Academic Title & Name
Prof. Dr. EL- Dessouky EL – Sayed EL – Soaly
Birth date & Place
04 / 01 / 1944 Roda – Fariskor Center – Dumyat Government
Phone :26349808, 01226030614
Email : Dr. EL SOALY @ hot mail . Com
Degrees Hold:
* PHD, “ Analysis of Stresses and Deformations in Thick and Very
Thick Anisotropic Plates”
Awarded at Pierre et Marie Corie ( Paris 6 ) University , 1979
* M.Sc. , “ Stresses in Shells”
Awarded at Foreigners Faculty , VAAZ , Brno , 1977.
* B.Sc “ Mechanical Engineering ( Power )
Awarded at Faculty of Engineering , Cairo University, 1965 .
Previous Occupation and Experience :
- 1965 – 1975 Assistant , Chair of Mechanics, MTC.
- 1975 - 1977 Studying M.Sc at Brno, Checkoslovakia
- 1977 – 1980 Studying PHD at Paris, France.
- 1980 – 1985 Lecturer at Chair of Mechanics. MTC .
- 1985 – 1990 Assistance Prof at Chair of Mechanics. MTC .
- 1990 – 1993 Professor at Chair of Mechanics. MTC .
- 1993 – 2001 Professor (External ) at Higher Technological Institute .
- 2001 – 2004 Supervisor on the Mechanical Eng Department , 6 th of October
- 2004 – 2005 Head of the Mechanical Eng Department, Higher Technological
Institute .
- 2005 – 2013 Supervisor on the Mechanical Eng. Department , 6 th of October
Branch .
Academic Title
Professor of Vehicle Structural Design, Supreme Council of Egypt ion Universities .
1.El-Soaly, E.E,. Phang,C.and Verchery, G.
“ Analyse des contraintes et des
Depl acements dans les plaques tre’s epaisses par une method mixte“,4me
Congress Francais de Mechanique, Nancy, France, 4-7 Sept. 1979, 4c4,
PP. 216-217.
2.El- Soaly, E.E. and Verchery, G.,” Analysis of Stresses and Displacements in Very Thick Elastic Plates “, 15 th Int. Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, ICTAM, Toronto, Canada, 17-23 Aug. 1980, p.257.
3.EI-Soaly, E.E., “ Application of the Mixed Variational Theorem to
Thick and Very.
Thick Plates “, 1 st Conference of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo, 16-18
Dec. 1980. Pp. 133-140.
E.E., “ Generalisation of Reisser’s Theory for Thick Anisotropic
Plates Loaded on Upper and Lower Faces “, 2 nd Conference of Mechanical
Design and Production, Cairo University,Egypt, 27-29 Dec,1982, pp. 25 – 30 .
5.ElSoaly, E.E., “Generalisation of Mindlin’s Kinematical Plate Theory for
Anisotropic Materials “, 4 th Int. Conference of Mechanics of Materials,
Stockholm, Sweden, 15-19 Aug. 1983, pp. 331-336.
6.ElSoaly, E.E., “ Axi-symmetric Contact of Two Coaxial Cylindrical Shells
“, 1 st Conference on Production Engineering and Design for
Development,27-29 Dec. 1984, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1, pp. 3-10 .
7. EI-Soaly,E.E .and EI-
Sebai, N.A.,”Effect of Pressure Difference on
Stationary and Rotating Anisotropic Discs “, 1 st ASAT Conference, 14-16
May, 1985, pp. MS-1, 455- 462.
8. EI-
Soaly, E.E.,” Determination of Natural Frequences of Thick Anisotropic
Plates Using Reissener’s Theory “, 3 rd Conference of Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo University, Egypt, 28 -30 Dec. 1985, pp. 285- 290.
9. EI-Soaly, E.E.,” Analysis of Anisotropic Foundation Under Concentrated Forces
“,2 nd Conference on Applied Mechanical Engineering,Military Technical
College,Cairo, Egypt, 6- 8 May 1986, MDB-1, pp. 1-12.
10. EI-Soaly E.E.,” Stress Analysis in Centrally Loaded Thick Circular Plates “, 2 nd
Conference on Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation Technology, Military Technical
College, Cairo, Egypt, 21-23 Apr. 1987, ST-5, pp. 517-526.
11.EI-Soaly, E.E. and EI-Tonsi, A.M.,” Effect of Soft Lined Bases on Pressure
Between Dentures and Supporting Tissues “, 3 rd Conference on Applied Mechanical
Engineering,Military Technical College,Cairo Egypt,12-14Apr.1988,MDB5,pp.45-54.
12.EI-Soaly, E.E.,” Three Dimensional Analysis of a Gear Tooth Model “, 2 nd
Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Science Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt, 14-16 Nov. 1988, pp. 297-305.
13. EI-Soaly, E.E. and Khorshid, S.A.,” Non- linear Analysis of Elastic Orthotropic
Rectangular Plates Under Transverse Pressure “3 rd Conference on
Aeronautical Science and Aviation Technology, Military Technical College, Cairo,
Egypt, 4-6 Apr.1989, ST-1, pp.476-487 .
14. EI-Soaly, E.E.,” Simplified Analysis of Thick Laminated Fibrous Composites using a Statical Approach “,Technology and Armament Magazine, Scientific
Research Section, Vol. XIX, No. 49, Cairo, Egypt, Apr. 1990. pp. 4-10.
15. Abdel-Kader, N., Salem, A.H., Hassan, K. and El-Soaly, E.E.,” Effect of Load
Location on Buckling Loads of Rectangular Frames”, 4 th Appl. Mech. Eng.AME
Conference, 5-7 May 1990, MDB -1, pp. 1-12.
16. EI-Soaly, E.E., EI-Sayed, M.S. and Taher, M.S.,” Effect of Supporting Occlusal
Surface Area on Mobility of Abutment Teeth in Distal Extension Partial Dentures
“, 4 th Appl. Mech. Eng. AME Conference, 5-7 May 1990, MDB -7, pp. 71 - 82.
17. EI-Soaly, E.E. and Taya, H.A.,” Determination of Load and Pressure
Distribution Under Normal Feet in Standing “, 4 th Appl. Mech. Eng. AME
Conference, 5-7 May 1990 MDB-8,pp. 83- 92.
18.Hany, E., Samy, I. and EI-Soaly, E.E., ”Coparative Study on the Validity of
Diaphragm and Cantilever Strain Gauges in Denatal Reseach “, Journal of Egyptial
Denatal , VoI. 36, NO.2, Apr. 1990, pp. 111-125.
19. El- Soaly E.E., ” A Mixed Variational Approach in Non-linear Theory of Elastic
Anisotropic Plates“, Journal of Engineering Applied Sience,Vol.38, No.1,
20. El-Sayed,M.M.,Hendy, M.O. and El-Soaly, E.E., ”Creation and Determination of
Residual Stresses in Finite Width Plates Using a Practical Method” 1 st Conference on
Civil Engineering 5-6 Mar. 1991, ST -22, pp.1-11.
21. Abdel- Roauf, A.M., El-Soaly, E.E., Ghonem,S.M. and Hamada,A.A.,”Effect of
Lamina Orientation and Boundary Conditions on Stability of Glass / Polyster
Laminates “, 5 th Conference on Appl. Mech. Eng. Military Technical College, Cairo ,
5-7 May. 1992 , pp.89-99.
22. Gerges, A.S. and EI-Soaly, E.E.” Laser / Optical Interfermitric Sensors
Mechanical Applications“,5 th Conference on Appl. Mech.Eng.,5-7May.1992,pp.65-77.
23. EI-Sebai, N.A., EI-soaly, E.E., Sallam, M.T. and Omar, A.A.,” Uniaxial Elastc-
Viscoplastic Material Behaviour Using Experimental Testing at Room
Temperature”, Conference on Appl. Mech. Eng., 5-7 May. 1992, pp. 131-142.
24.El-Soaly, E.E., Hendy, M.O. and E l-Sayed, M.M.,” Use of Interference Fit to
Reduce Stress Levels at Hole Region in Uni-axially compressed Thin Members”, Ain-
Shams Univ. Eng. Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.2, Jun. 1992, pp. 465-476.
25. El-Sayed, M.M., Hendy, M.O. and El- Soaly, E.E.,”A new Approach for
Determination Of Residual Stresses in Biaxially Stressed Plates “ , Journal of Strain
Analysis, Vol.28, No.3, Mar. 1993, pp. 172-176.
26. Abd – el-Raouf, A.M., El-Soaly, Ghoneam, S.M. and Hamada, A.A. “ Eigen
Analysis of Fiber- reinforced Composite Plates “, Journal of Composite Structures,
Vol 25, 1993, pp. 521-528.
27. El-Soaly, E.E.,Abdel-mohsen, AS.and Ebrahim, A.R. “ Response of a Wing-Spar
Structure under Stochastic Excitation”, Proceedings of 6 th Appl. Mechanics and
Mech..Eng.Conference, 305 May, 1994,pp.77-90.
28. El-Soaly, E.E.and Gadelrab,R.M.” Torsion of Filament Winding Composite
Tubes Considering Transverse Shear Deformations”, Proceedings of 7 th Appl.
Mechanics and Mech. Eng. Conference,28-30 May,1996.
29. Taha, M., Istafanous A., El- Nomrossy and El-Soaly E.E., “ Thin-Walled
Composite Beam Structure Under Bending.” 7 th International conference On
Aerospace Sciences &Aviation Technology, Cairo,13-15May1997,SM-10,pp.299- 311.
30. El-Soaly E.E. ,“ Advanced Composite Materials and Their Applications” 6 th
Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , Cairo 3-4 Mar.
31. Rabeeh B.M. , Moussa M.M., El- TaherH.M. and El-Soaly E.E. “
Characterization of Different Hot Pressed AI – Composite Architectures “ 8 th
International Conference on Aerospace Science & Aviation Technology , Cairo , 4-6
May 1999 , pp. 523 – 533 .
32. El-Soaly E.E. “ Composite Material as Human Body and Sport Equipment
Structures “,First Seminar in Sports Engineering,Higher Technological Institute, 6
Dec. 1999 .
33. El- Soaly E.E., Moussa M.M., Rabeeh B.M. and WL-Thaher H.M. “ Vehicle
Structre Mechanics Analysis and Modeling of Vehicle Frame “ 9 th International
Conference on Aerospace Science & Aviation Technology , Cairo , 8-10 May 2001.
34. El –tanatawy, M.A., Abodel Rahman, M.l.El bayomi G.M. and EL Soaly E.E. “
Non linear control of Magnetic Bearing System with Adaptive Neuro – Fuzzy
Centroller” 8 th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cairo, 5 - 7
Apr . 2005, pp.63-73
35. EL tantawy , M.A., Hassan S.D., and EL – Soaly E.E “ Elimination of Unbalance in Magnetic Bearing Systems with Neuro – Fuzzy Reduced Order Observer “ 12 th
Int. Conference on Applied Mechanic and Mechanical Engineering AMME, Cairo,
16-18 Nay 2006, pp. 573 – 587.
36. EL wahab, M.M., EL-Soaly, and EL- Kader, M.S. “ Winding Angle Effect on
Fracture Behavior of Composite Tubes Under Different Loading Conditions “ 12 th
Int. Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering AMME, Cairo,
16-18 May 2006, pp.69-80.
37. Timerek, M.T., EL-Soaly, E.E. And EL –Nomrossy M.M “ Simplified Variational
Approach for Analysis of Thick Orthotropic Laminated Plates: 1. Cylindrical
Bending “ 12 th ASAT Conference, 29-31 May2007 , STR-10 (186)
38. Timerek, M.T., EL-Soaly, E.E. and EL – Nomrossy M.M. “ Simplified
Variational Approach for Analysis of of thick orthotropic laminated Plates:2. Simple support “ 12 th ASAT Conference, Cairo, 29 -31May 2007, STR- 11(187)
39. Z . Alma sri, M . Younes and E.Elsoaly , “ Determination of Natural Frequency
of Anisotropic Plates using D’ Alembert Principle “ , 4 th International
Conference ASAT, May 24-26,2011,No ASAT-14-243-ST.
40. W. M. Adel, H. Kamal and E.Elsoaly, “ Experimental Determination of some
Design Properties of Viscoelastic Solid Propellant using uniaxial Tensile Test “
4 th Ineternational Conference ASAT, May 24-26, 2011, N o ASAT -14-226-ST.
41.R. Sultan, S.Guirguis, M.Younes and E.ELsosly “Delamintion Detection of
Composite Laminates using Natural Frequency Vbration Method” International
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol . 1, No2, July
2012 , pp 286 – 296.
42. M.A. Tantawie and E. EL soaly , “ A Static Approach for Determination of
Bending Force and Spring – back during Punching Process” International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Robotic Research, Vol, 1 N o 3,October 2012, pp:
43. R. sultan, S. Guirguis, M Younes and E. EL Soaly “ Delamination
Identification on Composite Materials, by Free Vibration Test “ International
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Researeh, Vol . 1, N o 3, October
2012 , pp : 227 – 236,
44. R. Sultan, S. Guirguis, M. Younes and E.EL – Soaly, “ Active Infrared
Thermography Technique for the Non –destructive Testing of Composite Materials ,
“ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Researeh, Vol . 1,
N o 3, October 2012 pp : 131 – 142,
1..M.Sc. Thesis in Dental Medicine ; ”Measurements of Transmitted Pressure
Under Conventional Resin and Soft Lined Basis in Complete Denture “
* Presented and discussed at Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University,
Mar. 1986.
2. M.Sc. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering , ;” A study of Orthotropic Clamped
Rectangular Plates Subjected to Transverse Pressure “.
* Presented and discussed at Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Jan. 1988.
3. M.Sc. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering,” Effect of Load Location in Frames on
Their Buckling Loads “ .
* Presented and discussed at Faculty of Engineering , Ain- Shams University , Jan.
4. M.Sc. Thesis in physical Therapy, ;” Measurement of load and Pressure
Distribution Under Syptom-Free Foot-Sole in Conscript Age During Bare-Foot
Standing “.
* Presented and discussed at High Institute of Physical Therapy Cairo University,
May. 1989.
5. Ph.D. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering , ;” Studies in Residual Stresses,
Formation and Measurements “.
* Presented and discussed at Faculty of Engineering, and Technology, Mataria,
Helwan University, Jun. 1992.
6. M.Sc.Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, ;” Mechanics of Time Dependent
* Presented and discussed at Military Technical College, Jul. 1992.
7. M.Sc. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, ;” Dynamic stress Analysis of
Structures “.
* Presented and discussed at Military Technical College, Nov. 1992.
8. Ph.D. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, ;” Dynamic Analysis of Structures
Made of Composite Materials “
* Presented and discussed at Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Jan. 1994.
9.M.Sc. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering : “ Stress Analysis of Laminated
Composite Spar Structures “
* Presented and discussed at Military Technical College, Des. 1997.
10. M.Sc. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering : “Vehicle Structural Mechanics
Considering Innovative Materials “.
* Presented and discussed at Military Technical College, Des. 2000.
11. Ph.D. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering : “ Fatigue Analysis of Composite
Pressure Vessels under Pulsating Loads “.
* Presented and discussed at Military Technical College, 2001.
12. Ph.D.Thesis in Aerospace Engineering :“ Control of Active Magnetic Bearing“
* Presented and discussed at Faculty of Engineering Cairo University, NOV. 2005.
13. M.Sc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering ,”Material Characterization of the
Mechanical Properties of a Solid Propellant “
*Presented and discussed at Military Tech. College, Sep.2011
14 . M.Sc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering ,”Static and Dynamic Analyses of
Isotropic and Composite Plates using Finite Element Method”
*Presented and discussed at Military Tech. College, Oct, 2011.
15. M.Sc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering ,”Non-destructive Testing of
Composite Material.
*Under Supervision.
16. M.Sc Thesis in Mechanical Engineering ,”Stress Analyses of submerged
Structures “
*Presented and discussed at Military Tech. Collide Nov. 2012 Ciro 2012
17. Ph.D Thesis in Mechanical Engineering “ Non- destructive Testing of
Composite Material,
*Under Supervision.
1.The general reporter of the Fourth and Fifth Conference on Applied Mechanical
Eng. held at Military Technical College during the periods 5-7 May. 1990 and 6-8
May. 1992.
2. A member of Steering Committee of the First, Second and Third Conference on
Applied Mechanical Eng. held at Military Technical College during the periods 29-31
May. 1984, 6-8 May. 1986 and 12-14 Apr. 1988.
3. A member of the National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics .
Current Position
Supervisor on Mechanical Engineering Department, 6 th of October Branch, H.T.I