Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy (Bridget Gordon) (3)

School Plan for Shared Student Achievement
Shuman Elementary School invited all
parents to attend our Annual Parent
Forum in the spring to review and revise
the parental involvement policy, as well
as the school-wide plan, our schoolparent compacts and parental
involvement budget. Feedback is
encouraged from parent, staff, and
What is Title I?
Shuman Elementary is identified as a Title I school as part of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act local school reform
efforts tied to challenging state academic standards in reinforce
and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for
students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of
improving student achievement and include strategies to support
parental involvement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with
all parents a written parental involvement policy.
What is it?
This is a plan that describes how Shuman
school website for parents to view and
Elementary will provide opportunities to improve
submit feedback throughout the year. All
parental engagement to support student learning.
parent feedback received during the year
Shuman Elementary values the contributions and
will be used to revise the plan for the next
involvement of parents to establish an equal
school year. We also distribute an annual
partnership for the common goal of improving
survey, 1% parental involvement budget
student achievement. This plan describes the
survey to ask parents for their
different ways that Shuman Elementary will support
suggestions on the plan and the use of
parent engagement and how parents can help plan
funds for parental involvement. Parents
and participate in activities and events to promote
can also give feedback during several
student learning at school and at home.
school year.
Home of the Scholars
School Plan for Shared Student Achievement
students. The plan is posted on our
parent meeting and activities during the
Parental Involvement
Shared Student Success
Mission: To ignite a passion for
teaching and learning.
Vision: From School to the World: All
students prepared for productive
415 Goebel Avenue
Savannah, GA 31404
Phone: (912 395-4500
FAX: (912) 201-7503
Sylvia Jenkins
Bridget Gordon
Assistant Principal
Revised August 11, 2015
School Plan for Shared Student
Goals for Student Success
Who is it for?
All students participating in the Title I,
Part A program and their families are
encouraged and invited to fully
participate in the opportunities
District Goal: SCCPSS district wide goal
provides the framework for the district’s
strategic planning process to ensure that
all students are college and career ready.
described in this plan. Shuman
parents with limited English, parents
with disabilities and parents of
As part of this plan, Shuman Elementary
and our families will work together to
make sure all our students reach grade
Elementary will provide full
opportunity for the participation of
School-Parent Compacts
Where is it available?
Shuman will post the Parent Policy it website and send
a copy home with all students.
expectations and outcomes level
standards. The compacts will be reviewed
and updated annually based on feedback
form parents, students and teachers
Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting
during our Annual Parent Forum meeting.
Shuman will convene an Annual Title 1 Parent meeting
in September to inform parents of the requirements of
Title 1 and the schools participation, as well as the
parents’ rights to be involved.
The school-parent compacts are kept with
each child’s teachers if a parent needs a
copy; teachers jointly develop a schoolparent compact, which is an agreement
that parents, teachers and students will
develop that explains how parents and
teachers, parents, students will review
compact expectations and outcomes at
Revised August 11, 2015
Shuman will:
Notifications will be given 2 weeks in
Send information out in multiple ways.
The topics of these meetings were chosen based
on the parent needs.
Assessment surveys completed during the
school Year.
These sessions will be offered during the morning
and afternoon. The meeting/workshops will address
educating parents about the following topics and
Early Learning College
Early Learning College –transportation
and child care can be arranged with
advance notice through our parent
facilitator, Ms. Dudley.
education at school. At Shuman parents are full
partners in the education of their child.
Parental Involvement Standards
Shuman Elementary has adopted the National
PTA Standards for Family-School:
Welcoming All Families
2. Communicating Effectively
Parent Center
3. Supporting Student Success
4. Speaking Up for Every Child
Title One Programs
Open House
6. Collaborating with Community
21st Century Community Learning
Centers Program
Come in and visit our Parent Resource Center to
Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE)
Testing and Assessment (state and
district assessments)
Literacy and Math
Reading across the content areas
(fiction and non-fiction)
Grade level information ( promotion to
next grade level)
Technology in the classroom and
parent use of technology
Community resources
Sharing Power
Shuman School Council
check out books, study materials and activities to
Shuman Elementary invites all parents to
use at home with your child. Computers are also
join the School Council to share ideas and
available for parents to explore educational
ways to involve other parents to build
resources. The Parent Center is
partnerships with school, families, and the
Open Monday-Friday 9:30 am –1:00 pm
1:30-3:15 pm
4:00-4:30 pm
**Extended hours are available as requested
Parental Involvement
Shuman Elementary school believes that all parental
involvement means the participation of parents in
regular two way and meaningful communication.
Shuman believes that parents play an integral role in
assisting their child’s learning; this is way parents are
encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s
community. The team will meet four times
during the school year, but parents are also
invited to submit their ideas or suggestions
at any school events and through parent
surveys and through the website. If you
would like to learn more about the School
Council, please contact Mrs. Jenkins at 912395-4500.
Revised August 11, 2015
415 Goebel Avenue
Savannah, GA. 31404
Phone :( 912) 395-4500
FAX :( 912) 201-503
School Community Team
_____ Yes, I am interested in serving on the School Council
______ Please contact me so I can learn more about the School Council
______ Please send me notifications about future meetings and updates
Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________
Revised August 11, 2015
SCCPSS District Goals
Goal 1: To improve academic effective
resource stewardship
and secure environment
Home of the Scholars
Goebel Avenue Savannah, GA
Phone: (912 395-4500
FAX: (912) 201-7503
Goal 3: To provide a safe
for students and employGoal
Share your Thoughts
We want to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or if there is any part of this plan that you
feel is not satisfactory with the students’ and the school’s goals for academic achievement, please
provide us with your comments in the space provided and leave this form in the Main Office.
Name: (optional):___________________________________
Telephone Number: (optional) _________________________
Revised August 11, 2015
Let’s Get Together!!!
Shuman Elementary will take the following measures to promote and support parents as an important
foundation of the school in order to strengthen the school and reach our school goals. We pledge to:
Ensure that all information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is published in English or your native
language, posted on the school website, and included in the weekly school newsletters for all parents.
Provide monthly trainings for staff during professional learning communities on strategies to improve communication with parents and
ideas to increase family engagement. Staff will also share best practices during faculty meetings.
Partner with Head Start and local Pre-K programs to conduct joint meetings for parents and sending school information about parent
engagements activities to help prepare parents and their child for Kindergarten and improve school transition.
Share information on the school ‘s website and weekly newsletters for parents to better understand the school’s academic standards
and assessments as well as ways parents can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators.
Communicate with all families and the school community on a regular basis regarding school wide events and activities, through
callouts and flyers.
Work with parents to develop relevant training and helpful presentations to educate our staff on the importance of parental
Provide necessary materials and handouts for parents at conferences, meetings and activities to help parents work with their child to
improve their child’s achievement.
Collect feedback from parents at all events, place a suggestion box and feedback forms on the school website in order to respond to
parents’ requests for additional support for parental involvement activities such as literacy and technology.
Provide assistance in understanding Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE), Georgia Milestone Assessment System (GMAS), Measures
of Academic Progress (MAP), Scholastic Reading Index (SRI), and other local benchmark assessments.
Revised August 11, 2015