
The Real Treatments for Depression
Juan Sanchez
Salt Lake Community College
1 in 10 Americans at one point face depression according to Healthline Networks Inc. (For many
years depression has continued to rise. Depression has ended many lives and continues to hurt
people’s today and their family. But what is depression and where does it come from?
Depression can come from many things, chemical imbalances in the brain, a hormonal change;
some medications can cause your depression and just as simple of what is going on with your
life. It said that women suffer depression twice as much as men do. There are many ways to treat
depression and some are found to be more helpful than others depending on the person.
Medication is most commonly used for treating depression.
The Real Treatment for Depression
“Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a group of drugs that have been regarded as a
major advance in the treatment of depression.” (BMJ,pg. 1644) Selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors are of most commonly prescribed to those who have depression. These classifications
of antidepressants are just as effective as any other medication prescribed to those who do have
depression. No matter the cost or class of antidepressant all medications are just as effective as
the more costly ones.
Medications given to people who are diagnosed with depression have been shown to have
a very effective rate shown almost rapidly. “Up to 80% of those treated for depression show an
improvement in their symptoms generally within four to six weeks of beginning medication.”,
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. Significant signs of having major depression
continuing after being prescribed to SSRI’s other medications will be given for example
Tricyclic antidepressants and Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. According to Mayo clinic,
“Tricyclic antidepressants tend to cause more side effects than newer antidepressants.”
SSRI’s are the most common antidepressant given to patients for many reasons that other
antidepressants can cause to the body that SSRI won’t. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors require
strict diets due to the side effects it gets when it is interacted with food. SSRI’s have many on the
top 12 most popular antidepressants (ABC News, 2009) for their little cause of side effects and
for being the most safe medication for treating depression. There is the catch of taking
medication as a treatment for depression as for many patients may not find it to be useful or work
at all. Many who do take the medication end up not taking it after a short period of time for it
does it not help. In chance there is one other alternative for battling this chronic illness, exercise
Exercise has been shown to improve mood. “Subsequent studies have found that little as
10 minutes of exercise at a time can yield a positive mood boost.” ( Hanson, Stevens, & Coast,
2001) The amazing part of that is it is so little time that can change the outcome of your day from
being depressed to being possibly happy. The little amount of time is what allows our body to
release the chemical dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that gives us the pleasure and
happiness that allows us to work out.
A study done by Harvard University in 1999 conducted with 156 men and women
divided into three groups. One group that was on a sixteen-week aerobic exercise program, the
second group was on an SSRI and the last group had to do both. At the end of the trial it showed
that 60%-70% of people could no longer be classified with having major depression. Now
Harvard had looked at the results of those and showed that those who used the medication had a
more swift response occur. Now they had checked back on to 133 of those patients who had
continued on a regular exercise habits and showed that those who continued to exercise were
predominantly less depressed. Those effects from the exercise were longer lasting to those who
took the medication.
Besides have a good change in mood, exercise is a very healthy alternative. You prevent
low blood pressure, many heart diseases and cancer. Benefiting the health factor will benefit
the chance of the reducing the amount of stress in a person. The biggest issue with using
exercise is the lack of motivation that people have. Developing ways by doing things a person
may love, playing sports, jogging, etc. Developing the habits through therapy will require time
just like another method, although the effects will be longer lasting.
Schacter, D. L., Gilbert, D. T, & Wegner, D. M. (2013). Introducing Psychology Second
Edition. New York: Worth Publishers.
Depression Statistics: Unhappiness by the Numbers [infographic]. (2014)
Michael Craig Miller, M.D., (2013) Understanding Depression Harvard Health Publications
Edwards, J.G. (1992). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 304
(6843), 1644-1646
Mayo Clinic Staff, (2014). Antidepressants: Selecting one that’s right for you. Mayo Clinic
Cipriani et al, “Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 12 new-generation antidepressants: a
multiple-treatments meta-analysis.” Lancet (2009)