ATTACHMENT A SOLANO COUNTY CCS CASE MANAGEMENT LEVEL CRITERIA The Case Management Assessment Scale is used to identify CCS and full scope Medi-Cal eligible children with multiple medical and social issues in order to provide comprehensive case management to this group of CCS clients. The Case Management Assessment Scale will be used as follows: 1. New Referrals/Current Active CCS cases a. The Case Management Assessment Scale form will be placed in the pending chart under the application letter. b. The Case Management Assessment Scale form will be completed on all patients. c. The case Managers will date and note all known risk factors at time of referral and as new information becomes available from the families, providers and agencies involved with the CCS client’s care. d. The Case Management Assessment Scale will be completed at least when the case is opened and annually. 2. Scoring a. Each risk factor is assigned a score based on Guidelines for Completing Case Management Assessment Scale. 3. Levels a. Level 1: Child with a medical condition that is stable and requires only an annual evaluation by a CCS paneled specialist. These children require case management by the CCS nurse case managers on a limited basis. These cases may be capitated to a primary care provider and remain open to the CCS program for case management purposes. b. Level 2: Child with a medical condition that is less acute in nature and has a stable medical or therapy course. These children require a moderate level of case management by the CCS nurse case managers. c. Level 3: Child with an acute/chronic medical problem that requires specialized or intensive medical care, treatment, and nursing intervention. These children require a high level of case management by the CCS nurse case managers. d. Level 4: Child with extremely acute/chronic medical problem that requires highly specialized or intensive medical care, treatment, and nursing intervention. These children require intensive case management by the CCS nurse case managers. Document1 ATTACHMENT A GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING CASE MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT SCALE 1. MEDICAL CONDITION a. Life threatening condition (or potential life threatening conditions). i. For example: cancer, traumatic injury, extreme prematurity, complex cardiac conditions, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia…) b. Transplant i. Bone Marrow ii. Organ iii. Pre-transplant evaluations iv. One year post transplant v. Rejection c. Multiple diagnoses i. Two or more CCS eligible conditions d. Diagnosis requiring center-based care i. For example Craniofacial e. Complicating factors i. Infection ii. Acuity upgrade iii. Pregnancy 2. HOSPITALIZATIONS a. Two or more admits within 30 days b. Length of stay greater than 14 days c. Complex discharge planning i. Technologically dependent ii. Skilled/home nursing needs iii. DME/medical supplies iv. Home PT/OT/Speech d. Frequent/inappropriate ER/provider use 3. TECHNOLOGIC INTERVENTIONS a. Discharge from hospital with DME (within last quarter) b. Interventions that require supplies and monitoring i. GT with pump feedings ii. Home monitoring iii. Oxygen iv. TPN/IV infusions v. Central lines c. Life-sustaining interventions i. Ventilator ii. Tracheostomy d. DME requiring maintenance and repair 4. MEDICAL THERAPY UNIT 5. SOCIAL ISSUES Document1 ATTACHMENT A a. Language/cultural issues and/or barriers i. Non-English speaking ii. Inability to read and/or write iii. Speech/hearing deficit iv. Information not available in native language b. Transportation barriers i. Reliance on public transportation ii. Need for medical transport iii. Inappropriate use of ambulance services c. Lack of family resources i. Homeless/transient ii. Inadequate finances/food d. Parental risk factors i. History of family violence/abuse/neglect ii. History of mental illness in parent or patient iii. Disabled parent iv. Teen parent v. History substance abuse in parent or patient vi. Pre/post natal exposure to drugs/alcohol vii. More than one child with CCS eligible condition e. Poor compliance with medical plan f. Frequent/lengthy communications with caregiver 6. COORDINATION OF CARE ISSUES a. Coordination with other agencies i. Regional Center ii. Partnership HealthPlan iii. IEP iv. IHO v. EPSDT b. Lack of communication with provider c. Multiple providers d. Multiple vendors Document1