Appendix 2

The following is a summary of the responses received as a consequence of the public
consultation exercise and the recommendations highlighted in bold that relate to these. The text
below is referenced to the accompanying plan at appendix two. A more detailed account of the
consultation responses is given at appendix one to this report.
Area A Include historic yard, Wesleyan Chapel, nos.19-21, Burns Lane.
Small cottages built to the rear and right angles to the main property resulted in the advent of
yards, so thoroughfares. The Plough Yard was created through one such development and
allowed access from Low Street to Burns Lane, resulting in easier access to the Chapel. The
cobbles of this thoroughfare are still evident in places. The Chapel was built in 1876 at a time
when the Wesleyan congregation was divided, after they united and moved to Clumber Street,
the building functioned as a Sunday school, its current use is industrial, however the building
represents part of the social history of the village. The late C19 saw the implementation of
numbers 19-21 Burns Lane to the far side of the Plough Yard.
No objections were received to the proposal to include these buildings and their
associated land within the conservation area.
It is recommended to extend the conservation area boundary to include the
buildings and associated land marked A on the attached plan at appendix two to
this report.
Area B Exclude land associated with nos.3-7 Maid Marion Rise.
It is proposed to exclude sections of the back gardens associated with numbers 3-7 Maid
Marion Rise as they have no architectural or historical significance. The conservation area
boundary will follow the defined boundary of the land associated with The Hub, Sherwood
No objections were received to the proposal to exclude this land from the conservation
It is recommended to exclude this area from the conservation area, land marked B
on the attached plan at appendix two to this report.
Area C Include land associated with no.44 Sherwood Street.
Historic mapping depicts the extent of the land associated with no.44 Sherwood Street to be
defined by its current rear boundary; the proposal is to extend the boundary of the conservation
area to include the currently omitted section of the rear garden.
No objections were received to the proposal to include this land within the conservation
It is recommended to extend the conservation area boundary to include the land
marked C on the attached plan at appendix two to this report.
Area D Include Chapel and associated land Clumber Street.
The United Wesleyan congregation continued to flourish in the village and in 1902 built a
Chapel on Clumber Street, now known as the Methodist Church; this important building
contributes positively to its location and is part of the social history of the village, the proposal is
to extend the boundary of the conservation area to include the important building.
No objections were received to the proposal to include these building and its land within
the conservation area.
It is recommended to extend the conservation area boundary to include the building
and land marked D on the attached plan at appendix two to this report.
Area E Exclude care homes and associated land between High Street and
Clumber Street and nos.54-58 Clumber Street.
The construction of these buildings resulted in the loss of the medieval plot layout. The
implemented buildings lack definition and cohesion and are not of significance, lacking
architectural and historic merit, and do not contribute positively to the character or appearance
of the conservation area. The proposal is for the boundary of the conservation area to follow the
line of the northeast plot boundary of the Sycamore Care Home to the car park. Following the
pavement edge around this car park, circumventing Numbers 25a, 25, 27, 29, 31, 31a. High
Street, until reaching the alley. Crossing this alley and following the rear boundaries of nos 54
and Hallcroft, Clumber Street, and the rear and side boundary of Teazels, Clumber Street,
before re-joining the existing conservation area boundary.
One objection was received to the proposal to exclude buildings and land from within the
conservation area.
It is recommended to alter the conservation area boundary to exclude the area and
buildings as they do not meet the criteria as being of special architectural or
historic interest to warrant inclusion, area marked E on the attached plan at
appendix two to this report.
Area F Include the remainder of a historic yard.
Residential properties to the rear of Bradley’s Yard were constructed in the early C20 and
possibly had some association with the surrounding buildings. The yard pre-dates these
buildings being evident in 1875. The proposal is to alter the boundary of the conservation area
to include this yard, and the associated grounds of no.41 High Street, not only being the access
for the residential properties but for its historic associations.
No objections were received to the proposal to include this land within the conservation
It is recommended to extend the conservation area boundary to include the land
marked F on the attached plan at appendix two to this report.
Area G Exclude a section of the A60 and land and buildings adjacent to
the A60 accessed off High Street.
1. The proposal is to alter the conservation area boundary to exclude the land and buildings
associated with the library and Springfield’s. These buildings lack significance, not relating to
the historic quality of the area, and are of no historic or architectural merit. The boundary
alteration would also exclude the public car park area adjacent to the A60, and the A60
Mansfield Road itself.
2. A proposal to remove the sure start and the shaping futures buildings situated to the corner
of Mansfield Road and Church Street, and the residential development situated to the corner
of Mansfield Road and Wood Street from the conservation area.
Three objections were received to part 2 of this proposal that to exclude the sure start,
shaping futures and residential development to the corners of Mansfield Road, Church
Street and Wood Street from the conservation area. One objection was received to the
proposal to remove the A60 within part 1 of this proposal.
It is recommended that the conservation area boundary be altered to omit the A60,
the car parks and the library and Springfield buildings from the conservation area
and to retain the sure start, shaping futures buildings on the corner of Mansfield
Road/Church Street and the new residential development on the corner Mansfield
Road/Wood Street within the conservation area marked G on the attached plan at
appendix two to this report.
The boundary of the conservation area would on entering the village from the south follow
the pavement edge to the right side of Mansfield Road to the junction with High Street, turn
into High Street and circumventing the car park and library before connecting with the
Springfield’s plot. It is proposed that the conservation area boundary follows the southeast
boundary of Springfield’s, the public car park, the boundary wall of the Hare and Hounds
Public House and then turning northwest to circumvent the south west gable of the
shaping futures building, then following the back edge of the pavement, to the A60,
crossing the A60 to connect with the rear boundary of the residential development to the
corner of Mansfield Road and Wood Street before reconnecting with the existing
conservation area boundary.
Area H Exclude land and buildings associated with the care home on
Church Street.
It is proposed to exclude the section of the care home and its associated car park currently
situated within the conservation area, as being of insufficient architectural or historic significance
to the conservation area.
One objection was received to the proposal to exclude the section of the building and land
associated with the care home from the conservation area.
It is recommended to alter the conservation area boundary to exclude the section of
the building and land, area marked H on the attached plan at appendix two to this
Area I
Exclude land associated with the Health Centre and access road.
It is proposed to exclude the section of the Primary Care Centre, the access road and part of its
land currently situated within the conservation area, as being of no architectural or historic
significance to the conservation area as they do not preserve or enhance its character or
One objection was received to the proposal to exclude the section of the building and land
associated with the Health Centre from the conservation area.
It is recommended to alter the conservation area boundary to exclude the section of
building and land as they do not meet the criteria as being of special architectural or
historic interest to warrant inclusion, marked I on the attached plan at appendix two
to this report.