Request for Proposal - North Sound Mental Health Administration

Information and Background
Minimum Application Requirements
Applicant Qualifications
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Decision Process
Appeal Process
General Procurement Information
Attachment A: Letter of Intent
Attachment B: Budget Detail
Attachment C: SAMHSA’s 10 Fundamental Components of Recovery
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I. Information and Background
North Sound Mental Health Administration’s History and Structure
History of NSMHA
The North Sound Mental Health Administration (NSMHA) began operations on January 1, 1991.
NSMHA, formerly, the North Sound Regional Support Network (NSRSN), was formed by an Interlocal
Agreement between Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom Counties that define the
geographic service area of the North Sound Region. NSMHA contracts with the Division of Behavioral
Health & Recovery (DBHR) of the State of Washington to provide public mental health services for
these five counties (North Sound Region), including voluntary and involuntary crisis services. NSMHA
is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of elected officials or their designated alternates, the
Chair and Vice-Chair of the Regional Advisory Board and representatives of the 8 Tribal Sovereign
Nations within the North Sound Region.
The Mission of NSMHA:
“Improving the mental health and wellbeing of individuals and families in our communities”
NSMHA values:
1. We encourage ourselves, our partners and our providers to deliver services with dignity and
2. We support individuals on their paths towards recovery by encouraging all people to achieve
their full potential and quality of life in a community of their choosing.
3. We honor the voice and choice of all individuals to direct their lives.
4. We encourage the provision of services that are designed in collaboration with the individual,
are community-based, culturally sensitive and clinically appropriate, built on strengths and
provide the array of supports needed for a person to achieve the highest possible quality of
5. We ensure that services are accessible and locally available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
6. Our person-centered, coordinated system of service delivery is based on community
assessment, measurable outcomes and systematic project evaluation and is accountable to
our community.
7. We reduce barriers to services and provide a safety net for our most vulnerable citizens.
8. We provide age appropriate services that address the special needs of youth, adults, older
adults and families that are informed by research, evidence-based practice guidelines and
nationally recognized standards of care.
9. We ensure individuals have access to a continuum of services, employment and housing,
including integrated services for those with multiple needs, achieved through collaboration
and partnerships with other systems and organizations.
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II. Intent
It is the intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit respondent(s) to implement Crisis
Prevention and Intervention Teams in three (3) counties, Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom. The
services will enhance the current system of care and provide crisis services that will have a positive
impact on the citizens who experience a behavioral/mental health crisis in the North Sound Region.
In Skagit County, NMSHA will be partnering with Skagit County Community Services to implement a
behavioral health Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team, addressing the needs of individuals with a
mental health, substance abuse and/or co-occurring disorder. In Snohomish and Whatcom Counties
the primary population for this RFP is individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.
NSMHA is making a commitment to the people in the North Sound and the State of Washington to
expand our capacity to support a transformation by infusing the principles of recovery and resiliency
in the mental health system at all levels of care. Each individual presents a unique combination of
strengths and needs. Therefore, to be effective, those providing assistance to individuals will build
upon the specific capabilities, culture and preferences of each person. When this is done, every
response is unique and individualized to each person based on their personal strengths, talents,
needs and capabilities to achieve their plan for wellness.
NSMHA believes that an individual’s recovery is best supported in their community when the
appropriate amount and intensity of service is available. NSMHA is interested in establishing teams
that are visible, flexible and responsive to the needs of individuals who may be experiencing a
behavioral/mental health crisis. The teams shall work with family, friends, law enforcement,
emergency medical services and other professionals to ensure a voluntary intervention is necessary
and appropriate. The overall mission of the teams is to improve the behavioral/mental health and
wellbeing of individuals and families in our community while honoring recovery principles by using
the least restrictive interventions.
The impetus behind this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to offer recovery based services, divert
hospitalizations, improve coordination with law enforcement, avoid criminal justice involvement,
reduce costs and ultimately improve outcomes. The development of crisis prevention and
intervention teams in the North Sound Region is intended to increase and strengthen outreach in the
community and to intervene in a crisis by using less restrictive interventions. The use of less
restrictive interventions will result in reduced hospitalizations, visits to the Emergency Department
and involvement in the criminal justice system.
The goals of the teams are to provide early intervention in diverting a crisis, by assessing, engaging,
stabilizing and making referrals to the appropriate community resources. An integral component of
the Crisis Prevention and Intervention Teams is the mobility of the team. These teams are intended
to assess an individual in the community setting and provide engagement, stabilization and referrals
for continued care. The Prevention and Intervention Teams will be available between the hours of
10:00 AM and 12:00 AM. In Snohomish County the Prevention and Intervention Team will be
available 24 hours 7 days a week. The expectation is that the teams will coordinate closely with the
Designated Mental Health Professionals in the county in which the teams are implemented. Each
team will consist of an Emergency Crisis Worker/Mental Health Professional and a Certified Peer
Counselor. For Skagit County, an expertise in substance abuse is required, a combination of
education and professional experience in working with both mental health and substance abuse
disorders is necessary for the Skagit County team.
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III. Minimum Application Requirements
A. Each Minimum Qualification and each scored item in the Proposal Evaluation Criteria must be
addressed. Organize responses in the same order as the items appear in the RFP.
B. The RFP must be completed with the specific county/s in mind, addressing the unique needs of
each catchment area your agency is applying for. However, you do not need to provide a
separate RFP response for each county. Your responses should include specific answers for each
county you intend to serve by identifying the county in the response.
C. Responses will be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward and concise, yet
complete and detailed description of your ability to meet the requirements outlined in this
document. Emphasis will be on the completeness of content. Single spacing is allowed. Fancy
bindings, colored displays, and promotional materials are not desired. Please submit two-sided
copies. We encourage the use of recycled paper.
D. The response must use standard size type of business font (i.e., Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri
and a font size of no less/more than 12 points) and must be on 8.5 X 11-inch white paper, pages
must be numbered and no more than 5 pages per scored section in the Proposal Evaluation
Criteria. The applicant qualifications, its attachments and the budget detail and narrative are
excluded from the 5 page limitation. Applicants must submit one (1) hard copy of the completed
and signed proposal and one (1) emailed copy, preferably a Word Document. Postmarks are not
acceptable. Hard copies may be delivered or mailed to North Sound Mental Health
Administration, 117 N. First St., Ste. 8, Mt Vernon, WA 98273. Emailed Word/PDF copies must be
sent to
E. Responses will contain, in the following order:
Applicant Qualifications;
Agency Qualifications;
Mental Health Service Qualifications;
Specific Project Areas: Crisis Prevention and Intervention Teams
Proposed Budget; and
Proposed Budget Narrative.
Proposed Timeline-Subject to Change:
December 18, 2014
Release of RFP
January 5, 2015
Bidders Conference at NSMHA*
January 9, 2015 (COB)
Deadline for Question Submittal
January 14, 2015
NSMHA Question Response Released
January 16, 2015
Deadline for Letter of Intent Submission**
February 17, 2015
RFP Submission Deadline
February 19-20, 2015
Evaluation of Written Proposals
February 24, 2015
Interviews, if conducted
March 12, 2015
Final Results Released
March 19-20, 2015
Contract Negotiation
April 10, 2015
NSMHA begins contracting with successful
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June 1, 2015
Project is partially/fully staffed, trained
and functional
**Letter of Intent should be submitted on the form provided, Attachment A.
*NSMHA will be holding a “Go-To-Meeting” non-mandatory Bidders’ Conference on January 5, 2015;
to access the meeting please go to the following website and if calling in please call the number
below and use the access code provided.
1. Please join my meeting.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your
Dial +1 (213) 493-0604
Access Code: 973-324-421
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 973-324-421
Online Meetings Made Easy®
Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad®, Android® or
Windows Phone® device via the GoToMeeting app.
You may do both, log into the website and call in on the number provided.
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IV. Applicant Qualifications
The following are the minimum requirements the applicant, hereafter referred to as the Agency,
must demonstrate in order to continue in the proposal review process. AGENCIES THAT DO NOT
A. The Agency must currently have or be able to obtain a Washington State Community Behavioral
Health Agency license or be a federally recognized Indian Tribe.
B. The Agency must be able to provide services in compliance with PL 101-645 Title V, Subtitle B;
Part 438 Balanced Budget Act (BBA); 45 CFR Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
1996 (HIPAA), Parts 160 and 164; the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
Health (“HITECH”) Act of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5
modified the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules; the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 71.05,
71.24; Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 388-865/877/877A/877B; the North Sound Mental
Health Administration Policies and Procedures and its revisions; and the Regional Support
Network (RSN)/Western State Hospital (WSH) Working Agreement and its successors.
C. The Agency and any partners must be contractors in good standing with North Sound Mental
Health Administration (NSMHA), Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, County
Government(s), in the service areas for which they will be responsible.
D. The Agency must be able to submit data electronically in the NSMHA approved format to NSMHA
Consumer Information System (CIS), or describe an implementation plan in detail as to how the
Agency will submit data electronically to NSMHA CIS to meet this requirement.
E. The Agency must submit a transmittal letter with their proposal signed by an individual
authorized to legally bind the organization to fulfill the RFP requirements. The letter will include a
statement indicating the following:
Legal entity status;
Licensure status;
General Liability Insurance;
Tax status, and Agency IRS EIN Number; and
Name, title, mailing address, telephone, e-mail and fax number of the individual(s) to be
contracted by NSMHA during the proposal review and selection process.
F. The Agency will include a statement attesting that this funding will not be used to supplant any
existing mental health programming.
G. The Agency must certify that they are not debarred or suspended or otherwise excluded from or
are ineligible for participation in Federal Assistance programs under Executive Order 12549,
"Debarment and Suspension”. The Agency must also certify that it will not contract with a
subcontractor that is debarred or suspended.
H. The Agency’s accounting systems must meet and comply with generally accepted accounting
principles and are supported by documentation that identifies the source and use of public funds;
I. The Agency will maintain records that adequately identify the source and application of funds
provided for financially assisted activities.
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V. Funding
Funding for the crisis prevention and invention team services is subject to the funding allocations
determined by the legislature and the Department of Social and Health Services. It is the intent of
NSMHA to provide continuous and uninterrupted continuum of crisis services within the North Sound
A. 2015 Operating Expenses
1. The amount contracted for 2015 operating expenses will be in proportion to the number of
months the project is operational.
This RFP is allocated at 67% Medicaid and 33% State funding. The funds used by NSMHA to contract
for these services are from the State of Washington Department of Social & Health Services (DSHS)
and are limited by contract.
Additional one-time funds may be available for start-up costs. The proposal for start-up activities and
costs should be included in the RFP annual budget, detailed and listed separately.
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VI. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
If applying for services in Skagit County please respond to the questions addressing the unique needs
of mental health, substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. All respondents must respond to all of
the scored areas below, with the exception of Section D, only those applying for Skagit County
services need to respond to Section D.
A total of 280 points will be awarded for the written response to the RFP in the following categories:
Agency Qualifications (50 points)
Mental Health Service Qualifications (50 points)
Specific Project Area: Proposed Project Approach (50 points)
Skagit County Specific Project Area (30 points)
Law Enforcement Coordination (40 points)
Collaboration (10 points)
Budget Detail and Narrative (30 points)
Agency Performance On Current And Past Projects And Contracts (10 points)
Optional Interview (10 points)
A. Agency Qualifications
Points in this category will be awarded based on the extent to which the Agency can demonstrate
experience with the identified area described below.
The Agency must demonstrate a commitment to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration’s (SAMHSA) 10 Fundamental Components of Recovery (Attachment C).
The proposal should describe and document the Agency’s experience and knowledge with
providing crisis outreach and stabilization services.
1. Describe how individuals in recovery (and family members, advocates, parents and other
sources of natural and informal support) were and will be involved in project development,
design and implementation.
2. Explain how the crisis prevention and intervention services will be provided according to
individual choice with a recovery-focus and person-centered approach.
3. Describe your agency’s strategies to recruit, train, support and supervise clinical staff.
4. Describe your agency’s strategies to recruit, train, support and supervise Certified Peer
5. Describe how your agency will provide services based upon trauma informed care and
motivational interviewing.
6. Describe how your agency will integrate recovery principles in the design and delivery of
crisis prevention and intervention services.
7. Describe your agency’s participation in community events, initiatives and meetings. Please
provide specifics.
8. Explain how your agency develops strength-based individualized plans that incorporate
natural supports in resolving a crisis.
9. Describe how the Agency will provide gender, age, ethnic and culturally relevant services
and address related factors such as geographic and economic environments.
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B. Mental Health Service Qualifications
1. Providing outreach to individuals/families within their current setting avoiding emergency
departments; i.e. home, community setting.
2. Describe strategies of prevention and intervention as it relates to the target population.
3. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and ability to perform voluntary crisis evaluations
and risk assessments.
4. Explain how the team will respect the rights of individuals and families during an encounter.
5. Provision of less restrictive alternatives to emergency department and/or law enforcement
6. Providing diversion from Emergency Departments and/or law enforcement involvement.
7. Explain how Certified Peer Counselors will be integrated and the services they provide
integral to the team.
8. Ability to coordinate with outpatient providers for enrolled individuals.
9. Ability to coordinate with NSMHA for individuals identified as needing a higher level of care
10. Describe the processes that your agency has to ensure access to crisis plans 24/7.
11. Ability to provide face to face contact and/or other follow-up contact post outreach.
12. Experience using the local triage facility for stabilization services.
13. Ability to provide psychiatric services for consultation and emergency medication access.
14. Providing comprehensive assessment services, including co-occurring disorder
screening/assessment (GAINS), required by RCW 70.96C.
15. Experience in providing face to face intervention services.
16. Describe how your proposal will be integrated into your Quality Improvement/Management
Points in this category will be awarded for complete, coherent and realistic descriptions of the
services to be provided. Proposals must demonstrate that the Agency understands the intent and
has a commitment to provide a service that meets the criteria listed in the specific project area.
Please respond to each of the content areas below. Areas with (n/s) are not scored and do not
require a written response. Proposals should describe, in detail, the Agency’s plan by
incorporating the goal and project requirements in its response to Section C.
Specific Project Area: Crisis Prevention and Intervention Teams
Project Intent (n/s)
The Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team will provide services in accordance with WAC 388887A (0200, 0240), NSMHA Integrated Crisis Response Policies and Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Administration (SAMHSA) recovery principles. The team’s intent is to intervene in a crisis
early and rapidly to assess, stabilize and refer to a full continuum of services.
Project Goals (n/s)
1. Ensure individuals are stable and safe living in their community of choice.
2. Individuals will not be required or encouraged to seek services in the Emergency
Departments at regional hospitals.
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Reduce the number of individuals being admitted to inpatient psychiatric facilities.
Demonstrate a coordinated response with Law Enforcement in providing crisis outreach.
Individuals will be diverted from jail.
Reduce the number of individuals who have contact with Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
due to a behavioral/mental health disorder.
7. Provide the community with a responsive and accessible alternative to law enforcement
intervention and/or unnecessary visits to the emergency department.
8. Services are person driven, support recovery and not coercive.
Project Requirements (n/s)
1. Services shall be considered for Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom Counties.
2. Services shall be able to demonstrate effectiveness through measurable outcomes.
3. Referrals will be made through Volunteers of America (VOA) Care Crisis line and directly
dispatched to the Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team.
4. Outreach teams shall consist of emergency crisis workers/Mental Health
Professionals/Designated Mental Health Professionals serving in a voluntary capacity and
Certified Peer Counselors.
5. Prevention and Intervention Teams will be available 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM seven days a
week. The expectation is that the team will coordinate with the Involuntary Treatment Act
team in the county where services are being provided.
6. In Snohomish County, the Prevention and Intervention Team will be available 24 hours 7
days a week.
7. The Agency shall provide the following services:
a. Assess the individual in their current setting;
b. Avoid the unnecessary and routine use of emergency departments and hospitals when
clinically appropriate;
c. Provide access to available resources to include financial and basic needs;
d. Facilitate linkage to treatment services and community based support;
e. Coordinate with available collateral resources, i.e., shelters/housing, law enforcement;
f. Provide the least restrictive clinically appropriate intervention;
g. Maintain involvement for up to 14 days, as needed;
h. Minimize the use of restrictive settings, i.e., jails, hospitals.
Target Population (n/s)
Any individual who is experiencing a mental health crisis or family member concerned that
without intervention the individual would decompensate further, needing a more restrictive
setting to reach stability.
C. Proposed Project Approach
Proposals must demonstrate the Agency understands the Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team
project goals and requirements and has a commitment to serving in this capacity. Please respond
to each of the content areas below. Proposals should describe in detail the Agency’s plan for each
of the areas below.
1. Describe how the Agency will staff and structure the Crisis Prevention and Intervention
Team, to include an Emergency Crisis Worker/Mental Health Professional, a Chemical
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Dependency Counselor (CDP)/combination of experience and education for Skagit County
and Certified Peer Counselor, position titles, qualifications, number of positions and full time
equivalents. Staffing pattern should include the appropriate coverage.
Describe in detail the training needs of project staff, including specific staff competencies
and practice guidelines needed to implement the Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team.
Include sources of the training and an approximate schedule.
Describe the Agency’s project start-up activities. Provide a project implementation
schedule, including start-up to full implementation.
Describe the role of the Certified Peer Counselor on the crisis prevention and intervention
Describe how the Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team will coordinate with outpatient
providers, emergency departments and NSMHA staff.
Describe the team’s knowledge or how they will gain knowledge of local resources for
referral purposes. To include, financial and basic needs.
Define the protocols the team will develop for referrals to voluntary or involuntary
treatment facilities, when clinically appropriate.
Describe what strategies the team will employ for individuals that have recurring crisis
Explain how the Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team will coordinate with the
Involuntary Treatment Act (ITA) teams in the county.
Describe how the Agency will provide services within the required time limit; urgent crisis
response initiated within 24 hours.
Describe how the Agency will provide outreach, engagement and stabilization to individuals
in their homes and other community locations.
During the 14 day follow up period, describe how the team will facilitate the transition into
ongoing services.
Describe the referral and linkage processes to mental health, aging, substance abuse, health
care providers and other providers deemed important.
Describe the assessment tools and techniques, and intervention strategies that will be used
by the team in response to an outreach.
Describe the Agency’s plan to assist individuals in strengthening existing and/or developing
natural supports in their community.
Specify the nature of any services that are to be subcontracted, the service(s) and the
subcontractor(s), if any.
Address coverage for Crisis Prevention and Intervention Services in rural communities, how
the team will approach service delivery in rural areas of the county. Include transportation
needs for individuals needing transport.
Address how the team will assess for safety prior to and during the outreach.
Submit a marketing plan that includes market strategies to expose the team’s services to the
community at large. Specific actions, timeline and mediums of exposure.
D. SKAGIT COUNTY SPECIFIC PROJECT AREA (complete if applying for services in Skagit County)
NSMHA and Skagit County are joining efforts to create an integrated demonstration project for a
behavioral health Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team, combining mental health and
substance abuse response services. This project will serve those who may have mental illness
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and/or substance abuse disorders, co-occurring issues, who may be acutely intoxicated or under
the influence of drugs, or whose sole or primary impairment is due to alcohol or drugs.
The team for this project will include expertise in both mental health and substance abuse, i.e., a
Mental Health Professional with a Chemical Dependency Professional degree (CDP) or some other
equivalent of professional experience in both disciplines and a Certified Peer Counselor. The
following questions are designed to determine whether your agency has the capacity and
experience in serving individuals with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.
1. Describe your agency’s experience in working with individuals with substance abuse or cooccurring disorders.
2. Address how your agency will address cross training needs for the team in serving both
3. Specify the elements in the continuum of care for individuals with substance abuse or cooccurring disorders.
4. Address the unique safety assessment when working with someone intoxicated and/or
impaired by alcohol and/or drugs.
E. LAW ENFORCEMENT COORDINATION (all applicants must complete)
NSMHA would like to increase coordination of services with law enforcement agencies in the
region. The intention is to provide coordinated crisis intervention to individuals brought to the
attention of law enforcement. This section is to inquire whether agencies have the capacity
and/or experience to work with law enforcement in providing coordinated outreach.
1. Describe your agency’s experience in working with law enforcement; include previous
2. Experience in coordinating with law enforcement during an outreach.
3. Describe the involvement and/or experience your agency has in training, participating in
training and/or consulting with law enforcement.
4. Describe the strategies your agency will employ to enhance coordination with law
enforcement and first responders when responding to a crisis.
5. Address the possible challenges your agency may encounter when working with a law
enforcement agency.
6. Based on previous experience, explain what would be needed to ensure successful
collaboration with law enforcement agencies.
7. Provide suggestions on how an agency could coordinate outreach services with a Law
Enforcement Agency.
Reporting Requirements (n/s)
1. Data Collection
a. The Agency will collect and report data to the North Sound Mental Health
Administration Consumer Information System (CIS) according to the North Sound
Mental Health Administration Policies and Procedures, the contract and the terms set
by Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery for this service.
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b. The Agency in conjunction with NSMHA will collect and report data on the following
outcome measures, targets will be developed in collaboration with the successful
Crisis calls responded to within 10 minutes;
Community outreach provided in a setting other than an emergency department;
Provision of a clinically appropriate least restrictive intervention;
Linkage to treatment and community based support services;
Dispositions reported timely, and
Satisfaction survey conducted to community partners.
2. Reports
a. The Agency will submit regular reports to North Sound Mental Health Administration
on progress as required by the contract.
b. The Agency will participate with North Sound Mental Health Administration in
measuring, reporting, and evaluating the project.
c. The Agency will provide North Sound Mental Health Administration or its designee
access to all necessary data and data sources required for completion of the evaluation
d. Failure to submit required reports within the time specified may result in suspension
or termination of the contract, withholding of additional awards for the project, or
other enforcement activities, including withholding of payments.
F. Collaboration
1. Describe the Agency’s plan for developing collaborative working relationships with local law
enforcement, first responders, emergency departments and Regional Crisis Response
G. Budget Detail and Narrative
1. Provide an annualized (12-month period) Line Item Budget.
2. Provide detailed information of the staffing configuration and the costs for proposed
staffing as required in Attachment B.
3. Specify the source and amount of any funds and resources to be used from other sources.
4. Describe how the budget sufficiently supports the proposed response to the requirements
of the RFP.
5. Describe how records will be maintained identifying the source and application of funds
6. Please identify any start-up funds needed to implement the project, including a training
7. Provide a project budget narrative.
H. Agency Performance of Current and Past Projects and Contracts
Points will be awarded in this area based on Agency performance as reflected in site visit
performance information, success in implementing new projects according to award
specifications, demonstrated fiscal management, and demonstrated compliance with contract
reporting requirements.
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I. Optional Interview
If a selection cannot be made based on the written proposal evaluation and the Agency
performance rating alone, NSMHA shall elect to interview the top two or more Agencies.
Interviews will be worth 10 points. If interviews are conducted, the final award would be based
upon the total points awarded for the written evaluation, Agency performance and the oral
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VII. Decision Process
Only those proposals that meet the minimum requirements stated in Section III will be reviewed by a
panel of evaluators selected by NSMHA. The responses will be rated according to the points specified
in the Evaluation Criteria above.
It is tentatively scheduled that within one week after the response deadline, the rating panel will
meet. At that meeting, the panel will:
1. Review each member’s independent ratings of the responses.
2. Tabulate scores for each proposal.
3. Generate for those tabulated scores a final ranking for all responses.
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VIII. Appeal Process
Applicants may appeal only deviations from laws, rules, regulations, or procedures. Disagreement
with the scoring by evaluators may not be appealed.
The following procedure applies to Applicants who wish to appeal a disqualification of Application or
award of contract:
1. All appeals must be in writing and physically received by the NSMHA Executive Director no
later than 4:00 p.m. on the fifth (5th) working day after the postmarked date of the notice of
disqualification or intent to award.
Address appeals to:
Joe Valentine, Executive Director
117 N First St. Ste.8
Mt Vernon, WA 98273
2. Appeals must specify the grounds for the appeal including the specific citation of law, rule,
regulation, or procedure upon which the protest is based. The judgment used in scoring by
individual evaluators is not grounds for appeal.
3. Appeals not filed within the time specified in paragraph 1, above, or which fail to cite the
specific law, rule, regulation, or procedure upon which the appeal is based shall be dismissed.
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IX. General Procurement Information
A. RFP Amendments
NSMHA may, at any time before execution of a contract, amend all or any portion of this RFP.
NSMHA will e-mail any RFP amendments to you. If there is any conflict between amendments
or between an amendment and the RFP, whichever document was issued last in time shall be
B. Retraction of this RFP
NSMHA is not obligated to contract for the services specified in this RFP. NSMHA reserves the
right to retract this RFP in whole, or in part, and at any time without penalty.
C. Rejection of All Proposals
This RFP does not obligate NSMHA to contract for services specified herein.
D. Most Favorable Terms
NSMHA reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposal
submitted. Therefore, the proposal should be submitted initially on the most favorable terms
the applicant can put forward. There will be no best and final offer procedure. NSMHA
reserves the right to contact a bidder for clarification of its proposal.
The applicant should be prepared to accept this RFP for incorporation into a contract resulting
from the RFP. Contract negotiations may incorporate some or the entire proposal. It is
understood that the proposal will become a part of the official procurement file on this
matter without obligation to NSMHA.
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