with timbering and/ or sheeting as the excavation proceeds. Where necessary, these may even be left in places when back filling the trench. The bottom of the trench shall be level and free from stones, bricks, etc. The trench shall then be provided with layer of clean, dry sand cushion of not less than 100mm in depth. 4. LAYING OF CABLE IN TRENCH: The cable drum shall be properly mounted on jacks or on cable wheel at a suitable location, making sure that the spindle, jack etc. are strong enough to carry the weight of the drum without damage & that spindle is horizontal and on bearings so as to prevent the drum creeping to one side while rotating. The cable shall be pulled over rollers in the trench steadily and uniformly without jerks and strains. The entire cable length shall as far as possible be payed off in one stretch. However where this is not possible the remainder of the cable may be removed by ‘Flaking’ i.e. by making one long loop in the reverse direction. For short runs and sizes up to 50sq.mm of cables up to 1.1 Kv grade, any other suitable method of direct handling and laying can be adopted with the prior approval of the engineerin-charge. When the cable has been properly straightened, the cores are tested for continuity and insulation resistance and the cable is then measured. The ends of all PVC/ XLPE cables shall be sealed with suitable moisture-proofing tape. Cables laid in trenches in a single tier formation shall have a covering of clean, dry sand of not less than 100mm above the base cushion of sand before protective cover is laid. In case of vertical multi-tier formation after the first cable has been laid a sand cushion of 150mm shall be provided over the initial bed before the second tier is laid. If additional tiers are formed, each of the subsequent tiers also shall have a sand cushion 150mm as stated above. The top most cable shall have a final sand covering not less than 100mm before protective cover is laid. The depth of the top most cable shall not be less than 600mm. At the time of original installation, approximately 3m of surplus cable shall be provided on each side of cable at the termination and at entries and places as may be decided by the Engineer-in-charge. The surplus cable shall be left in the form of a loop. Where there are long runs of cable, loose cables may be left at suitable intervals as specified by the Engineer-in-charge. Unless otherwise specified, the cables shall be protected by second class bricks of not less than 20cm x 10cm x 10cm (nominal size) as per CPWD building specifications or protection covers placed Tender Document Page - 74 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document on top of the sand (bricks to be laid breadthwise, on edge) for the full length of the cable to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Where more than one cable is to be laid in the same trench, this protective covering shall cover all the cables and project at least 5cm over the side of the end cables. 5. BACK FILLING: The trenches shall then be back filled with excavated earth free from stones or other sharp edged debris and shall be rammed and watered if necessary, in successive layers not exceeding 30cm. Unless otherwise specified a crown of earth not less than 50mm in the center and tapering towards the sides of the trench shall be left to allow for subsidence. The crown of earth however should not exceed 10cms so as to be hazard to vehicular traffic. The temporary reinstatement of roadways should be inspected at regular intervals, particularly during the wet weather and any settlement should be made good by further fillings as may be required. After the subsidence has ceased, trenches cut through roadways of other paved areas shall be restored to the same density and materials as the surrounding area and repaired in accordance with the relevant CPWD building specifications to the satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge. Where roads or lawns have been cut or curb stones displaced, the same shall be repaired and made good in all respects (except turning/ asphalting) to the satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge and all surplus earth or rock removed to designated garbage/ debris areas at site. 6. ROUTE MARKERS: Route markers shall be provided along straight runs of the cables at locations approved by the engineer-in-charge and generally at intervals not exceeding 100m. Markers shall also be provided to identify the change in direction of the cable routes and also for location of every underground joint. 7. LAYING IN PIPES/ CLOSED DUCTS: At locations such as road crossings, entry to buildings, for poles in paved area, etc. cables shall be laid in pipes or closed ducts. Stoneware pipes, G.I, C.I, spun reinforced concrete pipes or flexible double walled corrugated HDPE pipes shall be used for such purposes. Pipes shall be continuous and clear of debris or concrete before a cable is drawn. Sharp edges at ends shall be smoothened to prevent any injury to cable insulation or sheathing. Pipes for cable entries to the building shall slope downwards from the building and shall be suitably sealed to prevent entry of water inside the building. Further the mouth of the pipes at the building end shall be suitably sealed to avoid entry of water. Cable grips/ draw wires and winches etc. may be employed for drawing cables through pipes/closed ducts etc. 8. LAYING ON SURFACE: The cables may be laid through in trough or brackets at regular intervals or directly cleated to wall/ ceiling. When laid over bracket supports the cables shall be clamped to prevent undue sag. Cable clamps shall be made from materials such as mild steel, aluminium etc. In case of single core cables the clamps shall be of non-magnetic materials. A suitable non-corrosive packaging shall be used for clamping unarmoured cables to prevent damage to the cable sheath. Wherever more than one cable is laid/ run side by side, marker tags as approved inscribed with cable identification details shall be permanently attached to all the cables in the manholes/ pull pits/ joint pits/ entry points in buildings/ open ducts etc. These shall also be attached to various cables laid direct in ground at suitable intervals as decided by the Engineer-in-charge before the trenches are filled up. Jointing work shall be carried out only by licensed/ experienced cable jointer. Sufficient ventilation shall be provided during jointing operation in order to disperse fumes given out by fluxing. Jointing materials and accessories like conductor ferrules, solder flux and protective tapes, filling compound, jointing boxes etc. of right quality and correct sizes conforming to relevant Indian standards, wherever they exist shall be used. Tender Document Page - 75 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document The design of the joint box and the composition of the filling compound shall be such as to provide an effective sealing against entry of moisture in addition to affording proper electrical characteristic to joints. Where special type of splicing connector kits or epoxy resin spliced joints are specified, materials approved for such application shall be used and instruction of the manufacturer/ supplier of such materials shall be strictly followed. Insulation resistance of cables to be jointed shall be measured with 500V meggar up to 1.1kV grade and with 2500/ 5000V meggar for cables of higher voltage. Unless the insulation resistance values are satisfactory, jointing shall not be done. Whenever Aluminium conductor is exposed to outside atmosphere a highly tenacious oxide film is formed which makes soldering of aluminium conductor difficult. This oxide film should be removed using appropriate type of flux. The clamps for the armoured shall be clean and tight. IV DISTRIBUTION BOARDS Distribution boards shall comprise of set of insulated, tiered 100A rating insulated copper bus bars, neutral links, earth terminals, DIN rail mounted MCBs and ELCBs mounted in three tiers phase wise as detailed in the Schedule of Quantities. These shall be housed in a hinged double door sheet metal box of adequate dimensions made by the approved MCB manufacturer and according to the IP classification mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities. Suitable locking arrangements shall be made if required. The bus bar shall be such that the circuits can be isolated easily. Suitable arrangements should be made to maintain separate neutral circuit wires for proper DP ELCB operation. The rating and breaking capacity of the MCBs and ELCBs shall be as detailed in the Schedule of Quantities. Each circuit shall have an independent neutral wire and the circuit wire and MCB shall be appropriately numbered and marked so that proper identification of circuits is possible. Sample of the complete distribution board shall be approved before installing. The rate per item will include all the above mentioned material and labour as required. Measurements will be in numbers of complete sets as described in the Schedule of Quantities. V SWITCH BOARDS SHEET STEEL CUBICLE PATTERN 1. CONSTRUCTION: Switch boards shall be cubicle, indoor, floor/ wall mounting, free standing type fabricated from CRCA sheet. They shall be rated for 415/500 Volts 3 phase 4 wire 50Hz system and have insulation voltage of at least 2500Volts for 60seconds. Panels shall be fabricated using minimum 2mm thick CRCA sheet that has been pre-treated by degreasing, pickling, phosphating and passivation. Gaskets shall be used between all adjacent units and beneath all covers to render the joints effectively dust proof. The design shall be totally enclosed, completely dust and vermin proof conforming to IP 42 class of construction. All modules shall have a covering at the bottom so that entry to dust, rats and vermin is not possible. The switchboards shall be easily extendible. The arrangement shall be logical, compact and neat. The switchboard shall have a uniform height throughout its length. A base channel of 50mm x 25mm fabricated out of 3mm thick hot rolled sheet steel painted black shall be provided to prevent corrosion of the sheet steel cubicle and facilitate cleaning of floors. 2. FEEDER ARRANGEMENTS: Unless specifically stated, the switchboard shall be of single front construction, i.e. it should have all operations and connection from the front of the panel, and equipment shall be mounted on the front only. The rating of switches, fuses, contactors etc. shall be as specified. If specified rating is not available, next higher rating should be used in consultation with the Architect/ Consultant. Outgoing feeders shall be neatly arranged in different compartments. Normally equipment for individual feeders shall be accommodated in separate modules. The framework shall house the switches, switch fuse units, starters and contactors, MCBs and MCCBs etc. in multi-tier formation. The equipment shall be mounted independent of the backplate and not on the rear surface of the housing. Each module shall be fitted with individual doors and concealed hinges. All doors shall be held securely against sponge rubber gaskets to make the equipment dust tight. All hinged doors shall be provided with insulated Tender Document Page - 76 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document half-turn, flush mounted, steel knobs. The compartment doors shall be so interlocked that it shall not be possible to open the door when the switch is in closed (ON) position. 3. BUS BARS: Tinned copper bus bars are to be used for current ratings up to 400A and for ratings above 400A, electrolytic grade aluminium bus bars may be used. The rating of the three phase (and neutral) bus bars shall be as specified in the schedule of quantities and drawings and shall not be less than the total incoming switches current rating. They shall be housed in separate bus bar chambers, rated for a temperature rise of 30C over the ambient temperature specified based on insulated conductor rating (I.S: 8084-1976). Neutral bars may be of one half the size of phase bars. An earth bus of size approximately 50% of the phase bus bar shall be provided and shall be carried to some point external to the panel. Bus bars shall be supported on unbreakable non-hygroscopic SMC/ DMC moulded supports with antitracking barriers rigidly held to the framework of the chamber. The bus bars shall be suitably insulated with colour coded heat shrinkable PVC sleeves. Bus bar chamber shall have a separate screwed cover with clear markings to identify the voltage and current rating of the bus bars. 4. CABLE COMPARTMENT: A cable compartment running along the vertical module shall be provided for easy termination of all incoming and outgoing cables entering either from top or bottom. Adequate supports shall be provided for the cables where necessary. The cable compartment shall have its own screwed removable gland plate cover, preferably at top and bottom, for easy access during cabling. 5. CONTROL WIRING: All control wiring shall be carried out through the common vertical compartment. In case wires are required to cross the busbar chamber, such crossings shall be carried out in neat bunches tied together. Power connections of the feeders shall be done by aluminium or copper flats of adequate sizes. Control wiring shall be done using PVC insulated multi-stranded copper wires of minimum 1.5sq.mm nominal cross sectional area. All control wiring shall be fitted with identification ferrules at each end. Not more than two connections shall be made at any one terminal. The wires shall be arranged and supported in such a manner that there shall be no strain on the terminations. The terminations shall be of adequate current rating and size to suit individual feeder arrangements. Power terminals shall be pressure clamp type suitable for copper/ aluminium wires. For connection above 63A, 35sq.mm cable lugs shall be used. These cable lugs shall be mounted in such a manner as to facilitate cable connections. 6. CABLE ENTRY: Cubicles shall be designed to facilitate steel strip armoured, PVC sheathed copper or aluminium conductor cable entry from top or bottom as the case may be. Removable sheet steel plates shall be fitted at the top and bottom to punch holes for cable entry at site. 7. PAINTING: All steel work shall be painted in pre-approved shade as required after proper mechanical and chemical cleaning by degreasing, pickling, phosphating and passivation has been done. Painting should preferably be carried out using powder coating technique. Tender Document Page - 77 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document VI SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT 1. AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS (ACBs) Air Circuit Breakers shall be horizontal draw out type fully interlocked and meeting the requirements of IS:2516. Breakers shall be rated for medium voltage of 600V and rated full load current as indicated on drawings. Breakers shall be capable of breaking system short circuits specified and earth faults where required and be provided with facilities for electrical and/ or mechanical interlocking. Breakers shall be, unless specified otherwise, spring-charged, motor operated, complete with facility for manual spring charging and manual closing arrangement, isolating plug and safety shutters, mechanical ON/OFF indicator, silver plated arching and main contacts, arc chutes and trip free operation. Breakers shall be capable of being racked into "Service", "Test" and “Isolated" positions and kept locked in any position with mechanical indication of position. Unless otherwise stated A.C.B.s shall be four pole with neutral making contact first and breaking contact last. If neutral contactors are used they must follow the same system. 2. MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCCBs) MCCBs shall have rotary operating handle (unless otherwise specifically mentioned) suitably fitted to operate the switching mechanism, contact system, arc extinguishing device and the tripping unit contained in a compact, robust, heat resistant, flame retardant, insulating moulded case with high withstand capability against thermal and mechanical stresses. Switching mechanism shall be of Quick-Make Quick Break type and the trip command shall over ride all other command. The trip position of the operating handel should have separate and distinct position from either ON or OFF positions. MCCB shall employ maintenance free contact system to minimise the let through energies while handling abnormal currents. 3. MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCBs) Miniature circuit breakers shall be quick make and break type and shall conform to relevant Indian Standards. The housing shall be heat resistant and having a high impact strength. The fault current shall not be less than 10kA at 230V. MCB shall be flush mounted and shall be provided with trip free manual operating lever and “ON” and “OFF” indications. The contacts shall be provided to quench the arc immediately. MCB shall be provided with magnetic and thermal releases for over current and short current protection. The overload or short-circuit device shall have a common trip bar for DP, TP and TPN modules. 4. EARTH LEAKAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER - CURRENT OPERATED (ELCBs) System of Operation Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) shall work on the principle of core balance transformer. The incoming wires shall pass through the torroidal core transformer. As long as the currents in the phase and neutral wires are the same no electromotive force shall be generated in the secondary winding of the transformer. In the event of a leakage to earth, if the earth leakage current exceeds a predetermined critical value, an unbalance is created which cause a current to be generated in the secondary winding which should trip the circuit. Mechanical Operation The moving contacts of the phase and neutral conductors shall be mounted on a common bridge actuated by a rugged toggle mechanism to ensure the closing and opening of the phase and neutral contacts simultaneously. This also shall ensure simultaneous opening of all the contacts under automatic tripping conditions. Tender Document Page - 78 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Neutral Advance Feature The neutral moving contact shall be so mounted on the common bridge so that at the time of closing the neutral shall make contact before the phases. At the time of opening the neutral shall break last after allowing the phases to open first. Testing Provision A test device shall be incorporated to check the integrity of the earth leakage detection system and the tripping mechanism. Pressing the “Test” knob shall cause the ELCB to trip and the operating handle shall move to the “OFF” position. 5. SWITCH FUSE UNITS (SFUs) Switch fuse units shall have quick-make, quick break contacts with double break operating mechanism suitable for rotary operation and door interlock facility in the case of cubicle mounting. Incoming and outgoing terminals shall be properly sized to receive corresponding size of copper or aluminium conductor cable. All switches shall be rated according to the equipment schedule or drawings and shall withstand the system prospective fault current. All Switch Fuse Units shall be heavy duty type conforming to IS:4047. Fuses shall be HRC cartridge type conforming to IS: 9224-1991 with a breaking capacity to system fault level. Fuses shall be link type with visible indication to show fuse status. Unless otherwise stated, SFUs shall be three pole and neutral. 6. INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS, METERS AND RELAYS Digital Multi-function, multi-parameter meter shall have LCD configurable display and of standard 96 x 96mm size. They shall be fully type-tested to conform to IEC-687 or IEC-1036/ IS 13779 for 0.5 and 1.0 Class of Accuracy respectively as required in the Schedule. They should have user-friendly facility to program various parameters like CT and PT ratios, configuration of display, etc on site. Meters should not need any auxiliary power supply unit, but should have a built-in Real Time Clock and nonvolatile memory for storage of various parameters for a period of at least seven days. There should be a provision for testing of calibration of the meter at site. It should be able to monitor and record at least the following parameters: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Voltages Current Power Factor Frequency KiloWatt Hours Maximum Demand - Phase to phase and phase to neutral Individual phase currents Analog Ammeters and Voltmeters shall have moving iron spring controlled dead beat elements in square bezel flush type cases 96mm in size and suitable for switch board mounting with external provision for zero adjustment. Meters shall conform to BS:89 and have grade ‘A’ accuracy. Scale ranges shall meet with the requirements or as indicated on the drawings or in the schedule of quantities. Cassette type modular metering devices shall be provided where stipulated in the Schedule of Quantities. In the case of digital metering, the installation shall comply with the following relevant standards: BS, IS and CBIP. All such devices shall be CE and IEC compliant. VII. EARTHING: Earthing shall conform to the following specifications. For other details not covered in this specification, relevant Indian standards shall be referred to. Tender Document Page - 79 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 1. Types of Earth Electrodes: (a) (b) Pipe Earth Electrode: G.I pipe shall be of medium class, 40mm dia and 4.5m in length. Galvanising of the pipe shall conform to relevant Indian standards. G.I pipe electrodes shall be cut tapered at the bottom and provided with holes of 12mm dia drilled not less than 7.5cm from each other up to 2m of length from the bottom. The electrode shall be buried in the ground vertically with its top not less than 20cm below ground level. Plate Earth Electrode : For plate electrode minimum dimensions of the electrodes shall be as under: i. ii. GI plate electrode- 60 cm x 60 cm x 6 mm thick. Copper plate electrode- 60 cm x 60 cm x 3mm thick. The electrode shall be buried in the ground with its faces vertical and the top not less than 3 m below ground level. 2. METHOD OF INSTALLING WATERING ARRANGEMENT: In the case of plate electrode, a watering pipe of 20 mm dia of medium class G.I pipe shall be provided and attached to the electrode. A funnel with mesh shall be provided on the top of this pipe for watering the earth. In case of pipe electrode a 40mm x 20mm reducer shall be used for fixing the funnel. The watering funnel attachment shall be housed in a masonry enclosure of not less than 30cm x 30cm x 30cm. A cast iron/M.S frame with cover and locking arrangement shall be suitably embedded in the masonry enclosure. 3. LOCATION OF EARTH ELECTRODE: Normally an earth electrode shall not be situated less than 1.5m from any building. Care shall be taken that the excavations for earth electrode shall not effect the column footings or foundations of the building. In such cases the electrodes shall be situated farther away from the building. The location of the earth electrode shall be where the soil has reasonable chance of remaining moist, as far as possible. Entrances, pavements and roadways, are definitely to be avoided for locating the earth electrode. 4. METHOD OF CONNECTING EARTHING LEAD TO EARTH ELECTRODE: In the case of plate earth electrode the earthing lead shall be securely bolted to the plate with two bolts, nuts, checknuts and washers. In the case of pipe earth electrode, it shall be connected by means of a through bolt, nuts, washers and cable socket. All materials used for connecting the earth lead with electrode shall be G.I in case of G.I pipe or G.I plate earth electrode and of tinned brass in case of copper plate electrode. The earthing lead shall be securely connected at the other end to the main board. Loop earthing shall be provided for all mountings of main board and other metal clad switches and distribution fuse boards with not less than 14 SWG copper or 12 SWG G.I conductor. The earthing lead from electrode onwards shall be suitably protected from mechanical damage by a 15mm dia G.I pipe in case of wire and by 40mm dia medium G.I pipe in case of strip. Portions of this protection pipe within ground shall be buried at least 30 cm deep (to be increased to 50cm in case of road crossing and pavement). The portion within the building shall be recessed in walls and floors to adequate depth. In all cases the relevant provisions of rules 33, 61 and 67 of Indian Electricity rules1956 as amended shall be complied with. Metallic covers or supports of all medium pressure or H.T. apparatus or conductors shall in all cases be connected to not less than two separate and distinct earth electrodes. Tender Document Page - 80 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document No earth electrode shall have a greater ohm resistance than five ohms as measured by an approved earth testing apparatus. In rocky soil the resistance may be up to eight ohms. VIII. VOICE AND DATA WIRING SYSTEM: 1. CONDUITING: The specification for materials & installation shall be same as described in electrical section. All relevant clauses are applicable for telecom system as well. Where the conduits for data/ telephone system and electrical power are running parallel to each other, a minimum distance of 100mm shall be maintained between the two. Wherever data/ telephone conduits cross power conduits, they shall be at right angles to each other. The size of conduit shall depend upon number of wires to be drawn. However minimum size of conduits shall be 25mm. When laying conduits for data/ voice networs care should be taken to ensure that maximum number of cables to be drawn in a single conduit shall be limited as given below: Conduit Size 25mm dia 32mm dia 40mm dia Number of Cat 5/ 5e Cables Upto 5 cables 5 – 8 cables 9 – 13 cables Number of Cat 6 cables Upto 4 cables 4 – 7 cables 8 – 12 cables Cabling for Voice/ Data Network shall be carried out by specialized vendor including the supply and termination of data outlet points. All coordination activity shall be carried out by the electrical contractor as per the Structured Cabling System Integrator’s instructions. Where required for other services, wiring for data system shall be carried out using 4 pair CAT 5 cable. All data cables inside the building shall be unarmoured. 2. BOXES & VOICE/ DATA OUTLETS: All concealed boxes shall be of G.I. as described in the electrical wiring section & shall match with Structured cabling vendor’s standards. The boxes shall be suitable for recess mounting having opening for cable/ conduit entry. 3. RACEWAYS AND FLOOR JUNCTION BOXES: Raceways installed on/ in the floor shall be of two types: (i) Completely enclosed sheet metal raceways: fabricated from 1.6mm thick MS sheets duly chemically cleaned and painted and machine bent into the desired “C” form with perfect perpendicular sides of dimensions as mentioned in the BOQ. The top of the raceway shall have at least 7mm overlap flange provided on both sides for fixing of the cover with threaded holes of suitable size at a maximum distance of 500mm centre-to-centre. There shall be no sharp edges or welding burrs anywhere in the lengths or at the edges of the sections. Cover for the raceway shall be fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheet duly chemically cleaned and painted with suitably sized counter-sunk holes at pre-determined distances to match the Raceway top flange. Flat head machine screws only are to be used to fix the covers to the raceway. The floor junction boxes shall be fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheet duly chemically cleaned and painted with sturdy pillars at all four corners with threaded holes to receive the cover. The cover of the junction boxes shall be fabricated from 2mm thick SS304. They shall have no sharp edges and shall be sized so as to have an overlap of at least 10 mm over the junction box. They shall have suitably sized counter-sunk holes located to match the junction box below. Tender Document Page - 81 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document All screws used for fixing and connecting shall have blunt edges and all internal surfaces of raceways, junction boxes and all covers shall be free of sharp edges, steel filings or welding burrs. The complete system will have to be cleaned before handing over. (ii) Pre-galvanised wire mesh raceways factory fitted with intermediate supports of suitably sized solid circular GI wires welded together without burrs or sharp edges and erected to form a composite system for continuous distribution of wires and cables as per manufacturers specifications. IX. CONDUITING CABLING & WIRING FOR TV 1. CONDUITING: The specification for materials & installation shall be same as described in electrical section. All relevant clauses are applicable for MATV and CCTV systems as well. Where the conduits for TV system and electrical power are running parallel to each other, a minimum distance of 100mm shall be maintained between the two. Wherever TV conduits cross power conduits, they shall be at right angles to each other. The wiring for TV system shall be carried out with 75ohm co-axial cable. The co-axial cable shall be terminated at the tap-off/ splitter unit with proper coaxial termination kit with minimum attenuation and at least 300mm extra wire be left at each outlet box and at the junction box. The ageing co-axial cable shall comply with DIN47252 part-2 i.e, max. 5% increase in attenuation at 200MHz measured by artificial ageing (14 day at 800 C) co-axial cable shall be wide band type with operation capability upto 500MHZ. RG-11 cable shall be constructed from 14AWG copper coated from polyethylene, nom. Dia 0.280., foil 0.003 at type braid-34 AWG 6 and Al 60% coverage dia 0.314 Black PVC flame retardant dia over jacket 0.405 = 0.010min spot 0.032. RG-6 of 18 AWG copper coated, steel 18% conductivity foam polyethylene, nom Dia 0.180 foil –0.003 AL Tape braid –34 AWG4 end Al 60% coverage dia 0.212 Black PVC flame retardant dia over jacket 0.272+0.008min spot 0.023. 2. ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES RG-11 dielectric strength of conductor to shield 4500 VDC. Capacitence of 16.2 PF/FT nom. Impedence of 75.0+3.0 ohms and attenuation as mentioned below 5MHz 50 MHz 100 MHz 200 MHz 300 MHz 450 MHz 1000 MHz - 0.35DB 0.94DB 1.28DB 1.78DB 2.20DB 2.75DB 4.3DB RG-6 conductor should have nominal impedance 75.0±3.0 ohms and attenuation as mentioned below 5MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 100 MHz 450 MHz 550 MHz 1000 MHz Tender Document - 0.65DB 0.76DB 0.96DB 1.98DB 4.21DB 4.80DB 6.49DB Page - 82 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3. COUPLERS These shall match or exceeds the following specifications: Splitter: Frequency range – 5 to 900MHz Splitter 3.5 db 8 db Splitter (2 way) Splitter (4 way) Isolation 25db 25db Return loss 18db 16db Tap off: Frequency range - 5 to 900 MHz One way Two way Four way Tap loss Return loss 12 db 12 db 12 db 16 db 14 db 12 db Insertion loss (550MHz to 900MHz) 2 db 2 db 6 db Attenuator 47 to 862 MHz, 0-20 db continuously varying (adjustable) attenuation. Amplifier Hybrid with reverse path capability Frequency Range (Forward) 45-860 MHz Maximum Gain 28db Input output return loss 16db nominal Reverse frequency range 5-30 MHz Reverse gain 14db Input-output impedance 75 Ohms Noise figure 7db Tender Document Page - 83 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUB-STATION 1.0 CODE & STANDARDS: 1.1. All equipment and material shall be designed manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest applicable Indian Standard/ IEC standard. 1.2. Equipment and material confirming to any other standard which ensures equal or better quality may be accepted. In such case copies of English version of the standard adopted shall be submitted. 1.3. The electrical installation shall met the requirement of Indian Electricity Rules as amended upto date relevant IS code of practice and Indian electricity act. 1.4. The Packaged Sub-station offered shall in general comply with the latest issues including amendments of the following standards but not restricted to it. Title High Voltage Low Voltage Pre-Fabricated Substation 11 kV, 22 kV Switchgear cubicles Ring main unit 11 kv grade Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of Switchgear Distribution Transformer Indian Electricity Rules Indian Electricity Act Indian & IEC Standards IEC:62271-202 IS:13118, IS:3427, IEC:60694. IEC:60298 IS:9920, IEC:60265 IS:10118 IS: 2026 or IS:11171 1956 1910 2.0 DESIGN CRITERIA 2.1 Packaged Sub-station shall consist of 11kV SF6 Insulated unitized switchgear with SF6 Circuit Breaker as protection to transformer + Transformer + L.T. Switchgear with all connection accessories, fitting & auxiliary equipment in a pre-fabricated Enclosure to supply Low-voltage energy from high-voltage system as detailed in this specification. The complete unit shall be installed on a substation plinth (base) as Outdoor substation. 11kV SF6 Circuit Breaker shall be used to control and isolate the 11kV/ 415V Distribution transformer. The transformer’s L.T. side shall be connected to L.T. switchgear by means of Aluminum busbar. The connection cables to consumer shall be taken out from the L.T. switchgear. 2.2 The pre-fabricated Packaged substation shall be designed for a) b) c) d) Compactness, Fast installation, Maintenance free operation, Safety for worker/ operator & public. 2.3 The Switchgear and component thereof shall be capable of withstanding the mechanical and thermal stresses of short circuit listed in ratings and requirements clause without any damage or deterioration of the materials. 2.4 For continues operation at specified ratings temperature rise of the various switchgear components shall be limited to permissible values stipulated in the relevant standard and/ or this specification. 2.5 Service Conditions: The equipment offered shall be suitable for continuous satisfactory operation in tropical area of Installation. The Enclosure consisting of High Voltage switchgear-control gear, Low Voltage switchgear-control gear & Transformer of the Packaged substation shall be designed to be used under normal outdoor Tender Document Page - 84 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document service condition. The enclosure should take minimum space for the installation including the space required for approaching various doors & equipment inside. The enclosure construction shall be such that it fully protects ingress of rain water, dust & rusting. 3.0 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT The main components of a prefabricated-Packaged substation are Transformer, High-voltage switchgear-control gear, Low-voltage switchgear-control gear, corresponding interconnections (cable, busbars) & auxiliary equipment. The components shall be enclosed, by either common enclosure or by an assembly of enclosure. All the components shall comply with their relevant IS/ IEC standards. 3.1.1 Ratings: Description Rated Voltage/ Operating Voltage Rated frequency & Number of phases Unit kV rms Hz & nos. Value 11 50 & 3 Rated power of substation Rated Ingress protection class of Enclosure kVA IP: 200kVA IP: 54 for LT Switchgear & HT Switchgear compartments and IP-23 for Transformer compartment. HV Network & Busbar HT VCB One incoming cum outgoing Rated current Amp 630A for 11kV Rated short time withstand current kA rms/ 3secs 21 for 11 kV LV Network LV Incomer: Incomer 415V, 4P, 630A MCCB with 50kA 800A aluminum bus bars. 3.2 OUTDOOR ENCLOSURE: 3.2.1 The enclosure shall be made of 2.0 mm thickness Galvanized Sheet Steel tropicalised to meet Indian weather conditions including all the partition sheets & doors. 3.2.2 The base of the enclosure shall be of 4.0 mm thickness Hot Dip Galvanized Sheet Steel to ensure rigidity for easy transport & installation. The entire Package Substation shall be Factory Assemble & Factory Fitted. 3.2.3 The structure of the substation shall be capable of supporting the gross weight of all the equipment & the roof of the substation compartment shall be designed to support adequate loads. Incase of relocation of the Package Substation, the entire substation should be capable of getting lifted and placed as a Single Unit without dismantling of any of the major equipments inside. 3.2.4 There shall be proper/ adequate ventilation inside the enclosure so that hot air inside enclosure are directed out by help of duct. Louvers apertures shall be provided so that there is circulation of natural air inside the enclosure. The Package Substation should be designed & engineering to have natural cooling & ventilation instead of forced cooling/ ventilation as the same would derate the Transformer further and shall be an additional load on the Transformer. 3.2.5 The complete design shall be compartmentalized. 3.2.6 Public Nuisance Protection: There shall be preferably no bolting arrangement on the doors and sides (periphery) so that there is no access of water, dust inside. This also ensures that the unit is well protected from outside from public nuisance owing to its being located in a crowded and compact places. 3.2.7 Interconnection: The connection of HT switchgear to Transformer shall be with the help of suitable size of cables from Transformer to LT switchgear with the help of suitable size of Aluminum busbars. Tender Document Page - 85 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3.2.8 Internal Fault: Failure within the Packaged substation due either to a defect, an exceptional service condition or mal-operation may initiate an internal arc. Such an event may lead to the risk of injury, if persons are present. It is desirable that the unit shall be tested for Internal Arc fault test to the tune of atleast 16KA for 1 second adhering to as per latest IEC 61330. 3.2.9 Covers & Doors: Covers & doors are part of the enclosure. When they are closed, they shall provide the degree of protection specified for the enclosure. All covers, doors or roof shall be provided with locking facility or it shall not be possible to open or remove them before doors used for normal equipped with a device able to maintain them in an open position. The top cover shall be slightly inclined so that there is no accumulation of water during rainy season or otherwise. Proper padlocking facility shall be provided for doors of each compartment. 3.2.10 Earthing: All metallic components shall be earthed to a common earthing point. It shall be terminated by an adequate terminal intended for connection to the earth system of the installation, by way of flexible jumpers/ strips & Lug arrangement. The continuity of the earth system shall be ensured taking into account the thermal & mechanical stresses caused by the current it may have to carry. The components to be connected to the earth system shall include : a) b) The enclosure of Packaged/ prefabricated substation, The enclosure of High voltage switchgear & control gear from the terminal provided for the purpose, The metal screen & the high voltage cable earth conductor, The transformer tank or metal frame of transformer, The frame &/or enclosure of low voltage switchgear, c) d) e) 3.2.11 Internal Illumination: There shall be arrangement for internal lighting activated by associated switch on doors for HV, Transformer & LV compartments separately. 3.2.12 Labels: Labels for warning, manufacturer’s operating instructions etc. & those according to local standards & regulations shall be pasted/ provided inside and shall be durable & clearly legible. 3.2.13 Painting and Fabrication process : a) The paints shall be carefully selected to withstand tropical heat rain. The paint shall not scale off or crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling. For this purpose powder coating shall be used. Special care shall be taken by the manufacturer to ensure against rusting of nuts, bolts and fittings during operation. All bushings and current carrying parts shall be cleaned properly after final painting. The fabrication process shall ensure that there are no sharp edges on the GI sheets used. b) c) 3.2.14 Enclosure GTP: 1) Ambient Temperature 50 C 2) Type of Ventilation for a) Normal Condition b) Hot Condition Natural Natural 3) Yes 5) Compartmentalized Degree of protection for external enclosure Applicable Standard 6) Enclosure material Galvanized sheet Steel/ CRGO. 7) Thickness of sheet 2mm for enclosure. 4) Tender Document Page - 86 IP54 MV & LV Compartment IEC 62271/ 61330 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3.3 11kV Switchgear 3.1 Non-extensible SF6 Insulated Compact Switchgear as required shall consist of following items: 3.2 Load Break Cable Switch with integral earth switch having full making capacity shall be used for Incoming cables. 3.3 SF6 Circuit Breaker shall be used for distribution network of HT switchgear. Circuit Breaker complete with operating mechanism, self powered, static type O/C, E/F protection relay with associated Current Transformers shall be used for control and protection of Transformer. An integral cable earthing switch with full making capacity shall be provided. 3.4 The above Load Break Cable Switch, SF6 circuit breaker, Bus bars should be mounted inside a sealed for life, cast resin/ stainless steel tank. The operating mechanism of the switches and breakers shall be outside the SF6 tank and accessible from front. The tank should be filled with SF6 gas at an adequate pressure. The degree of protection for gas tank should be IP67. There shall be provision for filling the SF6 gas at site. Moreover the Cast Resin/ Stainless Steel Gas Tank shall confirm to the sealed pressure system as per IEC and ensure the gas leakage to 0.1 % per year as per IEC. Tank shall be robotically melded. In case of , it shall be of compact design. 3.5 The SF6 Circuit Breaker is required to control 11 kV/433 volts distribution Transformer of rating 1000 KVA and relay settings and Current Transformers shall be selected accordingly. 3.6 General Finish: Totally enclosed, metal enclosed, vermin and dust proof suitable for tropical climate use as detailed in the specification. 3.7 Ratings: The bus bars shall have continuous rating of 630 Amps. The isolator shall have a continuous rating of 630 Amps. SF6 Circuit Breaker or shall have a continuous rating of 250 Amps. in accordance with relevant IS/ IEC standard 3.8 Breaking & Making Capacity: The Load Break Cable Switches shall be capable for breaking rated full load current. The same along with its earthing switch shall also be suitable for full making capacity of the system as specified. The complete switchgear shall be suitable for breaking capacity of 21kA symmetrical at 11000 volts three phase for 11kV system. 3.9 Busbar: Switchgear shall be complete with all connection, bus-bars etc. Copper busbars continuous rating shall be 630 Amps. The busbars should be fully encapsulated by SF6 gas inside the tank. 3.10 Remote Operation: Provision shall be there for remote operation of the switchgear’s Isolator & Breaker shall be possible using Motors fitted to the operating mechanism at a latter date. It shall be possible to fit the motors either directly in manufacturing plant or on site as & when required. Installation on site shall be possible (optional) 3.11 Protection: The SF6 circuit breaker shall be fitted with static type self powered relay inside the front cover to avoid any tampering. The same shall be used in conjunction with suitable CT’s and Tripping Coil for fault tripping of the Circuit Breakers. CT’s shall be mounted on bushing of breaker. CT’s mounted on cable inside cable compartment are not acceptable. 3.12 Cable Termination: Each Cable compartment shall be provided with three bushings of adequate sizes to terminate the incoming 3c x 95 sq. Mm 11kV XLPE Al. armoured cable and outgoing from LT MCCB 1nos. 3.5 Core 185Sq. mm XLPE Al. armoured cable . There shall be enough height from the base of the mounted switchgear so that the cables can be bent and taken vertically up to the bushings. The Cable termination shall be done by Heat shrinkable Termination method so that adequate clearances shall be maintained between phases for Termination. Access to all the cables should be possible form the front of RMU. Cable Termination boots shall be supplied by the switchgear manufacturer. 3.13 Earthing of the main circuit: The moving contacts of the earthing switch shall be visible in the closed position through transparent covers. Tender Document Page - 87 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Locking Arrangement: Suitable padlocking arrangements shall be provided as stated below: Circuit Breaker manual operating handle in the “OFF” position. Each feeder Panel operating handles in ‘Closed’ ‘Open” or ‘Earth’ position. Each isolator operating handle in ‘Closed’, ‘ Open’, or ‘Earth’ position. a) b) c) 3.4 Ratings: Non-Extensible radial/ ring compact switchgear with SF6 breaker/ 3.4.1 11kV Switchgear Data a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Service Type Number of phases Voltage Rated Frequency Rated Current Short Circuit rating i) Breaking ii) Short time withstand for 3 Sec. iii) Rated S/c making Rated insulation level kV rms Rated Level kV impulse System earthing h) i) j) 3.4.2 Type Rated voltage Breaking current i) Load breaking Making current Rated current No. of poles Operating mechanism. d) e) f) g) SF6 Breaker/ in SF6 tank 11kV 21 KA rms. 52.5 KA peak 630/200 Amps. 3 Trip free & free handle type with mechanically operated indication & pad locking. Isolators a) b) d) e) f) g) 3.4.4 21kA rms for Breaker 21 kA rms 52.5 kA peak for Breaker 28 kV 75 kV Solidly earthed at substation Breaker a) b) c) 3.4.3 Outdoor Metal clad 3 11000V 50 Hz 630 Amp (isolator) Type Rated current Rated breaking capacity Fault making capacity No. of poles Operating mechanism Load breaking and fault making in SF6 tank 630 Amps. 630 Amps. 52.5 KA peak 3 Operating handle with ON, OFF, Earth positions with arrangement for padlocking in each position. Busbars: a) b) c) Material Type Rated Current Copper SF6 insulated 630 Amps 3.5 Isolator: 3.5.1 The Isolators offered shall conform to IS: 4710/ 9920 as amended to date. The isolator shall be triple pole, spring assisted, hand operated, non-automatic type with quick break contacts. The operating handle shall have three positions ‘ON’, ‘OFF’ and ‘EARTH’ which shall be clearly marked with suitable arrangement to padlock in any position. A safety arrangement for locking shall be provided by which the isolator operation shall be prevented from ‘ON’ position to ‘EARTH’ position or vice versa. Tender Document Page - 88 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3.6 Switchgear: 3.6.1 Sealed for life, the enclosure shall meet the “sealed pressure system” criteria in accordance with IEC: 298 (a system for which no handling of gas is required through out service life of approximate 30 years.) There shall be no requirement to ‘top up’ the SF6 gas. In addition, manufacturer shall confirm that maximum leakage rate is lower than 0.1% per year. It shall provide full insulation, making the switchgear insensitive to the environment. Thus assembled, the active parts of the switchgear unit shall be maintenance free. 3.6.2 The switchgear & switchboard shall be designed so that the position of different devices is visible to the operator on the front of the switchboard & operations are visible as well. The switchboard shall be designed so as to prevent access to all live parts during operation without the use of tools. 3.6.3 Unit should be tested for internal arc fault test. 3.6.4 Circuit Breaker: 3.6.5 3.6.6 The Unit shall consist Tee-off spring assisted, three pole SF6 breaker, with integral fault making/ dead breaking earth switch. The function shall be naturally interlocked to prevent the main & earth switch from being switched ‘ON’ at the same time & the circuit breaker not allowed to trip in ‘Earth On’ position. The selection of the main/earth switch lever on the panel, which is allowed to move only if the main or earth switches in the off position. The lever shall be able to pad locked in either the main or earth position. The manual operation of the circuit breaker shall not have an effect o the trip spring. This should only be discharged under a fault (electrical) trip condition; the following manual reset operation should recharge the trip spring & reset the circuit breaker mechanism in ‘main off’ position. Protection: Protection Relays: The Circuit breaker shall be fitted with static type self powered relay inside the front cover to avoid any tampering. 3.7 Transformer: 3.7.1 11kV/ 415 Volts distribution transformer shall be a part of packaged substation which will be housed in the enclosure. The transformers shall be installed in hot, humid tropical atmosphere. All equipment accessories and wiring shall be provided with tropical finish to prevent fungus growth. The transformers shall be capable of continuous operation of rated output under the operating conditions of voltage and frequency variations as per statutory limits governed by relevant Indian Standard and Indian Electricity Rules, 1956/ IEC with latest amendments in force. Requirement: 250kVA Transformer 11kv/ 415 Volts, ONAN, two winding step down type, outdoor, distribution transformer with On-Load Tap changer, Automatic Voltage Regulator and Remote Tap Changing Panel as specified below including testing at manufacturer’s works, supplying, testing and connecting all required interconnecting cables for operation of Tap Changer and all protection devices suitable for packaged substation housed in a enclosure. 3.7.2 Voltage Ratio: No load voltage 11000/ 415 Volts within tolerance as stipulated in IS: 2026 or IS 11171. 3.7.3 Rating: The 250KVA transformer shall have a continuous rating as specified at any of the specified tapping position and with the maximum temperature rise specified. The rated KVA shall be the product of the rated voltage in kV, the corresponding rated current and the phase factor 1.73. When the transformer is operated with the rated primary voltage applied to the terminals of the primary winding, the apparent power (kVA) at the terminals of the secondary winding, when carrying the rated secondary current differs from rated kVA by an amount corresponding to the regulation of the Tender Document Page - 89 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document transformer and is the product of the actual secondary voltage, the rated secondary current and phase factor 1.73. 3.7.4 Temperature Rise: The maximum temperature rise at the specified maximum continuous output shall not exceed 35°C by thermometer in the hottest portion of the oil for ONAN transformer or 45°C measured by resistance of winding above ambient temperature of 50°C. 3.7.5 Type of Load: The transformer shall be suitable for carrying load within temperature rise indicated in the Indian Standard specification IS: 6600 ‘Guide for loading of oil immersed Transformer’. 3.7.6 Overloads: The transformers shall be suitable for carrying overload within temperature rise indicated in IS: 6600 ‘Guide for Loading of oil immersed Transformer’. 3.7.7 Connections: H.V. Delta and L.V Star connected with neutral brought out on the secondary side for connection to earth; Vector group DYn11 of IS: 2026. 3.7.8 Tapping: Each transformer shall be provided with Rotary type tap Switch so as to provided for a voltage adjustment on H.V. from + 5% to – 15% (In steps of 1.25%) of rated voltage of 11000 Volts in 16 equal steps to obtain rated voltage of 415 volts on LV side. 3.7.9 Vector Group Transformer shall have vector group of Dyn 11. 3.7.10 Impedance: The Impedance shall be as conform to IS 2026. 3.7.11 Current density: The maximum current density at any point in the winding shall not exceed 2.0 Amps per sq.mm at the rated full load, voltage and frequency. 3.7.12 Cooling: The transformer shall be designed for natural cooling (AN). 3.7.13 Enclosure: Transformer shall be provided with a sheet steel enclosure with adequate provision for ventilation. The degree of protection of enclosure shall be IP 21 for indoor installation & IP 33 for outdoor installations. The sheet steel thickness of enclosure shall be minimum 2mm. 3.7.14 End Termination: HV End: Terminals shall be suitable to receive one run of XLPE cable. Cable entry shall be from TOP. LV end: Terminals shall be suitable to receive rigid Bus-Ducts from the TOP. The Bus-Duct details shall be given on finalization of the order. All flange mating details required to properly connect the bus-duct to the transformer body shall be provided. 3.7.15 Under Carriage: Transformer shall be supported on structural base equipped with bi-directional rollers suitable for moving the fully assembled transformers. 3.7.16 Accessories: The following fitting shall be provided on the Dry Type Transformers: Tender Document Page - 90 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Rating & Terminal marking plate 4nos bi-directional flat rollers 2 nos. earthing terminals with lugs on the transformer base channel on diagonally opposite ends Lifting arrangement Extra Neutral bushing brought out of Enclosure 1 no. PT-100 sensor in each LV windings wired upto the Winding temperature indicator Scanner. The instrument shall have two sets of adjustable contacts for alarm & trip. Instrument shall have scanner to read and show temperature of all the three phases sequentially. 3.7.17 Tests: Transformers shall be subjected to routine & type tests as specified in IS 2026, IS 11171 IEC-60076 & given below: Routine Tests: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Turns ratio measurement at various taps. HV and LV winding resistance Checking of winding group Insulation Resistance Test No Load Loss & No Load current measurement Measurement of Load losses Impedance voltage Separate source voltage withstand test Induced over voltage withstand test. Type Tests: a) b) Heat Run Test. Impulse voltage withstand test. Tender may submit type test certificates conducted on similar rated transformers for consideration for waiver. Extra cost for any of the type to be indicated in the offer. 3.8 LT SYSTEM LT compartment shall be suitable to house following equipment, Bus bar connection from transformer to LT MCCB The design should comply for the following standards. 1) IEC-439-1, 1992 Low voltage Switch gear and Control gear assemblies Part-I, type tested and partially type tested assemblies. 2) IEC-947-1, 1998 Low voltage Switch gear and Control gear Part-I general rules. 3) IEC-1180-1, 1992 High voltage test techniques for low voltage equipment Part–I definition test and Procedure requirement 4) IEC-529, 1989 Degree of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCCBs) MCCB shall have rotary operating handle (unless otherwise specifically mentioned) suitably fitted to operate the switching mechanism, contact system, arc extinguishing device and the tripping unit Tender Document Page - 91 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document contained in a compact, robust, heat resistant, flame retardant, insulating moulded case with high withstand capability against thermal and mechanical stresses. Switching mechanism shall be of Quick-Make Quick Break type and the trip command shall over ride all other command. The trip position of the operating handel should have separate and distinct position from either ON or OFF positions. MCCB shall employ maintenance free contact system to minimise the let through energies while handling abnormal currents. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 3.8.3. 3 phase, 4 wire, neutral earthed having link arrangement. Rated current thermal current – 630A Service voltage – 415 volts No. of pole – 4 Frequency – 50 c / s Rated insulation voltage – 1100 volts Rated short circuit breaking capacity Rated services S/C breaking capacity Ics (rms) – 35kA Rated ultimate S/C breaking capacity Icu (rms) – 35kA The status of open and close shall be clearly visible. The trip indication separated for overload and individual phase wise trip indication for short circuit to be provided. The MCCB shall have the provision to lock the operating mechanism in off position. The operating mechanism should be form front and the compartment should have the degree of protection IP – 54. Separator shall be provided between all phases inside. MCCB enclosed to prevent travel of arc during short circuit. Optional: The CT’s mounted for thermal overload release shall have secondary winding inaccessible including tripping mechanism of O/L and magnetic releases to avoid tampering CT’s should also have provision of separators. The bus bar size shall be confirming to relevant IS and the neutral bus bar shall be of same size as phase bus bar and should be suitable for connecting neutral. The MCCB shall be tested in accordance with the provision of IS: 13947–Part I or relevant IEC Interconnecting bus bar Bus bar shall be of high conductivity aluminum (E91E) supported on insulators made of nonhygroscopic, non-inflammable material with tracking index equal to or more than that defined in BIS. The main bus bars shall have uniform current ratings throughout their length as specified in data sheet/ job specification. The current rating of the neutral shall be half that of the phase busbars. Removable neutral links shall be provided on feeders to permit isolation of the neutral bus bar. Only zinc passivated or cadmium plated high tensile strength steel bolts, nuts and washers shall be used for all bus bar, joints and supports. The hot spot temperature of bus bars including joints at design ambient temperature shall not exceed 95C for normal operating conditions. The current rating of the bus bars shall be as required for design ambient temperature at site conditions and for being inside the cubicle at fully loaded condition. The vendor shall suitably de-rate the nominal rating to suit the above condition. Minimum clearance between live parts, between live parts/ neutral to earth shall be 25mm. However clearances between terminals at components shall be as per applicable individual standard for components. Interconnections between the main bus bars and individual units shall be made using vertical/ horizontal aluminum bus bars of adequate rating. Tender Document Page - 92 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DG SETS 1. Scope of Works The detailed scope of work to be carried out under this contract is illustrated in the Technical Specifications, Schedule of Quantities and drawings. However, in general the Contractor shall carry out and complete the said work under this contract in every respect and to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager/ Employer and would be expected to contribute positively to the aspects of design that would ensure trouble free operation maintenance and conformance to applicable regulations. In general the work to be carried out shall comprise the design, preparation and approval of all equipment layouts, manufacture, fabrication, assembly, testing at works, packaging, forwarding, unloading, erecting in position, testing at site and commissioning of the following: 1.1 Prime power generation system with 1 x 125kVA “Silent” DG Sets; 1.2 All associated equipments and accessories for Exhaust piping including making all required supports and fixing structures; 1.3 All associated equipments and accessories for fuel storage and transfer; 1.4 All specified and required Panels for DG sets’ operation, protection controlled AMF 1.5 All required power and control cabling with cable trays; 1.6 Procuring all required approvals, sanctions and clearances from Statutory Bodies/Authorities for installing, commissioning and running the above; 1.7 Carrying out all pre-commissioning tests as listed in the Technical Specifications. 2. Codes & Standards 2.1 The equipment supplied under this tender shall conform to the latest issue of relevant standards, except where modified or supplemented by this specification. IS: 1239 (Part-I & II) : Mild steel tubes and fittings. IS: 1248 : Specification for electrical indicating instruments. IS: 1600 : Code for type testing of constant speed IC engines for general purposes. IS: 1601 : Performance of constant speed IC engines for general purposes. IS: 1651 : Stationary cells and batteries lead acid type (With tubular positive plates). IS: 2147 : Degree of protection provided by enclosure for low voltage switchgear and control gear. IS: 4722 : Rotating electrical machines. IS: 7372 : Lead acid storage batteries for motor vehicles. Tender Document Page - 93 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document IS: 10000 : Methods of tests for internal combustion engines. IS: 10002 : Specifications for performance requirements for constant speed compression ignition (Diesel) engine for general purposes (above 20 KW) IS: 12065 : Permissible limits of noise level for rotating electrical machines. IS: 12075 : Mechanical vibration of rotating electrical machines. IS: 13947 : Low voltage switchgear & control gear. BS: 5000 (Part –3) : Rotating electrical machines of particular type or for particular applications. BS: 5514 (Part 1 to 6) : Specification for reciprocating internal combustion engine. 2.2 The conditions and directions listed in this Section shall be considered as an extension to and not as a limitation of the obligations of the Contractor. 2.3 The specifications generally applicable to this work shall be as per C.P.W.D. General Specifications for Electrical Works Part - VII (2006) except as otherwise specified in the description of items given in the Schedule of Quantities or in the Technical Specifications. These specifications will override the C.P.W.D. specifications. The requirements of these specifications will be fulfilled by the contractor within the tendered rates and without any extra charge. The item rates quoted will be deemed to have taken these specifications into account. 2.4 The electrical work will be carried out in accordance with the General Specifications 2006 with amendments up to date for electrical works in Central Government buildings while complying in all respects with the requirements of the latest Indian Electricity Rules in force at the time of execution. 3. Execution of Works 3.1 The Works shall be carried out simultaneously with the civil works and will be continued till it is completed satisfactorily along with the completion of essential portions of building work. 3.2 If any minor alterations are found necessary, the contractor shall do the same within tendered rates. 3.3 The work shall be carried out in the best workmanlike manner and any defect in the work or changes in the design pointed out before execution shall be carried out by the contractor within the tendered rates. 3.4 The contractor shall employ adequate labour to complete the work within the stipulated time and make his own arrangements for housing labour and storage of materials etc. 3.5 During the progress of work, completed portions of the buildings may be occupied and put to use by the owner. However, the contractor will remain fully responsible for maintenance of power to these areas even while ensuring work proceeds unimpeded on other fronts till the entire work covered by this contract is satisfactorily completed by him and taken over by the Employer. 3.6 The contractor shall obtain for himself, on his own responsibility and at his own expense, all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of tendering and for entering into a contract, and Tender Document Page - 94 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document must inspect the site, examine and study the specifications, drawings and the design of the electrical installations, the building plans etc. If the drawings are supplied to the contractor for tender purposes, the same must be returned in good condition with the tender. The contractor shall also make local and independent inquiries, if required. 3.7 All tender rates will include the cost of materials, erection, connections, labour, supervision, tools, plant, transport, all taxes, contingencies, breakage, wastage, sundries and scaffolding, i.e. They should be for an item complete in all respects. 3.8 The contractor, while executing the work, shall conform to the provision of Government Acts relating to the work and to the regulations and Bye laws of the local authorities, and of the company to whose system of supply the installation is proposed to be connected. The contractor shall give all notices, required by the Acts, Regulations or Bye-Laws. He will also undertake to provide test certificates and drawings as required and will make necessary arrangements to procure the electricity supply. The contractor shall also obtain all approvals for the items of work done under this contract from the appropriate authorities. All inspection fees or submission fees paid by the contractor will be reimbursed by the owner against valid official receipts. Contractor shall possess a valid electrical contractor's license issued by the inspectorate of the local government. 3.9 Samples of materials and fabrication drawings will be submitted by the contractor according to the schedule/ specification. Any deviation from the schedule/ specifications must have the written consent of the Engineer-in-charge. No approval given by the Engineer-in-charge to any samples or drawings submitted by the contractor shall in any way exonerate the contractor from his liability to carry out the work in accordance with the terms of contract. 4. Drawings 4.1 Shop Drawings: The contractor will submit four sets of equipment General Arrangement drawings for all equipment supplied by him and any fabricated items which must contain details of General Arrangement drawings, i.e. with dimensions, clearances, loading details, foundation details, cable details, cable box details, etc. with required copies. These drawings and other literature shall be submitted in advance for approval. 4.2 Completion Drawings: The contractor shall submit one complete set of original tracings and further two copies of final existing layout drawings to the Architect /Engineer in-charge after completion of the work. No completion certificate will be issued until the completion drawings are submitted. The drawings will be prepared and submitted by the contractor without extra charge. 5. Progress & Time of Completion The electrical contractor shall work in close coordination with lead contractor and other subcontractors as per the time schedule set with the lead contractor. 6. Completion Tests 6.1 Test on Engine: i) Endurance test reports as per IS-10002 shall be furnished; ii) Engine performance testing shall be carried out for period as specified elsewhere. Readings for fuel consumption, lube oil temperature, air inlet temperature, exhaust temperature etc. shall be recorded every half an hour interval; iii) Governing test as per BS-5514 Part-IV. iv) Acceptance test as per BS-5514. Tender Document Page - 95 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document v) 6.2 Offered Engine should be Compliant to CPCB norms. A certificate issued from Authorized Agency from CPCB in support of same shall be furnished by the bidder. Tests for Alternator: The alternator of each type and rating shall be type tested for the following tests as per IS:4722, IEEE 115 & BS:5000: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) Measurement of resistance, and air gap, XD, XD' and Xo; Phase sequence test; Voltage Regulation test; Measurement of open circuit and short circuit characteristics; Efficiency test; Temperature rise test; Momentary overload test; Overspeed test; High voltage test; Insulation resistance test (both before and after high voltage test). Noise level and vibration as per IS-12065 and IS-12075 respectively. Determination of deviation of voltage waveform from sinusoidal. The Owner reserves the right to witness any routine tests. 6.3 Test Results/Certificate : The Engine, Alternators and other motors shall be tested for acceptance tests as per relevant standards. A copy of test results/ reports and test certificates shall be furnished for acceptance by Owner/Consultant. Owner reserves the right to witness the test or depute his representative for witnessing the tests at manufacturer’s works. 6.4 Tests for the Control Panels: i) Compliance to drawing, data sheet and this specification; ii) Check for workmanship, wiring, conformity to functional requirements; iii) Calibration of instruments, meters C.T., P.T. etc.; iv) H.V. Test; v) I.R. Test before and after HV test. 6.5 The acceptance and routine tests of battery shall be done as per relevant standard. 6.6 Test on Assembled unit at contractors’ work: The contractor shall carryout successful no load test runs on all completely assembled DG Sets ordered in his works prior to despatch in presence of owner/his representative. During testing DG Sets are to be assembled and fitted with all corresponding auxiliaries and accessories under contractors scope of supply for engine and alternator. On completion of installation all specified testing and inspection shall be carried out at no extra cost. These shall include testing of the DG Sets PLC control logic, on-load tests (for varying loads for at least 8 hours continuous running), noise attenuation and all required insulation and meggaring tests. Tender Document Page - 96 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 7. Maintenance The completed installation shall not be finally taken over till acceptance certificate is issued to the contractor. Thereafter the Defects Liability Period shall commence during which the contractor shall be liable for: i) The replacement of any defects that may develop in goods of his own manufacture or supplied by him; ii) The rectification of all the defects arising out of defective workmanship of the Contractor; iii) Bringing to the notice of the Employer any defects arising out of materials supplied by him. The Employer shall provide replacement of such material. Until the installation is finally taken over, the contractor shall have the right of entry to the premises, at his own risk and expense, for maintaining the installation in proper order. To facilitate maintenance the Contractor should clearly indicate the detailed distribution diagram on every Panel, Distribution Board and Sub-Distribution Board. 8. Position of Equipment, Panels, Boards, Piping and Tanks 8.1 The recommended positions of equipment, panels, piping and tanks as shown on the layout drawings will be generally adhered to and will form the basis for the detailed layout drawings to be prepared by the Contractor for approval before fabrication/ installation at site. 8.2 Should there be any discrepancy or incomplete description, ambiguity or omission in the drawings and other documents, whether original or supplementary, forming the contract, completion or maintenance of the installation, the contractor shall immediately, on discovering the same, bring it to the attention of the Employer. 8.3 Prior to the installation these equipments, final positions shall be ascertained by the contractor with the Construction Manager at site. 8.4 The dimensions and other details of the electrical drawings shall be compared with the civil drawings at site before execution of the work. 9. Painting and Marking 9.1 All exposed steel work not actually embedded in the building construction (viz. conduits, junction boxes.) will be painted with one coat of primer and two coats of synthetic Enamel Paint in shades decided by the Construction Manager. This work will be done by the Contractor without extra charges. 9.2 All Electrical Boards and Control Panels shall be properly labeled and numbered as detailed in the Technical Specifications. 10. Coordination with Other Agencies: The contractor shall coordinate with other agencies and ensure that following provisions are made: i) Cut outs for risers/ pipes/ cables; ii) Cable routes and trenches for cables and / or pipes; iii) Proper space for Panels and Boards; iv) Coordination for location of all accessories like pumps, valves, measurement devices, etc.; v) Coordination with Heat Recovery vendor for Exhaust Piping. Tender Document Page - 97 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 11. Interpretation of Work In the interpretation of specifications or items which are incomplete or where there are discrepancies or conflicts or where there may otherwise be dispute, the following order of decreasing importance shall prevail: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Tender Document Items as detailed in “Good For Construction” drawings; Description of items in the schedule; Additional Technical Specifications and Annexures attached to the tender; C.P.W.D specifications for electrical works amended up to date; Indian Standards specifications; Anything not covered by the above shall be as per I.E. Rules and regulations. Page - 98 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DG SETS 1. Alternator 1.1 It should comprise 415 Volts, 3 phase, 4 wire 50 Hz (at 1500 RPM), brushless, self-regulated and self-excited A.C. generator in accordance with I.S. 4722 and British Standard 5000 in screen protected, drip-proof (IP23) enclosure. 1.2 It should be suitable for parallel operation with damper windings on pole faces delivering rated capacity at 0.8 P.F. The alternator shall have total distortion factor less than 3%, voltage adjustability between ± 5% & voltage regulation between ± 1%. 1.3 The alternator shall be designed to suppress radio interference in conformity with BS 800. Insulation shall be to class H (BS 2757/1957). Insulation on other windings should be a minimum of class ‘E’. All windings shall be fully impregnated for tropical climates with high quality oil resistant varnish. 1.4 The unit shall have a terminal box of IP42 class of enclosure with suitable clearance between phases and between phase and neutral and with provision for outgoing armoured cable connections. 1.5 The alternator shall be self excited, self regulated with brushless system. The AVR shall be of solid state circuitry and shall provide regulated voltage to the excitor compensating for all normal variations. The main excitor output should be fed to the main motor windings via a rotating 3 phase bridge rectifier assembly which shall be protected from voltage surges, short circuit, overload and diode failures. The AVR and control gear shall be mounted in a component box on the side of the machine. Electrical connections to the AVR shall be taken through a multiway plug and socket. 1.6 Voltage regulator shall be within 1% (One percent) under all conditions of load power factor and temperature including cold to hot variation. Voltage drift shall be negligible. Line voltage waveform shall be as true as possible with a total harmonic distortion not exceeding 3% on 3phase load. The response to transient load should be quick. 1.7 The excitation system and engine governor should be such that the alternator is capable of starting up single induction motor of at least 1/3rd its kVA capacity while feeding a base load of half its kVA capacity. Manufacturer should indicate the voltage dip and duration under such conditions as required under equipment data. 2. Engine 2.1 125 Kva Set: Vertical 4 stroke cycle, turbo-charged, vertical in-line multi- cylinder diesel engine, with electronic governor, cooled by radiator with engine mounted water pump and generating required BHP at 1500RPM under N.T.P. conditions as per B.S. 5514 with the accessories listed from 2.1. 1: 2.1.1 Cooling System: i) Radiator cooled ii) Engine mounted Water pump iii) Thermostats iv) Corrosion Inhibitor v) Self contained piping vi) Outboard after coolers 2.1.2 Fuel System: i.) PT fuel pump Tender Document Page - 99 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document ii.) iii.) iv.) STC Injectors Fuel filters – Paper element type Self contained piping 2.1.3 Lubricating System: i.) Oil pump to be provided as per manufacturer’s specifications ii.) Strainer iii.) Lub oil cooler-Plate type iv.) Oil filter – Paper element type with minimum 250 operating hours between replacements v.) Bypass filter vi.) Self contained piping 2.1.4 Air Intake System: i.) Dry type Paper Element filters ii.) Air intake manifold with necessary connections iii.) Turbo charged after cooled iv.) Restriction Indicator 2.1.5 Exhaust System: i) Exhaust manifold ii) Stainless steel flexible connections suitably optimized to reduce noise. iii) Silencer (Residential) 2.1.6 Governing System: i) Class I Electronic / Digital Governor 2.1.7 Starting System: i) Starter, 24V, DC ii) Battery charging Alternator iii) With in-built Regulator 2.1.8 Safety System (Engine Protection – Trip) i) Low lub oil pressure ii) High water temperature iii) Over speed iv) Low Coolant oil level (alarm) 3. GENERATOR AMF CONTROL PANEL: Floor mounted, dead front, sheet steel cubicle type, powder coated, dust and vermin proof (IP52), indoor type panel with hinged doors, fabricated from 14 gauge CRCA sheet and suitable for 415Volt 3 phase 4 wire 50Hz supply with chemical cleaning and painting of inside and outside complete with labelling as required and incorporating the following devices :- - AMF logic complete with 3 phase mains failure sensing, engine cranking relay with adjustable time delays and multiple start functions. Should also incorporate logic for engine shutdown when supply returns with adjustable time delay. Suitably scaled A.C. Voltmeter with 3 way & OFF selector switch. One set of current transformers of suitable ratio. Suitably scaled A.C. Ammeter with 6 way & OFF selector switch. Electronic frequency meter. kWh meter. Tender Document Page - 100 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document - One four pole MCCB of suitable rating for alternator protection with adjustable TM release for short circuit and overload protection, shunt release for reverse power trip and adjustable earth fault protection. - One set of potential free contacts for switching ON the DG Set contactor/ ACB in the Main LT Panel. - Annunciation with alarm for HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE, LOW LUBE OIL PRESSURE, OVER CURRENT, UNDER VOLTAGE. - Push buttons for START, STOP, RESET & ACKNOWLEDGE. 4. Fuel System 4.1 Fuel injection equipment shall be electronically controlled and complete with multigrade filters, strainers, injectors etc. 4.2 A 990 Litres daily fuel tank shall be provided. The tank should be complete with filter breather unit and drain plug. It should be provided on proper stable, steel structure and shall be provided with level indicator marked in litres. It shall be painted with oil resistant paint. 4.3 Fuel is to be supplied by gravity from the 990 liters daily fuel tank with necessary piping and valves. 4.4 Buffer tank and Overflow tank of suitable or specified capacity shall follow the above specifications. 5. Filteration System The engine shall have cleanable fuel oil filters. Lub oil filtration shall be through strainers that are capable of being cleaned when the engine is running. Air filtration shall be through oil bath or cleanable dry type filters. 6. Air Intake System The diesel engine shall be provided with special dry type air filters having low resistance to air passage, high dust retaining efficiency and provision for easy cleaning. Filters shall be suitable for achieving satisfactory engine operation and ensuring the engine life under tropical humid conditions, toxins, abrasive dust and coal particles of 5 to 10 microns present in the atmosphere. The minimum efficiency of filters shall be 90%. 7. Engine Exhaust System 7.1 The engine exhaust piping shall be amply sized for minimum back pressure (not more that 38mm mercury level where not specified by manufacturer) and connected to the engine manifold through flexible connection on one side and to a residential-duty silencer on the other side. The silencer shall be packed type with adequate attenuation for urban use, constructed from heavy gauge galvanized steel. The sound absorbent infill shall be non-hygroscopic, non-combustible and vermin proof. 7.2 The exhaust piping, after the silencer, shall be led upto a level as specified by Pollution Control Board and released as per the required statuary guidelines. 7.3 Entire exhaust piping and silencer shall be insulated with 48Kg/ cu.m. density Lightly Resin Bonded (LRB) wool. The insulation shall be held in position with galvanized steel wire mesh 0.63 dia 20mm distance mesh and finished neatly with 24 SWG Aluminium cladding. 7.4 The exhaust outlet should be in the direction of prevailing winds & should not allow exhaust gases to enter air inlet/windows etc. Tender Document Page - 101 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 7.5 There should be rain trap to avoid rain water entry. If rain cap is used the distance between exhaust pipe & rain cap should be higher than diameter of pipe. It is also recommended that horizontal run of exhaust piping should have slope downwards away from engine towards the condensate trap. Silencer should be installed with drain plug at bottom. 7.6 The flue gases from silencer shall be taken out to atmosphere through metallic, thermally insulated and cladded chimneys. These chimneys shall be made from MS class ‘B’ piping system conforming to IS 3589. Required flexible bellows, bends, expansion joints, load support etc. shall be provided. 8. Safety Systems 8.1 The governor is to be electronically controlled with adjustments of engine speed between +5% and 10% of rated speed. The governor shall control the engine speed within at least class I limits permissible under B.S 649/1958. A governor shall trip the engine at the pre-set over speed and shutoff the fuel supply. 8.2 The engine cooling water temperature shall be monitored by a two point thermostat which should actuate an audible cum visible alarm at one point and trip the engine at the second point. Likewise the low oil pressure cut-out shall trip the engine with visible indication. 8.3 There should also be a mushroom head reset type master shut-off switch for Emergency Shut-Off suitably located so as to be visible and within easy reach. 9. Engine Starting System 9.1 The engine shall be electrically started and the battery shall be 24V and rated for 5 (five) consecutive starting kicks and the continuous drain for signals and controls. 9.2 All batteries shall be conform to IS 7372 and shall be complete with associated trickle-cum-boost charger incorporated in the AMF Panel. 9.3 The starting system shall be complete with necessary relays, solenoid valves for fuel, control wiring as appropriate for PLC control and indicating panels. 9.4 The Battery shall be provided with good quality teakwood stand painted with acid proof black paint with minimum 3 mm thick rubber mat below the battery. 10. Mounting & Installation 10.1 A common rigid bed plate shall be provided for the engine and alternator which shall be flexibly coupled. The coupling must be done after ensuring proper alignment of generator and engine shafts. 10.2 The entire engine set shall be mounted on suitable type and number of anti-vibration mounting pads. A nominal base concrete or PCC pad shall be provided, over which the engine set with its own base frame, vibration mounts and acoustic enclosure shall be installed. 11. Fabricated Panels Enclosure Fabrication 11.1 Panels shall be fabricated only from registered companies that have their Boards/ Panels tested by CPRI for minimum 50kA and that have current ISO 9001 certification. Tender Document Page - 102 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 11.2 Switch boards shall be cubicle, indoor, floor/ wall mounting, free standing type fabricated from CRCA sheet. They shall be rated for 415/500 Volts 3 phase 4 wire 50Hz system and have insulation voltage of at least 2500Volts for 60seconds. Panels shall be fabricated using minimum 2mm thick CRCA sheet that has been pre-treated by degreasing, pickling, phosphating and passivation. 11.3 Gaskets shall be used between all adjacent units and beneath all covers to render the joints effectively dust proof. The design shall be totally enclosed, completely dust and vermin proof conforming to IP 42 class of construction. All modules shall have a covering at the bottom so that entry to dust, rats and vermin is not possible. The switchboards shall be easily extendible. The arrangement shall be logical, compact and neat. The switchboard shall have a uniform height throughout its length. 11.4 A base channel of 50mm x 25mm fabricated out of 3mm thick hot rolled sheet steel painted black shall be provided to prevent corrosion of the sheet steel cubicle and facilitate cleaning of floors. 11.5 Unless specifically stated, the switchboard shall be of single front construction, i.e. it should have all operations and connection from the front of the panel, and equipment shall be mounted on the front only. 11.6 The rating of switches, fuses, contactors etc. shall be as specified. If specified rating is not available, next higher rating should be used in consultation with the Construction Manager. Feeder Arrangements 11.7 Outgoing feeders shall be neatly arranged in different compartments. individual feeders shall be accommodated in separate modules. Normally equipment for 11.8 The framework shall house the switchgear, starters and contactors, MCBs and MCCBs etc. in multitier formation. The equipment shall be mounted independent of the backplate and not on the rear surface of the housing. 11.9 Each module shall be fitted with individual doors and concealed hinges. All doors shall be held securely against sponge rubber gaskets to make the equipment dust tight. 11.10 All hinged doors shall be provided with insulated half-turn, flush mounted, steel knobs. The compartment doors shall be so interlocked that it shall not be possible to open the door when switch is in closed (ON) position. Bus-Bars 11.11 Tinned copper bus bars are to be used for current ratings up to 400A and for ratings above 400A; electrolytic grade aluminium bus bars may be used. The rating of the three phase (and neutral) bus bars shall be as specified in the schedule of quantities and drawings and shall not be less than the total incoming switches current rating. 11.12 They shall be housed in separate bus bar chambers, rated for a temperature rise of 30C over the ambient temperature specified based on insulated conductor rating (I.S: 8084-1976). 11.13 Neutral bars shall be of the same size as the phase bars. An earth bus of size approximately 50% of the phase bus bar shall be provided and shall be carried to some point external to the panel. Tender Document Page - 103 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 11.14 Bus bars shall be supported on unbreakable non-hygroscopic SMC/ DMC moulded supports with antitracking barriers rigidly held to the framework of the chamber. The bus bars shall be suitably insulated with colour coded heat shrinkable PVC sleeves. Bus bar chamber shall have a separate screwed cover with clear markings to identify the voltage and current rating of the bus bars. Control Wiring 11.15 All control wiring shall be carried out through the common vertical compartment. In case wires are required to cross the busbar chamber, such crossings shall be carried out in neat bunches tied together. Power connections of the feeders shall be done by aluminium or copper flats of adequate sizes. 11.16 Control wiring shall be carried out using FRLS PVC insulated multi-stranded copper wires of minimum 1.5sq.mm nominal cross sectional area. 11.17 All control wiring shall be fitted with identification ferrules at each end. Not more than two connections shall be made at any one terminal. 11.18 The wires shall be arranged and supported in such a manner that there shall be no strain on the terminations. The terminations shall be of adequate current rating and size to suit individual feeder arrangements. 11.19 Power terminals shall be pressure clamp type suitable for copper/ aluminium wires. For connection above 63A, cable lugs shall be used. These cable lugs shall be mounted in such a manner as to facilitate cable connections. Painting 11.20 All steel work shall be powder coated in pre-approved shade as required after proper mechanical and chemical cleaning by degreasing, pickling, phosphating and passivation has been done. Painting should preferably be carried out using powder coating technique. 12. Medium Voltage Equipment 12.1 AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS (ACBs) shall be horizontal draw out type fully interlocked and meeting the requirements of IS: 2516. Breakers shall be rated for medium voltage of 600V and rated for full load current as indicated on drawings. Breakers shall be capable of breaking system short circuits specified and earth faults where required and be provided with facilities for electrical and/ or mechanical interlocking. 12.2 Breakers shall be, unless specified otherwise, spring-charged, motor operated, complete with facility for manual spring charging and manual closing arrangement, isolating plug and safety shutters, mechanical ON/OFF indicator, silver plated arcing and main contacts, arc chutes and trip free operation. Breakers shall be capable of being racked into "Service", "Test" and “Isolated" positions and kept locked in any position with mechanical indication of position. 12.3 Unless otherwise stated ACBs shall be four pole with neutral making contact first and breaking contact last. If neutral contactors are used they must follow the same system. 12.4 MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCCBs) shall have quick-make; quick break contacts with double break operating mechanism. Tender Document Page - 104 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 12.5 The handles shall be suitable for rotary operation mechanism and door interlock facility in the case of cubicle mounting. All MCCBs shall have rotary operating mechanism for On/ Off operation with a separate and distinct Trip position. 12.6 They shall have variable trip setting plug for adjusting the overload setting. 12.7 Incoming and outgoing terminals shall be properly sized to receive corresponding size of either copper or aluminium conductor cable. All switches shall be rated according to the equipment schedule or drawings and shall withstand the system prospective fault current. 12.8 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCBs) shall be quick make and break type and shall conform to relevant Indian Standards. 12.9 The housing shall be heat resistant and having high impact strength. The fault current shall not be less than 10kA at 230V. 12.10 MCB shall be flush mounted and shall be provided with trip free manual operating lever and “ON” and “OFF” indications. The contacts shall be provided to quench the arc immediately. 12.11 MCB shall be provided with magnetic and thermal releases for over current and short current protection. The overload or short-circuit device shall have a common trip bar for DP, TP and TPN modules. 12.12 EARTH LEAKAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER (CURRENT OPERATED) (ELCB) shall work on the principle of core balance transformer. The incoming wires shall pass through the torroidal core transformer. As long as the currents in the phase and neutral wires are the same no electromotive force shall be generated in the secondary winding of the transformer. In the event of a leakage to earth, if the earth leakage current exceeds a predetermined critical value, an unbalance is created which cause a current to be generated in the secondary winding which should trip the circuit. 12.13 The moving contacts of the phase and neutral conductors shall be mounted on a common bridge actuated by a rugged toggle mechanism to ensure the closing and opening of the phase and neutral contacts simultaneously. This also shall ensure simultaneous opening of all the contacts under automatic tripping conditions. 12.14 The neutral moving contact shall be so mounted on the common bridge so that at the time of closing the neutral shall make contact before the phases. At the time of opening the neutral shall break last after allowing the phases to open first. 12.15 A test device shall be incorporated to check the integrity of the earth leakage detection system and the tripping mechanism. Pressing the “Test” knob shall cause the ELCB to trip and the operating handle shall move to the “OFF” position. 12.16 INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS, METERS AND RELAYS: Digital Multi-function, multi-parameter meter shall have LCD configurable display and of standard 96 x 96mm size. They shall be fully typetested to conform to IEC-687 or IEC-1036/ IS 13779 for 0.5 and 1.0 Class of Accuracy respectively as required in the Schedule. They should have user-friendly facility to program various parameters like CT and PT ratios, configuration of display, etc on site. Meters should not need any auxiliary power supply unit, but should have a built-in Real Time Clock and non-volatile memory for storage of various parameters for a period of at least seven days. There should be a provision for testing of calibration of the meter at site. It should be able to monitor and record at least the following parameters: Tender Document Page - 105 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Voltages Phase to phase and phase to neutral Current Individual phase currents Power Factor Frequency (in Hz) Active and reactive power (kW and kVA) Active and Reactive energy (kWh and kVAh) In the case of digital metering, the installation shall comply with the following relevant standards: BS, IS and CBIP. All such devices shall be CE and IEC compliant. 13. Individual Generator Control Panel 13.1 There shall be a separate generator mounted, sheet steel cubicle type, dust and vermin proof (IP52), indoor type panel, fabricated from 2mm thick CRCA sheet with chemical cleaning and painting of inside and outside complete with labeling as required and incorporating the following devices for each set: Control Box Assembly Governor Module AVR Module PT/CT Module Set of CT’s Bus PT Module Mounting Rail Control Housing Panel Mounting Hardware Accessories Set 14. Acoustic Enclosures 14.1 The generating sets shall be housed inside a high quality acoustic enclosure fabricated from high quality CRCA sheet of thickness of not less than 16 SWG. The CRCA sheet shall be thoroughly pretreated by seven tank process to clean and remove any grease, dirt, rusting etc. on the sheet. All doors barriers and other enclosure accessories shall also be treated through the seven tank process before painting including support structure sections except the base frame. The door hinges shall be made from Stainless Steel (SS314). The base frame shall be made of ISMC 100 and shall be suitably constructed for mounting directly on raised concrete bed. 14.2 High quality insulation material as per IS 8183 should be used for maximum sound absorption and supported by fiber glass wool and powder coated perforated sheet. This insulation material must be of very high density and composed of fine, stable and uniformly textured organic glass fibre bounded together by a non water soluble, fire retardant thermo setting resin which can withstand temperatures upto 450 C. The noise level should not be more than 75dB at 1 meter from the acoustic enclosure. 14.3 Suitable capacity blower shall be installed for control of heat within the enclosure. The capacity of blower shall be sufficient to provide sufficient air required for efficient combustion of diesel within the engine as well as a ventilation air requirement for the radiator so as to ensure that temperature difference with ambient is not more than 10C during peak summer season. 14.4 The enclosure is to be constructed to be corrosion resistive and mounted on a skid rail with antivibration pads. All fuel, oil, electrical and other connections should be easy to connect, disconnect and reconnect. The enclosure itself must be of robust construction. The enclosure shall be provided Tender Document Page - 106 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document with two doors along the length of the enclosure on each side for easy access into the enclosure for easy maintenance. The front and rear panels should be openable for service and maintenance. 15. Power & Control Cabling 15.1 Storage and Handling Cable drums shall be stored on a well drained, hard surface, preferably concrete, so that the drums do not sink into the ground causing rot and damage to the cable drum. During storage, periodical rolling of drums once in 3 months through 90 shall be done specially in the case of paper insulated cables. Rolling shall be done in the direction of the arrow marked on the drum. It should be ensured that both ends of the cables are properly sealed to prevent ingress/ absorption of moisture by the insulation. Protection from rain and sun is preferable. Sufficient ventilation between cable drums should be ensured during storage. The drums shall always be rested on flanges and not on flat sides. While removing cables the drums shall be properly mounted on jacks or on a cable wheel or any other suitable means making sure the spindle, jack, etc. is strong enough to take the weight of the drum. The cables shall not be sharply bent within a small radius. The minimum safe bending radius for all types of steel armoured, PVC sheathed cables shall be taken as 12 times the overall diameter of the cable. Wherever practicable, larger radius should be adopted. At joints and terminations, the bending radius of individual cores of multicore cables shall not be less than 15 times its overall diameter. Cables with kinks and straightened kinks or with similar apparent defects like defective armouring etc. shall not be installed. 15.2 Installation The cable installation including necessary joints shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications given. For details not covered in the specification, IS 1255-1967 shall be followed. Before the cable laying is undertaken, the route of the cable shall be decided by the Engineer-incharge. While shortest practical route should be preferred, cable runs shall generally follow fixed developments such as roads, foot-paths, etc. Cables of different voltages and also power and control cables should be kept in different trenches with adequate separation. Where available space is restricted, LV/ MV cables shall be laid above HV cables. Where cables cross one another, the cable of higher voltage shall be laid at a lower level than the cable of lower voltage. 15.3 Laying in Pipes/ Closed Ducts At locations such as road crossings, entry to buildings, for poles in paved area, etc. cables shall be laid in pipes or closed ducts. Stoneware pipes, G.I, C.I, spun reinforced concrete pipes or flexible double walled corrugated HDPE pipes shall be used for such purposes. Pipes shall be continuous and clear of debris or concrete before a cable is drawn. Sharp edges at ends shall be smoothened to prevent any injury to cable insulation or sheathing. Pipes for cable entries to the building shall slope downwards from the building and shall be suitably sealed to prevent entry of water inside the building. Further the mouth of the pipes at the building end shall be suitably sealed to avoid entry of water. Cable grips/ draw wires and winches etc. may be employed for drawing cables through pipes/closed ducts etc. Tender Document Page - 107 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 15.4 Laying on Cable Tray The cables may be laid on perforated type or ladder type cable trays with supporting brackets at regular intervals. When laid over bracket supports the cables shall be clamped to prevent undue sag. Cable clamps shall be made from materials such as galvanized mild steel, aluminium etc. In case of single core cables the clamps shall be of non-magnetic materials. A suitable non-corrosive packaging shall be used for clamping unarmoured cables to prevent damage to the cable sheath. Wherever more than one cable is laid/ run side by side, marker tags as approved inscribed with cable identification details shall be permanently attached to all the cables in the manholes/ pull pits/ joint pits/ entry points in buildings/ open ducts/ trays etc. A minimum of 1 cable diameter distance is to be left between cables. Tender Document Page - 108 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document DATA SHEET FOR D.G. SETS (To be completed by the Contractor) S. No. Description 125 KVA 1 Applicable Standards BS 5514 2 ENGINE : 2.1 Type 2.2 Make 2.3 Model 2.4 a) BHP * b) Net Output at site condition after derating at 45 0C after deducting auxiliary power. 2.5 RPM 1500 2.6 No. of cylinder 2.7 Specific Fuel Consumption (Guaranteed) in Litres/hr. a) Full Load b) at 75% Load c) at 50% Load 2.8 Lube oil consumption in gm/hr. 2.9 Cooling a) Type of cooling Radiator 2.1 Type of Starting Electric 3 ALTERNATOR : 3.1 Make 3.2 Type of Enclosure 3.3 Mounting 3.4 Net kW Rating at 0.8 PF 3.5 kVA Rating IP – 23 a) Name Plate b) After deration as per site condition of 45oC ambient after deducting auxiliary power. 3.6 Insulation 3.7 Excitation 3.8 Terminal Box Provided 3.9 Earthing Studs 3.1 Temperature rise above Class “H” Temp rise limited to class F Suitable for 3.5 core 185 sq mm Al XLPE armoured cables To be Provided. 45oC amb. a) Stator Tender Document Page - 109 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document S. No. Description 125 KVA b) Rotor c) Cores 3.11 Efficiency a) at full load b) at 75% load c) at 50% load d) at 25% load 3.12 AVR type 3.13 Degree of protection 3.14 Full load losses 3.15 Transient & sub-transient reactance 3.16 Short circuit ratio IP 23 4 Dimensions (L x W x H) of DG Set 5 Weight (in Kgs) 6 Anti-vibration pad provided 7 FLOAT CHARGER : 7.1 Type 7.2 Make 7.3 Ampere Rating 7.4 Float Charger Panel Details Rectifier 25 Amps. a) Sheet Steel (Cold Rolled) b) Thickness of sheet steel c) Type of mounting Floor mounted d) Degree of protection for panel IP – 52 e) Cable Entry (Top/Bottom) f) Glands/Conduit Gland. g) Paint Shade 8 CONTROL PANEL : 8.1 Type Indoor Type. 8.2 Make 8.3 Facilities provided (bidder to furnish details & brief description) covered: a) Monitoring Digital. b) Startup Auto/Manual. c) Changeover Tender Document Auto Change over. Page - 110 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document S. No. Description 125 KVA d) Parallel operation/synchronizing e) Operation Auto / Manual. f) Protection & interlocks & Safeguards 8.4 Cable entry 8.5 Weight 8.6 Dimensions Tender Document Yes. Page - 111 Yes. Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR FIRE FIGHTING FIRE PROTECTIONS 1. PRECEDENCE These Special Conditions shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of Contract. In the event of conflict between them, the Special Conditions shall prevail. 2. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In case of any ambiguity or discrepancy the following order of precedence shall be observed. a. b. c. d. e. 3. Schedule of Quantities Technical Specifications Special Conditions of Contract Drawings General Conditions of Contract SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of work covers the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Fire Fighting Wet Riser cum down comer, Hydrant & Sprinkler system to the under-construction J D Centre of Art at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to get all approval and completion certificate from the Local Fire Department without which the work will not be taken over by the owner. All expenses on this account shall be borne by the Contractor. 4. SPECIFICATION The work of Wet Riser cum down commer Hydrant system will be carried out as per CPWD specifications 1985 electric work for Wet Riser system and sprinkler system as per enclosed specification. 5. PROVISION FOR SLEEVES Pipe passing through structural members will be provided with G.I. pipes. 6. LOCATION OF SITE The site of work is located at A 20, VIP Colony, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa... 7. SITE PARTICULARS The intending tenderer shall be deemed to have visited the site and familiarized himself thoroughly with the site conditions before submitting the tender. Non - familiarity with the site conditions will not be considered a reason either for extra claims or for not carrying out the work in strict conformity with the drawings and specifications. 8. CO-ORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES Work shall be carried out in such a manner that the work of other agencies operating at the site is not hampered due to any action of the Contractor. Proper co-ordination with other agencies will be Contractor's responsibility. Contractor shall ensure that the works of other Contractors are not held up due to non completion of his part of work. In case of any dispute, the decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Tender Document Page - 112 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 9. TENDER DRAWINGS For guidance of the bidder, drawings as listed in Annexure are enclosed with these tender documents. These drawings are broadly indicative of the work to be carried out. The Contractor on award of work will furnish detailed stage-wise working drawings within 15 days of award of work for approval of Engineer-in-Charge and get the same approved by Local Fire Service and shall remain in the custody of the Department. No claim whatsoever shall be admissible on account of changes that may be introduced by the Engineer-in-Charge/Local Fire Authority. 10. SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall prepare and furnish all shop drawings in quadruplicate at no extra cost for approval by the Engineer-in-Charge before commencing fabrication/manufacture of the equipment. Such shop drawings shall be based on the Architect drawings and requirements laid down in the specifications and as per site conditions. The manufacture of equipment shall be commenced only after the shop drawings are approved in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge. Such drawings shall be co-ordinated with all disciplines of work. 11. COMPLETION AS BUILT DRAWINGS On completion of the work and before issuance of certificate of virtual completion, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge. General layout drawings, drawn at approved scale indicating layout of pump house piping and its accessories " As installed ". These drawings shall in particular give the following : a. b. c. d. e. 12. General layout of pump house. Panels and other equipment location and sizes etc. Complete Schematic as installed. Location of Hydrants, Earth pipes, route of earthing conductors etc. Route of all cables and pipes run along with detail sizes and mode of installation. DOCUMENTS The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge, the following documents on completion of the work and before issuance of virtual completion. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. 13. Warranty for equipment installed. Test certificates. History sheets of the equipments. Catalogues. Operation and Maintenance manuals. List of recommended spares and consumables. Reconciliation statement. All approvals and sanctions. SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION SCHEDULE The tender shall submit in the bar chart form the supply and installation schedule with in fifteen days after the award of work . 14. SANCTION/APPROVALS FROM STATUTORY AUTHORITIES/LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT The Contractor shall be fully responsible and shall carry out following activities :a) Submission of working drawing. b) Obtaining the approval of drawings. c) Arranging inspection of site by officials of the Authority. d) Obtaining the final no objection/completion certificate after submitting required documents. e) Any other statutory approvals required. Tender Document Page - 113 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 15. MANUFACTURING The responsibility for ensuring the manufacture of the equipment as per the specifications shall be solely that of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for selection of materials as per agreed specifications. 16. MAKE OF MATERIALS Approved make of material shall be used. Alternative make shall be used with the specific written approval of Engineer-in-Charge. 17. SAMPLE SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL List of items, material and equipment to be supplied as a part of the contract together with samples shall be submitted for approval to Engineer-in-Charge within one month of award of contract. 18. SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL Due to non availability of any material mentioned in the specifications, substitute material shall be used only after detail of material accompanied by all technical data, sizes, particulars of material and manufacturers name shall be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge for obtaining written approval for such material. 19. MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTION Any specific instruction furnished by manufacturer covering the points not mentioned in technical specifications of the tender shall be brought to the notice of Engineer-in-Charge in writing for further instructions in this regard at the time of tendering. 20. MATERIAL TESTING The Engineer-in-Charge shall have full power to get any material of work to be tested by an independent agency at Contractor's expense in order to prove the soundness and adequacy. 21. INTERCHANGE ABILITY All similar parts or equipment shall be interchangeable, with one another. 22. WORKS INSPECTION Prior to shipment of equipment the Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to inspect the same at manufacturer's works and the Contractor shall provide and secure for the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative every reasonable access and facility at the manufacturer works for inspection and testing. 23. INSPECTION AND TESTING a) All equipment shall be inspected and tested as per an agreed Quality Assurance Plan before the same is packed and dispatched from the Contractor's Works. The Contractor shall carry out tests as specified/directed by Engineer-in-Charge. b) Contractor shall perform all such tests as may be necessary to meet requirements of Local Authorities, Municipal or other statutory laws/ bye-laws in force. No extra shall be paid for these. c) The Engineer-in-Charge may, at his sole discretion, carry out inspection at different stages during manufacturing and final testing after manufacturing. Tender Document Page - 114 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document d) 24. TRAINING OF DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL a) b) c) d) 25. Approvals or passing of any inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative shall not, however, prejudice the right of the Engineer-in-Charge to reject the plan if it does not comply with the specification when erected or give complete satisfaction in service. The Contractor shall train the Owner’s personnel to become proficient in operating the equipment installed. Training shall be done before the expiry of the defects liability period. The period of training shall be adequate and mutually agreed upon by the Owner and Contractor. The Owner’s personnel shall also be trained for routine maintenance work and lubrication, overhauling, adjustments, testing, minor repairs and replacement. Nothing extra shall be paid to the Contractor for training Owner’s personnel. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE At the close of the work and before issue of final certificate of virtual completion by the Construction Manager, the Contractor shall furnish a written guarantee indemnifying the Owner against defective materials and workmanship for a period of one year after completion and handing over. The Contractor shall hold himself fully responsible for reinstallation or replace free of cost to the Owner. a. b. Tender Document Any defective material or equipment supplied by the Contractor. Any material or equipment supplied by the Owner which is proved to be damaged or destroyed as a result of defective workmanship by the Contractor. Page - 115 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS PIPING FOR WET RISER SYSTEM Scope This Section covers the details of requirement of piping used in wet riser system, including the associated auxiliary equipment. General The wet riser system shall remain pressurized at all times during operation, and as such the piping work shall be carried out to withstand the same. Pipes and fittings Pipes for Wet Riser system shall be of black steel conforming to IS: 1239 (Heavy Class) Fittings for black steel pipes shall be malleable iron suitable for welding or tapered screwed threads. Jointing Joint for black steel pipes and fittings shall be metal to screw grid upto 65mm dia welded joints. A small amount of red lead may be used for lubrication and rust prevention in threaded joints. Joints between C.I. or black steel pipes, valves and other appurtenances, pumps etc. shall be made with C.I. or M.S. flanges with appropriate number of bolts. Flanged joints shall be made with 3mm thick insertion rubber gasket. Dia of Flange and Hole conforming IS: Size of pipe Dia of flange Dia of bolt No. of hole 80mm 200mm 16mm 4 100mm 220mm 16mm 4 150mm 285mm 16mm 8 200mm 340mm 16mm 8 300mm 445mm 16mm 12 Pipe Protection a) All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade. b) Pipes in chase or buried underground shall be painted with two coats of hot bitumen, wrapped with bituminised hessian cloth and finished with one coat of hot bitumen paint or with fiber glass tissue paper. Pipe Supports All pipes shall be adequately supported from ceiling or walls from existing inserts by structural clamps fabricated from M.S. structurals e.g. rods, channels, angles and flats. All clamps shall be painted with one coat of red lead and two coats of black enamel paint. Where inserts are not provided the Contractor shall used anchor fasteners. Pipe Support Spacing Horizontal Vertical Pipe upto 50 mm Pipe 65 - 100 mm Pipe above 100mm 2 Mtr 1.75 Mtr 1.50 Mtr 3 Mtr 3 Mtr 3 Mtr Tender Document Page - 116 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Orifice Flanges Contractor shall provide orifice flanges fabricated from 6mm thick stainless steel plates on the branch lines feeding different zones/floors so as to allow required flow of water at 3.5 Kg/sq.cm. pressure. The Contractor shall furnish design for these orifice flanges. Air Vessel and Air release Valve Air vessel on top of each wet riser piping shall be installed before execution for approval fabricated out of at least 8mm thick steel to withstand the pressure, with dished ends and supporting legs. This shall be of 250mm dia and 1m high. This shall be completed with necessary flange connection to the wet riser piping and air release valve with necessary piping to meet the functional requirement of the system. The air vessel shall be of continuous welded construction and galvanized to IS: 4736-1968. This shall be tested for twice the working pressure. Valves, gauges and orifice plates Sluice valves above 65mm shall be of cast iron body and bronze/gunmetal seat. They shall conform to type PN 1.0 of IS: 780-1980, valves upto 65mm shall be of gunmetal construction. Valve wheels shall be of right hand type and have an arrow head engraved or cast thereon the direction for turning open and closing. Non return valves shall be of cast iron body and bronze / gunmetal seat. They shall be swing conform to Class 1 of IS: 5312 and have flanged ends. They shall be swing check type in horizontal runs and lift check type in vertical runs of piping. They shall not be spring loaded type. Pressure gauge of suitable range shall be installed on the discharge side of each pump vacuum gauge shall be provided on suction side for pumps with negative suction. The dial size shall be 250mm. The gauges shall have brass cocks. Orifice plates shall be of 6mm thick stainless steel to reduce pressure on individual hydrants to operating pressure of 3.5kg/sq.cm. Design of the same shall be given by the Contractor as per location and pressure condition of each hydrant. External yard hydrants External yard hydrants shall be of 'Stand Post' type conforming to IS: 908 - 1975 and comprise stand post for single outlet, duck foot bend, flange riser and single headed brass/gunmetal valve conforming type A of IS: 5290-1977. The stand post column shall be of cast iron, cast in one piece, conforming to grade 20 of IS: 210 1970 or M.S.pipe. The internal diameter at the top shall be at least 80mm. The outlet shall be angled towards ground, with instantaneous spring lock type gunmetal female coupling of 63mm dia. for connecting to hose pipe. Internal Hydrants The internal hydrant outlet shall comprise 'single/double headed double outlet gunmetal landing valve' conforming to type A/B of IS: 5290-1977. Separate valves one on each of the two heads shall form part of the landing valve construction. A brass cap with chain is provided on one head of the outlet which will have an instantaneous pattern female coupling for connection to the hose pipe. The landing valve shall be fitted to a tee connection on the wet riser at the landing. Tender Document Page - 117 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document First Aid hose reel equipment First aid hose reel equipment shall comprise reel hose guide fixing bracket, hose tubing globe valve, stop cock and nozzle. This shall conform to IS: 884-1969. The hose tubing shall conform to IS: 15321969. The hose tubing shall be 20mm dia and 30m long. The gunmetal /brass nozzle and globe valve shall be of 25mm size. The fixing brackets shall be of swinging type. Operating instructions shall be engraved on the assembly. Hose pipes, branch pipes and nozzles Hose pipes:- Hose pipes shall be rubber lined woven jacketed 63mm in diameter and 15m long. They shall conform to type 2 ( reinforced rubber lined ) of IS: 639-1979. The hose shall be sufficiently flexible and capable of being rolled. Each run of hose pipe shall be complete with necessary coupling at the ends of match with the landing valve or with another run of hose pipe or with Branch pipe. The coupling shall be of instaneouse spring lock type. Branch pipe:- Branch pipe shall be of copper, gunmetal or aluminium alloy 63mm dia and be complete with male instaneouse spring lock type coupling for connection to the hose pipe. The branch pipe shall be externally threaded to receive the nozzle. Nozzle :- The nozzle shall be of copper or gunmetal, 20mm in internal diameter. The screw threads at the inlet connection shall match with the threading on the branch pipe. The inlet end shall have a hexagonal head to facilitate screwing of the nozzle on to the branch pipe with the nozzle spanner. End couplings, branch pipes, and nozzles shall conform to IS:903-1985. Each hydrant point will be provided with two hoses of 15m each and one gunmetal branch pipe. Hose Cabinet The hose cabinet to accommodate the hose pipes, branch pipe nozzle and the hydrant outlets shall be fabricated from 1.5mm thick sheet steel. In case of internal hydrants, this shall accommodate the hose reel equipment also. This shall have lockable, center opening glazed doors. The scope of work includes provision of masonry or steel frame structure, as specified for installation. The hose cabinet shall be painted red stove enameled. Fire Brigade inlet connections/ Draw off connection One set of 2/4 way collector head Fire Brigade connection shall be provided at under ground sumps, sprinkler system and individual wet risers as specified. The inlet to the wet riser sprinkler header shall be with 100/150mm dia sluice valve and non return valve. The scope shall include necessary reducers, tees bends and special fittings as required. It should be provided with M.S. enclosure fabricated from 1.5mm thick M.S. sheet, front glass locking arrangement supported on M.S. structural members, painting with two coats of postal red enamel. Fire Extinguishers These shall be of make as specified. These shall be ISI marked. Tender Document Page - 118 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document ELECTRIC DRIVE, HORIZONTAL FIRE PUMPS Scope of Work A. Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipments and appliances necessary and required to completely install electrically operated pumps as required by the drawings and specified hereinafter or given in the Schedule of Quantities. B. Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the pumps and ancillary equipment shall include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electrically operated pumps with motors, base plates and accessories. Alarm system with all accessories, wiring and connections. Pressure gauges with isolation valves and piping, bleed and block valves. M.S. pipes, valves, suction strainers, delivery headers and accessories. Foundations, vibration eliminator pads and foundation bolts. Quality Control A. These shall comply with the IS Codes as specified. Submissions A. B. Product Manuals Hydraulic Details Storage A. These shall be stored as delivered in original packings. FIRE, SPRINKLER AND JOCKEY PUMPS A. Pumping Sets 1. Pumping sets shall be single/multi stage horizontal centrifugal single outlet with cast iron body and bronze dynamically balanced impellers. Connecting shaft shall be stainless steel with bronze sleeve and grease-lubricated bearings. 2. Pumps shall be connected to the drive by means of spacer type love joy couplings, which shall be individually balanced dynamically and statically. 3. The coupling joining the prime movers with the pump shall be provided with a sheet metal guard. 4. Pumps shall be provided with approved type of mechanical seals. 5. Pumps shall be capable of delivering not less than 150% of the rated capacity of water at a head of not less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120% of the rated head. 6. The pump shall meet the requirements of the Tariff Advisory Committee and the unit shall be design proven in fire protection services. Electric Drive A. Tender Document Electrically driven pumps shall be provided with totally enclosed fan cooled induction motors. For fire pumps the motors should be rated not to draw starting current more than 3 times normal running current. Page - 119 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document B. Motors for fire protection pumps shall be at least equivalent to the horse power required to drive the pump at 150% of its rated discharge and shall be designed for continuous full load duty and shall be design proven in similar service. C. Motors shall be wound for class B insulation and winding shall be vacuum impregnated with heat and moisture resistant varnish glass fibre insulated. D. Motors for fire pumps shall meet all requirements and specifications of the Tariff Advisory Committee. E. Motors shall be suitable for 415 volts, 3 phase 50 cycles a/c supply and shall be designed for 38 deg. C ambient temperature. Motors shall conform to I.S. 325. F. Motors shall be designed for two start system. G. Motors shall be capable of handling the required starting torque of the pumps. H. Contractor shall provide inbuilt heating arrangements for the motors for main pumps to ensure that motor windings shall remain dry. I. Speed of the motors shall be compatible with the speed of the pump. Air Vessel A. Provide one air vessel fabricated from 10 mm M.S. plate with dished ends and suitable supporting legs. Air vessel shall be provided with a 100mm dia flanged connection from pump, one 25mm dia drain with valve, one gunmetal water level gauge and 15 mm sockets for pressure switches. The vessel shall be 300 mm dia x 1000 mm high and tested to 20 kg/sq.cm pressure. B. The fire pumps shall operate on drop of pressure in the mains as given below. The pump operating sequence shall be arranged in a manner to start the pump automatically but should be stopped manually by starter push buttons only. Operating Conditions for Fire & Sprinkler Pumps A. Operating pressure Jockey pump B. Cut in Cut out -------------7.0 Kg/sq.cm --------- 6.00 Kg/sq. cm 7.0 Kg/sq.cm Fire Electric Pump 1 5.75 Kg/sq.cm manual Fire Electric Pump 2 2.50 Kg/sq.cm manual Notes 1. 2. 3. Jockey pump shall start and stop through pressure switch automatically. Jockey pump shall stop when main pump starts. Main pump shall start automatically on fall of pressure but stopping shall be manual. Vibration Eliminators A. Tender Document Provide on all suction and delivery lines double flanged reinforced neoprene flexible pipe connectors. Connectors should be suitable for a working pressure of each pump and tested to the test pressure given in the relevant head. Length of the connector shall be as per manufacturers details. Page - 120 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Installation A. Pumps shall be installed true to level on suitable concrete foundations. Base plate shall be firmly fixed by foundation bolts properly grouted in the concrete foundations. B. Pumps and motors shall be truly aligned by suitable instruments. C. All pump connections shall be standard flanged type with appropriate number of bolts. In case of non-standard flanges companion flanges shall be provided with the pumps. D. Manufacturer’s instructions regarding installation, connections and commissioning shall be followed with respect to all pumps and accessories. E. Contractor shall provide necessary test certificates and performance charts with NPSH requirement of the pumps from the manufacturer. The contractor shall provide facilities to the Architect or their authorised representative for inspection of equipment during manufacturing and also to witness various tests at the manufacturers works without any cost to the owners. F. Each pump shall be provided with a 150mm dia pressure gauge, isolation cock and connecting piping, bleed and block valve. G. Provide vibration eliminating pad and connectors for each pump. The Contractor shall submit with this tender a list of recommended spare parts for two years of normal operation and quote the prices for the same. DIESEL DRIVE, HORIZONTAL FIRE PUMPS Scope of Work A. Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipments and appliances necessary and required to completely install diesel driven pumps as required by the drawings, specified hereinafter or given in the Schedule of Quantities. B. Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the pumps and ancillary equipment shall include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Diesel driven pumps with motors, base plates and accessories. Alarm system with all accessories, wiring and connections. Pressure gauges with isolation valves and piping, bleed and block valves. M.S. pipes, valves, suction strainers, delivery headers and accessories. Foundations, vibration eliminator pads and foundation bolts. Quality Control A. These shall comply with the IS Codes as specified. Submissions A. B. Product Manuals Hydraulic Details Storage A. Tender Document These shall be stored as delivered in original packings. Page - 121 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document FIRE, SPRINKLER AND JOCKEY PUMPS A. Pumping Sets 1. Pumping sets shall be single/multi stage horizontal centrifugal single outlet with cast iron body and bronze dynamically balanced impellers. Connecting shaft shall be stainless steel with bronze sleeve and grease lubricated bearings. 2. Pumps shall be connected to the drive by means of spacer type love joy couplings, which shall be individually balanced dynamically and statically. 3. The coupling joining the prime movers with the pump shall be provided with a sheet metal guard. 4. Pumps shall be provided with approved type of mechanical seals. 5. Pumps shall be capable of delivering not less than 150% of the rated capacity of water at a head of not less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120% of the rated head. 6. The pump shall meet the requirements of the Tariff Advisory Committee and the unit shall be design proven in fire protection services. Diesel Engine A. Diesel engine shall be of 6 cylinders with individual head assemblies. The engine shall be water cooled and shall include heat exchanger and connecting piping, strainer, isolating and pressure reducing valves, bye-pass line complete in all respects. B. Engineer shall be direct injection type with low noise and exhaust emission levels. C. The speed of the engine shall match the pump speed for direct drive. D. The engine shall be capable of being started without the use of wicks, cartridge heater, plugs or either at engine room temperature of 7 deg. C and shall take full load within 15 seconds from the receipt of the signal to start. E. The engine shall efficiently operate at 38 deg. C ambient temperature at 50 m above mean sea level. F. Noise level of the engine shall not exceed 105 DBA (free field sound pressure) at 3 m distance. G. The engine shall be self starting type upto 4 deg. C and shall be provided with one 24 V heavy duty DC battery, starter, cut-out, battery leads complete in all respects. One additional spare battery shall be provided. The battery shall have a capacity of 180 to 200 ampere hours and 640 amps cold cranking amperage. H. Provide a battery recharger of 10 to 15 amperes capacity with trickle and booster charging facility and regulator. I. Annunciation panel shall be suitable for working on 24 volts D.C. Arrangement for starting shall be automatic on receiving the signal but shutting off shall be manual. J. The engine shall be provided with an oil bath or dry type air cleaner as per manufacturer’s design. K. Engine shall be suitable for running on high speed diesel oil. Tender Document Page - 122 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document L. The system shall be provided with a control panel with push button starting arrangement also and wired to operate the engine on a differential pressure gauge. M. The entire system shall be mounted on a common structural base plate with antivibration mountings and flexible connections on the suction and delivery piping. N. Provide one fully mounted and supported day oil tank fabricated from 5mm thick M.S. sheet electrically welded with a capacity of 8 hours working load but not less than 200 lit. Provide level indicating gauge glass on the day oil tank and low fuel indication on the control panel. O. Provide one exhaust pipe with suitable muffler (residential type) to discharge the engine gases to outside open air as per site conditions. P. Provide all accessories fittings and fixtures necessary and required for a complete operating engine set. Q. Contractor shall indicate special requirements, if any, for the ventilation of the pump room. Operating Conditions for Fire & Sprinkler Pumps Operating pressure Cut in Cut out -------------7.0 Kg/sq.cm --------- Jockey pump 6.50 Kg/sq. cm 7.0 Kg/sq.cm Fire Electric Pump 1 5.75 Kg/sq.cm manual Fire Electric Pump 2 5.0 Kg/sq.cm manual Diesel Engine driven pump 4.50 Kg/sq.cm manual Note:- The diesel pump shall start automatically, on fall of pressure in the pipe line, in the absence of electric supply, but the stopping shall be manual. Vibration Eliminators A. Provide on all suction and delivery lines double flanged reinforced neoprene flexible pipe connectors. Connectors should be suitable for a working pressure of each pump and tested to the test pressure given in the relevant head. Length of the connector shall be as per manufacturers details. Installation A. Pumps shall be installed true to level on suitable concrete foundations. Base plate shall be firmly fixed by foundation bolts properly grouted in the concrete foundations. B. Pumps and motors shall be truly aligned by suitable instruments. C. All pump connections shall be standard flanged type with appropriate number of bolts. In case of non standard flanges companion flanges shall be provided with the pumps. D. Manufacturer’s instructions regarding installation, connections and commissioning shall be followed with respect to all pumps and accessories. E. Contractor shall provide necessary test certificates and performance charts with NPSH requirement of the pumps from the manufacturer. The contractor shall provide facilities to the Architect or their authorised representative for inspection of equipment during manufacturing and also to witness various tests at the manufacturers works without any cost to the owners. Tender Document Page - 123 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document F. Each pump shall be provided with a 150mm dia pressure gauge, isolation cock and connecting piping, bleed and block valve. G. Provide vibration eliminating pad and connectors for each pump. H. The Contractor shall submit with this tender a list of recommended spare parts for two years of normal operation and quote the prices for the same. POWER AND CONTROL PANEL AND OTHER CONTROL COMPONENTS Scope This section covers the detailed requirements of the power and the control panel for the wet riser system, and also for the various control components in the system. Power and Control panel Constructional requirements General Features:- The power and control panel shall be totally enclosed dust and vermin proof free standing floor mounted cubicle type, fabricated out of sheet steel not less than 2mm thick. Where necessary, additional stiffening shall be provided by angle iron frame work. General construction shall be of compartmentalisation and sectionalisation such as mains incomer, electric fire pump, diesel fire pump, pressurisation pump, priming pump and control, so that there is no mix up of power and control wiring and connections in the same sections as far as possible. The panel shall be front operated type with all connections accessible from the front. Front doors shall be hinged type. Back doors shall be hinged type or removable type for inspection. The door hinges shall be of concealed type, the doors shall be provided with quick fixing doors knobs with indication. The general arrangement of the panel shall be got approved before fabrication. The cubical construction shall be to IP 21 as per IS: 2147, painted with approved make and shade stove enamel paint, aluminium identification plate for each compartment danger plate surrounding of busbar and live contact parts, wiring diagram etc. red, white or black enamel coated aluminium plate to be fixed on visible location. Cable entries and gland plates:-All cable entries shall be through double compression plates which are removable and stationalised. Necessary compression type glands shall also be provided. Where heavy cables are brought in and terminated, suitable clamps shall be incorporated to relieve the stress on the glands due to the weight of the cable. Cable entries may be from top or bottom depending on the equipment layout and cable scheme as approved. Busbar and connections :- The busbars shall be air insulated and of aluminium of high conductivity electrolytic quality (grade E91 E to IS 5082) and of adequate cross section. Current deOwnery shall not exceed 1.6 sq.mm per amps. sq.cm. All connections to individual, circuits from the busbars shall preferably be with solid connections. The busbar and the connections shall be suitable covered with PVC sleeves or in an approved manner. Busbars shall be suitably support using non hygroscope insulated supports such that they may stand 50KA RMS symmetrical current for one second. High tensile bolts and spring washers shall be provided at busbar joints with red, yellow paint and neutral with black colour paint. Earthing Arrangement:- GI strip 25mm x 5mm shall be run at the rear of the board, bonding all the sections suitably. 2 nos. earth terminals shall be provided at the ends of the GI strip for connection to earth system. Earth terminals shall be with a flexible loop and the hardware shall be of GI or passivated and plated iron. Terminal Blocks and Small Wiring :- Terminal blocks shall be of heavy duty type and generally not less than 15Amps 250V grade upto 100V, and 600V grade for the rent of the functions. They shall be easily accessible for maintenance. All control wiring inside the panel shall be with PVC insulated copper conductor of 2.5 sq.mm size and 600 V grade conforming to IS: 694-1977. Suitable colour cadying may be adopted. Wiring harness shall be neatly formed and run preferably function wise, and as far as possible segregated voltage wise. Identification ferrules shall be used at both ends of the wires. Tender Document Page - 124 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Instruments and lamps:All indication lamps and instruments shall be flush mounted type in front of the panel. The voltmeter and ammeter shall be of size 100mm conforming to clause 1.5 of 1248 for accuracy. Current transformers shall be provided with ammeters, wherever necessary. Indicating lamps to indicate the availability of electric supply shall be provided at the incoming section. Necessary indicating lamps for alarm indications and battery charging shall be provided in the respective sections. All indicating lamps and voltmeter shall be protected with HRC cartridge type fuses. Labels :- All internal components shall be provided with suitable identification labels. Aluminium sheet engraved labels shall be fixed at the panel for all switches, instruments, push buttons, indicating lamps, danger plate etc. Painting :- The entire panel shall be given a primer coat of red after degreasing and phosphating treatment and 2 coat of powder/stove enameled paint of approved shade before assembly of various items. The panels for the terrace pump shall be of cubic design. The specifications of powder and control panel for the wet riser shall be applicable for those panels, with controls and indications. Equipment Requirements General :- The power and control panel shall comprise individual section for the various equipments of the system and controls, in a combined cubical type design. Where particularly specified, totally independent panels for each equipment shall be provided in cubical design and the main equipment panel and the individual panels in such a case shall incorporate isolation arrangement of appropriate capacity. All switch fuse/ fuse switch units shall be to AC 23 duty to IS: 4064. Incomer section :- The incoming section shall comprise : (i) Fuse switch unit with HRC fuses, ammeter, voltmeter, selector switch set of phase indication lamps and fuses. (Fuse rating to suit consideration (i) below) (ii) Aluminium busbars. (iii) TP&N outgoing switch fuse unit with HRC fuses for electric fire pump. (Fuse rating to take continuously 250% of full load current of fire pump motor.) (iv) TP&N outgoing switch fuse unit with HRC fuses for pressurization pump, priming pump and terrace pump (where specified) and for local lighting control. (v) TP&N switch fuse unit with HRC fuses for battery charger unit control. (vi) TP&N switch fuse unit with HRC fuses outgoing (spares, as specified.) Note : - Terminal blocks, inter-connections, labels etc. as necessary. Electric Fire Pump Section :- This section shall incorporate the following facilities. (i) TP&N isolator (ii) Control system components and equipment such as relays, Contractors, timers etc. for automatic operation. (iii) Starter Unit, Current Transformer and Ammeter. Tender Document Page - 125 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document (iv) Indication lamps, their fuses, terminal block, push bottons, control and selector switches etc. as required. (v) Pump lock out devices due to faults or abnormalities as specified. (vi) Visual/audio alarms, indications and communications facility as specified. (vii) Necessary inter connection control and power cable work, cable glands, lags and internal wiring and connections. Engine Section :- The engine section shall incorporate the following facilities. (i) Control system components and equipment such as relays, Contractors, timers etc. for automatic operation. (ii) Instruments, indicator lamps, fuses, terminal blocks, push buttons, control and selector switches etc. as are required. (iii) Engine shut down and block out devices due to faults or abnormalities as specified. (iv) Visual /audio alarm indication and enunciator facility as specified. (v) Inter-connection control and power cable work, cable glands, lags, all internal wiring and connection etc. Jockey Pump Section :- Each of the auxiliary pump section for pressurization and priming pump shall incorporate the following : (i) TP&N isolator. (ii) Control system components such as relays, times, Contractors etc. as are necessary for functional requirements. (iii) Starter unit, current transformer and ammeter. (iv) Indication lamps, fuses, terminal blocks, push buttons selector, switch etc. as required. (v) Inter-connections, power and control cable work, cable plants lugs, internal wiring and connections. (vi) Low water level alarm for terrace tank, where provided. Control Section :- This section shall incorporate the following: (i) Control components integrating the various sections, so as to satisfy the functional requirements. (ii) Battery charger unit with boost/float charge facility with voltmeter, capable of independently charging 2 sets of batteries at a time. (iii) Visual/audio alarms, not covered in individual sections. (iv) Lamps healthy test facility. (v) Instruments, indicating lamps, push buttons, fuse terminal blocks etc. as are required. (vi) Test facility to stimulate operation of hydrants. Tender Document Page - 126 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Other Control Components Pressure Switches : Pressure Switches shall be provided for switching on and off the pressurization pump at present pressures and also for switching of the fire pump at priest pressure. Being the main component for initiating the signal for the operation of the pumps, the pressure switches shall be totally reliable, sturdy in construction and of long life. The pressure settings shall be adjustable. Low Water Level Indication and Switch : To prevent the dry running of the fire pumps due emptying of the static tank, a water level indication and switch shall be provided. This shall trip the electric motor or stop the diesel engine, as the case may be when the water level goes below a present level. This shall also furnish a distinct low water level audio visual alarm. This should indicate the level of water at different stages is the power and control panel. Power Supply for Controls: In order ensure that the control systems remains co-operational at all times, the control system shall be designed for 24 VDC operation, fed from 24V wet battery. This shall be independent of the starting battery for the engine i.e., battery shall remain trickle charged at all times from the common battery, charges at the control section. ELECTRICAL WORK AND EARTHING Scope This section covers the detailed requirements of electrical works including earthing, for the materials installation. Electric power supply shall be terminated in the incoming switch gear of the power and control panel by the electrical contractor approved by the Owner/Department. All further connections to the various components of the riser system shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, for a complete and working system satisfying all the functional requirements. The scope shall particularly include the following: All inter-connections with multi-core armoured copper cables of size as approved between various control units and control panel(s). All power cable connections with multi-core armoured aluminium cables of size as approved between panels motors etc. either clamped on all run on cable trays or laid in duct etc. as the case may be. Trays, clamps, supports and all labour shall be inclusive within the quoted cost. Necessary earthing with 2 Nos. G.I. pipe electrodes and loop earthing. The work shall be carried out conforming to CPWD General Specifications for electrical works Part-I (Internal) 1994 amended upto date and Part II (External) 1994 amended upto date. INSTALLATION AND TESTING Scope This section covers the requirements of installation of the various components of the wet riser system. Tender Document Page - 127 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document A survey of the site of the work shall be made by the Contractor before preparation of the detailed drawings for submission to the department for approval. The installation shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved drawing. The scope of installation work shall include the following, where or not expressly mentioned in the schedule of work. i. Cement concrete (1:2:4mix) foundation for all pump sets. ii. Vibration isolation arrangement for all pump sets. iii. Filling up the hole in flooring with cement concrete, after laying the wet riser pipes. iv. Necessary supports and clamps for wet riser pump room. v. Necessary supports and clamps for wet riser plumbing the building. vi. Supporting bracket/frame work for the fuel oil tank of the engine. vii. Excavation of the earth, consolidation and refilling after laying of wet riser piping in ground. viii. Provision of necessary brick base or intermediate support as required in approved manner in case of soils which are no strong enough to support the pipes, thereby likely to case different settlement. ix. Necessary anchor block of ample dimensions in 1:2:4 cement concrete at all bends, tee connections, foot of the wet riser, and other places as required to stand the pressure thrust in pipes. x. Necessary masonry work/steel work for supporting hose cabinets near external (yard) hydrants. xi. Valve chambers of approved design with external (yard) hydrant. xii. Ground level hydrants of approved design, where specifies. xiii. Cutting and making good the damages for the installation work of the riser system xiv. Strainers and foot valves for pumps with negative suction and positive suction. xv. All the required control piping, exhaust piping (5m long) from engine, oil piping for fuel oil and lubricating oil for the engine, drain piping from the pumps to the drain pint in the pump room, overflow piping from priming tank to the sump. The piping work shall include all necessary fittings, valve and accessories for effective functional requirements. xvi. Inter-connecting cable work with controls, control panel, batteries etc. including battery leads. xvii. Orifice plates at individual hydrants, as required. strainers for pumps with Where provision of GI/MS pipe shall below ground become inescapable as indicated in 6.1, it shall be protected from soil corrosion by 2 coats of coal tar hot enamel paint and 2 wraps of reinforced fiber glass tissue or bitumenised horizon. Each CI pipe/GI pipe shall be subjected to hydraulic pressure test before installation, in presence of the Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representative. External (yard) hydrants shall be located at least 2m away from the face of the buildings but not more than 15m and be accessible. Tender Document Page - 128 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Where external hydrants below ground level are specifically indicated in tender specifications, there shall be enclosed in masonry or cast iron structure of size 75cm 2 and 8cm above ground level. The hydrant shall be with in 8cm from the top of the enclosure. Necessary facility for draining the rise pipe shall be provided at ground floor level with 40mm size sluice valve. Internal hydrants at each floor shall be located at about 1m above floor level. Valve chambers shall be of 1m 2 in size, with cover. Hoses and Hose Cabinet All hoses shall be numbered and a record submitted with completion plane. The number and length shall be easily recognizable on each hose pipe. External hose boxes shall be installed such that the hose is not exposed to sun rays. Painting Painting of the entire wet riser piping over the ground shall be done with anti corrosive primer and 2 coats of approved paint. The colour shall be red to shade No. 536 of Is 5/1961. Paint shall conform to IS: 2932 / 1964. The pumps and engine shall be painted after installation with a coat of approved paint to similar shade as per original supply. Testing of the system After laying and jointing, the entire piping shall be tested to hydrostatic test pressure. The pipes shall be slowly charged with water so that the air is expelled from the pipes. The pipes shall be allowed to stand full of water for a period of not less than 24 hours and then tested under pressure. The test pressure shall be 10kg/cm2. The test pressure shall be applied by means of manually operated test pump or by a power driven test pump to be provided by the Contractor. In either case precautions shall be taken to ensure that the required test pressure is not exceeded. The open end of the piping shall be temporarily closed for testing. Test shall be conducted on each pump set after completion of the installation with respect of delivery head, flow and B.H.P. The test shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost. All leaks and defects in different joints noticed during the testing and before commissioning shall satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. Testing of fittings/equipments shall be carried out either at site or at works in the pressure of a representative of the Department. Test certificates shall also be furnished by the Contractor. The automatic operation of the system for the various functional requirements and alarms as laid down in his specification shall be satisfactory carried out on pressure of the Engineer-in-charge. Approval by Local Bodies It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain the approval of drawings and to get the installation inspected and approved by the concerned authorities as may be necessary as per local by laws, any fee payable to the local bodies for such activities shall also be borne by the Owner on production of receipts for money paid and the other expenses will be borne by the Contractor. Tender Document Page - 129 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document Pipe Work associated with Diesel Engine : Pipe works for fuel system, lub. oil system and exhaust system shall be complete with all required supports, clamps, hangers etc. for a complete work. Fuel feed is by gravity and the fuel tank shall be located at least 60cm above the fuel injection pump. Fuel pipe of copper shall not be soldered but brazed or welded. No valves or cocks shall be provided in the fuel feed line to engine from the fuel tank. Precautions shall be taken to prevent any air locks in any part of the fuel system. No air relief cock shall be permitted and where inescapable, screwed plugs shall be provided for the purpose. The installation of the fuel supply system shall be such that a completely primed condition is maintained, free from air lock. Filters shall be provided in fuel oil and lub. oil circuits allocations that are easily accessible for maintenance. Wet Riser Pipe Work : The suction line for each pump shall be independent. No sluice valve shall be provided in suction line, where the pump is located above the water level in the sump foot valve and strainer shall however be provided. Sluice valve shall be provided in situation line, where the pump is located below the water level in the sump, strainer at the suction end shall be provided. Each external (yard) hydrant shall be controlled by a sluice valve at ground level. Sluice valves shall be kept in open position and the scope of work includes provision of necessary leather strap and pad lock so as to prevent unauthorized closing of valve. The installation work includes provision of all clamps, supports, anchors etc. Spacing between vertical supports shall not exceed 1.5m and horizontally at 2m upto 50mm and 1.5m for higher diameters. Clamps shall be provided on either side of the Tee joints for internal hydrants. Necessary anchors/ thrust pads shall be provided as approved at locations of bends, tees etc. as required within the scope of work. Under ground pipes of the wet riser system shall be laid 1m below ground level and at least 2m away from the face of the buildings. The run of piping shall be preferably along roads and foot-paths and shall not be under buildings. Where specifically indicated to cross buildings, these shall be laid in masonry trenches with removable covers. With cut off valves at the entry and exit points. Tender Document Page - 130 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM 1.0 Sprinkler Heads a) Sprinkler heads shall be of quartzoid bulb type with bulb, valve assembly yoke and the deflector. The sprinklers shall be of approved make and type. b) Types: c) d) i) Convertional Pattern: The sprinklers shall be designed to produce a spherical type of discharge with a portion of water being thrown upwards to the ceiling. The sprinklers shall be suitable for erection in upright position or pendant position. ii) Spray Pattern: The spray type sprinkler shall produce a hemispherical discharge below the plane of the deflector. iii) Ceiling (flush) Pattern: These shall be designed for use with concealed pipe work. These shall be installed pendant with plate or base flush to the ceiling with below the ceiling. iv) Side Wall Sprinklers: These shall be designed for installation along with the walls of room close to the ceiling. The discharge pattern shall be similar to one quarter of sphere with a small proportion discharging on the wall behind the sprinklers. Constructions: i) Bulb :- Bulb shall be made of corrosion free material strong enough to with stand any water pressure likely to occur in the system. The bulb shall shatter when the temperature of the surrounding air reaches a predetermined level. ii) Valve Assembly :-Water passage of the sprinkler shall be closed by a valve assembly of flexible construction. The valve assembly shall be held in position by the quartzoid bulb. The assembly be stable and shall withstand pressure surges or external vibration without displacement. iii) Yoke :- The yoke shall be made of high quality gun metal. The arms of yoke shall be so designed as to avoid interference with discharge of water from the deflector. The sprinkler body shall be coated with an approved anti-corrosive treatment if the same is to used in corrosive conditions. iv) Deflector :-The deflector shall be suitable for either upright or pendent erection. The deflector shall be designed to give an even distribution of water over the area protected by each sprinkler. Colour Code : The following colour code shall be adopted for classification of sprinkler according to nominal temperature ratings: Tender Document Page - 131 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document e) Sprinkler Temperature Rating Colour of the Bulb 57 deg. C 68 deg. C 79 deg. C 93 deg. C 141 deg. C 182 deg. C 204/260 deg. C Orange Red Yellow Green Blue Violet/Mauve Black Size of Sprinklers Orifices: The following sizes of sprinklers shall be selected for various classes or hazards. Extra light hazard Ordinary light hazard Extra high hazard f) 10/15 mm nominal bore 15 mm nominal bore 15/20 mm nominal bore Stock of replacement sprinkler : The following spare sprinklers shall be supplied along with the system : Extra high hazard systems Ordinary hazard systems Extra high hazard systems g) 2.0 6 sprinklers 24 sprinklers 36 sprinklers Temperature Rating: For normal conditions in temperature climates rating of 68/74 deg. C shall be used. However the temperature rating shall be as closed as possible to, but not less than 30 deg. C above the highest anticipated temperature conditions. Pipes and Fittings : a) Pipes for Wet Riser system shall be of black steel conforming to IS: 1239 (Heavy Class) Fittings for black steel pipes shall be malleable iron suitable for welding or approved type cast iron fittings with tapered screwed threads. Jointing: Joint for black steel pipes and fittings shall be metal to metal tapered thread or welded joints. A small amount of red lead may be used for lubrication and rust prevention in threaded joints. Joints between C.I. or black steel pipes, valves and other appurtenances, pumps etc. shall be made with C.I. or M.S. flanges with appropriate number of bolts. Flanged joints shall be made with 3mm thick insertion rubber gasket. Pipe Protection: a) All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade. b) Pipes in chase or buried underground shall be painted with two coats of hot bitumen, wrapped with bituminised hessian cloth and finished with one coat of hot bitumen paint or with fibre glass tissue paper. Pipe Supports: All pipes shall be adequately supported from ceiling or walls from existing inserts by structural clamps fabricated from M.S. structurals e.g. rods, channels. angles and flats. All clamps shall Tender Document Page - 132 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document be painted with one coat of red and two coats of black enamel paint. Where inserts are not provided, the Contractor shall provide anchor fasteners. Orifice Flanges: Contractor shall provide orifice flanges fabricated from 6mm thick stainless steel plates on the branch lines feeding different zones/floors so as to allow required flow of water at 3.5 kg/sqcm. pressure. The Contractor shall furnish design for these orifice flanges. c) Valves Sluice valves of size 80mm and above shall be double flanged cast iron conforming to IS:780. Check valve shall be of cast iron double flanged conforming to IS:5312. Valves on pipes 65mm and below shall be heavy pattern gunmetal valves with cast iron wheel seat tested to 20kg/sqcm pressure. Valves shall conform to IS:778. Air Valves: 25mm dia screwed inlet cast iron single acting air valves on all high points in the system or as shown on drawings. Drain Valves: 50mm dia black steel pipe conforming to IS:1239 heavy class with 50mm gunmetal full way valve for draining and water in the system in low pockets. 3.0 Installation Control Valve:- Installation control valves shall comprise of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 4.0 Pressure Gauges:-Burden type pressure gauges conforming to IS/BS specifications shall provided at the following locations. a. b. c. d. 5.0 One man stop valve of full way pattern with gunmetal pointer to indicate where open/shut. One automatic alarm valve, fitted with handle and cover. One hydraulic alarm motor and gong for sounding a continuous alarm upon out-break of fire. One combined waste and testing valve including 5mtr of tubing and fittings. Alarm stop valve Strainer Drain plug Padlock & strap Wall box for installation of valve Just above alarm valve. Just below alarm valve, on the installation stop valve. One pressure gauge on delivery side of each pump. Required number of pressure gauges on pressure tank. Installation of Piping A. Below ground piping :- Under ground piping shall be installed in masonry trenches with cover or reinforced concrete. The pipe work shall be supported at regular intervals of 2.5m with masonry or RCC supports. Wherever pipes pass through roads/pavements suitable size hue pipes shall be provided for protection of piping. Underground pipes shall be protected against corrosion with two coats of bituminous painting and wrapped with trafelt or similar covering. If the piping is to be buried in ground with back filling of earth, a coat of epoxy painting shall be given. B. Above ground piping:a. Tender Document All above ground piping shall be installed on suitable to pipe hangers/supports as required. The hangers shall be made of MS angles, channels etc. and painted to the Page - 133 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document required finish (with suitable synthetic enamel Paint). The spacing of piping supports shall be as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) b) 2 mtr 2 mtr 1.75 mtr 1.50 mtr Piping shall be so installed that the system can be thoroughly drained. All the pipes shall be arranged to drain to the installation drain valve. In case of basement and other areas where the pipe work, is below the installation drain valve/auxiliary valves of the following sizes shall be provided. i) ii) iii) 6.0 20mm to 32mm dia 40mm to 65mm dia 65mm to 100mm dia above 150mm dia 20mm dia valve for pipes upto 50mm dia 25mm dia valve for 65mm dia pipes 32mm dia valves for pipes larger than 65mm dia c) Piping shall be screwed type upto 50mm dia. Welding of joints will be allowed for pipes of 50mm of larger diameters. d) The piping shall be pressure tested by the hydrostatic method upto a pressure of 1.5 times the working pressure the piping shall be slowly charged with water so that all the air is expelled from the piping by providing a 25mm inlet with a stop cock. Thepiping shall be allowed to stand full of water for a period of 2 hours and then the piping shall be put under pressure by means of manually operated test pump or by a power driven test pump. The pressure gauges used for testing shall be accurate and shall preferably the calibrated before the testing is carried out. All the leakages and defects in joints revealed during the testing shall be rectified to the entire satisfaction of the Consultant. The system may be tested in sections parts as the work of erection of piping proceeds. The piping shall withstand 1.5 times the working pressure for at least 2 hours. Pump Sets: Same as wet riser & Hydrant system specification. 7.0 Annunciation Sprinkler Panel : The equipment for control panel should be compact neatly wired and enclosed in a suitable 14 gauge M.S. sheet/16 CRCA sheet Metal Box which is suitably treated against corrosion. The control panel should be painted with over banked enamel paint. The panel shall consist of : a) Panel should be made in a modules of 10 zones e.g. Each module will have audible and visual indications and will monitor the circuit conditions. A.C. Power Supply Fault and Fire indication lamp. Alarm acknowledgment push buttons. The circuits provided in the control panel for each zone shall indicate the following conditions: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Tender Document Open Circuit in zone wiring Short Circuit in zone wiring Normal conditions Power failure Low battery Page - 134 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 7.1 7.2 8.0 The Automatic annunciation panel shall suitable for operation on 24V DC and shall be provided with power supply unit suitable to operate on A.C. mains of 230V with a variation of 10%. The system shall be so designed that in case of failure of A.C. main supply it shall automatically change over to battery supply. Suitable protection may be provided against charging of the battery over and above the specified values. Battery Unit i) The system shall be powered by lead acid storage stationery complete with automatic duel rate charger boost and trick operating from 220V, 50 Hz, single phase, mains supply. The battery capacity should be adequate for operation of the system connected to it for at least 24 hours in the non-alarm state followed by 30 minutes operation of all sounders and other connected equipments after a power (mains) failure. ii) The automatic charger should operate at the boost charge when the battery terminal voltage is less than about 2.1V 20 per cell, and operate at a trickle charge rate of 100 to 200 HA, when the battery terminal voltage exceeds about 2.25 per cell. iii) The power unit should have the following: a) Voltmeter 0-30 V b) Ammeter of suitable range c) Indicator lights for mains d) Indicator lights for DC output iv) The preferred nominal DC voltage shall be 24 V and shall preferably be isolated. (IF an isolated supply is provided a line earthing indicator should also be provided). v) The DC system and the detection and sounder circuits shall be protected against their attaining a voltage to earth exceeding 50V. vi) The connection to the 220V, 50Hz, single phase system shall be through a three pin plug socket especially provided for the connection to the annunciation panel. This connection should in addition utilized for earthling all non-current carrying metal parts of the sprinkler system, except those that are either doubly insulated or mounted at a height exceeding 2.2 meters. vii) The battery unit shall be housed in a steel cabinet with suitable mounting at least 2.5mm thick suitably painted with two coats of Post Office Red, Enamel necessary vent holes should be provided for proper ventilation. viii) One battery unit complete with battery charger shall be provided for each control panel. Tender Document Page - 135 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SPECIFICATIONS OF FIRE TRACE TUBE SYSTEM The Fire Trace Tube System shall be simple self-activating system and shall offer the widest versatility. The system shall not rely on any complex electronics or any moving parts. Firetrace tube system shall have a flexible detection and delivery system called Firetrace Tubing. The tubing shall be manufactured from specially processed polymer materials to achieve the desired heat detection and delivery characteristics. The Firetrace Tubing, which is pressurized, shall be placed within an enclosed area above potential fire hazards and secured in place with brackets provided. The Firetrace system shall discharge the extinguishant directly from the burst hole in the tube, this will be the closest point to the fire, and will allow the fastest extinguishing time and minimum spread of the fire. Firetrace automatic fire extinguishing systems shall not need any external energy / power supply. The Firetrace system shall be always operative even during energy break down. The Firetrace automatic detection tube shall be considered as a lineal heat / flame detector. When the temperature is increased to above 120_C or the Firetrace automatic detection tube is touched by a flame the tube bursts and initiates the diffusion of the extinguishing medium. The design of the Firetrace automatic fire extinguishing system shall be simple and allow for a minimum of maintenance work. The system shall have reduced risk of malfunction because there are virtually no moving parts and shall reduces the risk of false alarms. The Firetrace automatic detection tube shall be capable of working even when contaminated with oil, dust and debris as long as the contamination will allow heat to pass through to the tube. The System shall not require specialist equipment or highly trained installers. The Firetrace automatic fire extinguishing system shall be minimally affected by vibrations or similar disturbances since there are no mechanical function mechanisms or electric contacts. Firetrace systems shall be suitable for C02 and all other high pressure applications. Firetrace shall have the ability to provide automatic protection. Tender Document Page - 136 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document STANDARDS AND CODES 1. IS 1648 Code of practice for fire safety of building (general ) fire fighting equipment and maintenance. 2. IS 3844 Code of practice for installation of internal fire hydrant in multistorey buildings 3. IS 2217 Recommendations for providing first aid and fire fighting arrangement in public buildings. 4. IS 2190 Code of practice for selection, installation maintenance of portable first aid fire appliances. 5. Part IV, fire fighting National building code 6. IS 5290 External fire hydrants 7. IS 5290 Internal landing valves 8. IS 904 2 & 3 way suction collecting heads 9. IS 884 First aid hose reel 10. IS 5132 High pressure rubber pipe 11. IS 1537 C.I. Double flanged pipes 12. IS 1538 C.I. Double flanged fittings 13. IS 780 C.I. Sluice valves and Gunmetal valves 14. IS 934 Specifications for portable chemical fire extinguisher soda acid type. 15. IS 2873 Specifications for fire extinguisher of Carbon-di-oxide. Tender Document Page - 137 and Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR HVAC WORKS 1. Prices The prices to be quoted by the intending tenderer shall include the supply and installation, at the site, of all component, ancillary material and other items whatsoever required for carrying out the job to fulfil the intent and purposes as laid down in the specifications and/or the drawings. The tenderer's price shall be deemed to include all components panels, nuts, bolts, shims, clamps, supports etc. as required for proper fixing and/or grouting of equipments, ancillary items etc., whether specifically mentioned or not the contractor shall also include, in his price, all taxes duties or other levies (viz. Excise duty, customs duty, works contract tax, sales tax, octroi etc.,) which are legally leviable on air conditioning equipment and Installation. Failure to include all leviable taxes and duties will not entitle the contractor to any extra claims from the Owner. The contractor's rate shall remain firm and fixed during the currency of the contract. However, the price shall be subject to adjustment, in case of variation in the rate of excise, customs duty due to any act of legislature, within the originally agreed period, for the completion of the work. 2. Assembly and Inspection Shop assembly of all component parts shall be made to ensure that all parts are properly fitted to minimize installation problems. The Owners reserves the right to inspect any machinery, material and component (hereinafter collectively called "apparatus") finished or used by the contractor under this contract and may reject which is defective in workmanship or design or otherwise unsuitable for the use and purpose intended or which is not in accordance with the intent of this contract. The contractor shall on demand by the Owners, remedy/replace at the contractor's expenses any such defective or unsuitable apparatus. The contractor shall advise the Owners in advance when apparatus is ready for inspection in the contractor's workshop and/or in his sub supplier's workshop. The Owners Representative shall at all times have access to all parts of shops where apparatus are being manufactured and also shall be provided with all reasonable inspection facilities by the contractor and his sub supplier. None of the apparatus to be furnished or used in connection with this contract will be supplied until shop inspection and performance testing, wherever possible, satisfactory to the Owners Representative has been made. Such shop inspection of the apparatus shall not however, relieve the contractor from full responsibility for furnishing the apparatus confirming to the requirements of this contract not prejudice any claim, right or privilege which the Owners may have because of the supply of defective or unsatisfactory apparatus. Should the Owners waive the right to inspect any apparatus, such waiver shall not relive the contractor from his obligation under this contract. 3. Working Drawings, Maintenance Manuals etc. On the award of the work, the contractor shall immediately proceed with the preparation of detailed shop drawings prepared on the computer through the Auto cad system based on the architectural drawings and site measurement, detailing the components that are to be installed and the ancillary works that are to be carried out. Three sets of all such schematic drawings shall be submitted to the Architect/Consultant, for their approval to ensure that the works will be carried out in accordance with the specifications and drawings, including such changes as may have been mutually agreed upon. All the drawings shall be received by the Architect/Consultant for their approval, within two weeks of the award of work. The approval of the drawings by the Architect/Consultant shall in no way relieve the contractor from his obligations to provide a complete and satisfactory System and installation as per intent and purpose as laid down in the specifications. Any omissions and/or errors shall be made good or rectified whether or not the drawings are approved. Prior to the completion of the work, the contractor shall furnish (4) four sets of a comprehensive manual, describing all components, furnishing a list of instructions for the operations and maintenance of the system. Tender Document Page - 138 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document When the Architect makes any amendments in the above drawings, the contractor shall supply two fresh sets of drawings with the amendments duly incorporated along with check prints for approval & a approved co-ordinate shop drawing duly signed by Architect office shall be sent to site for execution. With in four weeks of approval of all the relevant shop drawings, the contractor shall submit four copies of a comprehensive variation in the quantity statement. The contractor shall also fix in the control room neatly typed and framed, instruction in details, for the starting and running of the system. Any special tools required for the operation or the maintenance of the system shall be supplied free. 4. Certificate and mode of payment The contractor shall be paid by the employer from time to time, by installments, on obtaining interim certificates to be issued by the Engineers-In-Charge, in the manner described below :A) B) C) D) E) 10% of the contract value as advance against a bank guarantee. 50% prorate payment against the supply of equipment, components at site. 10% of the contract value against erection. 10% of the contract value against testing and commissioning. 10% of the contract value on handing over & after success full running of 3 months after handing-over. F) Balance 10% amount will be retained for a period of 12 months from the date of virtual completion. This amount may be paid along with payment under ‘d’ against a bank guarantee of like amount, valid for a period of 12 months from the date of virtual completion. 5. Installation and Commissioning The contractor shall carry out the complete installation and commissioning. All work shall commence on previously prepared locations for the main and sub systems. All the materials shall be moved from their place of storage into the system by the contractor. The contractor shall make his own arrangement to off load materials received at respective Air/Rail/Road transport terminal points, dispatch to site and to store all material received at site. The Owners shall provide clear storage and installation space only. All installation tools and tackles as and when required to suit the installation programme shall be provided by the contractor. All consumables required for installations such bamboos and planks for scaffolding etc. shall be provided by the contractor. Protective and finish painting shall be carried out by the contractor. Carbon steel surface shall be thoroughly cleaned painting. The contractor shall indicate the electricity requirements during installation. The contractor shall remove all the waste material or rubbish from and about the work site and leave the job thoroughly cleaned up and ready for use. 6. Testing 6.1 All types of routines and type tests as required shall be carried out at the works of the contractor or the manufacturers of the components. The Project Managers/ Consultants shall be free to witness any or all tests, if he so desires. 6.2 On the completion of the installation, the contractors shall arrange to carry out various initial tests as detailed in below, in the presence of and to the complete satisfaction of the Project Managers/Consultants, or their representatives. Any defects or shortcomings found during the tests shall be speedily rectified or made good by the contractor at his own expenses. 6.3 The initial tests shall include but not be limited to the following : 6.3.1 To operate and check the proper functioning of all electrically operated components viz compressor motor, Fans. 6.3.2 To test and check the switch gears, safety and other controls to ensure their proper functioning. Tender Document Page - 139 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 6.3.3 To check the air distribution in the system and to provide design air flow in all the areas specifically shown on the drawings by adjusting the grilles and dampers, which should be provided by the contractor wherever required. On the satisfactory completion of all 'Initial' tests the system shall be considered to be complete' for the purpose of taking over by the Owner. 'virtually In addition to the 'Initial' tests the contractor shall also give two continuous operation of test of the system. The tests shall be conducted when the outside ambient conditions are close to the specified ambient conditions. The running tests shall be taken on the completion of the initial tests, provided the ambient conditions are close to the specified ambient conditions. The contractor shall provide all necessary tools, instruments, gauges, flow meter, ammeter etc. as may be required for conducting the various tests and the required personnel for the tests. However, power for the tests shall be provided by the Owner. 7. Rejection of Defective System If on test any portion of the system or components are found to be defective or not fulfilling the intent or the meaning of the specifications, the same shall be replaced or repaired to the entire satisfaction of the Project Managers/ Consultants. In case the contractor fails to remove the defects, within a period considered reasonable, the Owner reserves the right to take necessary remedial measures through other agencies and all expenses thus incurred would be recovered from the contractor. The Owner reserves the right to operate all the equipment and complete system whether or not the plant is taken over after the initial test and commissioning. Any defects found during the initial or running tests shall be removed at a suitable time as decided upon by the Owner and/or their Project Manager/Consultants. 8. Maintenance of the system and training of personnel The contractor shall arrange to provide, at no extra cost necessary personnel and material to carry out all routine and special maintenance of the plant as required, regularly for a period of (12) twelve months (1 year) from the date of commissioning. The contractor shall also train the Owner's personnel to operate the plant and carry out routine checks during the period of installation and testing. If found necessary, the Owner shall train such personnel at his works at no extra cost to the Owner. 9. Completeness of the Plant The contractor shall provide all the required materials, equipment, ancillary items etc. to install a complete and satisfactory air conditioning system capable of fulfilling the intent and purpose of the contract whether or not each and every item is mentioned in the specifications and/or drawings. Any shortcomings noticed at any stage shall be made good at no extra cost. The contractor shall also fix in the plant room, neatly typed and framed, instructions in details, for the starting and running of the plant. Any special tools required for the operation or the maintenance of the plant shall be supplied free with the plant. 10. Painting All equipment and ancillary items such as pipes, supports etc., will be painted in approved manner, using colour scheme as approved by the architect. Tender Document Page - 140 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 11. Guarantee The contractor shall guarantee that all the material, machinery and components supplied, fabricated, designed and installed by him shall be free from defects due to faulty design material and/or workmanship, that the system shall perform satisfactorily and the efficiency and functioning system of the system and all the components shall not be less than the parameters laid down in the specifications and the performance shall be within the specified design limits. In case of any shortcoming the contractor shall replace the necessary components at no extra cost or alternately the Owner shall be entitled to deduct a proportionate amount from payments due to the contractor. The period of the guarantee shall be (12) twelve months from the date of commissioning during which period any or all components found to be defective shall be replaced or repaired free of charge and any shortcomings found in the system functioning as specified shall be removed at no extra cost. The contractor shall provide the necessary personnel and tools for fulfilling the above guarantee. If for any reason the commissioning of the system cannot be carried out due to reasons attributable solely to the Owner, then the system shall carry a guarantee for a period of (12) twelve months from the date of 'virtual completion’ - a date which shall be certified by Project Manager/Consultant. If the defects are not removed within a reasonable time the Owner may arrange to do so at the contractor's risk and cost, without prejudice to any other rights. 12. Performance Guarantee The contractor shall guarantee that the air conditioning system shall maintain the design inside temperature within 1C tolerance and the relative humidity shall not exceed the specified limit. The Contractor shall guarantee that the capacity of various equipments as well as the whole system shall not be less than specified. 13. Safe custody and storage Safe custody of all equipments supplied by the contractor shall be his own responsibility till the final taking over by the Owner. He should, therefore, employ sufficient staff for watch and ward at his own expenses. The Owner may, however, allow the contractor to use the plant room/weather maker/rooms etc. for temporary storage of his equipment if such spaces are ready and available. 14. Duration for completion of works Duration for completion of works shall be 4 Months after the award of work. 15. Cost of the Tender (Fee) : Rs. 1000/= (Rupees One Thousand only) 16. Earnest Money : 2% of contract value or minimum Rs. 2 lacks. 17. Defect liability : 12 Months from date of virtual completion period. 18. Retention amount : 5% of total cost of the Air Conditioning System to be released after defect liability period. 19. Performance Guarantee : 5 % performance guarantee of contract value to be given by contractor before placing Award of work. 20. Liquidated damages : 1% per week or a maximum of 10% of total contract value of the Air Conditioning work. Tender Document Page - 141 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SECTION 1 SYSTEM DESIGN DATA 1. General 1.1 The system design, basis of design, estimated requirements and other relevant data are outlined in this section. The detailed specifications and specific requirements are out lined in the subsequent sections. 2. Location 2.1 The Art Academy is located at Bhuvneshwar, Orissa 3. Scope of work 3.1 The work proposed under this tender includes providing and fixing Air Cooled Roof top Packaged Air conditioners, Refrigerant piping, drain piping, insulation, electrical wiring etc. for the above project. 3.2 The work shall also include chasing of walls for piping, rough plaster to seal the changes, embedding of drain piping under floor, wiring from electrical point up to each unit etc. 4. System Design 4.1 There shall be roof type packaged units for most of the building, some areas shall be air conditioned by hi-wall mounted units. 4.2 The out door condensing units shall be located on the terrace at the suitable position. Basis of Design: 5. 5.1 5.2 Outside Conditions Inside Conditions Summer : 41.0 C DB, 27.8 C WB Monsoon : 32.0 C DB, 30.0 C WB Summer & Winter : 30.0C 01.0C DB RH not exceeding 60% in all areas. 5.3 Lighting Load : 10 W/Sqm. 5.4 Equipment Load : 5 W/Sqm 5.5 Fresh Air : As per ASHRAE 62.1. 5.6 Roof Insulation : All the exposed roof shall be insulated with 50mm thick expanded polystyrene or Tender Document Page - 142 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document equivalent insulation. 6. Estimated Load Occupan cy 930 24 1.0 0.5 Dehumidifie d CFM (Summer) Area (Sq. ft) Fresh Air (CFM) Description Eq. Load (Watts/Sqft) S. No. Light load (Watts/Sqft) Based on the above design parameters the estimated load is : Tonnage Summer Tonnage Monsoon 167 951 4.09 4.23 Ground Floor 1 Drawing Gallery and Reception Drawing Gallery 2 (Double. Ht) 380 8 1.0 0.5 59 933 3.16 2.86 3 Gallery Block B 830 20 1.0 0.5 142 601 2.87 3.09 2140 52 367 2485 10.1 10.18 Total First Floor 1 Drawing Gallery Block A 1620 25 1.0 0.5 206 1985 7.30 7.18 2 Drawing Gallery Block B 1260 21 1.0 0.5 184 839 3.87 4.19 2880 46 390 2824 11.2 11.37 1590 20 180 1957 6.98 6.77 Total 1590 20 180 1957 7.0 6.77 SUB TOTAL 6610 122 936 7266 28.27 28.32 Total Second Floor 1 7. GALLERY BLOCK B 1.0 0.5 Items to be provided by other Agencies The following items of works shall be provided by other agencies. The HVAC contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of these works and shall ensure that these are completed as per the required time schedule. 7.1 Provision of 220v/ 1 PH / 50 Hz electric supply upto each indoor unit. Tender Document Page - 143 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 7.2 Provision of Power with MCB near outdoor units 7.3 Finishing of wall chases. 8. Drawings Tender drawings are diagrammatic only and indicate arrangement of system and the extent of work covered in the contract. These drawings indicate point of supply and point of termination and suggest the route to the followed. The architectural drawings and details shall be examined for exact location of equipment, cutouts etc. Contractor shall follow the tender drawings in preparation of shop drawings and for subsequent installation work and will collaborate with other services also. 9. Test data The whole system shall be tested as per specifications given elsewhere and complete test data shall be furnished on prescribed data sheet. 10. Deviation from specifications Deviation from specifications may be accepted, provided such deviations are found necessary and appropriate, in order to conform to the design of established foreign collaborators/manufacturers. 11. Completeness of Items The prices of each equipment shall include the cost of all accessories or miscellaneous items listed in the respective section, except for the items where “Price Separately “ is indicated. The item shall be complete regardless of whether or not it is listed in the BOQ. 12. Technical data Each tenderer must submitted along with the tender the technical data for all items listed herein in the indicated format. Failure to furnish technical data with tenders may reject in summary rejection of the tender. 13. Performance guarantee 13.1 The contractor shall guarantee that the air conditioning system shall maintain the design inside temperature within 2.0oC tolerance. 13.2 The contractor shall guarantee that the capacity of various components as well as the whole system shall not be less than specified. 13.3 The contractor shall ensure, that the system shall be free of all objectionable vibrations and disturbing sounds under all conditions of operation. Tender Document Page - 144 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SECTION 2 ROOF TOP SINGLE PACKAGED UNIT 1. General 1.1 The contractor shall supply and install roof top single packaged unit wherever indicated. The system shall be complete in all respects and comply with the specifications as given. 2. Packaged Units 2.1 Each packaged unit shall be complete unit with cooling coil, blower, filter, drain pan, Scroll/Rotary compressor/s, air cooled condenser, condenser fans with motors, internal piping, full charge of refrigerant and lubrication oil switches and internal wiring and shall be enclosed in a weather proof outdoor type housing. 3. Compressor 3.1 The compressor shall be hermetic with enclosed gas cooled motor. The compressor’s shall be suitable for R-134a or R-410. 4. Condenser 4.1 The condenser coil shall be air cooled type with aluminium fins and copper tubes and necessary refrigerant connections. The copper tubes shall not be less than 1/2" O.D. 4.2 The condenser air fans shall be propeller type direct driven, each complete with motor. The air quantity and area of the condenser shall be adequate for working in the specified outdoor conditions. 5. Casing 5.1 The casing shall be fabricated from galvanized steel, zinc phosphate and finished with powder coating. The casing shall make the whole unit fully weather proof, suitable for outdoor installation. 5.2 The casing shall be insulated to lower the noise level and to eliminate condensation. 5.3 The casing shall be insulated with 25 mm thick insulation of cross linked polyethylene foam. 6. Remote Control 6.1 The unit shall include a wired type remote control assembly with thermostat and starting and speed switches. 6.2 Remote control should be LCD display type and should have following function. -Filter indicator. -Temperature settings. -ON/OFF -ON/OFF Delay timer settings. -Selecting fan and Humidifier function. -Room temp. checking. -Electric heater function selection. 7. Evaporator 7.1 The evaporator shall have copper tubes of not less than 3/8" O.D. and continuous aluminium plate fins with integral collars. The tubes shall be staggered in the direction of the air flow. 7.2 The fan shall be forward curved, double inlet double width type. The wheel & housing shall be fabricated from heavy gauge galvanised steel. The fan impeller shall be mounted on a solid shaft supported on angle iron heavy duty ball bearing. The fan shall be selected for a speed not exceeding Tender Document Page - 145 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 1800 RPM. The impeller & fan shaft shall be statically and dynamically balanced. The fan outlet velocity shall not exceed 1800 FPM. The fan shall be complete with multi ‘V’ belt drive and adjustable motor mounting base. 8. Refrigerant Piping 8.1 The condenser and evaporator unit shall be interconnected by type ‘l’ seamless copper refrigerant liquid and suction lines using flared or brazed fittings. Necessary accessories shall be incorporated in the circuit. 8.2 The suction line shall be insulated with 6 mm closed cell elastometric/nitrile rubber insulation. 8.3 The necessary charge of refrigerant gas and lubrication oil shall be provided to run the system. 9. Miscellaneous 9.1 The unit shall have control panel, housing the starting switches, contractor, relay etc. 9.2 Isolation pads shall be provided under the units. 9.3 Drain line shall be provided from Packaged unit upto drain trap. (To be priced separately). 9.4 Interconnecting power and control cabling shall be provided between remote control and packaged unit. 10. Electric Tubular Heaters (Wherever Required) 10.1 Duct heaters shall be suitable for duct mounting position. 10.2 Heating coil shall be completely encased in a grounded metal sheath so that shock hazard due to accidental contact with the coil is eliminated. 10.3 Electrical duct heater shall have automatic reset thermal cutouts for quick response to airflow failure and manuals reset thermal cutouts for simplified start-up after over temperature has been corrected. 10.4 Heaters shall be provided with Airflow switch to de-energize duct heater when duct pressure falls below 0.097 inches WC (17.4 pa) 10.5 Both terminals insulators and coil support insulators shall be fabricated from high temperature ceramic. Their design and method of installation shall enable them to:1) absorb both mechanical and thermal loading without chipping or cracking and 2) easily withstand high voltage dielectric tests. 10.6 The individual heater shall be suitable for 1 phase, 50 Hz, 230 Volts A. C. supply. Tender Document Page - 146 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SECTION 3 DUCT WORK AND OUTLETS 1. General 1.1 The work under this part shall consist of furnishing labour materials, equipment and appliances as specified necessary and required to install all sheet metal and other allied work to make the air conditioning supply, ventilating, and exhaust system ready for operation as per drawings. 1.2 Except as otherwise specified all duct work and related items shall be in accordance with these specifications. 1.3 Duct work shall mean all ducts, casings, dampers, access doors, joints, stiffners and hangers. 2. Manual Fabricated Duct Work 2.1 The ducts shall be fabricated from galvanized steel sheets class VIII conforming to ISS:277-1962 (revised) or aluminium sheets conforming to ISS:737-1955 (wherever aluminium ducts are specified). 2.2 All duct work, sheet metal thickness and fabrication unless otherwise directed, shall strictly meet requirements, as described in IS:655-1963 with amendment-I (1971 edition) The thickness of the sheet shall be as follows :Size of Duct Sheet Thickness Fastner Size Type of Joints 2.2.1 Upto 750 mm 0.63 mm 3/8” G.I. Flange 2.2.2 751 mm to 1000 mm 0.80 mm 3/8” 25x25x3 mm Angle iron frame with 8 mm dia nuts & bolts 25x25x3 mm at the rate of 1 M from joints 25x25x3 mm 2.2.3 1001 mm to 1500 mm 0.80 mm 5/8” 40x40x5 mm Angle iron frame with 8 mm dia nuts & bolts 40x40x5 mm at the rate of 1 M from joints 40x40x5 mm 1501 mm to 1.00 mm 5/8” 50x50x5 mm Angle iron frame with 10 mm dia nuts & bolts at 125 mm centre. 40x40x5 mm at the rate of 1.2 M to be Braced from joints. 40x40x6 mm 50x50x6 mm Angle iron frame with 10 mm dia nuts & bolts at 125 mm centre. 40x40x5 mm at the rate of 1.2 M from joints 50x50x6 mm With MS rods of 12 mm dia. 2.2.4 2250 mm 5/8” Support Angle 25x25x3 mm angle 2.2.5 2251 mm and above 2.3 The gauges, joints and bracings for sheet metal duct work shall further conform to the provisions as shown on the drawings. 2.4 Ducts larger than 600 MM shall be cross broken, duct sections upto 1200 MM length may be used with bracing angles omitted. Tender Document 1.25 mm Bracing if any Page - 147 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 2.5 Changes in section of duct work shall be affected by tapering the ducts with as long a taper as possible. All branches shall be taken off at not more than 45 DEG. Angle from the axis of the main duct unless otherwise approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. 2.6 All ducts shall be supported from the ceiling/slab by means of M.S. Rods of 10 MM (3/8")DIA with M.S. Angle at the bottom. The rods shall be anchored to R.C. Slab using metallic expansion fasteners. 3. Factory Fabricated Duct Work 3.1 Material 3.1.1 All ducting shall be fabricated of LFQ (Lock Forming Quality) grade prime G.I. raw material furnished with accompanying Mill test Certificates. Galvanizing shall be of 120gms/sq.m. (total coating on both sides). 3.1.2 In addition, if deemed necessary, samples of raw material, selected at random by owner’s site representative shall be subject to approval and tested for thickness and zinc coating at contractor’s expense. 3.1.3 The G.I. raw material should be used in coil-form (instead of sheets) so as to limit the longitudinal joints at the edges only, irrespective of cross-section dimensions. 3.2 Governing Standards 3.2.1 Unless otherwise specified here, the construction, erection, testing and performance of the ducting system shall conform to the SMACNA-1995 standards (“HVAC Duct Construction Standards-Metal and Flexible-Second Edition-1995” SMACNA) 3.3 Duct Connectors and Accessories 3.3.1 All transverse duct connectors (flanges/cleats) and accessories/related hardware such as support system shall be zinc-coated (galvanized). 3.4 Fabrication Standards 3.4.1 All ductwork including straight sections, tapers, elbows, branches, show pieces, collars, terminal boxes and other transformation pieces must be Rolastar factory-fabricated or ecoduct. Equivalency will require fabrication by utilizing the following machines and processes to provide the requisite quality of ducts and speed of supply. 3.4.2 Coil lines to ensure location of longitudinal seams at corners/folded edges only to obtain the required duct rigidity and low leakage characteristics. No longitudinal seams permitted along any side of the duct. 3.4.3 All ducts, transformation pieces and fittings shall be made on CNC profile cutters for required accuracy of dimensions, location and dimensions of notches at the folding lines. 3.4.4 All edges shall be machine treated using lock-formers and roller for furning up edges. 3.4.5 Sealant dispensing equipment shall be used for applying built-in sealant in Pittsburgh lock where sealing of longitudinal joints are specified. 3.5 Selection of G.I. Gauge and Transverse Connectors 3.5.1 Duct Construction shall be in compliance with 1” (250 Pa) w.g. static norms as per SMACNA. 3.5.2 All transverse connectors shall be the Rolamate 4-bolt slip-on flange system or ecoduct imported makes of similar 4-bolt systems with built-in sealant, if any. To avoid any leakage additional sealant shall be used. Tender Document Page - 148 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3.5.3 The specific class of transverse connector and duct gauge for a given duct dimensions shall be 1”(250 Pa) pressure class. 3.5.4 Non-toxic, AC-applications grade P.E. or PVC gasketing shall be provided between all mating flanged joints. Gasket sizes shall conform to flange manufacturer’s specification. 3.6 Duct Construction 3.6.1 The fabricated duct dimensions shall be as per approved drawings and all connecting sections shall be dimensionally matched to avoid any gaps. 3.6.2 Dimensional Tolerances : All fabricated dimensions shall be within 1.0 mm of specified dimension. To obtain required perpendicularity , permissible diagonal tolerances shall be 1.0 mm per metre. 3.6.3 Each duct pieces shall be identified by color coded sticker which shall indicate specific part numbers, job name, drawing number, duct sizes and gauge. 3.6.4 Ducts shall be straight and smooth on the inside. Longitudinal seams shall be airtight and at corners only, which shall be either Pittsburgh or Snap Button Punch as per SMACNA practice, to ensure air tightness. 3.6.5 Changes in dimensions and shape of ducts shall be gradual (between 1:4 and 1:7). Turning vanes or air splitters shall be installed in all bends and duct collars designed to permit the air to make the turn without appreciable turbulence. 3.6.6 Plenums shall be shop/factory fabricated panel type and assembled at site. 3.6.7 The gauges, joints and bracings for sheet metal duct work shall further conform to the provisions as shown on the drawings. 3.6.8 Ducts larger than 600 MM shall be cross broken, duct sections upto 1200 MM length may be used with bracing angles omitted. 3.6.9 Changes in section of duct work shall be affected by tapering the ducts with as long a taper as possible. All branches shall be taken off at not more than 45 DEG. Angle from the axis of the main duct unless otherwise approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. 3.6.10 Factory Fabricated ducts shall have the thickness of the sheet as follows : Size of Duct Sheet Fastner Thicknes Size s i Upto 750 0.63 mm mm 3/8” ii 751 mm to 1000 mm 3/8” Tender Document 0.80 mm Type of Joints For Rolastar For Techno duct & Fabriduct Rolamate and flanges flanges Fabricated out of G.I. sheet of 24 gauge at every 1.2 m internal. E-24 type flange, shall be fabricated out The flanges shall be of 24 G sheet at every 1.2 m made out of the same internal. Page - 149 Bracing with GI tie rods of following sizes Support Angle 25x25x3 mm 25x25x3 mm Cross tie rods to be fitted of suitable dia GI rod for Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document iii 1001 mm to 1500 mm 0.80 mm 5/8” E-22 type flange, shall be fabricated out of 22 G sheet at every 1.2 m internal. i v 1501 mm to 2250 mm 1.00 mm 5/8” v 2251 mm and above 1.25 mm 5/8” J-16 type flange, shall be fabricated out of 16G sheet at every 1.2 m internal. J-16 type flange, shall be fabricated out of 16G sheet at every 1.2 m internal. duct sheet and all the four corner shall be fitted for fitting the bolt each piece of duct 40x40x5 mm 40x40x6 mm 50x50x6 mm with MS rods of 12 mm dia. 3.7 Documentation to Measurements 3.7.1 For each drawing, all supply of ductwork must be accompanied by computer-generated detailed bill of material indicating all relevant duct sizes, dimensions and quantities. In addition, summary sheets are also to be provided showing duct areas by gauge and duct size range as applicable. 3.7.2 Measurement sheet covering each fabricated duct piece showing dimensions and external surface area along with summary of external surface area of duct gauge-wise. 3.7.3 All duct pieces shall have a part number, corresponding to the serial number assigned to it in the measurement sheet. The above system shall ensure speedy and proper site measurement, verification and approvals. 3.8 Testing 3.8.1 After duct installation, a part of duct section (approximately 5% of total ductwork) may be selected at random and tested for leakage. The procedure for leak testing should be followed as per SMACNA“HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual: (First Edition). 4. Installations 4.1 During the construction, the contractor shall temporarily close duct openings with sheet metal covers to prevent debris entering ducts and to maintain opening straight and square, as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. Great care should be taken to ensure that the duct work does not extend outside and beyond height limits as noted on the drawings. 4.2 4.3 All duct work shall be of high quality approved galvanized sheet steel guaranteed not to crack or peel on bending or fabrication of ducts. All joints shall be air tight and shall be made in the direction of air flow. The ducts shall be re-inforced with structured members where necessary, and must be secured in place so as to avoid vibration of the duct on its support. 4.4 All air turns of 45 degrees or more shall include curved metal blades or vanes arranged so as to permit the air to make the abrupt turns without an appreciable turbulence. Turning vanes shall be securely fastened to prevent noise or vibration. 4.5 The duct work shall be varied in shape and position to fit actual conditions at building site. All changes shall be subjected to the approval of the Engineer-In-Charge. The contractor shall verify all Tender Document Page - 150 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document measurements at site and shall notify the Engineer-In-Charge of any difficulty in carrying out his work before fabrication. 4.6 Sponge rubber or approved equal gaskets of 6 MM maximum thickness shall be installed between duct flanges as well as between all connections of sheet metal ducts to walls, floor columns, heater casings and filter casings. Sheet metal connections shall be made to walls and floors by means of wooden member anchored to the building structure with anchor bolts and with the sheet screwed to them. 4.7 Flanges bracings and supports are to be black, mild steel and are to be painted with rust proof primer on all surfaces before erection. Accessories such as damper blades and access panels are to be of materials of appropriate thickness and the finish similar to the adjacent ducting, as specified. 4.8 Joints, seams, sleeves, splitters, branches, takeoffs and supports are to be as per duct details as specified, or as decided by Engineer-In-Charge. 4.9 Joints requiring bolting or riveting may be fixed by Hexagon nuts and bolts, stove bolts or buck bolts, rivets or closed centre top rivets or spot welding. Self tapping screws must not be used. All jointing material must have a finish such as cadmium plating or Galvanized as appropriate. 4.10 Fire retarding flexible joints are to be fitted to the suction and delivery of all fans. The material is to be normally double heavy canvass or as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. On all circular spigots the flexible materials are to be screwed or clip band with adjustable screws or toggle fitting. For rectangular ducts the material is to be flanged and bolted with a backing flat or bolted to mating flange with backing flat. 4.11 The flexible joints are to be not less than 75 MM and not more than 250 MM between faces. 4.12 he duct work should be carried out in a manner and at such time as not to hinder or delay the work of the other agencies especially the boxing or false ceiling contractors. 4.13 Duct passing through brick or masonary, wooden frame work shall be provided within the opening. Crossing duct shall have heavy flanges, collars on each side of wooden frame to make the duct leak proof. 5. Dampers 5.1 At the junction of each branch duct with main duct and split of main duct, volume dampers must be provided. Dampers shall be two gauges heavier than the gauge of the large duct and shall be rigid in construction. 5.2 The volume dampers shall be of an approved type, lever operated and completed with locking devices which will permit the dampers to be adjusted and locked in any positions and clearly indicating the damper position. 5.3 The dampers shall be of splitter, butterfly or louver type. The damper blade shall not be less than 1.25 MM (18) Gauge, reinforced with 25 MM angles 3 MM thick along any unsupported side longer than 250 MM. Angles shall not interfere with the operation of dampers, nor cause any turbulence. 5.4 Automatic and manual volume opposed blade dampers shall be completed with frames and bronze bearings as per drawings. Dampers and frames shall be constructed of 1.6 MM steel sheets and blades shall not be over 225 MM wide. The dampers for fresh air inlet shall additionally be provided with fly mesh screen, on the outside, of 0.8 MM thickness with fine mesh. 5.5 Wherever require for system balancing, a volume balancing opposed blade damper with quadrant and thumb screw lock shall be provided. 5.6 After completion of the duct work, dampers are to be adjusted and set to deliver air flow as specified on the drawings. Tender Document Page - 151 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 5.7 Automatic fire dampers shall be provided wherever shown on the drawings. The damper shall be multi blade louvre type. The blades should remain in the air stream in open position and shall be constructed with minimum 1.8 MM thick galvanised sheets. The frame shall be of 1.6 MM thickness. Other materials shall include locking device, motorised actuator, control panel to trip AHU motor etc. The fire dampers shall be capable of operating automatically on receiving signal from a fire alarm panel. All control wiring shall be provided between fire damper and electric panel. 6. Access panel 6.1 A hinged and gasketed access panel measuring at least 450 MM x 450 MM shall be provided on duct work before each reheat coil and at each control device that may be located inside the duct work. 7. Miscellaneous 7.1 All duct work joints are to be true right angle and with all sharp edges removed. 7.2 Sponge rubber gaskets also to be provided behind the flange of all grilles. 7.2 Each shoot from the duct, leading to a grille, shall be provided with an air deflector to divert the air into the grille through the shoot. 7.4 Diverting vanes must be provided at the bends exceeding 600 MM and at branches connected into the main duct without a neck. 7.5 Proper hangers and supports should be provided to hold the duct rigidly, to keep them straight and to avoid vibrations. Additional supports are to be provided where required for rigidity or as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 7.6 The ducts should be routed directly with a minimum of directional change. 7.7 The duct work shall be provided with additional supports/hangers, wherever required or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, at no extra cost. 7.8 All angle iron flanges to be welded electrically and holes to be drilled. 7.9 All the angle iron flanges to be connected to the GSS ducts by rivets at 100 MM centres. 7.10 All the flanged joints, to have a sponge rubber packing stuck to the flanges with suitable adhesive. 7.11 The G.S.S. ducts should be lapped 6 MM across the flanges. 7.12 The ducts should be supported by approved type supports at a distance not exceeding 2.0 Metres. 8. Factory Fabricated Plenum for D.G. Air washer (Wherever Required) 8.1 The D.G. supply air blowers shall be installed in a G.I. sheet steel fabricated panel of section not exceeding available space complete with structural support, fan mounting frame work inspection doors etc. 8.2 The plenum would be made up from 50 mm x 50mmx 6 mm angle iron frame with bracings & supports, bracing shall be of 50x50x6 mm M.S. angle and support shall be of MS channel min. 100x50x6mm. 8.3 The plenum frame shall be covered with 16 gauge G.I. sheet from inside and bolted /screwed to the outer angle iron frame casing with 3 mm thick synthetic rubber gasket between them. It would acoustically lined from inside with 25 mm thick cross linked polyethylene sheet having K valve of not less than 0.035 Kcal./M.hr C and density net less than 25 Kg./m 3. 8.4 The lining material should be fire retarted type. Tender Document Page - 152 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 8.5 The plenum sheet should be provided with stiffeners of iron angle at a spacing of not more than 1m from outside and be properly welded to the main outer frame. The stiffener should be place such a way so as to provide, space for grilles. 8.6 The plenum should have proper provisions for hanging to the R.C.C. slab above using M.S. angle cleats. 8.7 All M.S. parts will be coated with 2 coats of led oxide primer and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint. All G.I. panel will be provided with 2 coats & synthetic enamel paints from outside. 8.8 The whole plenum shall be structurally rigid and vibration free, in case extra supports are required the contractors shall provide these at no extra cost. 9. Standard Grilles 9.1 The supply and return air grilles shall be fabricated from extruded aluminium sections. The supply air grilles shall have single/double louvers. The front horizontal louvers shall be of extruded section, fixed/adjustable type. The rear vertical louvers where required shall of aluminium extruded sections and adjustable type. The return air grille shall have single horizontal extruded section fixed louvers. The grilles may or may not be with an outer frame. 9.2 The damper blades shall also be of extruded aluminium sections. The grill flange shall be fabricated out of aluminium extruded section. Grilles longer than 450 MM shall have intermediate supports for the horizontal louvers. 10. Diffusers 10.1 The ceiling type square diffusers shall be of aluminium extruded sections with flush or step down face, as specified with fixed pattern and neck. 10.2 All supply diffusers shall be provided with extruded aluminium dampers, with arrangement for adjustment from the bottom. 10.3 The slot diffusers shall be of aluminium extruded sections with diffusion plate and sliding damper. 11. Linear Diffusers/Grilles 11.1 The linear diffusers/grilles shall be fabricated from Aluminium extruded sections. 11.2 The diffusion blades shall be extruded, flush mounted type with single or double direction air flow. 11.3 The frame shall be of aluminium extruded section and shall hold the louvers tightly in fixed position. 11.4 The dampers as described under grilles shall be provided wherever specified. 12. Exhaust Grilles 12.1 The exhaust grilles shall be fabricated from aluminium extruded sections. 12.2 The exhaust grilles shall be horizontal fixed bar grilles with 150 blade inclination. 13. Exhaust/Fresh Air Louvers 13.1 The louvers shall be fabricated from aluminium extruded sections. 13.2 The blades shall be extruded flush mounted type with single horizontal throw. 13.3 The frame shall be of aluminium extruded section and shall hold the louvers in fixed positions. Tender Document Page - 153 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 14. Painting and Vision Barrier 14.1 All grilles, and diffusers shall be powder coated, before installation, in approved colour. 14.2 All ducts immediately behind the grilles/diffusers etc. are to be given two coats of black paint in matt finish. 14.3 The return air and dummy portion of all linear grilles shall be provided with a vision barrier made of 24 gauge galvanised sheets. The vision barrier shall be fixed to the false ceiling frame with self tapping screws and shall be given two coats of black paint in matt finish. Care shall be taken to ensure that the return air path is not obstructed. 15. Testing 15.1 After completion, all duct system shall be tested for air leakage. 15.2 The entire air distribution system shall be balanced to supply the air quantity as required in various areas and the final tabulation of air quantity through each outlet shall be submitted to the EngineerIn-Charge for approval. Tender Document Page - 154 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SECTION 4 1. INSULATION General The Insulation of ducting and drain piping etc., shall be carried out as per specifications given below : 2. Materials The materials to be used for insulation shall be as follows, unless some other material is specifically mentioned elsewhere. The detailed specifications of the materials are listed under respective sub heads. 2.1 Drain Pipe Insulation : Cross linked polyethene 2.2 Duct Insulation : Resin Bonded Fibreglass 2.3 Acoustic Insulation : Rigid Fireglass Board 3. Insulation 3.1 Duct Insulation 3.1.1 The materials for duct insulation shall be resin bonded fibre glass, as described earlier but conforming to I.S. 8183 of 1976. The density of insulation shall not be less than 24 kg/cub/m. And material shall be in the foam of blankets/rolls of uniform thickness. The ‘K’ value at 10 o C. Shall not be less than 0.031 W/mK. It shall be factory faced with aluminium foil on one side reinforced with Kraft paper and fused to the insulation material. 3.1.2 The thickness of duct insulation shall be as follows : a) b) c) d) All Ducts in conditioned space Supply Ducts in unconditioned space Return Ducts in unconditioned space Ducts with treated fresh air - 25 mm thick 50 mm thick 25 mm thick 50 mm thick 3.2 Drain Pipe Insulation 3.2.1 The material for insulation of drain pipes shall be pipe sections of closed cell elastomeric insulation having a 'K' valve of 0.037 W/mk at a mean temperture of 20C and a minimum density of 55 Kg./cubm. 3.2.2 The thickness of insulation shall be 6 mm thickness. 3.3 Acoustic Treatment 3.3.1 The material for acoustic treatment of ducts, rooms, roofs etc. shall be resin bonded fibre glass, as described earlier, conforming to I.S. 8183 of 1976. The density of fibre glass shall be 32 kg/cub.m and the material shall be in the form of rolls of uniform density. The ‘k’ value at 10 oC. shall not be less than 0.03 W/mK. Facing shall be provided with 0.5 mm perforated aluminium sheet held with G.I. Nuts bolts or nailed to the batten work as required. 4. Installation 4.1 Duct Insulation 4.1.1 Clean the surface with a wire brush and make it free from rust and oil. 4.1.2 Apply two coats of hot bitumen R 85/40 or 80/25 to the surface in the ratio 1.5 kgs per sq.m for each coat. Tender Document Page - 155 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 4.1.3 Wrap the duct with insulation blankets of the thickness mentioned in item 8.2 above and covered with 0.63 mm/19 mm wire mesh netting on the outside. 4.1.4 The joints shall be sealed with aluminium tape before covering with wire netting. 4.1.5 The Ducts in areas exposed to the weather shall be additionally covered with one layer of tar felt B.H. The tar felt shall be stuck with bitumen R 85/40 or 80/25. 4.2 Duct Acoustic Lining 4.2.1 The duct surface shall first be cleaned from inside. 4.2.2 Then 25 mm square section made of 18 Ga (1.2 mm) thick G.I. sheet shall be fixed on both ends of the duct piece. 4.2.3 The insulation slabs shall be fixed between these sections of ducts using adhesive compound and stick pins. 4.2.4 The insulation shall then be covered with RP tissue, sealling all joint so that no fibre is visible. 4.2.5 The insulation shall then be covered with 0.5 mm perforated aluminium sheets. 4.2.6 The sheet and of insulation shall be secured to the duct by means of stick pins as mentioned above. Tender Document Page - 156 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SECTION 5 1. ELECTRIC CABLING General The electric cable connections of motors and earthing of all equipments shall be carried out, as per specifications, given hereunder. 2. Cabling 2.1 The cabling of various equipment shall be carried using PVC Insulated and armoured cables. 2.2 The PVC armoured power cable for use on 415 volts system shall be 3 or 3.5 Core with aluminium conductors and be of 660/1100 volts grade, as per IS 1554 (Part I) 1964. The cross section of the cable shall be to suit the load and rating of the equipment. The cables shall be of aluminium conductor, PVC insulated, strip armoured with overall PVC sheathing. 2.2.1 The cables shall be laid as per IS-1255/1967, Indian standard code of practice. 2.2.2 The cables shall be laid, as per drawings in the ducts/pipes/trays etc. along a short and convenient route between switch board and the equipment, (either in trenches, on wall or on hangers, supported from the slab). Cable routing shall be checked at the site of work to avoid interference with structure, equipment etc. Where more than one cables are running close to each other, proper spacing should be provided between them. 2.2.3 The radius of bends of the cable should not be less than 12 times the overall dia. of cable in order to prevent undue stress and damage at the bends, the cables should be supported with wooden cleats on M.S. Supports, when laid in trenches, or wall/ceiling suspended hangers. When laid under ground the cables should be covered with fine soft earth and protected with 2nd Class bricks. Suitable G.I. Pipe shall be used wherever cables are laid under the roads etc. 2.2.4 Wooden bushes shall be provided at the ends of pipes through which cables are connected through. 3. Surface Wiring 3.1 The surface wiring shall be cassed in conduits which shall be of 1100 volts grade and conform to IS 9587-1987 (revised to date). 3.1.1 The conduits used shall be of high quality & all joints shall be made with sockets. The bends and elbows shall have inspection covers fixed with grease free screws. The joints shall be water tight. Approved metal saddles shall be used to secure the exposed conduits at a space of 1 meter or less. The connection of the conduits to switches etc., shall be secured by check nuts and ebonite bushes provided at the ends of conduits. 3.1.2 The M.S. conduits shall be heavy duty and rigid type-ISI marked/conforming to IS specifications. The wall thickness shall not be less than 2 mm. For conduits above 32 mm dia. Metallic conduits of 19 mm dia. and below shall not be used. Conduit accessories (Boxes etc.) shall conform to IS-5133-1968 and IS-2667-64 (amended-revised to date). Conduit pipes shall be jointed, wherever necessary by means of screwed couples and screwed accessories only. In Long distance straight, run of conduits inspection type couplers at suitable intervals shall be provided. 3.1.3 Threads on conduit pipes shall be between 13 mm to 19 mm long. 3.1.4 The wiring shall be carried-out as per IS 732-1989 (Amended and revised to date). 3.2 Flush inspection covers shall be provided in case of Concealed, recessed conduits. The staples for the conduits shall not be spaced more than 0.60 meters apart. Before filling up the chase with concrete the conduits should be given a coat of rust proof paint. 3.3 The wires shall be drawn only after all the conduits have been properly fixed in position. Fish wires (steel wire : 16 SWG) shall be laid in conduits for drawing of wires subsequently. Tender Document Page - 157 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 4. Control Cabling/wiring 4.1 Control cables shall be 1100 volts grade, as per IS 1554, made from copper conductor of 1.5 Sq mm PVC insulated single Core, strip armoured with an overall PVC sheathing. 4.1 The cables and conduits wiring shall be carried out as per details given under 2.2 and 2.3 above. 5. Earthing 5.1 All equipment connected with electric supply shall also be provided with double earthing continuity conductors. The size of G.I. earthing conductors shall be :Size of phase wire sq.mm Aluminium 185 150 120 95 70 50 35 25-6 4 Size of G.I. conductor Tape/Wire (Swg) 25 mm x 6 mm (strip) 25 mm x 6 mm (strip) 25 mm x 6 mm (strip) 4 Swg 4 Swg 6 Swg 6 Swg 6 Swg 6 Swg Note :- Aluminium earthing conductors of equivalent Size may be used in lieu of GSS conductors mentioned above. 6. Miscellaneous 6.1 The final connections to the equipment shall be through Flexible connections in case of conduit wiring and also where the equipment is likely to be moved back and forth, such as on slide rails. 6.2 An isolator switch shall be provided at any motor which is separated from the main switch panel by a wall or partition or other barrier or is more than 15 metres away from the main panel. 6.3 Two separate and distinct earthing conductors shall be Connected from the equipment upto the main switch board panel. 6.4 The branch lines from the main panel to each equipment shall be separated and should not crises cross other lines. 6.5 The entire installation shall be tested as per Electricity rules and I.S.S. 732-1973 with amendments 1,2&3 prior to the commissioning of the plant and a suitable test report furnished by a competent and authorized person. The test report will be obtain by contractor himself at his own expenses. 6.6 All exposed switch board panels, conduits, hangers etc. shall be given 2 coats of suitable paint of approved colour, when all work has been completed. Tender Document Page - 158 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document SECTION 6 MODE OF MEASUREMENT 1. Unit Prices in the Schedule of Quantities 1.1 The item description in the schedule of quantities is in the form of a condensed resume. The unit price shall be held to include everything necessary to complete the work covered by this item in accordance with the specifications and drawings. The sum total of all the individual unit prices shall represent the total price of the installation ready to be handed over. 1.2 The unit price of the various items shall include the Following :- 1.2.1 All equipment, machinery, apparatus and materials required as well as the cost of any tests which the Consultant/ Engineer-In-Charge may require, in addition to the tests generally required to prove quality and performance of equipment. 1.2.2 All the labour required to supply and install the Complete installation in accordance with the specifications. 1.2.3 Use of any tools, equipment, machinery, lifting tackle, Scaffolding, ladders etc. required by the contractor to carry out his work. 1.2.4 All the necessary measures to prevent the transmission of vibration. 1.2.5 The necessary material to isolate equipment foundations from the building structure, wherever necessary. 1.2.6 Storage, watch-and-ward and insurance of all equipment apparatus and Materials. 1.3 The contractor’s unit price shall include all equipment, apparatus, material and labour indicated in the drawings and/or specifications in conjunction with the item in question, as well as all additional equipment, apparatus, material and labour usual and necessary (within the system as a whole) to complete the work, even though not specifically shown, described or otherwise referred to. 2. Measurements of Sheet Metal Ducts, Grilles etc. 2.1 Sheet metal ducts : 2.1.1 All duct measurements shall be taken as per actual Outer duct surface area including bends, tees, reducers, collars, vanes & other fittings. Gaskets, nuts, bolts, vibration rotation pads are included in the basic duct items of the BOQ. 2.1.2 The unit of measurements shall be the finished sheet metal surface area in metres squares. No extra shall be allowed for wastages. 2.1.3 All the guide vanes, deflecters in duct elbows, branches, grille collars quadrant dampers etc. shall be measured for actual sheet metal surface and paid for at the same rate as duct of same thickness. 2.1.4 The unit duct price shall include all the duct hangers and supports, from concrete reinforcement and making good of the same as well as any materials and labour required to complete the duct frame. 2.2 Grilles All grilles/diffusers as per tender requirements shall be treated as a lump sum items. Where extra grilles are ordered as per award of work, they should be measured as follows : 2.2.1 All measurements of grilles shall be the actual outlet size excluding the outer flanges. 2.2.2 The square or rectangular grilles shall be measured in plain sq.m. Tender Document Page - 159 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 3. Accoustic duct Lining 3.1 In case of accoustic lining of air ducts, measurements of the bare inside duct surface in square metres, shall be final for billing purposes. 3.2 The insulation/accoustic panels shall include cost of Battens, supports, adhesives, vapour proofing, finished tile boards/sheets as well as additional labour and materials required for completing the work. 4. Wall Insulation & Accoustic Treatment 4.1 The unit of measurement for all wall insulation, wall accoustic panel shall be the uninsulated area of walls, to be treated, in square metres. 4.2 The insulation, accoustic panels shall include cost of battens, supports, adhesives, vapour proofing, finished tiles/boards/sheets as well as additional labour and materials required for completion of the work. SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT PROPOSED S. No. Description Unit Condition of Services 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Roof Top Packaged Units Type Capacity (Nominal) Indoor Cooling Units Quantity Ambient Temp.(Max.) Electric Supply TR TR No. C -- ---Roof Mounted Pack. type-6.2 7.5 10.0 6.2 7.5 10.0 1 1 1 ---------41----------415 V/ 3 PH/ 50 Hz Tender Document Page - 160 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document TECHNICAL DATA Contractor should furnish technical data as mentioned below, of the equipment and accessories offered by him as per scheme given in schedule of equipment and bill of quantities. S. No. Description 1. Roof Top Packaged Units 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Make Model Nominal Cooling Capacity Actual Cooling Capacity at 40 C Ambient Temp. Air Quantity of Cooling Unit Power Supply Requirement Power Consumption at Rated capacity Max. Current Running Current Size of Indoor Unit Size of Outdoor unit Type of support provided for outdoor unit No. of Blower fans for Indoor unit Direction of fan discharge at Outdoor unit. Type of Filter Noise level of Outdoor Unit Noise level of Indoor Unit 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 Tender Document Unit Condition of Services --TR TR Cubm./Hr. 3 PH/1PH KW AMPS AMPS MMxMMxMM (H) MMxMMxMM (H) -Nos. Top/Side -dB dB Page - 161 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document LIST OF APPROVED MAKES Tender Document Page - 162 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document ELECTRICAL LIST OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS SNo DESCRIPTION MAKE 1 Wires Finolex, Lapp, Havells, Skytone 2 Connectors (Insulated Cage Clamp) Wago, Connectwell, Phoenix 3 Conduits (MS) BEC, AKG, NIC 4 DWC Conduits Duraline, AKG 5 Conduits (PVC) BEC, Polypack, Precision 6 Conduit Accessories BEC, NIC, Sharma Sales, Precision 7 Switches & Sockets Wipro Northwest (Stylus), Clipsal (Opale), MK 8 Cables Finolex, Skytone, Polycab, Havells 9 Glands Comet 10 Thimbles Dowells, Asian 11 Cable Trays Slotco, Pilco, MM Steelways 12 Wire Mesh Cable Trays Legrand (Cablofil), Gewiss 13 Bus Trunking & Rising Mains Zucchini, EAE, Schneider, C & S 14 MCBs (10ka) Legrand Siemens (Lexic), Hager, Schneider (MG), 15 ELCBs, RCBOs, HPi RCBOs Legrand Siemens (Lexic), Hager, Schneider (MG), 16 Surge Protection Devices Legrand (Lexic), Hager, ABB, Siemens 17 MCCBs L&T (Dsine), ABB, Schneider (CompactNS), Siemens 18 Contactors L&T, ABB, Schneider, Sprecher Schuh 19 Current Transformers Kappa, AE 20 Timers Legrand, Hager, Theben, Siemens 21 Indicating Lights L&T, Kaycee 22 Meters Conzerv, L&T, AE 23 ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) Havells 24 Lighting Controls Schneider (Clipsal) 25 MV Panels Shivam V.K. Steels; Conquerent, 26 HV VCB Panel ABB, Crompton, Areva 27 Transformer Universal, Voltamp, Kirloskar 28 Bus Trunking/ Rising Mains L&T, Schneider, Legrand 29 Photovoltaic Arrays Moser Baer, Tata BP 30 Lighting Fixtures (As per BOQ) Philips, K-LITE, Wipro,Decon, Tender Document Page - 163 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document 31 Fluorescent Lamps Philips (Trulite), Osram (Lumilux) 32 Sensors Hager, Simon, IR-Tec, Schneider 33 DALI ballasts Philips, Atco, Osram 34 Halogen lamps Philips, Osram, BLV 35 CFLs Philips, Osram 36 Moulded Plug & Sockets (IP 44) Gewiss, BalsNorm, Schneider (Clipsal), Legrand, 37 Coaxial Cable Commscope, Delton, Finolex 38 Fire Detection System Notifier, Edwards, Bosch 39 Speakers Philips, Bosch Notes: (a) If any of the above approved vendors materials are unavailable or if alternative makes of materials are proposed to be used, or if any item is required which is not listed above the same must be approved by the architect/ engineer-at-site prior to supply and installation complete with respective catalogues/ brochures/ technical specifications and prices well in time. (b) The rates quoted are deemed to have included the materials approved above. The client/ Architect reserves the right of the choice of materials to be used in addition to the above approved makes. (c) Quantity given in BOQ may increase or decrease on the site. The items are to be executed at the rates quoted for irrespective of any percentage change in quantities. No extra amount will be paid for such change. (d) The Fire Detector & Alarm products should have the relevant certifications and approvals as required by Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.), Tariff Advisory Committee (T.A.C.) and Fire Officers Committee ( F.A.C.). Tender Document Page - 164 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document D.G. SETS LIST OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS SNo. DESCRIPTION MAKE 1 WIRES (FRLS insulated) Finolex, RR Cabel, Havells, Skytone 2 CABLES Finolex, Skytone, Polycab, Havells 3 GLANDS Comet 4 THIMBLES Dowells, Asian 5 CABLE TRAYS Slotco, Pilco, MM Steelways 6 MCBs (10kA) Lexic (MDS), Hager (L&T), Merlin Gerin 7 ELCB Lexic (MDS), Hager (L&T), Merlin Gerin 8 MCCBs (With rotary handle ) L&T, ABB, Schneider, GE 9 ACBs L&T, GE (Spectronix), Siemens, ABB 10 CONTACTORS L&T, ABB, Schneider, Sprecher Schuh 13 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Kappa, AE 14 TIMERS Legrand, Hager, Theben 16 INDICATING LIGHTS L&T, Kaycee, BCH. 17 METERS Conzerv, L&T, AE, Secure 18 D.G. SET. Engine: Cummins, Caterpillar Alternator: Stamford, AVK SEGC, Leroy Somer 19 BATTERIES Exide, Cummins 20 BATTERY CHARGERS AE, Chabbi Electricals 21 VALVES Audco, Leader, Simco 22 M.S./ G.I. PIPES Tata, Jindal 23 ANTI-VIBRATION PADS Dunlop, Gerb 24 PUMPS Kirloskar, Mather & Platt 25 TEMPERATURE & PRESSURE GAUGES Fiebig, H Guru, Emerald NOTE: If any of the above approved vendors’ materials are unavailable and alternative makes of materials are proposed to be used, the same must be approved by the Construction Manager prior to supply and installation complete with respective catalogues/ brochures/ technical specifications and prices well in time. Tender Document Page - 165 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document FIRE FIGHTING LIST OF APPROVED MAKES OF MATERIALS It may please be noted that the contractor shall use approved makes of materials. The final selection of materials, out of the approved makes of materials or otherwise to be used at site shall rest with the Employers and it shall be binding on the contractor . The contractor shall get the samples of all times, not covered in the approved makes, approved from the Employer/Architect before commencing the supply S.No. Material Make 1 M.S. / G.I. Pipes TATA Jindal- Hissar Jindal Star 2 G.I. Fittings ( malleable cast iron ) R' , Zoloto, Unik. 3 Forged steel fitting VS/Sant 4 Sluice Valve Kirloskar IVC 5 Ball valve (Gunmetal/white metal) Leader Zoloto 6 Fire hydrant valves and branch pipe Minimax Newage Safex 7 Canvas RRL Fire hose Jayshree Newage CRC 8 First aid hose reels drum Minimax Newage Safex 9 Rubber hose(20mm) Deep Jyoti Maruti 10 Fire pumps Mather & Platt Kirloskar Crompton Greaves 11 Motors Kirloskar Siemens Crompton Greaves 12 Diesel Engine Kirloskar Oil Cummins/Ashoka Leyland 13 Cables Tender Document Page - 166 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document S.No. Material Make a) Control cables b) Power cables 14 Fire extinguishers Minimax Newage Nitin 15 Switchgear Siemens L&T GE Power 16 Contactors Siemens L&T GE Power 17 MCCB Siemens L&T GE Power 18 Terminal Block Elmex Wago 19 Pressure Gauge Fiebeg H. Guru 20 Flow switch System Sensor Potter 21 Pressure switch Indfoss Switzer 22 Vibration Isolator Resistoflex Kanwal 23 Current Transformer AE L&T 24 Meters AE Rishab Meco 25 Indicating Lamps/ Push buttons Siemens L&T GE Power 26 Selector switch Kaycee Salzer 27 C.I. Butterfly valves Audco Tender Document Gloster Cable Corporation Of India Finolex Gloster Page - 167 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document S.No. Material Make Zoloto KSB 28 Dual Plat types non-return valves Audco C&R KSB 29 Gate valve(Gunmetal) Leader Zoloto 30 C.I. Double flanged sluice valve Kirloskar Indian Valve Company 31 C.I. Double flanged non-return valves Kirloskar Indian Valve Company 32 Y-Stainer Leader Zoloto 33 Sprinklers (F.M) Factory Mutual U.S.A. Approved (U.L) Under Writers Laboratories U.S.A Approved (F.O.C ) Loss Prevention Council Approved Tyco Globe 34 Installation valve HD, Spraysafe, Mather & Platt 35 Protective tape IWL (Pypkote) Rustech Products (Coatek) 36 Enamel Asian Nerolac ICI Berger 37 Primer Jenson Nicholson Berger 38 Fastners Hilti Fischer 39 Welding rods Advani, Oerlikon, ESAB 40 Standpost hydrant Minimax Safex Newage 41 Battery Exide / Amco - yuasa Tender Document Page - 168 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document HVAC LIST OF APPROVED MAKES S. No. Items Acceptable Makes 1. Roof Top Packaged Units Trane / York/ Carrier/Clivet/ETA-General 2. Hi-Wall mounted units Daikin/ Trane 3. Cross Linked Polyethylene Paramount/Supreme 4. Voltage stabilizers Logics tat/ Stabiline/Elair 5. Grilles/ Diffusers Dynamic/ Mapro/ Tristar 6. Duct Dampers Mapro/ Conaire/ Dynamic 7. G.I. Sheet Metal Duct Jindal/National/ Tata 8. Factory fabricated duct Ecoduct/ Zeco 9. VCD/ Gravity louvers/ Exaust & fresh air louvers Air Flow/Dynamic/Flowell 10. Control Cables Batra Henla/ Skytone/ Universal/ Delton 11. XLPE / PVC Insulated Aluminium Conductor Armoured Power Cables Skytone/ Universal/ Delton/NICCO/RPG Asian 12. Self contained Toilet exhaust Diffusers Magneto Tender Document Page - 169 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document TENDER DRAWINGS Tender Document Page - 170 Conditions of Contract JDCA – Services Tender Document LIST OF DRAWINGS Sl. No. Drawing Title 1.0 ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS 1.1 1.2 1.3 BASEMENT LIGHTING LAYOUT BASEMENT POWER LAYOUT BASEMENT FIRE LAYOUT JDCA/FF/L/T-02 JDCA/FF/P/T-01 JDCA/FF/F/T-02 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 GROUND FLOOR POWER LAYOUT GROUND FLOOR LIGHTING LAYOUT GROUND FLOOR P.A. & SECURITY LAYOUT GROUND FLOOR FIRE LAYOUT JDCA/GF/P/GFC-01 JDCA/GF/L/GFC-04 JDCA/GF/S/GFC-07 JDCA/GF/F/GFC-10 1.8 1.9 GROUND FLOOR CABLE ROUTE LAYOUT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM JDCA/EL/T/01 JDCA/B/SCH/T-01 2.0 PLUMBING & FIRE FIGHTING DRAWINGS 2.1 2.2 SITE PLAN PLUMBING & FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT BASEMENT PLUMBING & FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT PL-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-001 PL-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-100 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 G. FLOOR PLUMBING & FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FIRST FLOOR PLUMBING & FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT S FLOOR PLUMBING & FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT TERRACE PLUMBING & FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT PL-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-101 PL-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-102 PL-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-103 PL-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-104 3.0 HVAC DRAWINGS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 A.C. LAYOUT GROUND FLOOR A.C. LAYOUT FIRST FLOOR PACKAGE UNIT & A.C. LAYOUT SECOND FLOOR PACKAGE UNIT LAYOUT TERRACE PLAN Tender Document Drawing No. Page - 171 AC-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-101 R0 AC-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-102 R0 AC-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-103 R0 AC-T-JDCA-PH(1A)-104 R0 Conditions of Contract