1. Backup LDAP a. find where your LDAP is placed. Usually it is placed on GW machine. b. to unlock LDAP files, shutdown the LDAP service using the GW machine NANNY c. backup HPBAC\openldap\bdb folder 2. On the GW machine having LDAP service restore/copy the folder HPBAC\openldap\bdb 3. Sonic BUS Run the following query against the management DB: delete from properties where NAMESPACE = 'BrokerName' or NAMESPACE = 'SonicMQ_Namespace' or NAMESPACE = 'MessageBroker' 4. Then move the database to the new server, typically a job for the DBA. 5. Run these queries in management DB: A/ Update DB name Once the DB is in its new location, then update the SESSIONS table in the BAC management database to point to the new database location (the table schema is self explanatory) B/ Update BAC server Name: ALTER TABLE HA_SERVICES_DEP DROP CONSTRAINT HA_SERVICES_DEP_FK1; ALTER TABLE HA_SERVICES_DEP DROP CONSTRAINT HA_SERVICES_DEP_FK2; ALTER TABLE HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS DROP CONSTRAINT HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS_FK1; ALTER TABLE HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS DROP CONSTRAINT HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS_FK2; ALTER TABLE HA_SERVICES DROP CONSTRAINT HA_SERVICES_FK1; TRUNCATE TABLE HA_ACTIVE_SESS TRUNCATE TABLE HA_BACKUP_PROCESSES TRUNCATE TABLE HA_PROC_ALWD_SERVICES TRUNCATE TABLE HA_PROCESSES TRUNCATE TABLE HA_SERVERS TRUNCATE TABLE HA_SERVICE_GRPS TRUNCATE TABLE HA_SERVICES_DEP TRUNCATE TABLE HA_SERVICES TRUNCATE TABLE HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS TRUNCATE TABLE HA_TASK_ASSIGN TRUNCATE TABLE HA_TASKS ALTER TABLE HA_SERVICES_DEP ADD CONSTRAINT HA_SERVICES_DEP_FK1 FOREIGN KEY (SERVICE_ID) REFERENCES HA_SERVICES (ID); ALTER TABLE HA_SERVICES_DEP ADD CONSTRAINT HA_SERVICES_DEP_FK2 FOREIGN KEY (DEPENDS_ON) REFERENCES HA_SERVICES (ID); ALTER TABLE HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS ADD CONSTRAINT HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS_FK1 FOREIGN KEY (SERVER_ID) REFERENCES HA_SERVERS (ID); ALTER TABLE HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS ADD CONSTRAINT HA_SRV_ALLWD_GRPS_FK2 FOREIGN KEY (GROUP_ID) REFERENCES HA_SERVICE_GRPS (ID); ALTER TABLE HA_SERVICES ADD CONSTRAINT HA_SERVICES_FK1 FOREIGN KEY (GROUP_ID) REFERENCES HA_SERVICE_GRPS (ID); delete from Properties where NAMESPACE='FND_AUTO_UPGRADE' and NAME='HAServiceControllerUpgrade' update SETTING_PARAMETERS set SP_VALUE='<newmachinename>' where SP_CONTEXT='alertengine' and SP_NAME='settings.smtp.server' update SETTING_PARAMETERS set SP_VALUE='<newmachinename>' where SP_CONTEXT='scheduledreports' and SP_NAME='settings.smtp.server ' update SETTING_PARAMETERS set SP_VALUE='http://<newmachinename>:80' where SP_CONTEXT='platform' and SP_NAME='default.core.server.url' update SETTING_PARAMETERS set SP_VALUE='http://<newmachinename>:80' where SP_CONTEXT='platform' and SP_NAME='default.centers.server.url' update SETTING_PARAMETERS set SP_VALUE='ldap://<hostname>:<portnumber>' where SP_CONTEXT='monitoring' and SP_NAME='ldap.host.and.port' UPDATE system SET SYS_VALUE='http://<NewGWServerName>:80' WHERE SYS_NAME = 'AdminServerURL' UPDATE system SET SYS_VALUE='http://<NewGWServerName>/topaz' WHERE SYS_NAME = 'GraphServerURL' OR SYS_NAME = 'GraphServerURL4.5.0.0' UPDATE system SET SYS_VALUE='http://<NewGWServerName>:80/AdminCenter' WHERE SYS_NAME = 'application.tac.path' UPDATE system SET SYS_VALUE='http://<NewGWServerName>:80/monitoring' WHERE SYS_NAME = 'application.flipper.path' 6. Execute "Connect to Database" on all new BAC machines (important: DPS first, then GW). 7. Start up new BAC (DPS, then GW) 8. LDAP location: In BAC UI insert Platform -> Infrastructure Settings-> Monitor Administration -> Monitor Administration Data Storage Location that contains URL to the current LDAP server. If the GW Server name running LDAP was changed, update the URL to the new server name and restart BAC on all Gateway machines. 9. On all Data Collectors change the URL from old GW locations to new for BPM you can use the Redirect tool for SiS use GSAR 'Global Search and Replace' 10. Post Startup Cleanup Procedure Run the Post Startup Cleanup procedure to disable any obsolete hosts that are not part of the Failover instance. a. Login to BAC with Superuser credentials b. Browse to the URL http://<Gateway Server machine>/topaz/systemConsole/displayBACHosts.do. c. Disable all obsolete hosts. . Before starting this procedure, please make sure you have backups so you can roll back