Fall 2011 - Billings Library Foundation

Volume 1, Issue 4
Fall 2011
Building a new library has been championed by numerous
organizations, whose members have said “YES,” with an
official endorsement.
The momentum of support for the “Our City … Our Future …
Your Legacy” Capital Campaign continues strong. We have over
$3.8 million in pledges and are grateful for your generous
Margaret Davis and Bruce Ennis no longer live in Billings,
but because of their belief in the new library and our
community, they are generously supporting the campaign. Here
is Maggie and Bruce’s story:
“Libraries offer so much to people of all ages and interests.
They are treasure houses of information, entertainment, and
creative stimulation, “ said Margaret Davis when describing
why she and husband Bruce Ennis support the capital campaign
for a new library in Billings.
Bruce followed his long-time interest in libraries with 10
years of service on the Billings Library Board. Maggie served on
the Parmly Billings Library Foundation Board in the 1990s,
following in the footsteps of friend and mentor Jean
Anderson. She is currently on the Flathead County Library
Foundation board.
“We are very familiar with the current library structure and
its limitations,” Maggie added. “The delivery of tomorrow’s
library services begs for a more flexible, welcoming, versatile,
and secure space. This is an exciting opportunity for Billings to
realize an inspiring, efficient new building.”
Billings is a great community in which to live, to raise kids, do
business, and to establish a career according to Bruce.
“Supporting institutions that reflect our good memories of
Billings and its can-do spirit is a way of saying ‘thank you’”, he
We are blessed for Maggie and Bruce’s confidence and
supportive spirit.
The Big Economic Development said YES …”We consider the
proposed new state-of-the-art Parmly Billings Library to be
one of the most significant public-infrastructure investments
the community can currently make to attract and retain new
business and a talented workforce.”
The Billings Chamber/CVB said YES…”The Library fulfills our
strategic focus areas in education and quality of life. The new
facility will have the potential to attract 135, 000 new library
visits thereby encouraging downtown visitation”
The Yellowstone County Commissioners passed a YES
resolution and had this to say: Commissioner Reno supports
the project because of its importance to the retention and
recruitment of professionals and businesses. Commissioner
Kennedy praised the long tradition of mobile service to
county residents and for being part of the evolution of those
services on-line. Commissioner Ostlund stated that the
library was the best bang for a buck for local government
Other endorsing organizations include the Billings
Cultural Partners, the City of Billings Park Board,
Pompey’s Pillar Association, Inc., Yellowstone County
Commission, the Yellowstone Valley Citizens Council
and the Billings City Council.
Parmly Billings Library 1
Library Campaign Entities
Elected Officials
Friends of the Library
Our Comnmunity's
Next Chapter
Bond Initiatve
Our City ... Our
Future ... Your Legacy
Building Design
Capital Campaign
Billings – City voters will determine the Library’s future by having their voices heard regarding the design of the new
Library through ongoing series of public input meetings with the design team and by voting for the bond issue.
PBL (Parmly Billings Library) – The Library is governed by elected officials, overseen by an appointed volunteer Board of
Directors, run by a paid staff (City employees) who are assisted by library volunteers (Friends of the Library)
Library Director: Bill Cochran, parmlybillings@gmail.com, 651-4582
Library Board Chair: Shari Nault, shari@bresnan.net , 672-6223
Friends of the Library President: Mona Harris, friends@parmlyfriends.org, 237-6170
Building Design Committee Chairs:
Lloyd Mickelson, mickelson77@bresnan.net, 698-3548
Frank Cross, FRANKC@reporterbigskyoffice.com, 248-7881
BLIC (Billings Library Initiative Committee) – A registered ballot initiative committee. These volunteers are charged with
getting the Library Bond passed ($16M) and raising $140,000 to fund the Library Bond Campaign. Donations to the BLIC
are not tax deductible. (Contributions can be made to “The New Library Ballot Initiative Committee” through Bernard
Rose, bernardrose@bresnan.net, 3221 Green Terrace Drive, 59102.)
Suzanne McKiernan, smck212@bresnan.net, 860-8865
Evelyn Noennig, enoennig@billingsgazette.com, 670-9805
PBLF (Parmly Billings Library Foundation) – a stand-alone 501(c)3 non-profit corporation governed by a volunteer board
and run by staff. They are charged with raising $5 million to help build the new Library. (Our City…Our Future…Your
Legacy) are tax deductible.
Development Director: Leslie Modrow, modrowl@ci.billings.mt.us, 237-6149, 510 N Broadway, 59101
Foundation Board President: Cara Schaer, cara@imt.net , 259-4268
Capital Campaign Co-Chairs: Mary Underriner, Stella Fong, ssnfong@bresnan.net
Parmly Billings Library 2