SAFE WORK PRACTICES WORK WARM-UP SCHEDULE – OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Page 1 of 2 *This information does not take precedence over OH&S. All employees should be familiar with the Saskatchewan Employment Act and the OH&S Regulations. Information applies to any four (4) hour period. Warm-up breaks are assumed to provide ten (10) minutes in a warm environment. Air TemperatureSunny Sky C0 Approx. -26 to -28 -29 to -31 -32 to -34 -35 to -37 -38 to -39 -40 to -42 43 and below F0 Approx. -15 to -19 -20 to -24 -25 to -29 -30 to -34 -35 to -39 -40 to -44 45 and below No Noticeable Wind Max. Work Period Normal Breaks Normal Breaks 75 Minutes 55 Minutes 40 Minutes 30 Minutes Number of Breaks 1 1 2 3 4 8 km/hr Wind (5 mph) Max. Work Period Normal Breaks 75 Minutes 55 Minutes 40 Minutes 30 Minutes Number of Breaks 1 2 3 4 Max. Work Period 75 Minutes 55 Minutes 40 Minutes 30 Minutes Number of Breaks 2 3 4 24 km/hr Wind (15 mph) Max. Work Period 55 Minutes 40 Minutes 30 Minutes Number of Breaks 3 4 NON EMERGENCY WORK SHOULD STOP 32 km/hr Wind (20 mph) Max. Work Period Number of Breaks 40 Minutes 30 Minutes 4 5 5 5 5 5 NON EMERGENCY WORK SHOULD STOP 16 km/hr Wind (10 mph) NON EMERGENCY WORK SHOULD STOP NON EMERGENCY WORK SHOULD STOP NON EMERGENCY WORK SHOULD STOP 1. Apply the schedule one step lower for work with limited physical activity. For example, -350C (-300F) with a noticeable wind (step 4), a worker with a job with little physical movement should have a maximum work period of 40 minutes with 4 breaks in a four-hour period. 2. If accurate information is not available, the following may be used as a guide for estimating wind velocity. Wind at 8 km/hr (5 mph) will move a light flag, at 16 km/hr (10 mph) it will fully extend the flag, at 24 km/hr (20 mph) it will produce blowing and drifting snow. 3. If only the Wind Chill Factor (Watts Per Square Meter) is available, a rough guide for applying it rather than the temperature and wind velocity factors given above would be: (1) Special warm-up breaks should be initiated at a wind chill of about 1750; (2) All nonemergency work should cease at or before a wind chill of -50. SAFE WORK PRACTICES WORK WARM-UP SCHEDULE – OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Page 2 of 2 COOLING POWER OF WIND ON EXPOSED FLESH EXPRESSED AS AN EQUIVALENT OF TEMPERATURE Actual Temperature Reading in Celsius 10.0 Est. Wind Speed (KPH) CALM 8 18 24 32 40 48 56 64 4.4 -1.1 -6.7 -12.2 -17.8 -23.0 -29.0 -34.0 -40.0 -46.0 -51.0 -34.0 -34.4 -50.0 -57.7 -63.3 -66.6 -70.0 -72.2 -73.3 -40.0 -43.8 -56.4 -65.0 -71.1 -75.5 -78.3 -80.5 -82.2 -46.0 -49.4 -63.8 -72.7 -78.8 -83.3 -87.2 -89.4 -91.1 -51.0 -55.5 -70.5 -80.0 -85.0 -91.6 -95.5 -98.3 -100.0 Equivalent Chill Temperature 10.0 8.9 4.4 2.2 0 1.1 -2.2 -2.8 -3.3 4.4 2.8 2.2 -5.6 -7.8 -8.9 -10.6 -11.7 -12.2 -1.1 -2.8 -8.9 -12.8 -15.6 -17.8 -18.9 -20.0 -21.1 -6.7 -8.9 -15.6 -20.6 -23.3 -26.1 -27.7 -28.9 -29.4 -12.2 -14.4 -22.8 -27.7 -31.7 -34.0 -36.1 -37.2 -38.3 -17.8 -20.6 -31.0 -37.8 -39.4 -42.2 -44.4 -46.1 -47.2 -23.0 -26.1 -36.1 -42.7 -47-2 -50.5 -52.7 -55.0 -56.1 -29.0 -32.2 -43.3 -50.0 -55.0 -58.8 -61.6 -63.3 -65.0