Rheoscopic Fluid Winds

Rheoscopic Fluid Winds
Bottle of rheoscopic fluid (or equivalent, see section at end)
Rectangular container (at least 6”x10”, roughly 2” deep)
Clay (color doesn’t matter)
A “bendy” straw for each person in group
Map of Atlantic Basin, approximately sized for the rectangular container above (map can
be bounded by the Gulf of Mexico on the west, the Strait of Gibraltar on the east, and 50
degrees north and south of the equator)
1. Create a rough outline of the Atlantic Basin in the rectangular container using the map
and clay. The easiest way is to use the clay to fill in the land areas on the map, then
transfer that clay into the container. The clay land masses only need to be about half an
inch tall.
2. Fill “ocean” with rheoscopic fluid until level is just below top of clay (and no flooding
has occurred).
3. Allow to settle for a few minutes
4. Using a straw, blow air gently across the surface of the fluid. The bendable straw can
help improve the angle for this. Do not put the straw into the fluid.
5. Observe the results and record observations
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 from several different angles around the container
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5, but this time from the western coast of Africa, just above the
equator, straight across the Atlantic Ocean towards South America. You should be able
to observe the Gulf Stream current moving up the east coast of the United States, and
may even see gyres in the Gulf of Mexico.
8. Have student groups work together to describe what they are modeling and what they
have seen. Groups should report observations to the class and address the effect that wind
had on the water and how it was similar or different from what is actually observed in
ocean currents.
Rheoscopic Fluid Equivalents:
We have provided actual rheoscopic fluid for your use. Dilute according to directions.
You can make a rough rheoscopic fluid equivalent using water and soap that uses Glycol
Stearate as an ingredient. The ratio of the two should be 50 parts water to 1 part soap. You can
adjust the ratio as desired.